Saturday, October 29, 2016

Global SITREP D9-16: A Secular Look at the 70th Week

29 October 2016: The above 5-minute video (embedded from YouTube) is presented on Eschatology Today as a very high-probability secular look into the future. This video is entitled "Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity." It has been produced by the US Army for students at the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations University. This video is clearly intended to prepare tomorrows battlefield commanders with the currently unfathomable and essentially chaotic realities they and their troops will face.

I located this video two weeks ago yesterday when it was published on the OSINT website The Intercept. The Intercept obtained this video via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). That fact alone should speak volumes to one and all. Again, with emphasis and in detail, this video clarifies how today's military forces are looking forward to the year 2030. From Eschatology Today's perspective, this temporal frame of reference is close enough to make this video's content nearly synonymous with what we have come to understand as the period of time known as the angel Gabriel's "70th Week" prophecy. Eschatology Today has previously identified the prophetic 70th Week as occurring circa 2021-2028.

Both this video and God-breathed Bible prophecy agree on one thing, the future depicted in both is unavoidable. That means inevitable. What this video does not inform the viewer of, but the Bible does from cover-to-cover, is that only Jesus Christ provides the individual viewer an escape from the unavoidable, inevitability of the future. That is the blessed hope of and the escape provided by the Harpazo (the Rapture of the Church) through salvation in the blood of the Lamb of God.  


  1. This video illustrates how our American senior military leaders envision the world just 14 years from now. Obviously their view is not divorced from their religious upbringings, and most likely that view has been shaped by it to a great extent.

    1. That shows that there's still somewhat of a Christian presence in the military doesn't it?

  2. Sean , I'm reminded of what you said back in Aug'15 in Global Sitrep D4-15,"How many times have I written on these pages about the coming flood? A flood of wars, in sequence, one more devastating than the one which follows? The flood is coming."
    The word of God is trustworthy.

  3. There always has been a very large Christian presence in the 1.4 million of active duty US Armed Forces. It's an all volunteer force (86% male - 14% female) made up of our brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors from coast to coast, Alaska, Hawaii and territorial possessions.

    Most demographic studies do not touch on service members religious preference, but I do attest there are great numbers of Christians in the force. I have been among them.

    According to religion specific surveys of the 1.4 million active duty service members 50% say their faith is very important to moderately important; and 25% say their faith is important. That amounts to 75% of the total force. How many are bride of Christ brethren? my guess is 30%.

  4. That's actually encouraging to know

  5. My nephew is a pilot in the Air Force. He reads his bible. He was worried that he would be asked to come up against Israel when "All Nations" do. I was able to show him that he has nothing to worry about. We are Outta Here before Ps 83 et al.

  6. Is everyone seeing the insane crisis brewing before us here in the USA? It was laid out in some detail by both liberal and conservative media all day long today.

    Everything from an unprecedented Constitutional crisis if Clinton is elected to a near-immediate impeachment of Trump by establishment GOP and Democrats on the flimsiest of charges.

    Civil unrest in the USA is assumed to be rampant in either case by the media. Civil war is on their lips as well for 2017-2018. They're talking about an imploding America.

  7. I agree Sean, it is crazy times we live in!

    The US and World economy is near collapse. The US and Russia are on the brink of war. The Middle East is in flames. And we are entering the final week of the most vicious and divisive Presidential campaign in the nation's history.

    Donald Trump will be needed in the White House for us to have any chance of weathering the rough times ahead.

  8. Mark,

    Even if Trump wins and is inaugurated the republican and democrat (republicrat) establishment in the Distrcit of Corruption - who are ALL insync with the globalist agenda - are very likely to find one method or another to remove Trump in order to recover the power they will lose as a direct result.

    Our fight to restore and preserve the Republic under God will go on for a minimum of the next 4 years.

  9. I'm in full 'expect the unexpected' mode from today to Veterans Day. Nov 11th.

    Anything can and probably will happen, so I will expect it.

  10. Agreed....honestly, I'm surprised that nothing significant has happened up to this point. Maybe the globalists thought they had it locked up until last Friday, and they will now go full steam ahead. It will be interesting to say the least.


  11. Hello Sean. We keep our eyes fixed on the promised rapture. If things begin to fall apart in America for a time before the rapture, what scenario do you find most probable within our country? Widespread civil unrest, martial law, etc?


  12. Justin,

    I'm expecting everything I wrote above yesterday. Those are the known unknowns.

    And then there are the unknown unknowns, which is what I was alluding to in my comment of 12:34 PM today, that I am expecting (prepared for) the unexpected, or "black swan" type of event.

  13. The globalists and our corrupt politicians are no match for the Living God, whom I personally sense has made other plans for our nation and our world in the very short/immediate term. Could I be mistaken? Of course. But I am expecting great things and a great spiritual awakening before the Harpazo. It is the beauty, compassion, love and grace of God that draws unbelieving people to Him. I believe that contrast is going to be made very sharp and clear in the days to come - great evil but great good, which overcomes the world and the globalists.

