Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Global SITREP D3-16: An Open Letter from America's Retired Military Leaders to the Citizens of the United States of America

7 September 2016: Because the 2016 election is so very critical...


The 2016 election affords the American people an urgently needed opportunity to make a long-overdue course correction in our national security posture and policy.  As retired senior leaders of America’s military, we believe that such a change can only be made by someone who has not been deeply involved with, and substantially responsible for, the hollowing out of our military and the burgeoning threats facing our country around the world.  For this reason, we support Donald Trump’s candidacy to be our next Commander-in-Chief. 

For the past eight years, America’s armed forces have been subjected to a series of illconsidered and debilitating budget cuts, policy choices and combat operations that have left the superb men and women in uniform less capable of performing their vital missions in the future than we require them to be.   

Simultaneously, enemies of this country have been emboldened, sensing weakness and irresolution in Washington and opportunities for aggression at our expense and that of other freedom-loving nations.   

In our professional judgment, the combined effect is potentially extremely perilous.  That is especially the case if our government persists in the practices that have brought us to this present pass.   

For this reason, we support Donald Trump and his commitment to rebuild our military, to secure our borders, to defeat our Islamic supremacist adversaries and restore law and order domestically.  We urge our fellow Americans to do the same. 

1. General Burwell B. Bell III, US Army, Retired 
2. General Alfred G. Hansen, US Air Force, Retired 
3. Admiral Jerry Johnson, US Navy, Retired 
4. General Crosbie “Butch” Saint, US Army, Retired 
5. Lieutenant General William G. Boykin, US Army, Retired 
6. Lieutenant General Marvin Covault, US Army, retired 
7. Lieutenant General Gordon E, Fornell, US Air Force, Retired 
8. Lieutenant General Harley Hughes, US Air Force, Retired
9. Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, US Air Force, Retired 
10. Lieutenant General Timothy A. Kinnan, US Air Force, Retired 
11. Lieutenant General Hugh G. Smith, US Army, Retired 
12. Lieutenant General David J. Teal, US Air Force, Retired 
13. Lieutenant General William E. Thurman, US Air Force, Retired 
14. Vice Admiral Mike Bucchi, US Navy, Retired 
15. Vice Admiral Edward Clexton, Jr. US Navy, Retired 
16. Vice Admiral R.F. Schoultz, US Navy, Retired 
17. Vice Admiral Donald Thompson, US Coast Guard, Retired 
18. Vice Admiral Jerry Unruh, US Navy, Retired 
19. Major General Joe Arbuckle, US Army, Retired 
20. Major General John Bianchi, CSMR, Retired  
21. Major General Henry D. Canterbury, US Air Force, Retired 
22. Major General Jeffrey Cliver, US Air Force, Retired 
23. Major General Tommy F. Crawford, US Air Force, Retired 
24. Major General Felix Dupre, US Air Force, Retired 
25. Major General Neil Eddins, US Air Force, Retired 
26. Major General David W. Eidsaune, US Air Force, Retired 
27. Major General William A. Gorton, US Air Force, Retired 
28. Major General Kenneth Hagemann, US Air Force, Retired 
29. Major General Gary L. Harrell, US Army, Retired 
30. Major General Geoffrey Higginbothan, US Marine Corps, Retired 
31. Major General John D. Logeman, Jr., US Air Force, Retired 
32. Major General Homer S. Long, US Army, Retired 
33. Major General Billy McCoy, US Air Force, Retired 
34. Major General Robert Messerli, US Air Force, Retired 
35. Major General John Miller, US Air Force, Retired 
36. Major General Ray O’Mara, US Air Force, Retired 
