The Lesson of Daniel 5 |
8 November 2021: The lesson of Daniel 5 is that God has appointed a term for all kingdoms, and that a miserable end shall come on all that raise themselves against Him. Such was the fate of Belshazzar and his Babylonian kingdom that very night. And so the mene, mene, tekel upharsin (peres - Persia) that the hand of God wrote on that wall remains "the handwriting on the wall" to this very day for all nations who raise their heads against the Most Holy God. Poor Belshazzar and his kingdom did not live to see the next sunrise. Literally, he never knew what hit him and he also literally asked for it.
Are the nations today behaving in the same way as Belshazzar did in praising the false gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, or iron, wood, stone not to mention the false gods of technology and artificial intelligence? Yes and nothing under the sun ever changes. Lessons, very hard lessons are learned and within a generation, perhaps two, are lost and forgotten among the vast majority of mankind. History repeats. Ecclesiastes 1:9, as we all know very well.
Warning signs are everywhere. The foolish ignore them, the wise pay all due attention. Life today is more fragile than many realize. Recently we've mentioned the warning signs concerning a possible if not probable collapse of our distribution system, that is, the supply chain of goods and services that our so-called modern society relies upon and takes completely for granted. And if we're really paying attention now, then there are certain things we should do in all due diligence to prepare ourselves, our families and loved ones for to the best of our ability. Even the communist Chinese government is telling their people to prepare for potential hard times, and mainland China has been enduring very hard times in recent months. You name a disaster and those people have experienced it.
Now in America, as a direct result of the CCP virus and our governments draconian, mandated response to it, every day life here could very well become much, much more difficult in just a month or two. In the past couple of days the workers of a major American corporation, Procter and Gamble (P&G), created and have circulated a video warning that employees there, whether 30-years of 30 months on the job, are at risk of losing their jobs because they will uniformly refuse to be jabbed by an experimental vaccine the government is forcing upon all with OSHA mandates handed down by a tyrannical decree from the current occupant (embarrassment) in the White House.
The P&G employees warning is that their soon to be lost lost jobs will quickly impact the lives of every American from Maine to California, Washington state to Florida because the supply chain for the product their produce day in and day out will collapse. If you require convincing, take a look at the brand name products produced by P&G. You will find many of those products in your home: baby care, laundry and cleansers, paper products and toiletries, feminine care products, men's and women's grooming products, hair care products, home cleaning and detergents, and insect repellant. Now think clearly... P&G is just one large corporation. The OSHA mandate is for every company of more than just 100 employees to comply or risk summary dismissal. How many products and necessities are truly at risk here? It's almost unfathomable! Time to go shopping?
And didn't somebody say their goal was to fundamentally transform America? Are we now beginning to understand exactly what was meant by that statement? These are scary things to be sure, but we can never forget that the Lord has promised that He will come, be sent by the Father more precisely, at a time we least expect.