Sunday, July 24, 2016

Global SITREP B10-16: Making America Great Means Blessing Israel

FINAL UPDATE 24 July 2016: The final update to SITREP B10-16 is a call to all of my fellow American's to make an effort to go and see, without delay, the major motion picture currently showing in theaters all across the country, HILLARY'S AMERICA: THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.  If you cannot see the movie prior to the upcoming election, then by all means, purchase a copy of the book and read it. The message contained in this highly educational movie or the book will bring home visually everything that is written below in this SITREP.  I saw the movie at matinee yesterday afternoon and immediately afterwards went out to locate and purchase the book.

The educational bonus of this movie is the critical history lesson which begins in an accurate recounting of events in pre-Civil War America, the division of the former Democratic-Republican Party which ultimately resulted in the establishment of the anti-slavery Republican Party and the pro-slavery Democratic Party. This political division on the fate of slavery in in the United States was a baseline which resulted in the Civil War between the anti-slavery Republican North and the pro-slavery Democrat South. After the civil war and into the recent history of post-World War II America to the presidency of our 36th President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, the Democratic Party stood against the civil rights of African-Americans until he 'flipped the script" with slight of political hand in 1964-65 and the charade known to this day as his "Great Society." 

As for Hillary and where she came from and what she is all about? Suffice it to say that as I watched this movie I began to see a stunning and strikingly accurate parallel between Hillary Clinton and the great harlot of Revelation 17 who is seen in a vision given to John the Revelator sitting on a scarlet beast having seven heads and ten horns. I'll leave this as it is, not wanting to be a spoiler. See it for yourself and determine if my characterization is correct.

7 July 2016: Given the events of this week an update of this SITREP simply had to happen. It was inevitable, just like a few other things in the near future that we are all very well aware of. So, here's the updated SITREP B10-16, complete with a new and essential banner image at the top and below. 

If the power of the Global Oligarchy now in control of the key institutions of the United States Government was not on full and open display this week - then it never has been and never will be. This fact is in everybody's face, in your grille, so to speak. The firestorm that erupted and continues unabated over DIRFBI Comey's announcement Tuesday morning is prima facie evidence in support of my statements in this SITREP. 

To recap, DIRFBI Comey checked every box, he itemized every indictable, felony criminal act committed by former SECSTATE Hillary Clinton in putting our National Security at risk, and per the Director thoroughly and completely compromised that security in the process, that for him to say that no charges would be recommended to U.S. Attorney General Lynch is the most unconscionable reversal of logic and law that I've ever witnessed in my lifetime. Everything else pales in comparison - Watergate, Whitewater, Bimbo eruptions, Bill Clinton's impeachment that wasn't an impeachment, Benghazi and the unprecedented purge of U.S. military officers of flag rank, you name it. This flip even out does what the "meaning of is is."

However, that all said, there is a new element in the conflict between the Globalists and the Nationalists. The new element, as I think most of us are now aware or soon will be, is that open war has erupted between the two sides, and it's a war which will inevitably involve the world at-large. Rhetoric is one thing, but what's coming will go far beyond words and the "sticks and stones" adage.

The elites saw this day coming. Back in 2011 during a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations former U.S. SECSTATE Zbigniew Brezinski and current adviser to President Obama said, "It used to be so much easier to control a million people than to kill them, but today it is infinitely easier to kill them than it is to control them." Simply put, this means we all have some "skin" in the game, doesn't it. And that makes the outcome of the election in November 2016 more critical than any previous election in U.S. history.  And getting back to ol' Zbig for a second, who makes such a statement rationalizing the wholesale genocide of a million innocent people for the sake of political control over the remainder? The Global Oligarchy does, that's who! Sssshhhh, nothing to see here, move along, move along.

Bill and Hillary - Globalist Elites
8 May 2016: Have you noticed - a sea change is in progress. This sea change is occurring in the midst of very serious political conflict in America pitting the Globalist elites against American nationalists. The globalist elites are making full utilization of the extreme left who are prone to acts of violence; these are the revolutionaries many believe faded into history with the collapse of Communism in Russia a quarter century ago (1991). 

The truth is these leftist revolutionaries didn't fade away, but established themselves in all levels our academia, from elementary grade school to university post graduate. Their educational product, the students, have been nurtured, conditioned and otherwise indoctrinated in world socialist ideology disguised as a liberal education during this entire time. 

