Sunday, February 22, 2015

Global SITREP E8-14: Another in a Series of Imminent Nuclear Crises with Iran Beckons

The NCRI-US today revealed this clandestine nuclear site known as Lavizan-3

UPDATE  26 February 2015: It took a while, but I managed to locate a .pdf version of the entire NCRI-DC press briefing given in Washington, D.C. this past Tuesday. Click this link to download your own free copy courtesy of the Washington Free Beacon. For those who'd like me to just cut to the details, here goes. 

The 10 pages of this report make clear the following four important items:

1.) The Lavizan-3 nuclear site was not revealed publicly until this week to allow for six full years of intelligence collection, vetting and verification to come to a conclusion.
2.) Three types of advanced centrifuges, IR-2m, IR-3 and IR-4 have been operation at Lavizan-3 for at least 6 years. These are AQ Khan designs received from Red China.
3.) The Kalaye Electric Company, which has always been affiliated with the allegedly peaceful purposes of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, was instrumental in the development of the Lavizan-3 site. An NCRI requested IAEA inspection of a Kalaye Electric Company site in northeastern Tehran turned up Highly Enriched Uranium over 11 years ago (2003).
4.) The Lavizan-3 nuclear site is a parallel nuclear weapons site to the others operated by the IRGC, and is protected by the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). Lavizan-3 is, in fact, disguised as a classified military facility of the MOIS so that on the surface it appears to be unrelated to nuclear activities.

Yesterday, SECSTATE John Kerry was grilled by the U.S. House Foreign Relations Committee and was forced to admit that the the US was aware of Lavizan-3 being a military facility, but that it had not yet been revealed to the Obama Administration as being a secret, parallel nuclear weapons facility. Said Kerry, "...these things are going to have to be resolved as we go forward." We must assume Kerry means to say that the Iranian negotiators will now confess to him face-to-face that once again the NCRI has caught Iran red-handed hiding yet another undeclared nuclear facility. 

These are the same people who believe the American people are still too stupid to understand the fraud that is Obamacare, so what could we possibly understand about the Obama Administration's clandestine negotiations over Iranian nuclear weapons development? It's a good thing for us the current government of Israel and some their regional anti-Iran allies understand these things, otherwise New York City might wake up one morning to find a brand new sun illuminating Midtown, Manhattan. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech before a joint session of Congress early next week is likely to be a humdinger, so send a reminder to your nearest Democrat Senator or Representative it'd be a good idea for him/her to be in attendance. 

24 February 2015:  THUD!!! That's the sound I imagine was heard by the Ayatollahs personal bodyguards today when he was informed of the intelligence released at 10 AM by the NCRI-US (National Council of Resistance of Iran-United States) today in their Washington, D.C. press conference and promptly fell out of his chair.  

Once again, and commencing the 13th year of whistle-blowing on Iranian nuclear weapons activities since 2002, the NCRI-US, and its parent MeK organization, have obtained and released "highly critical" nuclear weapons intelligence obtained from within the Iranian regime. Today's revelation was about the previously unknown and parallel program at the "Lavizan-3" nuclear weapons site (image above right-side) buried deep in a tunnel complex just outside Tehran. Also pictured on the left is a 1-foot thick security door designed to prevent any detection of the activities going on inside the complex of tunnels by foreign intelligence collection efforts. NCRI-US issued an immediate call for the IAEA to demand an inspection of this site.

In his 15 February 2015 comments at the Iranian-American Community Symposium held in Phoenix, Arizona, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani had no idea how prescient his words would be about the utter folly of negotiating with the Iranian Ayatollah and his newest sock-puppet president Rouhani: 

"This is like playing poker with a guy who cheated you twice before. You know who does that? A moron!

Indeed, a moron just like British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was a moron in negotiating directly with Adolf Hitler 77 years ago. World War II erupted just 12 months after he prematurely declared his negotiations resulted in "peace in our time." 

