Monday, January 24, 2022

Global SITREP A5-22: Hooks

24 January 2020: Ominous developments occurred this past weekend across the world's hot spots. Objects in motion tend to remain in motion, so the current inertia away from diplomatic endeavor and towards conflict became apparent over the last 72 hours. A quick synopsis follows.

In Eastern Europe: The Russian military continued the westward movement of very heavy weaponry toward Ukraine, and also in Russian troop deployment into neighboring Belarus. Putin, a true deceiver, could move to absorb Belarus into the Russian Federation prior to invading Ukraine. NATO allies (US and EU) took note of this and made the rapid transfer of all manner of war materiel forward deployed and into Ukraine a top priority. The US appears to have placed diplomacy on a back burner, opting instead to make known the contingency to reinforce NATO allies adjacent to the Ukraine with thousands of American combat troops. Some reports suggest the deployment number could quickly escalate from ten thousand to fifty thousand. In Ukraine artillery barrages by Ukrainian and Russian forces shattered any sense that a cease-fire was in effect. The publication of these reports is deliberate because they're normally kept in classified settings, well hidden from the public. 

In the Pacific: Communist Chinese and Taiwanese air forces faced off against each other over the last 36 hours within Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). These face-offs have continued into today. This activity is occurring while two USS Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups of the USS Cark Vinson and the USS Abraham Lincoln have entered and begun operations in the South China Sea. 

In the Middle East: Yemeni Houthi's and the Saudi-led military coalition are striking each other routinely of late. Houthi missiles supplied by Iran have struck both the UAE and Saudi Arabia this past weekend. Yesterday the Jerusalem Post published an OpEd titled "Israel Must Ready a Preemptive Strike Against Hezbollah." The article is unique for what it says Israel needs to do.

All of these hot spots are man-made hooks drawing the world into a possible world war, potentially even a nuclear war. We're watching for updates in real-time.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Global SITREP A4-22: The EastMed Pipeline Agreement (EMPA)


Map: East-Med Pipeline Agreement (EMPA) Proposed

UPDATED 22 January 2022: The EastMed Pipeline Agreement (EMPA), known also as simply EastMed, is an agreement signed by Israel, Greece and Cyprus in Athens, Greece on 2 January 2020. The purpose of the agreement is to establish an approximately 1,243-mile long liquid natural gas (LNG) pipeline linking Israel's Leviathan and Cyprus' Aphrodite gas fields in their Eastern Mediterranean Sea Exclusive Economic Zone to landfall in Greece and from there to distribution to the rest of the European Union (EU). This pipeline would save the costs of transporting the Israeli and Cypriot LNG to the EU via LNG carrier ships after its forecast to go online in 2025. 

The Current Israel LNG Export Map

At this moment in early 2022, Israel's Leviathan and Tamar field LNG is transported via several existing pipelines directly to Israel, and from there through other existing pipeline to Egypt and Jordan. Egyptian and Jordanian pipelines and LNG terminals then distribute the LNG to the EU and other global customers (map directly above).

The Europeans are particularly edgy, and will remain so until warmer spring temperatures, with the Russia-Germany Nord Stream II gas pipeline at risk due to Russia aggressive activities against neighboring Ukraine and bordering NATO allies in the Baltic arena. Israel is rapidly increasing its LNG export capability and the EastMed pipeline will put its exports into high gear.

I had planned to compose this SITREP in one manner, but then and as always, God sent me in a different direction entirely. He pointed me to the prophet Habakkuk, and that direction soon led me to what follows. Prophetically, this topic has long had relevance due to the passages found in Ezekiel 38:10-13. For over a decade now eschatologists have anticipated and interpreted these prophetic sentences a means to Israel's acquiring great wealth in the last days. 

One book in particular that was published in 2010, The Oil of Israel: Prophecy Being Fulfilled by John Brown, is essential reading, in faith, by all Christian true believers for its continued and exceptional relavance in this year and beyond. John Brown, as some may recall, founded Zion Oil and Gas based upon a vision he says God gave him 41 years ago (1981) about the discovery of oil and gas in Israel and the related prophecies in Scripture that will then rapidly come to fulfillment after the discoveries are made. A man of faith by the name of Jim Spillman figures prominently early on.