These students were emboldened into kinetic action by the current administration, and its leftist wanna-be candidates, Clinton and Sanders. Their existence has been manifest recently in the Occupy, BLM and wherever a social crisis presented itself, with even greater numbers mobilized for GOP rallies in very recent weeks. They are prepared for even larger and more violent actions from here to November. Their ultimate goal is not electoral political success but political revolution towards completing the fundamental transformation of America. They have no intention of allowing the past 8 years to fade into history.

I believe this sea change, which I base upon informed situational awareness and personally define as an all-encompassing re-transformation of the America that for 8 years has been in retreat and decline under world-socialist, pro-Islam Obama, to an America on the march towards restoration and global leadership under an alliance of Conservatives, Evangelical Christians and Nationalists, is becoming increasingly evident even before it gets into full swing over the next couple of months, erupting into planned violence at coming political events and other targets of opportunity. 

The first manifest indicator of this sea change was presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's sudden abandonment this week of his neutrality stance regarding negotiations in Israel's conflict with its Muslim Islamist neighbors. On 2 May 'The Donald' made clear that his policy as U.S. President will be fully pro-Israel; to support Israel's continued and expanded construction of settlements and and infrastructure in Judea and Samaria. The left's violent opposition to this will likely eclipse anything seen thus far. 

Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump's first presidential-like foreign policy speech following the Indiana primary ballot victory focused upon Israel. His first major interview on U.S. foreign relations during a Trump Administration (DailyMail, UK and The Algemeiner) was focused upon Israel. Donald Trump is clearly under no illusion that truces between the Islamists and Israel have any value, now or in the future, especially when history shows they are followed just days or weeks later by more missile and mortar fire into Israel. He is under no illusion that the leftist revolutionaries and the Islamists are political bedfellows.

Donald Trump's 'Israel adviser' was appointed last month; he is an Orthodox Jew from Teaneck, New Jersey named Jason Greenblatt. Jason Greenblatt, who studied in a Judean yeshiva, is a real estate lawyer who has been in Trump's employment for the past 20 years.  Trump's senior policy adviser, Stephen Miller, was formerly a key aide to Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN).

I think it's really this simple. It occurs to me in reading all manner of related material lately that Trump's Israel adviser and his Evangelical advisers probably have impressed upon him that to "Make America Great" again America must bless Israel. It's an irrevocable promise from God written in Genesis 12:3. And the predictable coming violence against this is as old and from the same adversarial source as detailed in the Biblical texts from Genesis through The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

As for the other aspects of the sea change such as Obama Care, the Iran Nuclear Debacle, Russia, China, Global Trade and the soon-to-be Mexican-funded border wall, there is every indication that Trump, the presumptive next American president, will execute decisive action in these areas. He will need our support, he will have the support of the all-volunteer U.S. Armed Forces.

All of this, obviously, is time dependent, and that's something we likely don't have a whole lot of these days. Nevertheless, this is dependent on the United States getting to the November presidential election; a Trump inauguration in January 2017 and on a world war not erupting in the interim, or a civil war being forced upon that part of our nation seeking a return to Constitutional governance. 

May God Bless America, Again.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Global SITREP C5-16: Failed Military Coup d'Etat in Turkey

Turkish Armed Forces Take to the Streets

FINAL UPDATE 23 July 2016: This will be the final update for SITREP C5:16, and its is literally laced thick with linked Open Source INTelligence (OSINT) to buttress its content. 

Why the Coup d'Etat in Turkey Failed

New information has come to light which has been confirmed by Turkish officials and senior military officers. This information details how Hakan Fidan, the director of Turkey's National Intelligence Organization, officially the Millî İstihbarat Teşkilatı (a/k/a MIT) received a 'heads up' about a possible coup d'etat on the afternoon prior to the planned coup commencement (Thursday, 14 July). 

Immediately after sunset on the 14th the MIT deployed it's Russian-made DShK 12.7mm anti-aircraft weaponry to the roof of the MIT headquarters building. No one outside of the MIT was aware that it possessed this kind of combat capability. When coup commando's made their attempt at a helicopter assault on the building they were stopped cold and the assault failed completely.

There are significant indications (The Wall Street Journal, July 20,2016) that the 'heads up' came from the U.S. CIA whose current director, John Brennan, covertly converted to the Wahhabist sect within Sunni Islam while he was CIA chief of station in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The delayed response by the Obama Administration was likely to due a desire to remain as distant as possible from the event - many US servicemen are stationed on two Turkish military installations (Izmir and Incirlik) where the commanding officers were among the senior coup leadership.

