Friday, November 28, 2014

Global SITREP E9-14: Israel's Zero Hour - The Gibor Option

2 December 2014: PM Bibi Netanyahu has fired from their cabinet positions Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Finance Minister Yair Lapid and will shortly dissolve the Knesset in order to hold new elections. This is what most of the corporate media are reporting. I would report that the government of PM Netanyahu finally collapsed as a direct result of the failed Operation Protective Edge and rampant infighting within Netanyahu's governing coalition. I would also report that I am surprised it took this long for the collapse to occur. Bibi has other problems to deal with, namely installing the next Chief of Staff (likely Maj. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot) and Deputy Chief of Staff (likely Maj. Gen. Yair Golan) of the IDF into their respective positions without much  ado and further political turmoil. Once this dust settles we may get a clearer picture of what 2015 may hold in store. The average religious Israeli is probably wondering, "Where's our Moshiach ben Yossef when we need him?"

27 November 2014: A year and ten days ago I posted to Eschatology Today the final update for the fictional Operation Gibor: Iran Strike Scenario Simulation. That very realistic scenario was crafted in the heady days of years gone by when everybody, even the Obama Administration, was hand-wringing in great expectancy over the very real prospect of an Israeli preemptive airstrike against the Iranian nuclear program. Many reports held that the Saudi's and the GCC states had given their tacit assent to IAF overflights during the mission. Iran would not be forewarned. 

For all intents and purposes most military observers and analysts now assess that the previously existent 'window of opportunity' for a long-range IAF preemptive strike spearheaded by F-16I Sufa and F-15I Ra'am aircraft has been closed. Israel, under the leadership of PM Bibi Netanyahu, took a very high-stakes gamble and aborted a planned airstrike at the last minute, most recently in 2012, according to most knowledgeable accounts. The aborted preemptive was in deference to Israel's supposed US and EU allies whose sanctions and negotiations with the Hojjatieh-led Iran had to be given a minimum of a fortuitous opportunity to succeed. 

Now in late 2014, the "really bad deal" of 2013 has given way to the utter failure of the P5+1 negotiations with Iran. Truth is - they never had any chance of success to begin with. If you've not done so already, just watch the MEMRI video embedded in SITREP E8 below to see the epic P5+1 failure in living color. Another seven to eight months of worthless banter with the Iranian Hojjatieh al-Mahdi-hastening lunatics will result in just that many more Iranian nuclear weapons, unless... Israel seizes what's left of the initiative and snatches victory from the threat of a nuclear incineration of Tel Aviv and Haifa, and does so real soon.

My current assessment is that the only option Israel has remaining to stop a nuclear-armed Iran in its tracks most preferably begins with a series of non-nuclear preemptive EMP strikes as postulated in the fictional scenario linked above. The image at the top is of a real-world nuclear EMP-generating airburst. This is not a Sampson Option, it is what I will call The Gibor Option. There is a big difference between the two. The Sampson Option is a nuclear annihilation scenario. The Gibor Option, as the ancient Hebrew word implies, is a mighty option, a potentially non-nuclear fallout option. This option does not turn Iran into a sea of radioactive green glass, but turns the mullahs regime and dreams of an al-mahdi back into the 9th century where they rightfully belong.

This option envisions a series of non-nuclear EMP detonations over western and central portions of the country that will literally turn off everything in Iran. Afterwords there will be no communications, no discrete computing chips, no power, Iran as it was when that alleged mahdi fell into a well never to be seen or heard of again. This option, if executed, could potentially turn out to be a literal fulfillment of one prophetic verse: Jeremiah 49:36a which reads: "Against Elam I will bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven."

Still, we must patiently wait to see how the Lord will bring Jeremiah 49:34-39 into fulfillment.


  1. Sean,
    I'm thankful on this day for the words of Jesus in

    Matthew 24:35 - Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

    also for your insight into the word of God. We live in exciting times to live for Him.

  2. jmoll106,


    I can think of no more exciting time or a time to be more thankful for than to live when Bible prophecy from thousands years ago about the advent of the Lord's Kingdom on Earth is being fulfilled before one's eyes.

    Best of all, the Bride of Christ is seeing and will see these fulfillments from both sides of time and space: the pre-70th Week side on the earth and riding behind the Lord in the ultimate of majestic processions, arrayed in white and riding upon upon white horses (Rev. 19:11-16).

  3. Folks,

    If you look closely at the image at the top of the post, on the horizon between the ground and the first layers of clouds you will see a single, massive straight-line bolt of lightning.

    Under normal weather conditions the occurrence of a lightning bolt like this is a physical impossibility given various naturally occurring factors, but it is proof that the mathematics of Amphere's Law with respect to Gauss's Law.

