Thursday, September 29, 2016

Global SITREP D5-16: The Forces Driving Global Governance

Global Governance
29 September 2016: One of the primary things the Eschatology Today blog has consistently endeavored to accomplish with the Global SITREP format is to be ahead of the curve, and cutting-edge with respect to the Lord's written text on prophetic 'latter days' events. Yesterday morning I learned first-hand just how far ahead of the curve and cutting edge the reporting here has been.

An article written by reporter Brandon Showalter was posted to the 'World' section of the website on 28 September 2016. Its headline: Globalism is Anti-Christ, Demonic, Theologians Argue.  My initial reaction the the headline was, "What argument? A theological understanding of what Bible prophecy says about current events is no argument; it's prophetic fulfillment." Reading the article slowly and carefully it quickly became clear that Eschatology Today had covered this same ground between May and August of this year: Global SITREP B10-16 (from May through July) and Global SITREP C12-16 (August).

Now we've all been very well versed in this material for a very long time, but the fact that it was published on is important, especially for those who are not in the same position of knowledge as we are, or who are more secular and would not ordinarily come to this blog or other bride of Christ-centric websites to read essentially the same thing. The key point made in the article is stated right up front: globalism is in reality a demonic ideology. More than that, globalism is a religion which demonic forces are driving. Use the embedded link above and read the article for yourself.

For those who'd rather not use the link, there is one quote from within the article, actually - it culled from another website article, that must be shared because it is really a center-mass, nail-on-head strike and bears repeating once more here. 

Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego, CA: 

"Globalism is far more than 'geographical' or 'eliminating borders and boundaries.' It is spiritual and demonic at its core. Few - very few - understand this. This is quite likely one of the main reasons why Trump is hated. Do your homework on this one. Think 'principalities and powers'."

Precisely. Exactly. Do your homework on this one people! One of the primary themes throughout the Word of God is this very subject, and as we all affirmatively know at this late hour this is a conflict that is coming to a head, (one with ten horns upon it to be precise) and it will be dealt with by the Sword of His mouth. 

In the above quote, Pastor Garlow has, of course, made a direct reference to Ephesians 6:12.

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."

And there are at least a half-dozen other verses in the Word of God which instruct us as this verse does. However, and in my opinion, one of the more prominent among them, in consideration of the hour in which we live, is this verse from Isaiah 46:10-11.

Declaring the end from the beginning,

And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure,’
Calling a bird of prey from the east,
The man who executes My counsel, from a far country.
Indeed I have spoken it;
I will also bring it to pass.
I have purposed it;
I will also do it.

What can we say except - Amen and Praise God!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Global SITREP D4-16: Syrian Chaos and a Certain Generation of Jews

Aleppo's Tariq-al-Bab neighborhood on 24 September 2016. Reuters photo.
UPDATED 25 September 2016: The Russian, Iranian/Hezbollah and Syrian government assault on Aleppo, where Sunni jihadist rebels and an estimated 250,000 civilians are trapped without running water, medical aid or sustenance. Over the past 48 hours the assault has been of an intensity never before seen in the Syrian civil war, and in all probability not seen since the wholesale flattening of European cities occurred during World War II. The civilian death toll in Aleppo is expected by on-scene observers to be of an equally unprecedented scale. With water supplies having been cut off to all of Aleppo an estimated 2 million people are at risk of dehydration and the usual accompanying outbreak of rampant disease. 

The city of Aleppo is literally being churned into heaps of rubble by incessant Russian air strikes, cruise missile and multiple rocket launch bombardment, artillery barrages and a combined forces ground assault led by Russian T-90 tanks. And this is just the start of the assault in which war crimes against humanity appear to be the norm. The phrase 'total war' is applicable to the destruction of Aleppo at this time. 

Let no one doubt the literalness of Jeremiah 49:23-27 and that of Isaiah 17 being in an active process of fulfillment before our eyes.