37. Major General George W.“Nordie” Norwood, US Air Force, Ret. 
38. Major General Robert W. Paret, US Air Force MC, Retired 
39. Major General James W. Parker, US Army, Retired 
40. Major General Richard Perraut, US Air Force, Retired 
41. Major General Sidney Shachnow, US Army, Retired 
42. Major General Mark Solo, US Air Force, Retired 
43. Major General John Welde, US Air Force, Retired 
44. Major General Kenneth W. Weir, US Marine Corps, Retired 
45. Rear Admiral Phillip Anselmo, US Navy, Retired 
46. Rear Admiral Thomas F. Brown III, US Navy, Retired 
47. Rear Admiral Robert C. Crates, SC, US Navy, Retired 
48. Rear Admiral Mimi Drew, US Navy, Retired 
49. Rear Admiral Ernest Elliot, SC, US Navy, Retired 
50. Rear Admiral James H. Flatley III, US Navy, Retired 
51. Rear Admiral Byron Fuller, US Navy, Retired 
52. Rear Admiral Dale Hagen, US Navy, Retired 
53. Rear Admiral Charles F. Horne III US Navy, Retired 
54. Rear Admiral Grady L. Jackson, US Navy, Retired 
55. Rear Admiral J. Adrian Jackson, US Navy, Retired 
56. Rear Admiral Frederick C. Johnson, US Navy, Retired 
57. Rear Admiral Jack Kavanaugh, SC, US Navy, Retired 
58. Rear Admiral Charles R.Kubic, US Navy, Retired 
59. Rear Admiral Rich Landolt, US Navy, Retired 
60. Rear Admiral William J. McDaniel, MD, US Navy, Retired 
61. Rear Admiral E.S. McGinley II, US Navy, Retired 
62. Rear Admiral Douglas M. Moore Jr. SC US Navy. Retired 
63. Rear Admiral John A. Moriarty, US Navy, Retired 
64. Rear Admiral David R. Morris, US Navy, Retired 
65. Rear Admiral Ed Nelson, US Coast Guard, Retired 
66. Rear Admiral Philip R. Olsen, US Navy, Retired 
67. Rear Admiral Robert S. Owens, US Navy, Retired 
68. Rear Admiral W.W. Pickavance, Jr., US Navy, Retired 
69. Rear Admiral Leonard F. Picotte, US Navy, Retired 
70. Rear Admiral Brian C. Prindle, US Navy, Retired 
71. Rear Admiral William J. Ryan, US Navy, Retired 
72. Rear Admiral William L. Schachte, Jr., US Navy JAGC, Retired 
73. Rear Admiral William R. Schmidt, US Navy, Retired 
74. Rear Admiral Hugh P. Scott, US Navy, MC, Retired 
75. Rear Admiral Gregory Slavonic, US Navy, Retired 
76. Rear Admiral Charles Williams, US Navy, Retired 
77. Rear Admiral H. Denny Wisely, US Navy, Retired 
78. Brigadier General Remo Butler, US Army, Retired 
79. Brigadier General George P. Cole, Jr. US Air Force, Retired 
80. Brigadier General Philip M. Drew, US Air Force, Retired 
81. Brigadier General Jerome V. Foust, US Army, Retired 
82. Brigadier General Thomas W. Honeywill, US Air Force, Retired 
83. Brigadier General Charles Jones, US Air Force, Retired 
84. Brigadier General Mike D. Jones, US Army, Retired 
85. Brigadier General Thomas J. Lennon, US Air Force, Retired 
86. Brigadier General Mark D. Scraba, US Army, Retired 
87. Brigadier General Hugh B. Tant III, US Army, Retired 
88. Brigadier General Robert F. Titus, US Air Force, Retired 


  1. Good letter, but do you think that people will listen? Put the letter on every website, post it on Facebook, Twitter, youtube....will people listen tho? Maybe, maybe not, post it everywhere you can nonetheless

  2. I cannot stress this enough... this election is so critically important, and the bride of Christ is still here to make a difference, we must do everything we can if it be the Lord's will for us to do so.

    1. What would you say to the christians who refuse to vote (and there are 1000s of them) because "to choose the 'lesser of 2 evils' is to still choose evil"?
      I bring this up because as you're probably well aware, there are evangelical churches all across the country wwho have taken this position. It's absolutely sickening.

    2. Hartdawg,

      I would say any church which teaches that position teaches a falsehood to its congregants.