    The sheer electrical current caused the nuclear source (nuclear electromagnetic pulse, or NEMP) of this bolt combined with the local aspects of the earth's magnetic field and literally overcame any resistance between itself and earth ground directly below the detonation. This bolt is composed of trillions upon trillions of electrons being ejected from trillions upon trillions of atoms of carbon and whatever else is locally airborne by electromagnetic photons (atoms of light). Wow.

  4. Hey sean, I was preparing for my bible study on prophecy and my I caught something in Ezekiel 39:8. It says "this is the day of which I have spoken " what day could that possibly be besides the day of the Lord (aka 70th week ) which he spoken numerous times? That just popped into my mind and I rushed to ask you about it. What do you think?

  5. hartdawg,

    Regarding the "in that day" phrase we read in the prophecies of many of the prophets of Israel, it almost always refers to "the day of the Lord" meaning either the judgments of the 70th Week or the actual day when Jesus' Second Coming occurs in Revelation 19:11-16.

    The exception to this, I believe, is when the context of the text alludes to or actually describes a different day.

    In this case Ezekiel 38:8 and 38:10-12 serve to specify or define "that day" as a time when certain conditions exist in Israel:

    ‘Thus says the Lord God: “On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan: You will say, ‘I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates’— to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land."

    In verse 8 we are also informed these conditions would exist only in "the latter years."

    Ezekiel 38:14 repeats the specificity and defining of that day with a rhetorical question:

    "Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say to Gog, Thus says the Lord God: “On that day when My people Israel dwell safely, will you not know it?""

    See also Ezekiel 38:16-23 for another event tied directly to this day where God causes a great quake and His own brand of WMD upon the invaders.

  6. There is found not one verse in Ezekiel 38 or 39 which speaks to Israel being a party to or under the conditions of any other covenant, so this time during the latter years must be immediately prior to the time of "confirming of the covenant among many."

    Remember, this brief war involves significant WMD use against Gog and his allies, so the control of WMD (arms control) will be a key aspect within the A/Cs covenant among many when he comes onto the scene as a false peace maker.

  7. Sean,

    With all the talk of new elections in Israel, it looks to me like this next month is Bibi's last chance to keep his campaign promise to stop Iran.

    Don't think he'll survive if he goes into new elections without taking action.

  8. Mark,

    As stated in this SITREP, I am certain this IS Bibi's last chance, not likely to be. Time IS up. The window of opportunity for a conventional strike, as we understand conventional, has been closed for some time now, which is ever since Iran moved its nuke program beneath mountains where bunker busters cannot reach.

    As I recently explained privately to Bill Salus a few days ago, "Iran's nuclear weapons and the requisite infrastructure for their production are now safely tucked away under millions of tons of mountainous solid rock. Iranians are not stupid, they are adept tacticians and chess masters. Whatever is left of their original nuclear program sites above ground are red herrings, a set of decoys.

    Underground is also a very good location for Iran's nuke program because that is where where it can be sealed intact by many tons of earth preventing further access to it. Who in their right mind bores into a half dozen underground facilities that are thoroughly compromised with extremely toxic uranium hexaflouride-six and a bunch of other highly toxic chemical compounds?

    So, what's left is to turn off their ability to launch their weapons and seal off those which remain in underground graves.

  9. Sean,

    I'm not disagreeing with you at all, but part of me is already wondering why Israel didn't just go the first few days after the failed talks.

    Could they be waiting for a more "random" day in order to maximize the element of surprise?

  10. Mark,
    They did not go at the time of the P5+1 failure because a binding political decision to launch such a strike had not been made.

    The PM has to be working on putting together that kind of a political consensus at the present time.

  11. Sean,

    Things feel so much different to me now than Fall 2012 and Fall 2013.

    In both of those instances, Israel was discussing the military option loudly and frequently.

    Now it's just an eerie silence in the Israeli media. Debka finally came back today, but their first story reveals no urgency whatsoever. Instead it discusses the possibility of a war "in the spring".

  12. And, as everyone can now clearly see, Debka is a one-man operation.
    The site is accurate about 50% of the time but also posts completely bogus reports about 25% of the time.

  13. If israel did go into iran then wouldn't they incur the wrath of the U.S, Europe and the u.n.?

  14. Hi Hartwag, the "international community"will indeed be upset, fulfilling Zachariah chapter 12...

  15. hartdawg,

    Finally a comment I can have some real fun with...

    What wrath?

    Even an Israel hater like Obama just released to Israel some very large stocks of JDAMs with which they can conventionally pummel her enemies military forces, civilians and children - which includes Iran.