Yet despite this revelation it is doubtful that anything short of a preemptive and thorough military intervention will prevent an Iranian nuclear weapons breakout in the very near-term. However, and possibly as a result of the NCRI-US press conference release this morning, there are again strong indications of joint Israeli-Saudi Arabian preemptive strike planning. (See: Jerusalem Post article "Saudis might help Israel attack Iran in exchange for progress in peace process") There should also be no confusion about the ongoing and directly related joint Iranian-Hezbollah-Syrian armored advance approaching the Golan Heights, as Iran will require a broadened front with which to assault northern Israel when the strike occurs. This maneuvering by all parties represents objects in motion that will stay in motion until the dust settles after the coming conflagration.

22 February 2015: The allegedly secretive negotiations the Obama Administration has been conducting with the Islamic Republic have apparently been compromised. Word is coming from various political sources that Obama's secret offer to the Ayatollah is that the United States will guarantee an Iranian nuclear weapons capability in exchange for Iranian promises that it will use its increased power in concert with the United States to maintain stability in the Middle East Obviously, we understand that the Lord's expressed will as prophesied in Jeremiah 49:34-39 is diametrically opposed to Obama's clear and ongoing betrayal of Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is scheduled to speak before a joint session of the U.S. Congress in 10 days time. There will be fireworks.

24 November 2014: As noted, the feckless EU/E3+3 (P5+1) talks with Iran have failed upon reaching the irrelevant deadline. Another resumption of meaningless negotiations has been scheduled for December 2014 with July 2015 set as the next tentative date for failure. In Israel PM Bibi Netanyahu is being hung out to dry as the Israeli  prime minister who slept while Iran armed itself with nuclear weapons. Indeed, YNet News has published an OpEd datelined 25 November which reiterates the point made in this report's initial bottom line truth-of-the-matter form yesterday: "The Americans and the world powers no longer take Netanyahu (read: Israel) into account."  

Also, as noted in the linked YNet report above, the proverbial "window of opportunity" to strike the Iranian nuclear program is now closed. As I noted to a Bible prophecy author very recently, "Iran's nuclear weapons and the requisite infrastructure for their production are now safely tucked away under millions of tons of mountainous solid rock. Iranians are not stupid, they are adept tacticians and chess masters.  Whatever is left of their original nuclear program sites above ground are red herrings, a set of decoys."  Now we wait to see how the Lord will bring Jeremiah 49:34-39 into fulfillment.

23 November 2014: On Friday, November 14, an open-air sermon was delivered by Ayatollah Ali Movahedi Kermani in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.  Ayatollah Movahedi Kermani is Ayatollah Khamenei's personal representative to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, the gatekeepers to Iran's nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems.

In the sermon there was one particular portion that went virtually unreported in the West. This was the portion in which Ayatollah Movahedi Kermani stated that a single Iranian Sejjil-2/3 ballistic missile could hit and raze to the ground Tel Aviv, Haifa and/or all American bases in the region.  This threat is viewed as a possible outcome of the potential total failure of the ongoing P5+1 negotiations with Iran.

This overt threat can assumed to constitute a tacit admission that the two-stage, solid propellant, variable angle-of-launch Sejjil-2/3 missile that has been operational since 2012, has been armed with a nuclear warhead. This is appropriate as the Persian word 'Sejjil' means 'Baked Clay.'  The Sejjil's warhead is reportedly hard to detect upon  re-entry into the atmosphere as it is coated with stealth technology materials and can maneuver away from anti-missile defenses launched at them. The Sejjil can be launched without any pre-launch activity warning associated with other Iranian ballistic missiles. Accordingly, the  Sejjil-2/3 is Iran's first-strike without-warning offensive nuclear weapon that is road mobile on a modified Shahab-3 Transporter-Erector-Launcher (TEL) seen in the image above.

The Order Of Battle (OOB) for these Iranian launch-on-command nuclear-armed missiles therefore includes Tel Aviv, Haifa and all US bases in the region within approximately 1,250 miles of the Sejjil's launch point.