21 September 2016: So much for the US-Russian brokered ceasefire. It has been aborted. But this should come as a surprise to no one reading the Holy Bible or the interpretation of its prophecies presented here over the past several years. Based upon what the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah were inspired by the LORD God to write thousands of years ago there is no question on how the war in Syria will be concluded. This is the truth behind the final words of this SITREP. If you want to see Bible prophecy come to a literal fulfillment in real-time before your eyes - Watch Syria!!! Damascus will cease to be a city and the nation of Syria itself will cease to exist.

The reasons for the coming literal fulfillment are not nearly as important as the soon-to-be-fact that Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27 will come to their joint fulfillment exactly as they both foretell. If you've not read them before, by all means do so now. 

Does it really matter that warplanes of the Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve this week annihilated a Syrian Army position - either intentionally or purely by accident - near the eastern city of Deir-ez-Zor in a series of four strikes, or that Syrian MiGs bombed Dara'a, or that an agreed upon civilian humanitarian aid convoy unloading its precious cargo in Aleppo was bombed - an international war crime - by Russian aircraft, leaving Russia holding responsibility for the war crime, or that the stridently Islamist, US-armed Free Syrian Army (FSA) forced US Special Operations Forces (SOF) to leave the battlefield in the northern town of al-Rai? No, not at all. The end of Damascus and of Syria itself will occur exactly as it has been foretold to occur. Our God knew all these things would occur long before He passed on this knowledge to His prophets.

In Syria there are a plethora of alliances among fighting forces, too numerous to count  or too tenuous to matter, which are utterly meaningless in the long-run. Man-made truces are doomed to failure by the actions of men. And what has occurred this early week is just the beginning of far, far worse to come in Syria. These events all serve to vividly illustrate and provide a forewarning of the total chaos yet to occur in Syria... and here at home in the U.S.

The Islamist attacks in New Jersey (multiple IEDs in Seaside Park and Elizabeth), New York City (multiple IEDs) and the stabbings in Minnesota are all a part of the war Islam is waging against us. These attacks ARE the direct result of the unrestrained Obama Administration-sponsored importation of Islamic terrorists from the Middle Eastern warzone and their deliberate resettling in urban and rural  American towns. And we are allowing this to occur. They walk among us with IEDs and concealed carry handguns with which to shoot at local law enforcement. Obama is responsible for this; the blood is on his hands.

It used to be said that our troops were fighting terrorists on their home turf in the Middle East so that we would not have to fight them here on our turf. Obama, and soon Hillary according to her own words, have determined to bring the over abundance of Middle Eastern terrorists by their thousands into the United States, give them U.S. government welfare support and jobs so they can kill us in comfort and at their leisure. 

In Hungary, a truly massive wall is being built by the government along the entire length of its Serbian and Croatian borders to keep out the Middle Eastern terrorists flooding into Western Europe. One can legitimately refer to this an enforced moratorium on Muslim immigrants; it's what a nation's president must do to protect his people from cold-blooded murderers. In America, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is vilified and demonized by the Left and the Democrat Hillary Clinton campaign for just suggesting "extreme vetting" of Muslims and the building of a similar wall if elected. Is it not clear that the American Left is for the cold-blooded murder of America's citizens of every race, creed and color by Islamic jihadists?

And, no, there is no need to wait for our Dhimmi government in Washington, D.C. and other State capitals to officially determine that these attacks are the work of directly-linked Muslim terrorists (there is no such thing as a Muslim "lone wolf" terrorist), or that Islam is a clear and present danger to us all. That has been a known fact since Bill Clinton took office in 1993, over 23 years ago. 

As the Lord Jesus Christ said (Mark 13:7; emphasis added), "But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet."  War in Syria and war in America, we have been foretold about these events and yet we are clearly instructed by the Lord to not worry about them. For us, as it is written in Luke 21:13 concerning Jesus' instructions, this is our opportunity for testimony on the inerrant nature of His Word!  

And so I testify.

