Friday, May 1, 2015

Global SITREP B9-15:Israel's Final Call

Update 1 May 2015:  When someone speaks the truth, it should be acknowledged. This is what VP Joe Biden did when he tactfully spoke the truth about PM Netanyahu's comment that the P5+1 framework would "pave Iran's way to the bomb."  Iran does not need to P5+1 to pave its way to a nuclear weapon; it has done that over the course of more than decade of indigenous technological development and assistance from other state and non-state proliferates of nuclear-related technologies. Bibi's statement was pure political theater in my opinion, too little and too late by at least a decade.

There is truth in one other thing VP Biden had to say last night at the annual dinner of the Washington Institute of Near East Policy. That truth is that Iran is just days away from construction of at least 8 nuclear weapons. That means Iran, given its Shi'a Twelver-driven agenda, does not need a final P5+1 final agreement to achieve its objective; that whole negotiation strategy was just a delaying tactic, a deliberate ruse, to keep Israel and the US from interfering by military means against its quest to manufacture weapons in its own nuclear laboratories. It has worked flawlessly as we can now all see.

So, with the P5+1 framework and June final agreement deadline having no real meaning for apocalyptic Iran, Israel's final warning has to translate into Israel's urgent action - unless it is also willing to accept a nuclear-armed Iran as the Obama Administration has clearly accepted it.

17 April 2015:  We should have seen this coming, and subconsciously I think we all did expect it to happen. Barack Hussein Obama is now saying he accepts the Senate Foreign Relations Committee vote as only regarding sanctions on Iran, but not having any effect on the P5+1 negotiation agreement itself.  So, the unconstitutional usurpation of power by this administration will continue until it is forced to leave office in January 2017 or the Congress grows a backbone and defends those powers our founding fathers saw fit to delegate to it. 

Imagine, a front-burner Constitutional crisis being deliberately created at this time with all the other emergent threats rising precipitously around the world.

15 April 2015: The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously, 19 to 0, to approve Congressional oversight of the Obama Administration's efforts in the P5+1 Iran nuclear negotiations. The full Senate vote will be near unanimous. For once Obama caved-in to the good guys, and as a result Israeli PM Netanyahu won a political victory here in the US due to his speech before Congress in early March. 

Obama caved and will sign the Congressional oversight bill because his threatened veto against it would have been immediately shot down in flames by a near unanimous full Congressional vote to override. The 'lame duck' and roll-back season of the sun-setting Obama presidency has effectively just begun. 

However, this may all be just so much window dressing due to the impossibility of Barack Hussein Obama getting the Iranian Twelver Ayatollah to agree in a written and signed final agreement to allow unrestrained inspections of its nuclear sites under IRGC military control. That is the major show stopper in the final push of the P5+1 between now and June to ink a deal. This will also buy Israel a couple of extra weeks in holding off on a strike until the talks have fully collapsed over this issue.

7 April 2015: It would seem, if the current reading of the OSINT tea leaves floating out of Jerusalem is correct, that PM Netanyahu may have offered President Obama a willingness for Israel to accept the interim JCPOA in exchange for a legally binding Iranian pledge to accept Israel's right to exist. Not only did Iran immediately reject the Israeli offer, but so did President Obama reject it out of hand.

With that water now long gone from under the bridge of no return, the next and likely final benchmark will come a week from today when the Senate Foreign relations Committee will vote on whether the final P5+1 agreement with Iran due in mid-June must be confirmed by a vote of the U.S. Congress. Given the very recent admissions by both Obama and the Iranians that the P5+1 final agreement will result in Iranian possession of nuclear weapons a Congressional approval would appear to be dead on arrival, or made a moot point by an Israeli military preemption.

Both the U.S. Congress and the Israeli government could be declared certifiably suicidal to accept any agreement which grants the apocalyptic Twelvers of Iran possession of a nuclear weapon. Therefore, it would seem that Obama's attempt, despite all of his campaign pledges to the contrary, to kick the Iranian nuclear can down the road for another U.S. President and Prime Minister of Israel to deal with, is easily forecast as a world-class whiff.

3 April 2015: At this time it might be useful to review the history of the Iranian nuclear issue from 2003 to the present. 

