Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Global SITREP C2-16: Israel Takes a Big Step Towards the "Covenant Among Many"

18 May 2016: This is too important of a subject to be just an update added to the bottom of the previous SITREP. This subject is of an importance which is ultimately prophetic to an incredible degree as the passage of time will surely make very clear.  

Upon the approval of the North Atlantic Council, on Wednesday, 4 May 2016 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg extended an offer to the State of Israel to establish an Israel Mission Office at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. Israeli Prime Minister accepted the offer yesterday during a phone call to Stoltenberg and then invited him to come visit Israel. Ambassador David Walzer, Israel's current Ambassador to the European Union (established June 2000), will now become the Israeli Chief of Mission to NATO.

Also, joining Israel in establishing Mission Offices in the NATO Headquarters are a quintuplet of Sunni Arab nations: Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain. (Sheba and Dedan, anyone?)  The invitation to Israel was extended by the unanimous consent of the NATO ministers, and which included the NATO minister from Turkey. This is a major step forward towards bringing Israel into the NATO military alliance which will also, eventually, include the four Arab nations seen in close alliance with the "merchants of Tarshish and all the young lions thereof" spoken by the prophet Ezekiel. The past is prologue to the future.

Israel's process of inclusion into the NATO alliance began in 1994 when the North Atlantic Council created the Mediterranean Dialogue which is composed of six non-NATO countries of the Mediterranean region: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia, plus Mauritania in the heart of West Africa. The purpose of the Dialogue is for stability and security. More recently the nations of NATO and the Dialogue have been referred to as NATO+7. Military cooperation and coordination constitute 85% of the activity engaged in, making the NATO+7 essentially a military precursor to full integration into the NATO alliance. Opening a Mission in NATO's Brussels HQ is, again, a major step in that direction.

I cannot think of a single 'last days' prophecy from this point forward where there is not some significant aspect involved either prior to or during the 70th Week. Most important of the significant prophetic aspects, I believe, is the "confirming of the covenant among many" which initiates the 70th Week. This is truly a goose bumps breaking news story, with some serious 'past is prologue' implications as well. 


  1. Quick question, and forgive me if it's a dumb one. Where does Greece fit into all of this? I'm looking for Greece to play an increasing role in all this.

  2. I always figured it was going to be the United Nations that Israel made a covenant
    with, especially after learning Obama wants the Secretary General post there. Interesting. The flood is rising.

  3. Sean, To have a unanimous consent to invite Israel is extremely interesting to hear. Usually they are being oppossed. This is worth watching.

  4. This is yet another "Wow" in the prophetic scenario. None of my friends (and I've given them this Blog's url!) or the Pastors I listen to on podcasts are aware or preaching on the nuances. Strange, but keep it coming Sean!

  5. At present, NATO has 28 members. In 1949, there were 12 founding members of the Alliance: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States. The other member countries are: Greece and Turkey (1952), Germany (1955), Spain (1982), the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland (1999), Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia (2004), and Albania and Croatia (2009).

  6. WOW!

    There you go!

    Ezekiel 38
    13 Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all its villages will say to you, ‘Have you come to capture spoil? Have you assembled your company to seize plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to capture great spoil?

    It's awe inspiring! I have wondered as well as listened to others wonder why these listed would stand by as Israel gets attacked... Well it's because they are part of an alliance with Israel! "friends"

    Is there a mirror in the response NATO gave Ukraine as Vlad has run amok in that "friends" land?

    Goose bumps indeed Sean!

    Ken B

  7. As Rhonda noted in her comment, a great many are under the incorrect impression (or actual teaching) that world government or the UN will be the institution for the "covenant among many" that Antichrist will confirm (thus revealing himself as the Antichrist 3 1/2 years (42 months) prior to the Abomination of Desolation (the AoD, for short) at the mid-70th week point.