      God says we are to make our president through Him. (Hosea 8:4)

      Unnecessary suffering is largely caused by godless leadership. (Proverbs 28:12)

      As Christians it is our duty to fulfill our civic responsibilities. The USA is the greatest of the world's nations which guarantees the ability to freely exercise the enfranchised voting right purchased by the shed blood of patriots for over 240 years.

      Shame on those who do not vote!

    3. Most are effeminate pastors that want to protect there tax deductible rating and the sheep are sheep. Also they probably did not serve in the military so there understanding of their freedoms are extremely low.

    4. Jmoll, there are a few reasons. The first and highest on the list is the reason that you stated. They are mostly hirelings. The second reason, and is almost as common is people pouting because cruz didn't get in. There are many in the Republican party that's so mad because trump got the nomination that they are voting for hillary. That's treason in my opinion. The Fact Of the matter is you're always picking the "lesser of 2 evils" so that argument is rubbish. I think that it's a sin not to vote. "Him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin".
      I admit that to say it is sin not to vote is probably taking it too far,and if so I'm sorry, but that's what I think

  3. Sean,

    What I am going to say immediately following this statement is right on and with every ounce of my remaining strength I would gladly shout it over every loud speaker in the world! AYE, AYE SIR!! TO EACH AND EVERY OFFICER LISTED HEREIN"

    There are many additional names of our military that should have been listed on there but hopefully they will shake off the weakness that holds them back and they too will step up to the task at hand.


  4. GG5,

    Amen Sister!

    There are names I most certainly did expect to see among the single file, by rank, on this list. I am mildly perplexed as to why they are not list here.

    There were many, but chief among them are those who were caught up in the post-Benghazi purge (firings, suspensions and outright dismissals) that Zero had his minions execute between 2012 and 2014. Truth be told, the full-scale of the purge began in 2010 and lasted through 2015 near as i am able to discern. These were just under 200 of our senior military leaders who refused to be allegiant, some say compliant, directly to Obama, rather than according to their oath support and defend the US Constitution.

    Two in particular in the immediate aftermath of Benghazi in 2012 remain on my mind: Army Major General Carter Ham (Commander AFRICOM) and US Navy Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette (Commander USS Stennis, CSG-3).

    I do expect to see this list grow over time.

  5. How many of these on this list were forced out by the Obama administration?

  6. watso911,

    None that I am aware of.

    But that is absolutely not the purpose. The purpose is eloquently stated in the open letter which these senior, flag rank officers have voluntarily signed their names to.

    Your second comment which expresses your ill-informed opinion will not be posted here simply because it does not reflect reality. In not posting your comment I am in fact saving you from acute embarrassment.

    Here are the realities.

    All United States Armed Forces officers and enlisted non-commissioned officers are obligated and duty bound to comply with lawful orders from their superiors.

    However, and most importantly they are obligated and duty bound first and foremost to the United States Constitution and the UCMJ to not comply with any and all unlawful orders from their superiors, even if those unlawful orders originate directly from the president.

    What kind of things would constitute an unlawful order? Anything which is contrary to the U.S. Constitution which is the service members primary obligation to support and defend against all enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC. Things such as warrantless search and seizures, confiscations of personal firearms, or anything outside of the due process of US laws and which impinges upon American citizen's Constitutionally guaranteed civil rights.

    1. I hope you are correct. If HRC is elected this will be tested as she will continue in BHO'S footsteps and as we have seen the constitution means not a whole lot to him or a majority of our Washington reps who allowed him to do it.

  7. Sean,

    You named two of the most noted names but there are many more and if they do not speak up quickly they may never get another opportunity! All of the last nine months have ratcheted up the pace greater than I have ever experienced in my 81years of life on planet earth and we seem to be on a very slick slope downward!

    All of us need to step out of the fog and reality has to recognize the "Age" we are about to complete according to God's Word!
    If memory serves me correctly, Jesus Christ called it "the times and Season" of the era when He was being rejected and cursed! I have to keep my eyes and heart on the Prize of His High Calling, no matter what comes rolling down that slippery slope with me.


  8. Virtually everyone is saying Donald Trump won the NBC forum last night.

    The left is on the ropes and will throw everything they have at us for the next 2 months!