14 September 2016: As is often stated in many of Eschatology Today's SITREPs concerning the ongoing war, truth is always the first victim in any war. This became painfully evident once again when it was all but impossible to determine exactly what had occurred between Monday morning and this morning in and around Syria's Quneitra Governorate (province) abutting Israel's line of defense-in-depth in the Golan.

However, and despite the lack of accurate intelligence, something new and potentially game-changing must be noted.  In the past Israel has always held Syria's Bashar al-Assad regime in Damascus as being solely responsible for any "spill-over" of the war on Syrian territory into Israel's territory. Israel's Air Force has now struck Syrian Army artillery positions at least twice in the past three days as a result of the spillover of rounds into Israel's Golan territory. This occurred even though hindsight may prove that it was Sunni jihadist artillery fire that struck Israeli territory, yet the Syrian Army still paid the price for the aggression.  Now an IDF spokesman has made it crystal clear that the anti-regime jihadist rebels will also be fired upon by the IDF if their artillery fire lands on Israel's side of the current border in the future.

In other words, the war in Syria could easily and very quickly become a free-for-all conflict with both the Syrian regime, its Iranian and Hezbollah allies, as well as the numerous Sunni jihadist factions targeting their weapons on IDF positions in the Golan or beyond. One does not need to be a prophet to see the net result should this potential become a reality as that kind of prophecy has apparently already been given by Isaiah and Jeremiah, and perhaps even Asaph.

Important Note: A Certain Generation of Jews 

Former Israeli President Shimon Peres (born Szymon Perski), who just turned 93 years old last month (1923-2016), recently suffered a stroke and is reportedly in "critical but stable" condition. 

Why is this important?  I believe this to be important to note because Shimon Peres is the last of Israel's 'founding fathers,' or those who were born prior to May 1948, alive today. Shimon Peres is the last of the generation that were living in the land and were directly involved in the founding of the modern State of Israel in a single day, as prophetically foretold in Isaiah 66:8. 

The subsequent generation of Israelis counts among its members one Benjamin Netanyahu, who was born in Tel Aviv on 21 October 1949, and is the current Prime Minister of Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu will turn 70 years old on 21 October 2019. 

Readers of Eschatology Today all understand why I believe this is important. Jesus was directly answering His disciples, privately on the Mount of Olives, about their question concerning the sign of His coming, of the end of the age. And to this select group of Jews the Lord Jesus Christ said, "So you also, when you see all these things, know that it (or He) is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.

To repeat for emphasis "...this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place."

Watch Syria!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Global SITREP D3-16: An Open Letter from America's Retired Military Leaders to the Citizens of the United States of America

7 September 2016: Because the 2016 election is so very critical...


The 2016 election affords the American people an urgently needed opportunity to make a long-overdue course correction in our national security posture and policy.  As retired senior leaders of America’s military, we believe that such a change can only be made by someone who has not been deeply involved with, and substantially responsible for, the hollowing out of our military and the burgeoning threats facing our country around the world.  For this reason, we support Donald Trump’s candidacy to be our next Commander-in-Chief. 

For the past eight years, America’s armed forces have been subjected to a series of illconsidered and debilitating budget cuts, policy choices and combat operations that have left the superb men and women in uniform less capable of performing their vital missions in the future than we require them to be.   

Simultaneously, enemies of this country have been emboldened, sensing weakness and irresolution in Washington and opportunities for aggression at our expense and that of other freedom-loving nations.   

In our professional judgment, the combined effect is potentially extremely perilous.  That is especially the case if our government persists in the practices that have brought us to this present pass.   

For this reason, we support Donald Trump and his commitment to rebuild our military, to secure our borders, to defeat our Islamic supremacist adversaries and restore law and order domestically.  We urge our fellow Americans to do the same. 