In May 2003 the US was flush with having just vanquished the murderous Ba'athist regime of Saddam Hussein. It was in this same month that Iran, fully surrounded by US and NATO combat forces on its eastern and western borders and maintaining unprecedented and absolute military control of the Persian Gulf to Iran's south and the whole of the Middle East, began to send feelers out to the US about negotiations over its nuclear program. It was a ruse then just as it is a ruse now. President George W. Bush saw the ruse for what it was and rejected Iranian overtures because none of them addressed the issue of Iran's drive to obtain nuclear weaponry. 

The EU3 (France, the UK and Germany) began making their own proposals in 2004-05, and they were joined by the US, Russia and China in 2005 to create the P5+1 group that we have today. The UN Security Council (the IAEA) was also involved with Iran separately on nuclear issues, but also in concert with the P5+1 regarding sanctions and the demand which has never been met that Iran halt uranium enrichment and the reprocessing of spent fuel. 

In May of this year a full ten years of UN and P5+1 negotiations have yielded nothing in the way of an agreement by Iran to halt its drive for nuclear weaponry - the one thing the Shi'a Twelver regime in Tehran knows it needs to attack Israel and to create the chaos necessary to hasten an apocalypse for the sake of their nonexistent al-Mahdi figure. This has occurred despite severe economic sanctions and a total of six UN Security Council Resolutions.

What these past ten years have produced is a virtual library's worth of meaningless proposals and counter-proposals, all the while when Iranian nuclear weapons infrastructure continued to grow, and expand and, intermittently, some previously hidden and undeclared nuclear sites became exposed by Iranian opposition groups while negotiations continued, as did Western and Israeli covert actions such as Stuxnet, sabotage and assassinations of key Iranian nuclear scientists in order to harass Iran's progress towards an indigenous nuclear weapon. It is a war that will lead to bigger wars, and rumors of wars.

And we now know that Iran had a three-rail track to nuclear capability: it's indigenous overt nuclear sites, its indigenous covert nuclear sites and its covert sites in North Korea which have produced one or more working nuclear weapon designs which have been tested three times: October 2006, May 2009 and most recently in February 2013. And in all of this the issue of Iranian medium, intermediate and intercontinental ballistic advancement has never been addressed in parallel with the nuclear weapons issue.

And that brings me back to Jeremiah 49:34-39. Iran already has the arrows upon which to place their arrowheads, but it is the bow which fires the arrow that is the initial and critical subject matter of Jeremiah's five verse prophecy. I don't know with any specificity how it will happen, but God is going to break Iran's bow before it can fire an arrow. I believe that appointed time is upon us. That's all there is to it. 

And then, as a result a likely rapid-fire sequence of of other prophetic events will follow in Lebanon, Syria and Israel, and ultimately Psalm 83 and its parallel prophecies. This we know as the "flood" of prophetic fulfillment. Let us meet these events head-on in prayer to our Lord.

2 April 2015: The global corporate media has been awash today with beaming headlines and hundreds of words of text about what came out of Lausanne, Switzerland in the P5+1 negotiation with the Islamic Republic of Iran. What came out of the negotiations is known by the acronym JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action). 

Yet in all of the hundreds of words of corporate media text applied to this so-called "framework" agreement, which is to pave the way to a final agreement in June we are assured, there is not one sentence pointing out a single article of negotiated agreement between the P5+1 and Iran. That means the key points within this "framework" are made of nothing more substantial than what any good diplomat would describe as a pasture fresh cow-pie, and that I will describe as a catalyst for biblical prophetic fulfillment.

However, there is one statement within the JCPOA which is quite revealing and might be cause for a show-stopper military preemption. That statement acknowledges that as of today Iran's timeline to breakout with enough fissile HEU for the production of their first home-made nuclear weapon is 2 to 3 months. Therefore, Iran could construct its first home-made nuclear weapon before the claimed final agreement is achieved in June. I have little doubt that Israel has been fully aware of this now publicly revealed fact for some time.

1 April 2015: Here below is the text of what I believe is PM Bibi Netanyahu's final call to the international community regarding the Iranian nuclear program. This call was an official statement made inside the Prime Minister's Office.