Actions taken by Hakan Fidan resulted in the Turkish coup leadership being forced to advance the extremely well-planned execution of the coup by a full six hours. This advancement of the timeline doomed the coup even before it began. The principle problem was that key elements of the coup did not have the necessary C2 (Command and Control) communication capabilities to receive the FRAGO (FRAGmentary Order) notifying the various elements of the virtual last-minute change to the execution of the coup in its various phases.

Many are those who saw initial reports of the coup in progress and noted how it appeared to be run by an incompetent leadership. No, the leadership was not incompetent; a critical mass of the various elements of the coup were executing their assigned phases of the operation based upon the timing meticulously detailed in the original coup d'etat plan. 

Also, one of the most senior officers of the coup leadership, Brigadier General Semih Terzi, was assassinated by a junior officer as he personally led the attempt to assume command of Turkish Special Forces Headquarters. This opening salvo of the coup, which occurred at the new advanced  schedule, quickly demoralized other elements of the coup and dealt an additional fatal blow to the coup's C2. As with many military operations throughout history, meticulous planning rarely survives first contact with the enemy.

The coup plotters did not plan to kill Erdogan while he was vacationing at the resort town of Marmaris. Two of the most elite groups of Turkish Air Force commandos were assigned to take Erdogan captive at his hotel. However, when they arrived at his hotel at 0300 in the morning Erdogan, having been forewarned of the coup, was nowhere to be found. It is also known that these elite commandos were not taken captive as the coup failed, but remain at-large giving rise to fears within the Erdogan regime of forthcoming targeted assassinations.

Most of the loyal government and media offices were also alerted to the coup. One of those was Turksat, a satellite communications and internet provider. The failure to take control of Turksat and shut it down enabled Erdogan to issue his alert via the FaceTime app and to appear on television to order his his loyalists out onto the streets of Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara. The rest is now history.

One final item. How is it that no one, and I mean no one, has asked the most important question begging for an answer. How is it that Turkey's senior office corps seeking a return to a democratic secular government for the country would align themselves with an Islamist cleric (Fethullah Gulen)?  The answer is they didn't and the claim by the Erdogan regime that they did so is as bogus as the day is long.

15 July 2016: Events are occurring swiftly, and it is nearly impossible to keep pace with them. The key fact is that the very nature of an in-progress military coup d'etat is such that making a valid assessment on the situation in Turkey is virtually impossible as of 8 PM EST this evening.

What is being received are conflicting reports about the coup and its alleged successes in locations around the country, primarily the metropolitan areas of Istanbul and Ankara, and many counter-reports denying those successes. What is for certain is that one or more elements of the Turkish armed forces has launched a coup against the Islamist government led president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

There are at this time continuing engagements between the coup forces and civilians and those military forces which remain loyal to Erdogan's government. 

Update 16 July 2016: While the coup appears to have not succeeded, it remains to early to tell fact from fiction. There are reliable reports that approximately 1500 troops taking part in the coup have surrendered to government forces. Among them are the coup's apparent military leadership which includes a handful of generals and a few dozen colonels.

In a surprising twist a legal spokesperson for the Turkish government is saying that an imam living in exile in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania is the overall spiritual leader of the coup forces. The 74-year old Islamic cleric, Fethullah Gulen, is the namesake of the Gulen Movement and the "Gulenists" within it, and the Turkish daily Zaman is closely linked to his movement. 

The Erdogan government seized control of Zaman and the also associated website in March of this year. Both the Zaman daily and served as media outlets for the Gulen Movement. It's not a far stretch to assess that this kind of government repression of opposition voices in Turkey might have been a catalyst for the military-led coup d'etat.

The surprising twist comes in a very recent (13JUL16) pre-coup d'etat news report by The Daily Caller that Hillary and Bill Clinton are also closely associated with Fathullah Gulen and his movement. A trove of discovery documents filed with the U.S. Congress detail the ties between the Clinton Foundation and Fethullah Gulen.  The Gulen organization and many of its adherents have also donated heavily to the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

As if Hillary didn't have enough troubles these days. Then again, wherever there is smoke coming from within the Clinton Foundation there's a small fire producing that smoke.

Update 17 July 2016: The title for this SITREP has been changed to reflect the reality of the situation, the Turkish military coup d'etat against the Erdogan government has failed. However, significant fallout will continue for an indefinite period of time.

By the numbers being reported 265 Turks lost their lives. Just over 100 of that number were rebelling Turkish soldiers. One of those soldiers was summarily beheaded by a mob of pro-Erdogan Islamist civilians on the Bosporus Bridge. To this add in 1,440 injured on both sides of the coup.  The number of rebel soldiers arrested by the government was 2,840 at last count; there will be more and all of them likely face a penalty of death by execution. Many of the captured rebel soldiers have expressed their belief that they were taking part in a nation-wide exercise. Eight Turkish soldiers escaped to Greece in a helicopter and have requested asylum there.