In 1983 John Brown went to Israel where he says God gave him direction via the Scripture of I Kings 8:41-43, which was then followed by II Chronicles 6:32-33. Then in 1985 God called on John to pursue the vision he'd been given full-time, and which he did by faith. Now, John Brown's vision has nothing to do with the aforementioned Leviathan and Tamar offshore gas fields. John Brown's vision is about onshore discovery in the Megiddo-Jezreel License (MZL), and the area of 99,000 acres to the southwest of the Sea of Galilee where Zion Oil and Gas, founded in the year 2000, is operating its wells.

Zion Oil and Gas MZL Exploration 

Has Zion Oil and Gas found oil and natural gas in the MZL? Yes, apparently it has. Israel Today reported in November 2021 that promising hydrocarbon tests of a well completed in 2017 in the MZL indicates, in accordance with God's prophetic promises about the restoration of Israel. The Ma'anit #1 wellbore in the MZL has a proven reserve of a minimum 484 million barrels of oil. But the best is yet to come, as oil deposits in Jezreel and in the Golan Heights have been found to have the potential for billions of barrels of oil, with the layer of the discovery being ten-times that found anywhere else on earth in all explorations thus far. 

Ma'anit #1 Wellbore (Courtesy: Jenney)

The Ma'anit #1 Dedication Plaque (Courtesy: Jenny)

It should go without saying that many anti-Israel concerns are doing their level best to nay say the successes by Zion Oil and Gas and other petroleum concerns in Israel, their hateful reasoning is obvious. Yet eyes to the north, are envious and will yet come to their destruction at the Lord's appointed time. In the meantime the current LNG terminals in Egypt are shipping to the EU following the Israel-Egypt agreement in which Israel will sell $15 billion of its LNG to Egypt and deliver it via Israeli pipelines. 

However, none of this is about the EU, America, Russia or Ukraine or any other peripheral thing. This is about God and His promises concerning the restoration of Israel. This entire saga goes back to the prophetic "Song of Moses" in Deuteronomy 32:13 where oil is drawn from the flinty rock, and Deuteronomy 33:24 where Asher's foot is dipped in oil. Zion Oil and Gas also has the Asher-Menashe License and Jordan Valley Licenses.

Zion Oil and Gas License Areas in Northern Israel


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Global SITREP A3-22: Is the 70th Week Upon Us?

13 January 2022: I've embedded here a Part I and Part II video series made by Stephen Dexter. I do not know Stephen, and had never heard of him before this morning when he was introduced to me by our sister Gail, with whom I have communicated on several occasions. It must be said these videos are very well made, almost cinematic in scope and without question reveal very quickly that Stephen Dexter has logged countless hours of study in their presentation, much of it paralleling my own study of the Scriptures.

So therefore, and against my own self-imposed rule against posting YouTube videos, I nevertheless am compelled that this two video series should be offered to Eschatology Today readers. The subject material within these videos are identical to a great number of posts on Eschatology Today over the past eight years. In particular the three part series titled "All These Things Be Fulfilled" as well as "Global SITREP B3-20: Psalm 90:10 Exegete" and the series of 2017 posts regarding the sign of Revelation 12:1-2. These are all Spirit-led subjects from Scripture, and in these two video's many of you will hear them echoed once again. Play them, watch in full until the end, and then pass judgment if you feel the need.

However, that all said, it must also be said that it took the entire day for the wrestling with the times and dates which are made within both videos to be overcome. We all know about "date setting" and how many in the fellowship of the bride of Christ are vehemently against the practice. So, I waited on the Lord to answer me, to guide and correct as necessary. It was then that it was realized that I had done such general date setting with the interpretation of Psalm 90:10 in concluding that we are a generation of strength; that 80 years from May 1948 would terminate our generation circa the year 2028. That has been a central theme of Eschatology Today for the majority of its existence. Also came the reminder that I felt led by the Spirit to say that it would not surprise if we were also warned 7 days ahead of time as Noah had been warned 7 days in advance. That theme was also picked up within these videos.