"Yesterday an Iranian general brazenly declared and I quote: ‘Israel’s destruction is non-negotiable’, but evidently giving Iran’s murderous regime a clear path to the bomb is negotiable. This is unconscionable. I agree with those who have said that Iran’s claim that its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes doesn’t square with Iran’s insistence on keeping underground nuclear facilities, advanced centrifuges and a heavy water reactor. Nor does it square with Iran’s insistence on developing ICBMs and its refusal to come clean with the IAEA on its past weaponization efforts. At the same time, Iran is accelerating its campaign of terror, subjugation and conquest throughout the region, most recently in Yemen.

The concessions offered to Iran in Lausanne would ensure a bad deal that would endanger Israel, the Middle East and the peace of the world. Now is the time for the international community to insist on a better deal. A better deal would significantly roll back Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. A better deal would link the eventual lifting of the restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program to a change in Iran’s behavior. Iran must stop its aggression in the region, stop its terrorism throughout the world and stop its threats to annihilate Israel. That should be non-negotiable and that’s the deal that the world powers must insist upon. Thank you."
Now we will all wait for what I believe will be a relatively brief interval of time for the international community to act. Failing that, I believe the military option will be the next order of business because Israel's continued existence is non-negotiable.


  1. Sean, I have been reading your articles for quite some time and appreciate your military expertise, a long with prophecies. My questions is, do you think that Israel will have to do a preemptive strike against the Psalm 83 nations, or will it be a defensive strike after those nations come against Israel? Is there Bible scripture that addresses a preemptive strike for Psalm 83 nations?

  2. In the past this administration has leaked Israel's plans to protect themselves, hopefully Israel has learned from the past.
    We know that God is their shield, it will be a very interesting couple of months.

  3. Mark,

    It goes almost without saying that anything PM Netanyahu says in modern Hebrew is intended solely for ears in Israel, for domestic consumption and understanding. That means its use is limited to about 5 or 6 million people living in Israel.

    English is the lingua franca, the modern-day Sabir language for the Mediterranean region; it is the language for communicating issues of global importance, such as from the podium of the U.N. or of the Congress of the United States of America.

    By making this statement in English from within the office of his authority Israel's PM Netanyahu was directly and instantly communicating to the national leader and the people of every nation on the earth, or the better part of 7 billion people.

  4. GFD/TN,

    It is my understanding of Psalm 83 and the directly related prophecies of Deuteronomy 30:7, Isaiah 11:11-14 and Ezekiel 28:24-26 that these are all speaking of a Divinely-ordained military response to an Arab confederation coming against Israel.

    Sppecifically: the armies of Israel will act physically and the hand of God will act spiritually against these enemies, and those who survive will recognize the God of Israel.

  5. jmoll106,

    Israel will provide advance notification of a strike against Iran to only one nation - Saudi Arabia.

    Israel will do this via a pre-arranged signal to the Saudi's so that its Air Defense network will stand down while Israel's air force crosses on the outbound leg.

  6. I think it is important to note that the top four SITREPs: B5-15, B6-15, B8-15 and B9-15 are all inter-related prophetically and are all ongoing military situations in which any of the four could result in an exchange of nuclear weaponry on a regional or global theater of operations.

    Pray for the Harpazo, but also calmly and quickly prepare in your home for a worst case scenario as if a major natural disaster were about to occur where you live. You know the drill.

  7. It's a shame according to news reports, Our leader is saying it's a good deal and Iran is saying he's lying, and the american people don't know who to believe.

  8. The vast majority of the US media have now completely lost it, haven't they?

    I'd love to know how much of the American population realizes the true nature of what happened today, and how many have their heads in the sand.

  9. Off topic, but here is proof that Walid Shoebat bashes other peoples book anonymously on Amazon and writes glowing reviews of his own books. What an insecure loser:

  10. jmoll106,

    Indeed! Iran's government, as a Shi'a Sect Muslim hater of all things non-Islamic, immediately went into overdrive and full-afterburners bashing the Obama WH and State Department for spinning what is in reality a massive cow pie into a super deluxe banana split with cherries on top fit for American public consumption. Even the Iranian's know that this disgusting concoction will not pass the American public's smell test.