  14. The more I think about our situation, the clearer it becomes that America is the last obstacle for the global agenda. What is going to happen to make America either a)irrelevant or b)complicit to the global agenda? Something has to give. I wonder if we are at the crossroads for that event, or will we struggle for a while longer before one of the above options comes to light. It sure seems like next Tues is the crossroad because I don't think either side will accept rule from the other candidate. I think this vote is about more than a worldly president also. Come quickly Lord!


  15. I feel the anticipation in the air every day now, every hour! Unfortunately, and
    unnerving really is that one of my eyes has started to twitch. Funny and sad at
    the same time. Anyway, the reason I'm adding to the conversation is to remind
    everyone about Matthew 24:37-38 "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like in the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and know the rest. In Terry James book, "Rapture Ready or Not" on page 27
    he puts it this way - Everything will be going along pretty much as normal in societies and cultures of the day, just like things were going along normally up until the very day judgement began we must be very close!!!!!!!!

  16. Sean,

    I have been busy and some of the things I have found out are much more than upsetting! However there is one very serious and disturbing bit of info that really makes me upset. THE man that the Republicans are trying to twist this election mess into appeared on one of my Wikileaks as $12,000 payout from the Clinton Foundation but when addressed that group swears it is a false or hacked item and not true. Howeverthe email has been verified as accurate by very sophisticated media resources. I ventured onto Evan McMullin's Web page and he is spouting the usual Liberal virbargeand I came away fully convinced that he is a "plant by those intent on destroying DT's nomination.

    I ask you because I trust your truthfulness and ability to really know the truth! I have a lot friends who think he (McMullin) is worthy of voting for.


  17. GG5, I'll tell you why I think God has chosen Donald Trump for such a time as
    this. I think it was his speech at AIPAC(?) that he told the American people
    he would move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem adding that Jerusalem is
    Israel's eternal capital. That move would restore America's support for Israel and
    lines up with Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. An article in the Jerusalem Post on Oct. 28, 2016 has the title of "Ivanka Trump says
    her father will move US embassy to Jerusalem 100% if elected. I was very late on
    the Trump bandwagon because of his offensive remarkes about women and other things
    that he had done. Then after being reminded about the type of people God usually uses to do His will such as Saul, I came to the conclusion the only way this man
    could still be standing after so many started in the primary and the infighting from other Republicans as well as fighting the demoncrats was because this is who
    God has chosen to restore America's standing with Isreal and take her through the soon to be Tribulation. IMHO

  18. Rhonda,

    True dat sister!

    What you say here is right on-track with what was posted as ( Global SITREP B10-16: Making America Great Means Blessing Israel

    In fact, that SITREP nailed the issues which are still the Number One issue before all of us in the coming election, and a very large part of why we do believe God has selected Donald J. Trump to lead the country going forward - precisely because Trump has taken a bless Israel position per Genesis 12:3.

    To save folks time of going to the linked SITREP... here's a key excerpt:

    "I believe this sea change, which I base upon informed situational awareness and personally define as an all-encompassing re-transformation of the America that for 8 years has been in retreat and decline under world-socialist, pro-Islam Obama, to an America on the march towards restoration and global leadership under an alliance of Conservatives, Evangelical Christians and Nationalists, is becoming increasingly evident even before it gets into full swing over the next couple of months, erupting into planned violence at coming political events and other targets of opportunity.

    The first manifest indicator of this sea change was presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's sudden abandonment this week of his neutrality stance regarding negotiations in Israel's conflict with its Muslim Islamist neighbors. On 2 May 'The Donald' made clear that his policy as U.S. President will be fully pro-Israel; to support Israel's continued and expanded construction of settlements and and infrastructure in Judea and Samaria. The left's violent opposition to this will likely eclipse anything seen thus far.

    Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump's first presidential-like foreign policy speech following the Indiana primary ballot victory focused upon Israel. His first major interview on U.S. foreign relations during a Trump Administration (DailyMail, UK and The Algemeiner) was focused upon Israel. Donald Trump is clearly under no illusion that truces between the Islamists and Israel have any value, now or in the future, especially when history shows they are followed just days or weeks later by more missile and mortar fire into Israel. He is under no illusion that the leftist revolutionaries and the Islamists are political bedfellows.

    Donald Trump's 'Israel adviser' was appointed last month; he is an Orthodox Jew from Teaneck, New Jersey named Jason Greenblatt. Jason Greenblatt, who studied in a Judean yeshiva, is a real estate lawyer who has been in Trump's employment for the past 20 years. Trump's senior policy adviser, Stephen Miller, was formerly a key aide to Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN).

    I think it's really this simple. It occurs to me in reading all manner of related material lately that Trump's Israel adviser and his Evangelical advisers probably have impressed upon him that to "Make America Great" again America must bless Israel. It's an irrevocable promise from God written in Genesis 12:3. And the predictable coming violence against this is as old and from the same adversarial source as detailed in the Biblical texts from Genesis through The Revelation of Jesus Christ."