With just hours remaining for a final agreement to be agreed upon between the P5+1 (EU/E3+3) negotiations and the Islamic Republic of Iran there are strong indications that Israel will stand firm in its refusal to abide by any agreement which contains a "sunset clause" which will allow Iran to complete its indigenous nuclear weapons program. Israel may yet preemptively strike Iran as it has previously struck the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear weapons programs.

That this scenario is a potential occurrence at the same time as the IDF's Chief-of-Staff General Benny Gantz is within 100 days of a sunset to his military career; combined with unrestrained Islamic-inspired violence threatening the peace of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, Israel's system of mass transportation, and much of the rest of the country, is a true nightmare scenario to many observers. A replacement for Gantz is an imperative, but not more so than Iranian nukes or Islamic insurrection terrorizing the entire country.

An Iranian hand in the recent massacre of dual-national Rabbi's in praying in a Jerusalem synagogue through their PFLP-GC terrorist proxy headquartered in Damascus is well-known, as is the unrelenting Iranian attempts to smuggle weapons to jihadists in Judea, Samaria, the Sinai and Gaza. The repeated attempts of  the IRGC to deploy the high-precision Fatah-110 ballistic missile and its 1,100lb warhead (capable of striking Israel's Dimona nuclear complex from southern Lebanon or Syria**) is just that much more gasoline on the fire within Israel's national security apparatus to deal directly with the Iranian Shi'a hojjatieh mullahs. The imperative is to do so before the Sunni jihadists of the Islamic State and their expanding Wilayat (provinces) are able to cross directly onto Israel from all directions. (**Imagine a Fateh-110 fired by Hezbollah from inside Syria and that missile making a successful strike on Dimona. The future existence of Damascus might then be measured in tens of minutes.)

The onus is on Israel to act because the Western negotiations with Iran, even at the most basic level, do not factor in the least of Israel's national security requirements. Jeremiah 49:34-39 may be closer than anyone realizes.


  1. Question, since it appears that Syria is currently propped up by iran, can you envision a scenario in which Jeremiah 49 comes to pass and almost immediately Isaiah 17 comes to pass?

  2. All caps sean, I like that. There's one factor that I have a hard time envisioning, and that is namely the current terrorist lover who currently occupies the white house. I have a hard time envisioning a coalition of nations coming against Iran without the USA being among them, and I have an even harder time envisioning the USA being involved under the current administration. I also don't think that this prophecy can be two years away. What are your thoughts on this? The prophecy says it'll happen therefore I believe it. Is obama even a factor?

  3. hartdawg,

    No matter how it happens, it will happen because God has foretold it will happen. I can envision certain details, but when it comes down it will be precisely according to prophecy.

    That's how I go forward each and every day. Watching, always watching; looking for heads-up intel, and right no the subject if this SITREP is the best intel and I&W (Indications and Warnings) that something is about to cut loose.

    Obama is irrelevant here, a mere mortal but a political player in the Lord's plan to bring about His will on earth -- as are all other world leaders and decision makers.

  4. Sean,

    I watched the sermon on youtube and it's clear to me this is the true face of Iran.

    In just a few minutes it puts the lie to all of the smiling faces in Vienna.

  5. Just when you think they can't kick the can further down the road, they do so, and this time by 8 months.

    EU/E3+3 negotiations with Iran will resume in December with the "deadline" now pushed forward to July 2015.

    With these feckless Western negotiators the word "deadline" has no meaning whatsoever.

  6. Indeed Sean,

    I really, really hope Benjamin Netanyahu and his Security Cabinet put an end to this farce before the year is up!

  7. Sean,

    I see that Iran made a similar threat (without mentioning the specific missile) back in March 2013.

    “At times the officials of the Zionist [Israeli] regime threaten to launch a military invasion but they themselves know that if they make the slightest mistake the Islamic Republic will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground,” said Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader, on a live television broadcast on Thursday

  8. Mark,

    That previous threat shows the design intent of the development of the Sejjil-2/3. If you look close enough you will see it goes all the way back to 2009. Now the missile is operational.