In what may be the most significant fallout, and one so far unrelated to the military's coup attempt, the totalitarian nature of the Erdogan Islamist regime has been placed in full view. Prior to the coup being crushed an AKP (the ruling Justice and Development Party) legal organ of the regime issued arrest warrants for 188 members of the country's independent supreme court system, plus 2,750 lower bench judges from across the country. 

This action paves the way for the introduction of a fully Sharia-compliant court system in Turkey as the independent secular court system has now been decimated. The literal Islamist meaning of "Justice and Development" has been revealed. Remember, Turkey is a member of NATO and this kind of authoritarianism is not compatible with the system of values within the alliance. 

As mentioned above, the presence in the U.S. of exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen has led Erdogan to blame the U.S. directly for the failed attempt to overthrow his regime. The entire Gulen global organization is being referred to by the regime as a "parallel structure." Gulen's immediate extradition from the U.S. is now Erdogan's number one "must" demand upon the Obama Administration, and it has placed the U.S.-Turkish strategic partnership in a condition of high risk.

Given the totalitarian nature of the Erdogan regime now on full display is there any wonder that elements within the Turkish armed forces, who have always been dedicated to the preservation of Turkey as the secular republic envisioned and founded by Kemal Ataturk, have once more rebelled?  

I  believe the current assessment needs to be that Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Islamist AKP allies bear full responsibility for the  acute political destabilization that has now befallen the Turkish republic and polarized its society. The fallout in Turkey will continue for the foreseeable future with further upheaval an inevitability.

UPDATE 20 July 2016: The seriousness of the fallout at this point has eclipsed all expectations. Erdogan's totalitarianism has thus far resulted in the arrests and detentions of over 50,000 Turkish civilians plus approximately 20,000 military and police officers. On top of this Erdogan ordered the cut-off of all electrical power and the secure sealing of the Incirlik Air Base. This action essentially takes approximately 1,500 American pilots and support troops as prisoners along with approximately 50 American tactical nuclear weapons. 

There is now no doubt that Erdogan and his fellow AKP Islamists hold the United States culpable as supporters of the coup d'etat, with a leading government newspaper editor claiming that the U.S. planned the coup and attempted to assassinate Erdogan. A review of American news organizations and their headlines and reports from yesterday afternoon through 0600 this morning resulted no mention whatsoever of these critical developments. Silent are FoxNews, the DrudgeReport,  ABC News, NBC News, CBS News and several others. It would seem that the Obama Administration's control over mainstream US media is as absolute as Erdogan's control over Turkey, but you already knew that.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Global SITREP C6-16: "In the Latter Time of Their Kingdom"

The Roman Empire c. 117 AD Greatest Extent

21 July 2016: The great overflowing of instability that has come upon the modern Republic of Turkey is no accident. One of the prime views of the Eschatology Today blog is that nothing which occurs in the world these days, at this late hour of the pre-70th Week era (a/k/a "the Church Age"), is unrelated to coming prophetic fulfillment. One hyphenated word which accurately has conveyed what these events represent in the context of near-future prophetic fulfillment is "stage-setting" and which is precisely what is occurring in Turkey today.

Interpreting and assessing what is occurring in Turkey from the Biblical prophetic perspective simply has to begin with the prophetic words of the angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel. These words are within the interpretation Gabriel provided to Daniel regarding his Divine vision of the Ram and a Goat, and which move temporally into our present time, are found in Daniel 8:23. They describe the time immediately preceding the rise of the Antichrist, also identified as the beast from the sea in Revelation 13.

“And in the latter time of their kingdom,

When the transgressors have reached their fullness..."

Gabriel said, "And in the latter time of their kingdom." Whose kingdom?  

Obviously, their's is the kingdom that would give rise to the kingdom of the Antichrist in the last days! Their's is the kingdom in the specific context of Gabriel's interpretation of the vision Daniel was given by God. 

It is the kingdom symbolically represented by the male goat which came from the west (Daniel 8:5) and unambiguously identified by Gabriel as Greece. It was also represented symbolically by the notable or conspicuous horn that was Alexander the Great, and the four little horns which was the division of Alexander's empire into four less powerful empires, and which in its final form achieved within the generation immediately preceding the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, was conquered and absorbed into the Roman Empire.

And the Roman Empire is the western empire which Gabriel also unambiguously identified by the angel Gabriel in Daniel 9:26b in time (Messiah Jesus) and by its specific military action in the siege and destruction of Jerusalem and the 2nd Temple.

