The KING of kings |
9 October 2016: The "apocalypse of Jesus Christ" are the first three words of a letter that John wrote to his fellow servants of the LORD God: ἀποκάλυψις Ἰησοῦς Χριστός. We understand these words better - with a capitalized definite article added - as 'The Revelation of Jesus Christ' which serves as a title for the letter. The full title for this letter is actually the first three verses of the letter which also self-identifies as being a book. As stated by the text, it identifies the letter/book as coming directly from GOD to Jesus who gave it to John "to show unto His servants that which must shortly come to pass."
Apocalypse, the Greek word for revelation, appears in the first sentence of this letter from God to Christ to John, but does not appear again anywhere in the text. From thereafter the text self-identifies as a prophecy, and that it came directly from Jesus Christ to John. This same sequence occurs in Galatians 1:12 where we are informed by Paul that the gospel he preached came direct to him by "the apocalypse (i.e. revelation) of Jesus Christ." Also, in the gospel of John we are informed that Jesus told those who heard His words directly that they were not His words, but those of "Him who sent Me" (John 12:49-50).
In both instances, whether from John or Paul, the apocalypse/revelation primarily informs us of its Divine origin, that it is from God through Jesus Christ, but not what the apocalypse/revelation is about. The letter/book 'The Revelation of Jesus Christ' is a revealing about what He, Jesus Christ, is soon going to do and the order in which He will accomplish those things. Those things were revealed to John approximately 1,920 years ago and we, his fellow servants indwelt by the Holy Spirit, can read all about them, openly, unhidden, in the plain text of this letter/book.
Praise God, for no longer are the servants of God in the condition they were in prior to the coming of the Holy Spirit, for at that time they could not then have understood the prophecies which we read today according to John 16:12-15. The bride of Christ, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, guides us and informs us about things to come. Nothing is hidden from us, we see Jesus and we also see the Father (John 14:7-11). So also, these are not my words; I am not capable of such. These are the words of our Father.
So, the apocalypse/revelation of Jesus Christ is a letter and a book of prophecy, it came directly to us from God our Father, through Christ and John. And what good are His prophecies unless they are fully and completely understood by His servants? It is for the edification of the church, the bride of Christ, that all these things be plainly understood. John wrote in the book which bears his name as its title. "Brethren, do not be children in understanding; however, in malice be babes, but in understanding be mature."
The prophecy within the apocalypse/revelation of Jesus Christ, as stated above, is a revealing of what Jesus will do. Notice this... what will occur in the future has already been revealed! There is no unknown mystery here, it has already been revealed, 1.920 years ago in fact. And even further back in history, back in the Days of Nebuchadnezzar, did not God through the prophet Daniel reveal to him what would happen in the future? In Daniel 2:28 it is written, "But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days."
So you, my brethren brothers and sisters, do you think that God still hides the future of what will be from you? Are you in the dark about what will happen tomorrow? Are those things not to be known because only God knows them? If this is your current mindset then you are very sadly mistaken. God knew the end from the beginning, and He told Jesus, Jesus told John and John has revealed all of those things to us in specific sequence and detail, between chapters 1 and 22 of 'the apocalypse of Jesus Christ.'
These are mostly events we will not be here on this earth to witness with our own eyes, so we have been told of them in advance so that we may bear witness of them to those who currently have no real idea, no true concept, of what lies in the days ahead. These are things with which we can convict those who are not yet saved by the blood of the Lamb of the Truth that can and will set them free of the sin that binds them - hopefully in time to be caught up in the harpazo and remain with Christ forevermore.
Going into this prophetic book, tell me brothers and sisters about the letters to the seven churches. Specifically, what is unknown about their content? It's all right there in plain _______ (insert the language you know). Do you not know what Jesus looks like today, right now? You can read it in Chapter 1:9-20, all symbolism is explained fully.
Then there are the seven seals on the back of the book that only Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, was found to be worthy in all of Creation to open. Guess what, they are open! What part of the content of that book that had been concealed by those seven formerly unbroken seals remains unknown? And of the judgments which follow, is there any confusion about them? And so on, and so on.
That's my sermon, I hope you enjoyed it.