  9. Yes, Trump smoked Clinton, even though she was wearing a discrete earpiece as receiving talking points coaching from her aides who were off-camera.

    This Crooked Hillary can't even cheat succesfully.

  10. There is an article this morning on theconservativetreehouse dot com this morning about the National Baptist Convention that is being held in Kansas City Missouri, entitled "Clinton Campaign Stunner" that I hope will encourage many of us. May God's love continue to be shed abroad from our hearts.

  11. I heard that hillarys health is so bad that it's life threatening. Do you know if there's anything to that, or if it's just yellow journalism?

  12. Hillary's health is such that she has two or more conditions that directly threaten her life.

    This is why her VP runningmate is of such concern -- his hatred of Israel is boundless.

  13. watso911,

    That Hillary is one of the Global Oligarchy elite (Clinton Global Initiative, hint, hint) has been a staple on Eschatology Today from the get-go of the current political season. We've known about this since Bubba's failed presidency, and we've known since Zero was the DEM nominee and then president elect in late 2008 that a deal was struck among them to make this election "Hillary's turn." We've also known that George Soros is the Global Oligarchy's 'Daddy Money Bags." None of this has been overlooked here.

    However, what we also know with respect to the present situation, is that the rank and file of the U.S. Armed Forces are keenly aware that the mess in Iraq commenced on Hillary's watch as SECSTATE. And the war in Libya and the war in Syria, and the whole of the revolutions in the Arab Muslim world. All of this has been part of the Globalists Agenda, and it would continue in a Clinton Administration Part II in January 2017.

    That this is known is the reason why Donald Trump is the overwhelming favorite in this election among the U.S. military; that between Trump and Hillary it's not even a contest; that it's a landslide in Trump's favor to the tune of 90% of the vote.

    We are keenly aware of our brothers-in-arms blood needlessly shed by the current administration, from Iraq in 2010-to the present, to the betrayal of SEAL 6 in Extortion 17 in August 2011, to the entirely preventable deaths of 4 brave men and two SEAL hero's in Benghazi a year later on 11-12 September 11, 2012. Yet still we remain "on mission."

    Nevertheless, we have very long and enduring memories.

  14. Hey sean, I generally avoid asking "what if" questions because I try hard to trust the Lord with my future, tho sometimes for me it's hard, anyway, here is a "what if" type question.
    What do you see happening to this nation if hillary ends up being president, whether elected or by fraud?

  15. "What if" the Globalists win over the Nationalists in this US election?

    Dear Lord God, bring on the Harpazo!! It'd be a virtual Nantucket sleighride into the global governance of the 70th Week me thinks.

  16. You just made a great point (I think you mentioned it before) it's not hillary vs trump, it's the globalist vs the nationalist

  17. The only way to address a "what if" is to frame it within the context of the existent paradigm. :)

  18. I agree totally. That's why I generally avoid asking "what if" questions. They're usually rooted in lack of faith in God. That wasn't the case here, but it usually is.

  19. Sean,

    I don't know if the Globalists' true colors have ever been on display like they were last night. Trump may have gained 5 or more percent of the vote just in the last 24 hours!

  20. I noticed that Trump has been quoting 1 John 4:12 recently. Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

    I pray that God's plan for a mighty harvest of souls is accomplished swiftly in these days.

    1. Miriam,

      I think I may know why Donald Trump quotes 1John4:12 a lot.

      One of the bigger and early influences in his life was Norman Vincent Peale (NVP).

      NVP was loved by millions of Americans in the 1960s through to the end of his life; spoke very eloquently and exuded a form of godliness, yet lacked the true Spiritual power that only comes from acceptance of and a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.

      Praying for Donald Trump to hear Christ knocking on the door and open it.

  21. Hillary was supposedly rushed to a doctor today

  22. long can this Shillary situation continue? This is absurd, there is something seriously wrong with her (besides the obvious). This can't be covered up anymore.


  23. I hear the unindicted felon had a "medical episode" at a 9/11 event, and then passed out during the walk to her vehicle.