  9. I don't know how Jeremiah 49:34-39 will come to pass.....but it will. I remember in 2006 everyone was convinced iran would have the bomb but I knew from scriptures that it wouldn't happen. A few weeks later the stuxnet virus was introduced. Prophecy WILL BE FULFILLED in God's time

  10. Sean,

    Knowing how close we are to Jeremiah 49, I hate the waiting game.

    At any hour of any day those first news reports are going to flood our computer and TV screens!

  11. Mark,

    I'm not so sure that's how it'll happen when it happens.

    If Israel takes the lead, then I think the operation will begin with an NN-EMP strike and we won't know anything about it for maybe a day or two or more after the fact.

    In fact, even today, 7 years after the fact, there is no concrete proof that Israel destroyed the Syrian nuke site. Lot's of words written via alleged leaks from inside sources, but no hard proof actually exists.

  12. I'm pretty sure the first reports regarding what happened in Syria came from the Syrian side.

    Then it was over a month before we had any leaks on it being a nuclear reactor.

    If Israel takes the lead, they are going to have to hit a bunch of sites the first night, yes?

    Could all that be kept hidden from the international press by both sides for a substantial period of time?

  13. First reports on what transpired during Operation Orchard on 7 September 2007 came out of Germany.

    Israel and the US were totally silent about it until spring of 2008. Syria to this day denies anything of the sort occurred. In 2011 the IAEA confirmed that a nuclear reactor had been destroyed at the site.

    Israel conducted Operation Orchard under the tenets of the Begin Doctrine (preemptive strikes to counter nuclear weapons proliferation).

    If Israel takes the lead, one NN-EMP detonated at the correct altitude over western Iran will prevent Iran from launching anything more than a slingshot.

    This could be kept quiet for many months into the future under the right circumstances.

  14. If there was such an EMP, it would knock out Iranian radio and TV, right?

    So that is something we could watch for?

  15. I'll tell you something else.

    I just had total recall of a memory from well over 20 years ago. As we were driving into downtown DC from Annapolis a retired Navy Captain with ties to one of the alphabet agencies told me that we had the capability to remotely turn off all kinds of Iranian "utilities" should we ever find a need to do so. "We'd turn 'em off and they'd stay off," he said.

    That was the state of our cyber capabilities over 20+ years ago, well before Stuxnet was created.

    I can only imagine where that capability is today. How cool it is recalling that conversation. :)

  16. History is a good teacher of what will happen. Remember Chamberlain.

    Chamberlain is best known for his appeasement foreign policy, and in particular for his signing of the Munich Agreement in 1938, conceding the German-populated Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia to Germany. However when Adolf Hitler continued his aggression by invading Poland. Start of WWII

  17. And, pray tell me, why hasn't there been nary a word of revelation coming from our high/lower than whale manure, Secretary of State or even from the meddling journalist media?

    So very much is taking place in almost every area of of lives and yet the attention span of the wandering minstrels is focused on things like "Shades of Grey" and gay marriage.

    Seems to me that the Obama White House has taken the bait of Satan thinking it was going to be setting down for a royal dinner. Little do they know that THEY are the main course. All of this seems like a very horrible nightmare and for me, I am tired of it.

    Ez. 38 and 39 cannot come soon enough as far as I am concerned and yet, that is not my call to make. But patience is growing very weak.


  18. GG5,

    Nary a word because they all march to the beat of a diff'rent drummer ... the one whose bait you know they've taken.

  19. I would highly advise the study of Jeremiah 49:34-39, and even doing a search on this blog for the directly related article.

    This revelation by the NCRI-US did not make the headlines or top stories yesterday, and except for brief mention at the Washington Free and the DrudgeReport, plus a copyrighted Washington Times article, not much else was said about it.

    These facts should come as a surprise to no one at this late stage of things.

  20. I see now John Kerry is going back 12 years to the Iraq war to attack Bibi! Don't remember him doing that before.

    They are really leaving no stone unturned at this point to try to discredit him, aren't they?

  21. Mark,

    Yes, they certainly are not leaving any stone unturned.

    And do you know why?

    It's because they are in full, raving panic mode.