1. General Burwell B. Bell III, US Army, Retired 
2. General Alfred G. Hansen, US Air Force, Retired 
3. Admiral Jerry Johnson, US Navy, Retired 
4. General Crosbie “Butch” Saint, US Army, Retired 
5. Lieutenant General William G. Boykin, US Army, Retired 
6. Lieutenant General Marvin Covault, US Army, retired 
7. Lieutenant General Gordon E, Fornell, US Air Force, Retired 
8. Lieutenant General Harley Hughes, US Air Force, Retired
9. Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, US Air Force, Retired 
10. Lieutenant General Timothy A. Kinnan, US Air Force, Retired 
11. Lieutenant General Hugh G. Smith, US Army, Retired 
12. Lieutenant General David J. Teal, US Air Force, Retired 
13. Lieutenant General William E. Thurman, US Air Force, Retired 
14. Vice Admiral Mike Bucchi, US Navy, Retired 
15. Vice Admiral Edward Clexton, Jr. US Navy, Retired 
16. Vice Admiral R.F. Schoultz, US Navy, Retired 
17. Vice Admiral Donald Thompson, US Coast Guard, Retired 
18. Vice Admiral Jerry Unruh, US Navy, Retired 
19. Major General Joe Arbuckle, US Army, Retired 
20. Major General John Bianchi, CSMR, Retired  
21. Major General Henry D. Canterbury, US Air Force, Retired 
22. Major General Jeffrey Cliver, US Air Force, Retired 
23. Major General Tommy F. Crawford, US Air Force, Retired 
24. Major General Felix Dupre, US Air Force, Retired 
25. Major General Neil Eddins, US Air Force, Retired 
26. Major General David W. Eidsaune, US Air Force, Retired 
27. Major General William A. Gorton, US Air Force, Retired 
28. Major General Kenneth Hagemann, US Air Force, Retired 
29. Major General Gary L. Harrell, US Army, Retired 
30. Major General Geoffrey Higginbothan, US Marine Corps, Retired 
31. Major General John D. Logeman, Jr., US Air Force, Retired 
32. Major General Homer S. Long, US Army, Retired 
33. Major General Billy McCoy, US Air Force, Retired 
34. Major General Robert Messerli, US Air Force, Retired 
35. Major General John Miller, US Air Force, Retired 
36. Major General Ray O’Mara, US Air Force, Retired 
37. Major General George W.“Nordie” Norwood, US Air Force, Ret. 
38. Major General Robert W. Paret, US Air Force MC, Retired 
39. Major General James W. Parker, US Army, Retired 
40. Major General Richard Perraut, US Air Force, Retired 
41. Major General Sidney Shachnow, US Army, Retired 
42. Major General Mark Solo, US Air Force, Retired 
43. Major General John Welde, US Air Force, Retired 
44. Major General Kenneth W. Weir, US Marine Corps, Retired 
45. Rear Admiral Phillip Anselmo, US Navy, Retired 
46. Rear Admiral Thomas F. Brown III, US Navy, Retired 
47. Rear Admiral Robert C. Crates, SC, US Navy, Retired 
48. Rear Admiral Mimi Drew, US Navy, Retired 
49. Rear Admiral Ernest Elliot, SC, US Navy, Retired 
50. Rear Admiral James H. Flatley III, US Navy, Retired 
51. Rear Admiral Byron Fuller, US Navy, Retired 
52. Rear Admiral Dale Hagen, US Navy, Retired 
53. Rear Admiral Charles F. Horne III US Navy, Retired 
54. Rear Admiral Grady L. Jackson, US Navy, Retired 
55. Rear Admiral J. Adrian Jackson, US Navy, Retired 
56. Rear Admiral Frederick C. Johnson, US Navy, Retired 
57. Rear Admiral Jack Kavanaugh, SC, US Navy, Retired 
58. Rear Admiral Charles R.Kubic, US Navy, Retired 
59. Rear Admiral Rich Landolt, US Navy, Retired 
60. Rear Admiral William J. McDaniel, MD, US Navy, Retired 
61. Rear Admiral E.S. McGinley II, US Navy, Retired 
62. Rear Admiral Douglas M. Moore Jr. SC US Navy. Retired 
63. Rear Admiral John A. Moriarty, US Navy, Retired 
64. Rear Admiral David R. Morris, US Navy, Retired 
65. Rear Admiral Ed Nelson, US Coast Guard, Retired 
66. Rear Admiral Philip R. Olsen, US Navy, Retired 
67. Rear Admiral Robert S. Owens, US Navy, Retired 
68. Rear Admiral W.W. Pickavance, Jr., US Navy, Retired 
69. Rear Admiral Leonard F. Picotte, US Navy, Retired 
70. Rear Admiral Brian C. Prindle, US Navy, Retired 
71. Rear Admiral William J. Ryan, US Navy, Retired 
72. Rear Admiral William L. Schachte, Jr., US Navy JAGC, Retired 
73. Rear Admiral William R. Schmidt, US Navy, Retired 
74. Rear Admiral Hugh P. Scott, US Navy, MC, Retired 
75. Rear Admiral Gregory Slavonic, US Navy, Retired 
76. Rear Admiral Charles Williams, US Navy, Retired 
77. Rear Admiral H. Denny Wisely, US Navy, Retired 
78. Brigadier General Remo Butler, US Army, Retired 
79. Brigadier General George P. Cole, Jr. US Air Force, Retired 
80. Brigadier General Philip M. Drew, US Air Force, Retired 
81. Brigadier General Jerome V. Foust, US Army, Retired 
82. Brigadier General Thomas W. Honeywill, US Air Force, Retired 
83. Brigadier General Charles Jones, US Air Force, Retired 
84. Brigadier General Mike D. Jones, US Army, Retired 
85. Brigadier General Thomas J. Lennon, US Air Force, Retired 
86. Brigadier General Mark D. Scraba, US Army, Retired 
87. Brigadier General Hugh B. Tant III, US Army, Retired 
88. Brigadier General Robert F. Titus, US Air Force, Retired 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Global SITREP D2:16: Caucasus (Kavkaz) 2016 Begins