  24. too. The video so damning.....get you spin cycle ready. How many times can you use the dehydration issue, and if true, how many times does it have to happen before you learn to drink some water? There is a serious issue that is being masked/covered up.

  25. Sean,

    If my comment about the unindicted felon came through, then I made a serious mistake. The Lisinophil is not a Cholesterol lowering medication but is generic for Zestril and is used to control hypertension. I was being rushed by my beloved daughter to come have lunch and I am pecking my messages to you on my old but loved iPad 2. It hiccups every so often and is slow so I was in a rush to answer her call to eat.

    Just wanted to correct what I had transmitted to you before.


  26. GG5,

    I hadn't recieved any comment from you since the one above on 8 SEP.

    I picked up on the "unindicted felon" desriptor from info a friend in the DC area sent me earlier today.

    It's accurate, catchy, appropriate, and I am rather fond of it.

  27. Sean,

    I love that very appropriate name "unindicted felon" is very right on! Not yet charged but the best is yet to come!


  28. News this Monday, 12 September morning is that unindicted felon's presidential campaign has been "suspended" on the advice of her doctor(s).

    Her "overheating" and 'fainting" spell of yesterday have overnight morphed into a bout of pneumonia that was supposed to have been diagnosed two days prior (Friday) to the "overheating" and "fainting."

    Her health is now a major campaign issue; it can no longer be hidden or obfuscated.

  29. I was informed this morning by a neurologist that his medical opinion is that the "unindicted felon" has been exhibiting all of the symptoms of advanced stage Parkinsons Disease (PD).

  30. Sean, I haven't been able to get my posts published for some reason. Anyway the (Karl Denninger) opined this morning that Hillary will be out for sure. Normally, I'd agree but in this Admin now, with the DOJ, FBI and IRS clearly in the tank, I believe the Dems will stop at nothing. Of course God will prevail, so we trust Him completely.
    THX Sean for your continued insight.

  31. Sean,

    Wow! Just WOW! Now the "rules book" will have already been rewritten and the rest is all baloney set to the tune of When Good Men Do Nothing.


  32. Scipio,

    Haven't seen any comments from you in the incoming folder until this most recent one just posted.

    I hear rumors the Dems are preparing an emergency plan to replace the unindicted felon on their ticket.

  33. Let's all not forget to pray for the unindicted felon's salvation. There is still a least little time left. Moments of personal crisis are sometimes the setup that moves people to cry out to God.

  34. Hey Sean, I thought it would be a good idea to remind everyone of a tidbit in the Global Sitrep A5-16, about a e-mail you received. It seems it is coming to pass now.
    "1 February 2016: I've been meaning to post some odds and ends and assorted things that made me go 'Hmmmm' or otherwise make a note of that others might like to read about as general interest material. However, none of this is 'Mickey Mouse' material; I just liked the above cartoon for its sense of nostalgia.

    First Item: The other day I received an Email from a US Intelligence Community (IC) veteran in which he related a very succinct rendering concerning ongoing rumblings within the IC regarding the FBI investigation of Hillary Rodham Clinton's private email server crime: "Indictment, Hospitalization and Pardon."

    Transliterated into plain English, this means the prevailing view is that Hillary will be indicted for her crimes while Secretary of State for the abject failure to properly safeguard above-top-secret caveat code-word (also known as SAP or Special Access Programs) compartmentalized intelligence issues. The indictment will immediately be followed by a sudden and acute health issue requiring immediate hospitalization (i.e. she will disappear from public view for some unknown period of time, as has occurred in her past). She will only re-emerge from this 'hospitalization' upon receiving a full chief executive pardon at the very end of POTUS Obama's term in office, possibly Christmas 2016. Hmmm, sounds plausible."

  35. Jmoll,

    The indictment and trial were, thanks to DIRFBI Comey, rendered in the court of public opinion of the basket of deplorables.

    Hospitalization imminent.

    Pray she opts for the eternal pardon of the Lamb of God.

  36. Amen, Isn't that the difference of Christianity, we see the demise of the unbeliever and pray for their redemption. Some better not wait to long.

  37. "...I take no pleasure saith the Lord, in the death of the wicked".