Is all of this perfect; is the information presented absolutely 100% correct? No, probably not because only God is absolutely perfect and 100% correct in His prophetic word. This is why I have led off notification of this post by quoting Habakkuk 2:1-3 as the last comment I make in the previous SITREP. It came to me that all of the Psalm 83 prophetic scenario, Jeremiah, Isaiah and other prophetic texts will have to literally come to fulfillment as a flood within the next few months if the dates presented are accurate. In this I've come to quickly understand that all of the anticipated prophetic fulfillments can actually occur with months or even weeks at the earliest, or actually be events of the 70th Week. This is no time to be dogmatic 

It goes without saying that everything I've noted herein as a watchman in these past 12 years stands to be corrected, simply because my 2028 and Stephen 2028/2029 date for the Second Coming of our Lord Yeshua HaMashiach are only about 6 months or so from one another. As was Habakkuk prepared to be corrected by the word of the Lord, so am I. 

As the Lord responded to Habakkuk: 
"Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry."


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Global SITREP A2-22: Wars and Pestilences (Polemos and Loimos)

Central Asia Demographic Map

6 January 2022: This SITREP is more or less a continuation of SITREP A1-22 in that the focus will remain on Russia and the rapidly emerging Magog military confederation of Ezekiel 38/39, as well as what was included in the comments section of A1-22 regarding the pestilences raging in China that have become a global pandemic of a novel coronavirus and what may yet become a global plague of biological horrors, hence the Koine Greek subtitle of Polemos and Loimos.

The above (clickable) demographic map of Central Asia features our immediate area of interest in Kazakhstan, and the more heavily populated former-Soviet Republics to the south. Today as the revolution in Kazakhstan came dangerously close to toppling the pro-Moscow regime in the capital Astana, the airborne forces of several CSTO nations (first discussed here in September 2013 and noted with comments of SITREP A1-22) made the immediate airborne deployments to thwart the rapidly growing revolt absolutely essential. Tonight there are hundreds of dead Kazakh citizens and Russia is once again the power broker in what had been a nominally independent country rich in oil, gas, and other natural resources like uranium.

We've discussed how Ezekiel 38:4 ("I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out...") with respect to events that continue on Russia's western borders with Ukraine, the EU and NATO. Now with direct military intervention in Central Asia which constitute the other nations of the CSTO that figure prominently in the prophetic attempt to invade and plunder Israel, we are suddenly faced with two distinct areas from which Gog and his Magog confederation can be dragged to their destruction on the mountains of Israel. 

As you are aware from SITREP A1-22 Russia is under tremendous economic pressure (Western sanctions over Crimea and Ukraine) and well as population demographic pressures. Yet the situation in Kazakhstan was so critical to Putin and the Russian Federation that the increased burden of financing yet another military expedition into the vastness of Central Asia made military deployment there essential. A quick note here the the former Kazakh capital was Almaty, but due to its geographic proximity to Communist China, ally or not, made relocation of the seat of government to Astana, and therefore closer to the Russian Federation, an imperative. And between Almaty and Astana, across the breadth of Kazakhstan what you can see in the above map is a whole lot of... nothing. It's a vast plain that sparsely populated and virtually defenseless against foreign invasions, as the Mongol hordes of history made clear.

What happens from this point forward no one knows, but given the expense placed upon this expedition and having to secure this vast country, it resources and its population against the potential of creeping Islamic extremism to the south will be something that would drain any nation. Now image the loss Russia would suffer with the loss of Syria as seen in Isaiah 17, and the further adventure of seeking to extract spoils and riches from Israel one day soon begins to make a little more real-world sense. This is beside the point that God declared it so it will happen, but now we have an inkling of His omniscience that these events would precede the prophecy given to Ezekiel.

Also as discussed in the comments of SITREP A1-22, the reality of what is truly occurring in the Chinese city of Xi'An is made clear by the image above that was received this afternoon. This image goes a very long way to confirming that a biological disaster above and beyond a SARS-CoV-2 variant is underway in that city of 13 million and others. Sources have been relating for a couple weeks that a hemorrhagic virus, very likely Nipah Virus (NiV), is completely out of control. 

PLA troops wearing full biological protective suits with an enclosed oxygen supply backpack are not required for an outbreak of any SARS-CoV-2 variant, but are essential for human survival in a hemorrhagic virus environment where victims bleed from their eyes, nose, mouth and ears from an acute encephalopathy. NiV is know to cause this. If this escapes from mainland China the entire world will be faced with an existential threat as Nipah, if it has undergone gain-of-function research as many are now saying, is anywhere from 50 to 80% lethal to anyone unlucky enough to become infected.