    Peace treaties (covenants) of this type are guaranteed through military alliances. In ancient times they occurred between empires. As we know from prophetic Scripture the 'last days' empires are alliances of individual nations (i.e. for example, the "kings of the East" or Gog of Magog and his military alliance identified by Ezekiel.

    Well, as recently illustrated in this blog, NATO is the military alliance of the West, it is the military arm of the fourth and final empire of Nebuchadnezzar's vision interpreted by Daniel and confirmed by the angel Gabriel in subsequent chapters of the Book of Daniel. NATO is ancient Greece/Rome in these last days.

    Now look very closely again at Daniel 11:40-45 and the war which is occurring in the text. Notice who the Antichrist's (the West's) enemies are. Notice it is here that his armies enter, overwhelm and pass through many countries (verse 40) after they attack him.

    And a very special note MUST be paid to verse 41. Just as Antiochus IV Epiphanes did what he did in Israel, Jerusalem and the 2nd Temple after being turned away by Rome in 168-67 BC, so too will the Antichrist betray and turn-upon Israel as a part of the "covenant among many" in the middle of the 70th Week.

    The halting of Temple worship, the cessation of the daily sacrifice, and the desecration of the AoD can be seen right here in Daniel 11:41.

  8. hartdawg,

    You asked about Greece.

    Greece, along with Cyprus (which is half-Greek),is already allied with Israel in a 3-nation alliance as discussed this past February in Global SITREP A6-16: A New Mediterranean Alliance.

    Greece and Turkey joined NATO together in 1952. The original 10 member European nations which created the alliance in 1949 (1 year after Israel's rebirth, were: (alphabetically) Belgium, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. The USA and Canada were the North American original 1949 members.

    These alliances are all leading to the same destination; they are a high-speed, one-way thoroughfare which Eschatology Today has for the past 7 years referred specifically to as The Prophetic Road to Revelation.

  9. Hey Sean,
    Who is the king of the South in the verses you highlighted? Thanks,


  10. Historically, the king of the north was Syria and the king of the south was Egypt if I understand correctly, but prophetically, these 2 Kings will be much broader than Egypt and Syria. That's what I always been taught anyway, not sure if that's accurate, been mistaught in many areas as a lot of people have

  11. Lance,

    Wow, am I ever glad you asked this question! It shows that attention is being paid to the eschatological effort going on here!

    In Gabriel's giving of the prophecy to Daniel, the 'king of the south' is a direct reference to Hellenized Egypt ruled by a long lineage of kings begun by Alexander the Great's diadochi (military general and Macedonian nobleman) Ptolemy I Soter.

    The Historical Record

    Ptolemy I Soter lived from 386 to 282 BC. He was the originator of the Ptolemaic Dynasty which ruled Egypt for many centuries after and out of that part of the division of Alexander's Empire after his death in 323 BC. The official Macedonian-Greek name for Egypt during this empire's era was Ptolemaios. Towards the end of the dynasty the Ptolemaic rulers, such as the infamous Ptolemy XIII (Macedonian-Greek), his older sister Cleopatra VII Philopator (Macedonian Greek), Julius Caesar and Mark Antony(both Romans), had to align themselves with Rome and were eventually thereafter turned into a province of Rome upon Cleopatra's death (suicide by cobra venom) after her and Mark Antony's combined forces were defeated in the Battle of Actium circa 31-30 BC by Octavian.

    Egypt remained a province of the Roman Empire for nearly 800 years, from 30 BC until the Islamic conquest that came out of Arabia between 639 and 746 AD. Egypt has been under islamic rule, more or less ever since.

    Prophetically, Egypt has always been is still the 'king of the south' irregardless if it was under Macedonian-Greek, Roman or islamic domination. This is where Isaiah 19 prophetically comes into play - jihadists apparently will win the ongoing civil war/strife in Egypt. In Daniel 11:40-45, which is the 70th Week, they will attack Antichrist's kingdom, and he will crush them, and Libya thoroughly.