    The corporate media have been openly (pardon the puns) "out of the closet" and "in the bag" for the totalitarian political Left in this country since at least 1979, so this is not something recently and (pardon the pun again) collectively "lost." American's on the whole were relatively naive about the Left as an existential threat to our way of life until our government sought alliance with the Stalinist Soviet Union as the lesser of two evils during WWII. The entire decade of the 1950s saw the corporate media gradually devolve into hardcore, agenda driven Leftists, and this only increased during the Vietnam era of the 60s and early 70's. Then came Reagan. The "great communicator" got the American people to see the facts of the matter, and before that 1980s decade was over the Soviet Union was crushed.

    Today, the ratio you're looking for has been reflected in the election of November 2014 and the rejection of Obama's brand of Leftist resurgence. Conservatives and Christians are the political backbone of where We The People are today in America. Enjoy it while we're here.


    Yes, 6 years ago - coincidental to the time when this blog was created in 2009 - Ms. Vargas, a/k/a Mr. Shoebat, was very busy doing her/his best over the course of a few days in February of that year to pump up book sales at the expense of truly Spirit-driven authors. This was something I am sure Jesus appreciated and took special note of. He fooled no one.

  11. Hi Everyone,
    I'm reading and watching and know that Obama is lying about the deal with Iran. Could someone tell me more specially what we are witnessing prophetically, especially what came out yesterday, when the liars said they had a deal.
    The posts yesterday were quite alarming. Does everyone think the next thing to happen is Israel striking Iran? A war from Hezbollah in Lebanon into Israel seems likely too. What about Yemen? Basically Psalm 83 starting huh? Please answer not assuming I know anything, that helps me fill in what things I don't already know. ha ha trying to keep things lite in a very dark time. Remember we do not belong here, we are strangers here and belong in heaven with the Lord. There will be peace only on the other side of this life. Have a joyful Easter.

  12. Hi Rhonda,

    There's nothing in this P5+1 nuclear negotiation with Iran that is specifically mentioned in Bible prophecy.

    However, Iran's closeness to achieving a home-made nuclear weapon has been clearly aided and abetted by the negotiations. The end result of it is an Iranian nuclear weapon, and that is something neither Israel or the Sunni Arab nations can abide with.

    Therefore, the conclusion is that the negotiation is serving as a catalyst, a casus belli, for preemptive military action against Iran to prevent their constructing a nuclear weapon.

    The military action would constitute the beginning of the process for the literal fulfillment of Jeremiah 49:34-39. The end of the process would be the literal fulfillment of Ezekiel 38/39.

  13. mark3210,

    The JCPOA is a great big nothing. A great big Zero. I think this has been made crystal clear.

    The JCPOA is a framework, not an agreement on anything significant with respect to the Iranian nuclear weapons program.

    No agreement means Iran has no commitments to keep regarding its nuclear program.

    It has a free hand to continue doing what it has been doing all along - enriching UF6 into fissile material for a nuclear weapon - which is now acknowledged to be just 2 to 3 months away.

    None of this has anything to do with an irrelevant four minute and some-odd second long blood moon tomorrow.

    However, the JCPOA has everything to do with the urgent necessity for a military preemption of Iran's nuclear weapons program.

  14. Israel has shown time and again that they are careful not to harm civilians.
    They care for their enemies when their injured.
    They send aid during disasters.
    Since Jeremiah says Iran will be scattered to the four winds it must mean their alive.
    Seems to me an EMP would allow for that and allow for Iran to join Ezekiel 38/39.
    Just a thought this morning as I was thinking about how the disciples felt while Jesus was in the tomb. Jesus told them everything but they were slow to believe. We should not be slow to believe all that the scriptures say.
    Thanks Sean for all the Bible lessons. You spur us on to study.
    Our resurrection day approaches.

  15. Sean,

    One thing that is hard to remember, but crucial, is that Iran is made up of more than just the Twelvers. There are thousands of Born Again Believers in Iran and it is my prayer that they will be the ones who are scattered to the 4 winds.