Some western media are beginning to report on the crisis in Xi'An and other Chinese cities, but going so far to admit this is NiV has not yet occurred, not even on Steve Bannon's War Room program. All they will say thus far are that the symptoms of encephalopathy are very real. I have different very reliable sources who initially identified the pathogen as NiV some weeks ago when the crisis began but no one outside of mainland China knew anything about it.

We're watching... 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Global SITREP A1-22: The Death of Nations

UPDATED 1 January 2022: One thing all good intel analysts do is read. And I mean they read a lot. So, guess what I've been doing a lot of. Yup, reading. Forecasts, trends, OSINT, lot's of stuff to be sure. And one of those was an article that used the image above to illustrate the point the author was making. The author is Peter Zeihan, formerly of Strator but now running his own concern, Zeihan on Geopolitics. The analysis that got my attention was about Russia, the Russian Federation, and how it continues to collapse politically and especially demographically. 

Demographics are important, and it's the equivalent of when the Lord's words speaks of nations and peoples. It's also related to what has been written here about the process or processes involved in prophetic fulfillment. I believe the judgment of God upon the nations and peoples of this world is prophetic and follows a given path to ultimate fulfillment. In this case, and although this author does not even come close to the prophetic implications involved with Russia in particular, the points made are clearly in sync with the Lord's judgment.

Russia as a distinct nation is dying simply because there aren't that many Russians, the birthrate has sunk to a fairly slight percentage. Have you ever wondered why in Ezekiel 38/39 mighty Russia (Magog) comes against tiny Israel with such a massive confederation of armies in addition to its own? This is besides the fact that coalition warfare has become the norm of the 20th and 21 centuries. Russia today has a very small ethnically Russian army. Much of its 'boots on the ground' in various hotspots around the world today are mercenaries,' and so it will be with Ezekiel 38/39. 

The bottom line here is that Russia cannot afford to lose the bulk of its ethnic Russian armed forces, and this is especially true with the rising superpower on its western frontier. The EU has become and will continue to coalesce into an ethnic European polity, and we know this is a fact per prophecy. Ten Toes, Ten Horns, Ten Kings that rise to become a feared and dominant military power in these last days who willfully allow and eleventh king to rise up and take totalitarian control of all. And we know from previous SITREPs that Russia, as we see at the present time, is embarked on a great gambit to expand its power westward (see image again) in a vain attempt for forestall the rise of a revived "Greco-Roman Empire" backed by the military might of the young lions of the North American hemisphere. Yet before this takes place, or more correctly, is allowed to come to completion, events take place in the Middle East and hooks are placed in the jaws to draw Russia and its cohort to the death on the mountains of Israel. But the end it not yet, there is much more to follow.

UPDATE 4 January 2022: Time has come to conclude this SITREP in preparation for the next.  Events that have been expected to occur now have at least preliminary OSINT reports of having taken place. In the past 72 hours numerous reports have appeared in foreign media, and separating fact from fiction and pure propaganda is ongoing. The Indications and Warnings (I&W) are heavy that big and very near-term events are brewing in Syria, Lebanon and Gaza.

On top of the I&W, it has been expected that the January 3, 2020 anniversary of IRGC Quds Force Major General Qasem Soleimani's assassination would include attacks against US and coalition forces. Current indications are that coalition forces may have launched preemptive strikes with artillery and missiles against Iranian militias in Deir Ezzor from the Coalition firebase at Al-Omar oil field, also in Deir Ezzor. Iranian propaganda is running rampant and taken with a grain of salt.

It appears that the second Israeli attack against Iranian armed smuggling at Syria's critical Latakia port has had the desired effect upon the Syrian regime. Initial reports are the weapons smuggling operation by IRGC QF Unit 190 at Latakia has been ordered by Bashar al-Assad, not doubt with Russian urging, to curtail its operations. Other reports indicate that the Al-Dimas airfield west of Damascus has been taken over by Hezbollah and IRGC-QF forces. Eviction of local farmers and underground base construction by Hezbollah are said to be ongoing. Expect the IAF to target this base soon.

HAMAS and PIJ may be on the cusp of igniting a new round of fighting against Israel's civilian population. The anticipated trigger event is the death of a 140-day hunger strike by a terrorist prisoner named Abu Hawash. There is much credence to the terrorist threat with direct fire from Gaza into Israeli border communities having occurring in recent days. IDF tanks return fire into Gaza.  

Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan, Iran, North Korea and the Middle East are all hot spots which have the potential to ignite a sudden global conflagration in 2022.