  12. hartdawg,

    Historically and in absolute fulfillment of Gabriel's prophecy to Daniel, both the king of the north (the Seleucid Empire) and the king of the south (the Ptolemaic Empire) were dynastic realms of Macedonian-Greek kings.

    Both eventually were taken over directly by the Roman Empire. The past is prologue. These former kingdoms will again come under the rule of the Western Antichrist during the 70th Week. This is what Daniel 11:40-45 is telling us.

    "Syria" did not exist until the Roman Empire gave it that name in the first century BC. 64 BC to be precise, or to put it another way, about one generation prior to Jesus birth. According to the Bible the people of this land were always referred to as Arameans, descendants of Shem, Semites, and they spoke the same language as Jesus did, which was Aramaic.

    After the fulfillment of Gabriel's prophecy (Daniel 9:26 in 66-73 AD) which occurred during the generation of Jesus' time on the Earth, the Romans also re-named Israel and Judea as "Palaestina". In 135 AD the Roman Empire re-named it again as "Syria Palaestina."

    Incidentally, Gabriel's prophecy to Daniel about Israel's 70 Weeks is the only Old Testament prophecy which refers of the Messiah as the Messiah. A sign of this prophecy's paramount importance for the 'last days' is that is is smack dab in the middle of the 'end times' prophetic narrative given by Gabriel that we read from Daniel 8 continuously through to Daniel 11.

    I have written about this before, several times in fact, but the eschatological teaching that a lot of what folks have been given for many, many decades previous to the present time (even when the Book of Daniel's prophetic context was not fully understood as it is today), those teachings continue to hold undue sway. For example, even the great theologian John Wesley partially interpreted the concluding verses of Daniel 11 incorrectly because the Holy Spirit still had the book sealed in his day.

    The Book of Daniel has been unsealed in these last days by the Holy Spirit (since Israel's re-birth as a nation in 1948).

  13. By the way... the ancient Macedonian-Greek royals, beginning with Philip and continuing with Alexander, were utterly convinced of their superiority as a nation, as a culture and militarily because they devoutly believed in a pantheon of (false) gods, the chief of which was Zeus of Olympus (who was actually Lucifer, Satan), and whom they believed guided them in every endeavor or conquest.

    This continued until Antiochus IV Epiphanes who, upon becoming king of the Seleucid Empire, changed his given name from 'Mithridates' to 'Epiphanes' (god manifest) because he believed he was Zeus of Olympus manifest in a human body. The truth was that he possessed by a demonic spirit. The Bible refers to this demonic spirit being as Abaddon/Apollyon.

    He'll be released upon this world again during the 70th Week.

    Rome adopted this same (false) god as their own chief god, but renamed him as Jupiter Olympus.

    So that I'm very clear on this, this is the very same false god (i.e. demonic spirit being) of the ancient Macedonian-Greeks and Romans who is also identified as the 'god of fortresses' in the Bible's prophetic Scripture that we find again in Daniel 11:38 who empowers the Antichrist.

    One more time ... the past is prologue.

  14. "The past is prologue" a phrase that needs to be repeated. US westerners view time as linear, but isn't there a verse in ecclesiastic that proves time is circular? A messianic jew once pointed out that you can see the whole end scenario including the rapture, 70th week, millennium and eternal state from the first 12 chapters in Genesis. Is that true? I don't know, but the past is prologue

  15. Yes Hartdawg! I love that one!

    Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NKJV)
    9 That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.

    Ken B

  16. Yes, indeed!

    Stated in either form, 'the past as prologue' or 'the past is prologue' both are just a modern abbreviated way of repeating Ecclesiastes 1:9. This has been a central theme of this blog for 7 years, ever since the recently re-referenced 'The Prophetic Road to Revelation' posted originally in March 2009. In Part 1 of the series the verse is discussed in the opening paragraphs. Then in January 2015 the entire text of the directly related Ecclesiastes 9 was the full content of Global SITREP A1-15.