    My daughter almost married a very decent and truly Persian young man a few years ago and talking with him about the Lord was one of the most pleasant and blessed conversations ever. His love for the Lord was genuine and his search to know more and more about our Heavenly Father was unmatched anywhere I have ever travelled.

    So just like all of us in the United States of America, there is a huge difference between Leadership and citizens of any nation and I truly believe that God loves them fiercely just as He does us. I can only imagine the danger that exists for those who do not share the same agenda of the current leadership in Iran and pray that God will have mercy on all of us here in the USA so that either one of two things happen:
    1. That our current President is truly converted to a REALITY of JESUS CHRIST. Kinda like the one that Saul experienced on the Road to Damascus

    2. That 2016 will actually bring in another opportunity to change the direction of this nation and the end of Obama Rampage.


  16. Indeed I found it both stunning and infuriating how quickly and flippantly BHO dismissed Israel's call for the right to exist.

    I suppose if Congress wants to they could vote on the Iran legislation shortly after the committee vote, but considering the new Congress has already had 3 months and they still haven't taken any votes, I'm not holding my breath.

  17. GG5,

    It is our brethren in Iran who are the recipient of our utmost concern and prayers for the Lord's protection if the apparently certain military preemption should occur prior to the Harpazo.


  18. This is probably one of those "well duh" statements but I think Netanyahu offered the willingness to accept the solution knowing full well that Iran would never agree. Netanyahu did everything he could possibly do to avert a war.
    Now comes the big question, will Netanyahu wait till June to take out Iran's nuclear facilities or will they be taken out before then? Personally, I think it'll still be months out. We'll see

  19. Sean,

    Yes, Maranatha and until then, we all have much to do and the most weapon is still our prayers. Today, when a major situation in my family came to the forefront, I could Him say "Hold fast, stand firm and keep the FAITH". Satan knows his time is growing very short but he doesn't really know how short. Until we are taken out of here, we have powerful and continuous weapons for our warfare and I believe without a doubt we all, Christians that is, will become more and more acutely aware of just how power packed those weapons really are.

    Looking forward to the new updates and we all probably would be very surprised at just how fast the crescendo has increased, even as we now converse.

    Shalom my brother and by the way, something that has been happening for the past 10 or so days, every morning, is the word Shushan and I have no idea what it means. I have dug until my poor brain is saturated but felt I should mention it to you and see if it hits a pitch fork response.


  20. GG5,

    Shushan is the Hebrew form of the word Susa... the very ancient capital city of Elam (also known as Susiana).

    It's the city on the bank of the Ulai River where Daniel the prophet lived was visited by the angel Gabriel in Chapter 8.

    Shushan was also the capital of the Persian Empire when Cyrus the Great reigned, and the site of the first time Israel miraculously escaped a planned extermination in the Book of Esther.

    Shushan's ruins are today are about 15 miles southeast from Dezful, Iran.

  21. Sean,

    Is there a Nuclear Missile bunker in Shushan by any chance? I found some of the information you shared but not all of it and it really is a city of ancient idol worship.

    Plus, it was the capital of ancient Elam and that is what struck me the most.

    The reason I asked is the urgency that seemed to be attached to the name. That lead me to ponder if it could be somehow connected to our present age. Of course, that make me wonder about the Bow you mentioned in your article. The bowmen of Elam were noted for their great ability and strength with their ancient weapons but a bow is also something that can create a projectile of war to bring about destruction and you already know that.

    But Susa is also the very place that Haman met his death due to his campaign against the Jews of that age and, well you can imagine what is going through my mind with that tidbit.


  22. GG5,

    More info:

    1.) Shushan's ruins are quite near the major Iranian city to the south at Ahvaz in Khuzestan Province. Khuzestan is largely ethnic Arab, and they are treated very badly by the regime in Tehran. This past weekend (3 April) significant anti-regime protesting occurred in in this area.

    2.) Since 2008 this has been the site of an underground IRGC nuclear weapons research site known as Zargan in Persian, and Zarqan in Arabic.

  23. Sean,

    I think I have my answer now and many and much thanks to your storehouse of information. I will be praying as the Holy Spirit leads me in this regards because the burden is still there and we know what that means.