Russian Federation 'Caucasus 2016' Warfighting Exercise
Commenced on 05SEP16
5 September 2016: We might as well consider this SITREP as a follow-on to Global SITREP C10-16: Ezekiel 38/39 Primary Invasion Routes

Today the Russian Federation began its 'Caucasus 16' warfighting exercise. 'Caucasus 16, also known as "Kavkaz 2016," involves combat aircraft, naval combatant ships, armored units, infantry and airborne paratroopers operating in the entirety of the Southern Russia Military District (see image below), Crimea and the Black and Caspian Seas. 

The Ukrainian government last month warned about this exercise in terms of it being a pretext for Russian military aggression against the Ukraine, possibly to create a land-bridge between Russia and Moldova and its separatist Trans-Dniester region through the province (oblast) Odessa, Ukraine just north of the Crimean Peninsula.

Southern Russia Military District (map: IISS Infographic)
The above map can be accessed at the IISS Military Balance Blog. It dates to March 2014 but is extremely useful in concert with the premise of SITREP C10-16 linked above, which hold that the Ezekiel 38/39 invasion will originate from this same area. The below map is from the Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. It shows the position of landlocked Moldova which is virtually trapped between western Ukraine and NATO ally Romania. 

Ukraine and Moldova (map: Australian Government)

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Global SITREP D1-16: Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs (Emergence of the Magog Confederation)

3 September 2016: Signs. I remember the early 70's hit song and AM radio staple by the Five Man Electrical Band. This tune's time on the airwaves was concurrent with when the Holy Spirit was moving very powerfully across this country; so-called "Jesus Freaks" were suddenly appearing everywhere, and eschatological books like Salem Kirban's '666' and Hal Lindsey's 'The Late, Great Planet Earth' were introducing Bible prophecy to millions upon millions of Americans. And the refrain of that song, "Sign, sign, everywhere a sign" took on a new, and more accurate, meaning for that time and those which followed to this very day.