    When Scripture repeats certain themes that means they are important, and which is why i do the same thing on this blog, while there is still time to do so.

  17. I wonder where the mighty Roman with his big hat, staff, throne AND lives behind a "mighty fortress" may fit into the "past is prologue" lesson? I've read Pope Frances is the 266th pope. I've also read he has been changing the role of the papacy as well as many of the beliefs of Roman Catholics. Did you know the Vatican has a huge telescope on Mt. Graham in Arizona named 'Lucifer'? Wow, what's up with that? Forgive
    me if you think the Catholic System is off topic here, but I wonder?

  18. Sean, with the destruction of Israel's neighbors in the psalm 83, Jeremiah 49:23-27 and Isaiah 17 prophecies, will the king of the north really have any military power left.

  19. Rhonda,

    The Antichrist will not live behind a "mighty fortress."

    In a nutshell what Gabriel's prophecy reveals (see Daniel 11:36-39) is that the Antichrist will honor (worship) a god of fortresses (Heb. = ma'owz), and he will honor this foreign god, whom his forefathers knew not, with material things.

    This is symbolic language meaning that Antichrist will worship Satan. He may also be of a Jewish bloodline.

    The telescope at the Mt. Graham Observatory is known as the VATT (Vatican Advanced Astronomy Telescope). LUCIFER is the falsified technical name for a large binocular telescope at the observatory whose full name is:

    Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research.

    This technical name actually is abbreviated as LBTNIUCIFUER. As can be plainly seen this name is nowhere near Lucifer, even in its abbreviated form. Some moron wanted to be cute and create an Urban Legend.

  20. jmoll106,

    In Daniel 11:40, the "king of the north" is the post-Ezekiel 38/39 Russia, and in verse 44 where the text says "But news from the east and the north shall trouble him..." is a reference to both Russia and the kings of the east.

    This period of time is clearly just after the middle of the 70th Week, post-AoD, and continues to the point in time late in the 70th Week where the kings of the East begin their march towards the dried up Euphrates River and the Holy Land for the battle of Har Megiddo. They are at war with the Western Antichrist.

  21. So even after the supernatural defeat of Russia in Ezekiel 38 & 39 Russia still tries to regain dominance. Why don't people and nations ever learn?

  22. Thanks, That clears it up for me.
    We are blessed that God should give us such detail in His word.

  23. Sean,

    There is quite a lot of detail in Isiah 19 to dig into. From the descriptions of the condition of things in Egypt, it does indeed sound like the Islamist will win....anywhere Islam takes over seems to degrade that country. What are your thoughts on the 5 cities that will follow the Lord....can we see signs of that now (Coptic Christian?)? Also, what is the significance of mentioning the officials of Zoan multiple times (as well as Memphis) this just reference to faulty council of the Mislim brotherhood maybe? Good stuff....sorry for the late response, started a new job (big praise) & have been busy.


  24. Lance,

    Congrats and Praise on the new job!

    Isaiah 19 has been featured at various times on the blog, particularly once the prophecy began its process of fulfillment during 2010. It became apparent to me a few years ago that Isaiah 19 went hand-in-hand with Ezekiel 30. Ezekiel 30 is another 'past is prologue' prophecy regarding Egypt from the present and into the 70th Week.

    Obama's speech at Cairo University in 2009 set the Islamists overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in motion, this brought Mohammed Morsi of the MB into power. In June 2013 he was overthrown in a coup d'etat by General al-Sisi -- this was all documented in a series of SITREPs.

    Zoan (a/k/a Tanis) was where Pharaoh lived at the time of the Exodus of the Jews led by Moses. Noph is simply another name of Memphis.

    Since then the revolt has been largely centered in Sinai with Ansar al-Maqdis becoming the Islamic State's Wilayat Sinai. Wilayat Sinai continue to attack Egyptian Army in Sinai; recently forcing the withdrawal of the US-led MFO North Camp near Gaza to the MFO South Camp at Sharm el-Sheikh. In the past year they destroyed in mid-flight both a Russian and Egyptian commercial aircraft with great loss of life. Yet no major military action to annihilate them in Sinai has materialized.