    It is a beautiful day here and I am hoping that sunshine, blue skies and a new hope will spring eternal for all who come here. Great Shalom everyone


  24. GG, really enjoy your posts and Sean, THX as always for your study. I have kept up with the Blog and fully realize that our time is short, within a few years - max. It's disconcerting though that only one of my Christian friends, out of 20 or so...really grasps this. Strange, to me.
    Then, I learned that my fmr Pastor has been teaching universalism and that there's only one destiny-heaven. Boy the last days are a wild ride, aren't they?

  25. Scipio,

    I agree with your 1-in-20 polling data; it has come to my attention also that so many profess, but so few truly believe in the imminent fulfillment of 'last days' prophecy. Very sad.

    The level of apostasia increases daily.

  26. It is such a shame. I pray the Holy Spirit would shake the church out of her slumber.

  27. Scipio,

    I truly enjoy the fellowship and sharing that Sean has established for all of us and I am glad that I could give you some enjoyment with my comments.

    I truly do take God's word very seriously and for the life of me, cannot understand the indifference that I come face to face with when it comes to God's word and also to the times we are living in.

    I have promised this year not to get so worked up about the elections and the screaming liberals with a very limited vocabulary but I will have to hog tie my hands, duct tape my mouth and put my Walkman ear plugs in every morning and turn the volume up as high as I can stand so I won't be bomb barded with the junk my hubby insists on listening to.

    In the meantime, we have to keep our prayers of intercession going for all of those who are really facing very dangerous and evil threats.

    Remember, God said in HIS word that judgment begins at the Altar and I believe it includes all of us who are lazing around and not about our Father's business.


  28. Sean,

    Can this be verification of what you posted earlier about N. Korea?

    Forgot how to Tag so will just post the URL


  29. Just following all of the public statements this week by Israeli cabinet officials, it really feels to me like a prosecution making its closing arguments.

  30. There was a color pic yesterday in the WSJ paper showing Tsipras and Putin together after their meeting. Nothing significant reported but I thought an interesting potential future glimpse of 2 evil powers.

  31. I'm deliberately being quiet of late simply because there is no reason for me to engage in chit-chat while Israel's PM and his Cabinet are in intensive discussions regarding "a military response to the JCPOA framework."

  32. I think it would be interesting to know where regular commentators of this blog live.

    I live in Geneva, Switzerland. Close to Lausanne where the so-called negotiations between P5+1 and Iran took place a few days ago.

    At some point, earlier this year, US Secretary of State Kerry and Iranian FM Javad Zarif met several times in Geneva as well. There was heavy security deployment in the city center and it was a complete mess when Kerry came in downtown Geneva to buy a box of chocolates and cigars. Huge convoy of police cars and black limos.

  33. Other eschatology sites are equally as quiet as you Sean, as if we're waiting for something? Hmm...


  34. Sean,
    The article below shows how alone Israel is today. When the President of the USA has info that could cause the demise of an Allie and keeps it hidden to help the enemy is treasonous in my opinion.

  35. Sean,
    Reminds me of the Quiet on the Eastern Front story of many years ago. But the thought that comes to mind of the past 2 years is "wasted time and money but what really hidden agenda was it covering up?".

    I don't trust anything about this administration and yet I perfectly know that nothing is escaping our Heavenly Radar and God is forever on HIS THRONE!


  36. jmoll106,

    Barack Hussein Obama II (and his Administration, to include the State Department) has never, ever been an ally of Israel or of the Jewish people like the vast majority of the American people have been. Our Congress is proof of this.

    For that matter, he is neither beneficial to the American people or our Republic. So why our senior military brass (except for generals and admirals whom Obama has not purged enmass from our armed forces since 2011) do not execute their sworn oaths is beyond me to explain.

    The Administration of President George W. Bush had specifically warned the North Koreans against transfers like these. The thing is, as I have related in another SITREP, North Korea's transferring these kinds of rocket components belies the fact that they could also ship a working nuclear warhead, or two, or three or more, that is missing only the fissile core.

    Nevertheless, our God is in total control; His will is being done.