"And after the sixty-two weeks

Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself;

And the people of the prince who is to come

Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary."

This now brings us to the purpose of the map at the head of this SITREP. Take a good, long look at this map. Study its details as they are very instructive also. You know where modern Turkey is located on this map of the Roman Empire at its greatest extent. You also know that Turkey is an integral part of NATO and has seen itself as a potential member of the European Union, particularly since negotiations to this end commenced 11 years ago.

This brings us to a couple of questions. The prophetic symbolism seen in the vision of Daniel and the very concise interpretation provided by the angel Gabriel are inviolable Scripture. Have we seen anything here that even remotely could be construed as representative of Turkey's symbols of a crescent moon and star? Is their anything in Scripture that specifically references Turkey? No, there is not. Zip, nada, nothing that singles out modern-day Turkey in any manner. 

Turkey, if we are to go by prophetic Scripture, has always been within something larger than itself. This should be speaking volumes to us about the stage setting that is yet to occur in the very near future. And remember, the final beast empire is represented by ten horns, three of which Antichrist will subdue and take for himself.

Turkey and Ezekiel 38/39 - Briefly

Then we have the nations identified by the prophet Ezekiel in the 38th and 39th chapters of the prophetic book which bears his name. The names of those nations are all sons of Noah's son Japheth, except for Togarmah who was the third-born son of Japheth's first-born son Gomer. All of these sons of Japheth and the son of Gomer are identified by Ezekiel to denote peoples, or nations of people who descended from them, and not the land which they at one time in the distant past occupied. The lone exception to this is the leader of the military confederation, Gog, who is clearly identified as coming from the land of Magog. Magog means in Hebrew, 'from Gog.'

All of these sons are variously identified by ancient sources in connection with the Cimmerians, Sarmatians, Scythians, Caucasian Iberians, Georgians and Armenians. And Magog itself is located by the ancient sources as being either in the Caucasus region west of the Caspian Sea, or even in some ancient maps as north of China in what we know today to be Mongolia and Russian Siberia. Also of note are correlations of Tubal with the city of Tobolsk in the Russian Federation, and Meshech which is directly related to the Russian language name for the city of Moscow - Moskva. 

The bottom line in this exegesis is that Turkey is peripheral to the nations which will be a part of the prophetic event described in Ezekiel 38/39; it is not a participant in the invasion, but will be on the opposing western side of the war which results as seen in Ezekiel 38:21-22 and 39:3-6. Most who read Eschatology Today regularly are well aware of this exegesis because it has been dealt with previously in some detail. 

What Next?

It doesn't take a crystal ball to see the potential for Erdogan and his AKP reaching too far for absolute power. A few steps too far into totalitarian dictatorship in post-coup d'etat Turkey and it could all backfire badly upon them pretty quickly. 

The current status is that Erdogan has become a virtual dictator and has taken upwards of 100,000 Turks as domestic prisoners of war. Human rights in Turkey are presently nonexistent. American service personnel and family members at Incirlik Air Base as well as the 50-some odd nuclear weapons stored there are virtual hostages - pawns in all actuality - in the political chess match Erdogan and his AKP party are playing with the US Obama Administration and NATO. One wrong move and it could well be an unforeseen 'checkmate.'

Bottom line: the situation in Turkey is utterly inconsistent with the principles that bind together the nations of NATO and EU member states. Without a rapid reversal of the situation in Turkey, let's just say 'regime change' might well be a viable option to save Turkey from the extremist ravages of the AKP and returned to a kinder, gentler version of Islam, an "Abrahamic religion' kind of Islam that NATO and the EU as well as the Ezekiel 38:13 political and religious global elite have since the end of World War II been very comfortable being in a very close alliance with, and will be in the future.

Three months is about all the time i would assess that Erdogan and the AKP have remaining in pressing their luck in this gambit and without going too far with it. And then there's the fairly strong possibility of a Trump Administration coming to power in six months time and turning Washington, the District of Corruption upon its head, and what that will mean for NATO, the EU, Israel and the rest of the world, not to mention Turkey. 

Law and Order, leading from the front will again be the norm. NATO, as has been discussed here, is already on its way towards massive financial investments in defense industries and rearmament. In particular note here is the nation of Greece whose new defense spending per GDP is among the highest in NATO. They've all read the writing on the wall of a coming Trump Administration. These new paradigms will have a profound across the board effect. Americans are not the only people on this planet who like and want to be associated with winners and winning; Europeans like it and so do a lot of other countries, including Turks.