    Eventually the IDF will be forced handle the task at hand (Isaiah 19:17).

  25. Sean,

    Do you see any importance to the assignment of Yehuda Glick? or is that traveling into newspaper eisegesis?

    Ken B

  26. Ken,

    IMHO, at this "stage of the game" everything that occurs with respect to Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount almost certainly is of some as yet undetermined prophetic importance.

    Since today's swearing in of rabbi Glick is not even aged more than 24 hours we will have to wait and see what real importance his presence in the Knesset brings forth. In my heart I think the sheer impact of this founder of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation will resolve itself to be much, much more than considerable.

    This is all besides that fact that I personally believe the Lord's will is that Yehuda Glick be exactly where he is today. I mean, four rounds point-blank range in the chest just 18 months ago and he lives to do what he is now doing? How can this not be the Lord's will?

    The last thing he did before his swearing into the Knesset was to ascend the Mount. No way will it be his last ascension to the Mount.

    A not-so-funny thing... American-born Jews make aliyah to Israel to get shot by terrorists and end up in the Knesset in order to bring Israel back to its Covenant worship of God, and Muslims born in Islamic countries come to America to incite murder and other wanton acts of violence and jihad against innocents.

    Orthodox Israel is waiting for its anticipated Moshiach ben Yosef, no? I'm not sayin'; just sayin'.

  27. I do not have any rigorous scriptural proof of this, and feel a bit inadequate at times because the level of Bereanism that many of you are gifted with so far exceeds my own. But this blog has kind of become a second spiritual family to me, so I wanted to share this.

    Some weeks ago I read a comment elsewhere that suggested the possibility that our presumptive republican nominee was of the same type as Cyrus. Last night my son and I looked that passage up. It is Isaiah 45, and coincidentally our next president will be our 45th. If things develop in accordance with that passage (and admittedly that’s a big if), much of that chapter could be spiritually applicable. As most of you probably already know, Isaiah wrote this 200 years before Cyrus was born. We read the first half or so of the chapter, then sat and mulled it over for some time. Then my son asked me what Cyrus actually did, and I explained that God used him to carry out the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem, and ultimately the temple.

    Then my son remarked that if our next president is in the type of Cyrus, God may also use him in some pivotal way to facilitate the rebuilding of the next Temple. I thought that was a very interesting insight. Recalling that the Antichrist will “confirm” a covenant among many as Sean says, many things may already have taken place before he comes to full power at the start of the 7th week.

    Anyway, as I said I have no deep scriptural analysis to back any of this up, but it is something I wanted to share. May God bless all of us and continue to pour out His Spirit in the days to come.

  28. If you're following the news from Egypt, the Islamist persecution of Coptic Christians (A Copt is the ancient Egyptian language word for themselves, thus 'Coptic Christian' is just another way of saying 'Egyptian Christian') has taken another nasty turn in the village of Al-Qarm (ancient Men'at Khufu) in Minya Governorate (south of Cairo) along the Upper Nile River valley.

    The MB (al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun) started a rumor that a Christian man was having an extra-marital affair with a Muslim woman in Al-Karm. That was the spark which led to wanton violence.

    So, the death threats forced the man to flee the village. This led to a mob of 300 Muslim men to gather after evening prayers (i.e. jihadist incitement by the imam) in the local mosque on 20 May who then seized, beat and stripped naked the man's 70-year old mother and then paraded her in an extremely humiliating manner through the streets of Al-Qarm village.

    Egyptian police were informed a full day beforehand of the immediate and dire threats from the MB to the Coptic Christians in that village. The police gave the Muslim men a full two hours to do whatever they wanted to do, and which they did to the 70-year old mother, and in burning down 7 homes of other Christians in the village.