    Personally, I think Obama and the Euro elites would like nothing better than for Israel to knock Iran back into the stone age as that would bail them out of the nuclear bollix they've collectively and deliberately created over the past several years.

    Really, what does Israel have to fear at this point? The Jewish people (a/k/a The State of Israel) has habitually been blamed for every can of worms known to mankind for the past two millennia.

    What? Israel has to worry about what a few of the elite lost gentiles think?

    More importantly, this is not your grandfathers Yis-ra-el, this is the 21st century model, and it's nuclear armed thanks be to the French and the U.S.


  16. Western leaders may rejoice of Iran's demise in private but in public they will just express outrage and condemnation against Israel as will sunnis nations do.

  17. I'm glad I was able to let you have some fun :)
    I'm going back to work today on light duty. I hope it all goes well

  18. Hi Sean,

    Do you think that Bibi has now free hands (and majority in his cabinet) to strike Iran now that he has dissolved the Knesset and fired the centrists from his government?

  19. NG,

    I'm pretty sure Zechariah 12:1-9 speaks to the Psalm 83 final fulfillment scenario, and verses 10-14 find their fulfillment during the 70th Week.

    I also think the Sunni Arabs will be at the lead of the cheering that will occur when the Hojjatieh Shi'a regime in Iran is brought down a few pegs. In fact, I think they might even participate in that military action to some degree.

  20. Mark3210,

    Just because I gave an assessment last year that Israel would not launch a conventional attack upon Iran between Christmas and New Year Day does not imply in any way that was the reason Israel did not attack.

    The fact that they did not attack is due to Israel's own political decision making processes.

    IF Israel decides to go now they will have to go big-time, for all the marbles.

    There is no time limit on an EMP strike.

  21. I'll also say that the IAF could conventionally strike with great surprise in western Iran.

    That's not a window open or closed, but more like an open door that I'm going to be deliberately vague about.

  22. concerning the weapons pickup for 7 years it seems like it would happen before the sttart of the trib.why would it happen after the lords return when the earth is going to be renewed.I agree the ac will be of grecian or igine

  23. Hi Sean,

    Do you think it might be the case that under the guise of striking the Islamic state in Iraq, Iranian Air Force might in fact be training for potential reprisals/retaliation against Israel?

    Seems like the IS thing is perfect pretext for Iranian warplane to operate beyond their airspace.

    Also, White House seems to be looking to take opportunity of March 2015 elections to topple Bibi (Debka).

    This is, I believe, another incentive for Israeli prime minister to flex his muscles and take serious action, because it might be soon too late.

  24. Dave,

    Read Ezekiel 39:11-16 and identify the key phrase which points directly to the time period in which the cleansing of the land of Israel will occur.

    Hint: the key phrase is towards the end of verse 13.

  25. NG,

    Would the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) send its pilots on a one-way suicide mission just try to bomb Israel? They would run out of fuel.

    This is also why Iran has such a vigorous ballistic missile program; and the leading theme of the opening verse in the prophecy of Jeremiah 49:34-39.

    Israel using this tactic would make more sense - Israel has the refueling aircraft which would permit such a strike.

    There is also much evidence emerging that Iranian F4 aircraft have not been involved in attacks against IS; the Al-Jazeera analysis of the type of aircraft they saw is very probably wrong.

    The next Israeli Prime Minister will be the one whom God selects, not the White House.

  26. Rhonda,

    I have steered clear so far of actually identifying the coming man of sin, the son of destruction.

    You comment does that quite explicitly, so I have to hold it in the moderation folder because there's a good chance that by publishing it a visit by real-world MiB would occur and I'm not in need of that at this time.

    I understand your passion here, even though I disagree with your conclusion. This man will be of a specific bloodline in order to mimic the true Messiah.

  27. Russia just boosted its military alliance with the Sudan. Russia already established their military alliance with Ethiopia and Libya a few months ago. All Gog/Magog nations are militarily coming together.

  28. Russia-Sudan: "Russia plans to strengthen its military ties with Khartoum, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday during a visit to internationally isolated and sanctions-hit Sudan.

    “We have a project and a plan to develop military cooperation in a way that will not disturb the balance of power in the region,” Lavrov said at a news conference after meeting his Sudanese counterpart Ali Karti."


    This is not a "military alliance." It is an attempt to raise military cooperation between the two countries. It will likely involve Russian arms transfers paid for with Sudanese oil.

    The Sudanese military is an inept and combat ineffective force degraded by decades of civil war.
    About the same situation as Libya finds itself in and Iran will soon find itself in.

  29. Sean,

    What can you tell us about the reported Israeli bombings in Syria today?

    Is this in any way related to Iran?


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