  22. I understand that their plans to discredit Netanyahu is backfiring. That true?

  23. As has occurred previously, the Iranian regime has reacted immediately to the NCRI-US revelation this week of yet another undeclared nuclear site near Tehran. This reaction occurred within 24 hours of a report in the WaPo about the NCRI-US press briefing.

    Iran says Washington Post report is based on unsubstantiated allegations.

    Iran’s mission at the UN dismissed yesterday’s publication by the Washington Post, claiming Tehran is conducting secret nuclear weapons research in breach of its commitment to the P5+1 and IAEA. Tehran said that the charges are baseless, adding: “It’s a pity that the newspaper has published the false and repetitious claims raised by a terrorist group [National Council of Resistance of Iran] whose inhumane nature is clear to all, particularly to the American public opinion, and the falsehood of that group’s previous claims have been made public after a while.” (Mashregh News)

  24. Sean,

    What is to keep everyone here that has a Facebook page, either their own or a friend's, from posting the info regarding this latest discovery about Iran? For that matter, Twitter a tweet to all that are following each one of us and if my calculations are correct, and I believe they are, news of this event will become very well known. I know for sure that Fox will get it/so will Stan of Watchman in Jerusalem.

    There is always more than one way to skin a skunk!


  25. SEAN,

    Posted the NCFI-US web site's article on FBK and tweeted it. Already hearing back from people that had zero knowledge of it.

    Social media can be a very wonderful resource when we use it wisely.


  26. GG5,

    Yo go girl! Good job doing what I had though many others were doing.
    I just did a search earlier and didn't come up with nearly as many hits as I'd though there would be across social media. I don't participate in social media (FB, Twitter, G+ etc, etc) because this blog takes up all of my time, but I'm really glad you're getting word around!

    FoxNews prime time resident blondie Megyn Kelly tweeted about this two days ago, but not too many others.

  27. I like this lady's commentary a great deal. With Obama's evil plans and schemes directed at Israel, I wonder how long it will be before God directly intervenes to thwart them.


    Netanyahu's True Electoral Rival

  28. Brian,

    Caroline Glick has long been one of my very favorite political commentators, and this article is very consistent with what she has written since the 2002-03 time frame. A very consistent point-of-view. On top of this Caroline has a resume that is peerless among journalists and many US and Israeli political leaders. She's a female American-Israeli version of Ronald Reagan imho, very conservative. And that's really good in my book.

    However, despite all of this really good stuff about Caroline Glick there's something important missing: she's not what Israel truly finds itself in need of right now... a full-fledged woman with all of the capabilities of ancient Israel's 4th Judge, the prophetess Deborah. She's got Deborah's counselor and warrior aspects down pat, but what Israel really needs today is a true prophet of God. My prayer for Israel for the rest of 5775 and 5776 is for Caroline Glick to become Israel's modern-day Deborah, prophet of God.

  29. Sean,
    After reading the PDF of the NCRI-DC, your recent updates and past updates on Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons, they have not only aquired them but want to supply them to all of Israel's and the rest of the free worlds enemies.
    I doubt it would happen but the Senate should be putting an end to these fasad negotiations and planning on putting the lights out in Persia.IMHO

  30. Looks like Bibi's trip will be short and sweet. He's arriving in Washington Sunday evening and flying back Tuesday afternoon!

  31. In Jer 49:36

    And upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and will scatter them toward all those winds; and there shall be no nation whither the outcasts of Elam shall not come.
    It's seems this is very close to happening.

  32. hartdawg,

    Regarding your question on the 25th about the discrediting of Bibi Netanyahu backfiring...

    Yes, that is true, and because it is backfiring in their faces they are in raving panic mode.

    People like these enemies of Israel in full panic mode are capable of doing just about anything to achieve their goal. So, i do expect something unexpected from them before Tuesday.

  33. Sean,

    One surprise already, the WH says Joe Biden is "sick" and is cancelling his trip to Uruguay - which means he will still be in Washington when Bibi arrives!

  34. OHHHH NOOOO!!! Keep that sick puppy away, far far away, from Netanyahu!!!


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