    Coptic Christians are just 10% of Egypt's population, but 50% of them live in Minya Governorate. This atrocity is apparently all that the Copts are willing to take from the Jihadist Muslims. No pun intended, but this atrocity might well be the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back."

  29. Another article that breaks your heart.
    I earnestly pray....Come Lord Jesus!

  30. Hey sean, I don't know if you'll get a kick out of this or if it'll make you mad. Whatever the case, I'm sure it won't surprise you. An unknown preacher was a guest speaker at my family's church in Alaska and he was speaking on prophecy. He holds to a pretrib view (I don't like that term, I prefer pre-70th week) but he was saying that the rapture could happen tomorrow or in 50 years from now. When my brother told me that I simply said "50 years? I don't think so! I hear that alot "could be tomorrow, could be in 50 years". I used to get mad at such statements but now I just get a kick out of it.....mostly because I know I'm not in the dark

    1. hartdawg,

      That preacher does not know the season we are living in today.

      This is why he still preaches a sermon that was popular back in the mid-1960s, before the 6-Day War of June 1967 and the Yom Kippur War of 1973.

      We don't get mad about this kind of outdated preaching because we put everything in His hands and are watchful for the coming of the Groom's procession.

  31. Sean,
    I'm not sure "happy" Memorial Day is the correct sentiment, and I realize Veteran's day is the more appropriate holiday for this....just want to say thanks to you and all who risk their lives to protect us, especially those who gave all.


  32. Thought I would mention that Governor Cuomo of NY signed an executive order a few days ago banning the state from doing business with companies that support the BDS movement. This seems significant. Cuomo is a Democrat and I was surprised by this; I don't know the backstory of why he did that. Maybe it is part of the Sea Change Sean wrote about that God appears to be bringing to pass. I was stressing out about things this morning and re-read Isaiah 45 and the Holy Spirit gave me peace:

    I am the Lord, and there is no other.
    I form the light and create darkness,
    I bring prosperity and create disaster;
    I, the Lord, do all these things.
    “You heavens above, rain down my righteousness;
    let the clouds shower it down.
    Let the earth open wide,
    let salvation spring up,
    let righteousness flourish with it;
    I, the Lord, have created it.

    May the Lord bless all of you with His peace.

  33. Sean, I love this blog and wonder if my computer is jammed bc there's no updates recently. However, I'm enjoying the 'relative' calm of the summer. I do feel though, it's the 'calm before the storm'.

  34. Scipio,

    No, your computer isn't jammed, I've been taking care of other work-related issues and stuff on the home front, so that is why no new blog items have been posted in June thus far. It's been a necessary break.

    I am working on one to post soon however.

  35. My prayer is for all to be filled with the living water that Jesus promised to all who believe in Him. Even as Shavout (Pentecost) is celebrated this weekend , may we once again allow the Holy Spirit His rightful place in our lives.
    Keep looking up!

  36. To my Finnish brother-in-Christ Petri Paavola,

    There are a total of 91 months (January 2009 to July 2016) worth of posts within this eschatology-themed blog dealing with 'last days' events, and the vast majority of them deal directly the MULTIPLE last days wars involving Israel.

    Please take the time to review these posts which are archived and linked by year and month in the right-hand margin of the main page.

    You will find that in their proper sequence, the Ezekiel 38/39 prophecy is the final prophetic "war" to occur prior to the start of the angel Gabriel's prophecy about Israel's "70th Week" of years.

    The first of these pre-70th Week wars has been in a process of literal fulfillment since Israel's rebirth in 1948 to the present day and is generally referred to as the "Psalm 83 War." This war includes the parallel prophecies found in Ezekiel 28:24-26, Isaiah 11:12-14 and Joshua 13:1-7.

    Direct association of the "Psalm 83 War" is also made to the other ongoing final prophetic wars, such as the current war in Syria (Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27).

    In addition you will find a tremendous amount of exegesis on Ezekiel 38/39 on this blog.


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