  38. Sean,

    I agree with jmoil comment and I am praying for the unindicted felon but my prayer is more in line with Apostle Paul when he asked that the flesh be destroyed so that the soul would not sin further. I can say that because there comes a cerain point that deloberate evil and behaviour cannot be tolerated any further and my past history knows the Arkansas history very, very well and it is not a pretty picture at all.

    I remember posting on the internet in 2015, around the early Spring, that after a long season of petitioning our ABBAFATHER regarding our nation, I heard in my inner being that her removal would happen in the month of September. When September 2015 was finished and she was still going strong I was sure I had heard someone other than my ABBAFATHER but yesterday I found out HE is still on HIS throne and HE is in charge from this point on: ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE. But we all have to pray for her salvation just the same and that of the unsaved leadership.

    I am
    GG5 and I greet you with GREAT SHALOM IN THE NAME OF JESUS

  39. Heads up... eyes on Syria! The Syria S-200 anti-aircraft missile fire against IAF aircraft within Quneitra Gevernorate this morning appears to be in blatant violation of the Yom Kippur War disengagement protocol. New SITREP coming later today.

    1. Syria, Russia, elections.....things are starting to converge aren't they

  40. So now after 4 days, we see video of the unindicted felon boarding her plane and heading back out on the campaign trail.

    Surely we are watching the final days of this farce?

    I can't imagine her being able to get through the debates that are fast approaching!

  41. Sean,

    Is there a way to tell if the woman who gave a speech in NC in the last half hour is the real Hillary or an imposter?

    It's absurd that it has come down to this where I no longer believe a thing I am seeing!

  42. Mark,

    You are 100% correct to question everything that the MSM reports. I'm been in the same situation as your are for a very, very long time now.

    On top of this I have been warning about the MSM -- including FoxNews -- for a very long time now; that folks should not take any report at face value; that disinformation warfare is being waged on a daily basis in order to shape American minds to the way the elite wants them to think about- you name it. There are a very select few legitimate journalists who can be trusted in day-in -day-out reporting.

    Bill Gertz and the Washington Free Beacon are one journalist and media outlet, for example, who can be trusted. Breitbart is another I have come to trust after seeing FoxNews drop the ball one too many times since 2014. Be careful, because, as has been made clear in this election cycle, "the fix" is in. Another set is Bill Roggio and The Long War Journal. The Globalist elite, the global oligarchy, will stop at nothing to further their agenda.

    We must always be mindful that these are SECULAR news outlets and everything reported by them must be checked and double checked to validate its veracity before it can be accepted as factual reporting of a given news item.

    So, was that Hillary in North Carolina today, as CNN reported, "not a moment too soon"? Yes, that was apparently the real Hillary and not her long-time body double/impersonator (for more than two decades), Theresa Barnwell.

    Or was it?

    Fact is, Hillary has more than one impersonator/body double. That additional body double would explain the pneumonia-stricken candidate's sudden re-emergence, 20 or more pounds lighter in appearance, with a different type nose, wearing blue-lens glasses and without a single Secret Service agent anywhere near her as she antiseptically posed with a young girl on that new York City street. That WAS NOT the real Hillary Clinton.

  43. I am sure many of you have seen the fallout from the press conference with decorated retired members of our military at the new Trump hotel in Washington DC today. I just wanted to say that something about this whole event reminds me of Haman and his entire family being hung on the gallows that they had built for Mordecai.

  44. Sean,

    Having watched the first 2 debates now, I continue to be amazed at the sheer level of condescension, arrogance, and hatred that Clinton / Kaine and their supporters have shown to our side since the beginning of the campaign over a year ago.

    All night Kaine was interrupting Pence and leveling the sort of accusations toward Trump that Democrats never, ever, show toward our country's real enemies!

    There is also ZERO accountability by them of all the problems they've caused, just more and more lies to pretend everything they've done is a success.

  45. I ceased being amazed by any of this 23 years ago simply because such lawlessness has been a matter of fact par for the course since "Bubba" took the reins in 1993, or in Arkansas prior to that.


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