Fast forward forty-six years to the present. The signs continue, and then as now, they're all pointing, like the image above, in the exact same direction. They're all pointing to Daniel's 70th Week, or as I like to call it, The Prophetic Road to The Revelation of Jesus Christ. And in this time, as never before, expectations of the call that will precede the Harpazo are more profound than they have ever been. This is because at least half of the wise bride of Christ, like the five of the ten virgins Jesus spoke of in the Matthew 25 parable, have their lamps oiled and trimmed and awaiting the midnight call, "Behold, the Bridegroom comes; go out to meet Him!

That's the ultimate sign, to be sure, but the other signs are everywhere if we're looking for them as well; if we're watching as instructed by our Lord. "So you also, when you see all these things know that He is the doors!

And the signs are like birth pangs, ever increasing in frequency and intensity. Wars and rumors of wars are documented on this blog in abundance. The scarcity of food to feed the world's 6 billion people increases with each passing day. Disease is rampant around the world; Zika and other viruses are known and feared by virtually every living soul on the planet. Seismic activity is also at unprecedented levels across the globe. Floods, from India to Louisiana, are as catastrophic as ever; as are the roaring and tossing of the world's oceans. And these signs will only increase going forward through the time remaining.

And other signs are more subtle. These are the ones you really have to look at closely to see, but they also are in very great abundance. For example, with regards to the eschatological interpretation, Eschatology Today views Ezekiel 38/39 in terms of Russia and Iran. Yet few are aware that these two nations have never been military allies as they are today. A little over a century ago the Russian Czar was completing his military conquest of the Central Asian territories, like Turkmenistan, which the Shah of Persia considered to be within his own realm. Today we see the emergent Russian Federation-Shi'ite Iran Axis, or the Ezekiel 38/39 Magog military confederation in other words. 

The Emergent Magog Confederation In-Depth

The Russia-Iran Axis is largely the result of a very influential 54-year old Russian ultra-nationalist Bolshevik political scientist by the name of Alexandr Gelyevich Dugin. Alexandr Dugin's influence reaches deep inside the Kremlin and Russian military. He espouses Eurasianism, a key cornerstone in Vladimir Putin's vision for his nascent Eurasian Union, again, a/k/a the Magog confederation of eastern European Russia combined with former-Soviet Central Asian countries and Iran. Alexander Dugin is in tune with the Hojjatieh Shi'a imams in Iran in that he also calls of all-out war to "hasten the end times." If you look carefully you can see Alexandr Dugin's influence as the strategic underpinning for every one of Vladimir Putin's military moves of the past eight years. Moves such as the Russian military reconquest of the southern Caucasus (Georgia), the invasion and conquest of Ukrainian Crimea, and of Eastern, Russian-speaking Ukraine itself. As we know from Ezekiel, Russia will not be stopping with the military reclamation of its former empire; it and its allies have an appointment with God on the mountains of Israel.

This Russia-Iran alliance is not quite one-year old, but it has progressed with an extreme rapidity. In late September 2015 an agreement was reached between Russia, Iran and Syria within the strategic alliance of the Syrian Civil War and the war against the Islamic State. The war in Syria is understood within Eschatology Today as the process of near-term fulfillment for Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27.  In the past year the Russia-Syria-Iran Axis expanded to include the Shi'ite-led government of Iraq and Iran's Lebanese proxy Hezbollah.

The effects of the coup d'etat in Turkey which occurred only weeks ago and its fallout continue to have reverberations in the Middle East and beyond, particularly within the currently leaderless NATO. This is all a very critical real-time sign that not all seismic events are terrestrial, they are also political and they cause real changes we can only speculate about until they fully play themselves out. However, what can be seen as the driving force within Russia right now and into the foreseeable future contains powerful hints that the Lord's prophetic hooks will be readily accepted by a nation with an overwhelming warlike intent. Ezekiel 38/39 will not be a long, drawn-out war as some interpret. I believe it will be a blitzkrieg of unrestrained warfare, including nuclear weapons, which is quickly and miraculously concluded. On the other side of it waits the 70th Week and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.