  37. GG5,

    It's the same agenda as will be executed by the Antichrist at the middle of the 70th Week.

    It's an agenda which will cause the direct intervention of God, the end of human rule on planet Earth and the establishment of His Kingdom, as was foretold thousands of years ago in Daniel 2.

  38. NG,

    Most of the regular commenters here live in the USA.

    As for the Kerry entourage causing downtown gridlock in Geneva, the same thing happens in New York City when any of a hundred different visiting foreign delegations from other countries, or our own VIPs come to speak at the UN.

    It's a normal occurrence in any large urban city with narrow streets, but especially New York City, Manhattan island in particular.

    And most especially we have problems with the thousands of cars that have foreign diplomatic license plates on them routinely behaving like scofflaws getting around laws that would put American citizens in jail or empty their wallets. These foreign diplomats are exempt from our laws due to the "diplomatic immunity" law.

    It's just something we have to learn to live with.

  39. Of course the Iran talks have taken place in many different cities, with Geneva and Vienna being by far the most frequent.

    Speaking of UN delegations, I'm reminded of Iran's delegation which peaked at 140 members in 2012 (they actually requested 160 visas and the US denied 20).

    The sheer size of that delegation reveals the extent of Iran's lobbying efforts here in the US.

  40. mark,

    I assure you they are NOT here to lobby.

  41. I was thinking even as I wrote that I might've been using the wrong word.

    Any thoughts on the possible death of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri? He evaded death / capture for so many years now that it comes as a big surprise to me if it is indeed confirmed.

  42. General Izzat al-Douri's continued life or possible death is not relevant to anything, with the lone exception of illustrating the absolute preciseness of Bible prophecy as seen in Asaph's inspired Psalm 83, in particular verse 8 where Asshur equates to modern-day Iraq and Jordan.

  43. Gotta get this "on the record."

    I do not believe General Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri was killed in battle against Iranian-backed militia.

    His red-beard had the look of something spray-painted, and their is no logical reason for his corpse to have been handed over by his troops to the hated Shi'a enemy to parade around in a glass coffin.

    This is not passing the 'smell test' and we can probably count the days until the Iranian-backed regime in Baghdad announces his death yet again. General Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri is a virtual Ba'athist Phoenix.

  44. Sean,
    Here we go again, Brietbart has an article stating the U.S. had orders back in 2014 to shoot down any IDF planes attempting to take out Iran's nuclear facilities and now were sending our warships not to protect a merchant ship that's been highjacked but basically protect Iran. Where is our congress?
    I'm thankful God is in control. ( It still makes my blood pressure go up.)

  45. Indeed Sean,

    It's rather amazing to me how quickly the WH has flipped from claiming Iran was still over a year away to Biden's current statements.

    They are now straight up acknowledging that their entire policy has failed!

  46. I see that Netanyahu also addressed the Washington Institute yesterday.

    Worth watching for anyone who hasn't already seen it.

  47. There is nothing in the video message from PM Netanyahu to the Washington Institute that has not been clearly stated previously by him in other venues.

    It is just a reiteration of Israel's 'Last Call' and was clearly recorded for this occasion prior to VP Biden's address.

  48. Sean,

    Should I be angry that apparently the Senate will pass the Iran bill after only taking 2 amendment votes and the Democrats refusal to vote on the Israel right to exist amendment?

    Or is all of this academic, because nothing Congress does at this point is going to effect the timing of Jeremiah 49?

  49. mark3210,

    No, do not be angry, that is just so much wasted energy you could be directing in other more beneficial directions.

    Overt anger over secular, earthly issues also flies in the face of the fact that God is in complete control; His will is being done to bring about the earthly, 1,000-year Kingdom of His Son, our Savior.

    So, the best and most advisable course of action is to leave it with God; do what you can do for constructive purposes, and point out to others how all of this points to the near term fulfillment of Bible prophecy and Jesus second coming.

    The purpose of prophecy is to convince the otherwise unconvinced that God is who He says He is, and He will soon be sending His Son so that we may be caught up and secured in His presence from the disastrous times ahead. He wants to take off this Earth as many as will accept Him in the short time that remains.

    Evangelize and Marana'tha!


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