  19. Good morning, brothers and sisters. This seems like a good time for a revisit of Psalm 34. Taste and see the the Lord is good!

    Psalm 34
    Of David. When he pretended to be insane before Abimelek, who drove him away, and he left.

    I will extol the Lord at all times;
    his praise will always be on my lips.
    I will glory in the Lord;
    let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
    Glorify the Lord with me;
    let us exalt his name together.

    I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
    he delivered me from all my fears.
    Those who look to him are radiant;
    their faces are never covered with shame.
    This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;
    he saved him out of all his troubles.
    The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
    and he delivers them.

    Taste and see that the Lord is good;
    blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
    Fear the Lord, you his holy people,
    for those who fear him lack nothing.
    The lions may grow weak and hungry,
    but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
    Come, my children, listen to me;
    I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
    Whoever of you loves life
    and desires to see many good days,
    keep your tongue from evil
    and your lips from telling lies.
    Turn from evil and do good;
    seek peace and pursue it.

    The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
    and his ears are attentive to their cry;
    but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil,
    to blot out their name from the earth.

    The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
    he delivers them from all their troubles.
    The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

    The righteous person may have many troubles,
    but the Lord delivers him from them all;
    he protects all his bones,
    not one of them will be broken.

    Evil will slay the wicked;
    the foes of the righteous will be condemned.
    The Lord will rescue his servants;
    no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.

  20. The FBI released the Hillary Clinton illegal Email server investigation on its website yesterday.

    I'm not going to link the four-part release on Eschatology Today, that's for other blogs and websites to do - I'm just letting folks know its there.

  21. The FBI released the Hillary Clinton illegal Email server investigation on its website yesterday.

    I'm not going to link the four-part release on Eschatology Today, that's for other blogs and websites to do - I'm just letting folks know its there.

  22. Do you know who's really winning the elections as of now? Too many varying polls.

    1. hartdawg,

      I believe the polls are irrelevant and therefore ignore them. The Lord's will makes them irrelevant. Israel will be blessed by the next POTUS.

      However, to directly answer your question I do know that pro-Clinton media have been over-sampling in her favor to a great degree, 6 to 9% at a minimum, and that's another reason to ignore those bogus numbers completely.

  23. ThanKS Sean! I would love to do a real healthy shout to the Lord that would shake the ground all around but I will do that later,

    Rhonda, I agree and my prayers are with all of us, including The Donald! AT first I could not figure it all out but time is a real series of God's revealing and now we are getting the full picture.

    Still some more stuff to fall on the house built on the sand called Clinton but keep your seat belts handy and your prayer closets cleared of clutter!


  24. I just had a few afterthoughts about Trump, our improbable, imperfect candidate. At the time he was making those offensive remarks (over a decade ago) he was undoubtedly unsaved. There have been times when I have been shocked by remarks that one of my adult children sometimes makes, and my other son reminds me that he is still unsaved (but God is working on him!). When we are indwelled by the Holy Spirit, He puts a guard on our tongues.

    I have seen an interview with Dr. Dobson who said that Trump recently accepted Jesus into his heart and is a baby Christian at this point. The only people who know for a certainty how valid or invalid that is are Jesus and Mr. Trump. (My, that takes me back. I can recall the first time that I lost my temper as a young mother and brand new believer, my husband accused me of being a "sporadic" Christian :-) But I digress...

    Regardless, God's anointing on the unlikely (Trump) is probably being carried out in large part to get the attention of those who are still stumbling around in the dark and are in danger of falling into "the" pit. God is intent on drawing people to Himself, the One who set up this whole improbable situation and seems to be bringing it to fruition.

    1. Miriam,

      A very timely, Spirit-inspired comment containing much needed information and truth for ALL readers of this blog, both domestic and foreigners!

      It is very much appreciated!

  25. Miriam,
    I think your son's reminder that at the time of Trump's remarks he was unsaved is a good reminder to us all. Also, the world of the unsaved have a false assumption that we christians think were better or more moral than everybody else, we do not, the difference is we are forgiven by God and know it by the Holy Spirit and they are not.
    I think Hillary Clinton will be understanding this a bit clearer when she desires a pardon for her crimes and not justice.

  26. Thank you Sean, for everything you do for us on this Blog and for your service to our country.

  27. Miriam,

    As always, no thanks are due yours truly; give thanks to God because everything I am and do He made in me through Christ and the Holy Spirit.

  28. Karen T in Canada wrote:

    "It is unfortunate that you are unable to post..."


    Yesterday, you sent the following in as a comment deserving of posting here, not once, but twice:

    "A P*s*y grabbing hate and lie spewer as God's chosen leader?! I think NOT!!!"

    I have to assume you are fully literate when it comes to common English. Then, with that being the case, what part of the rules by which comments are allowed here did you fail to comprehend?

    Bottom line: your posts being rejected from publication on a Christian eschatology blog has NOTHING to do with your expressed opinion, but everything to do with, as Miriam wrote above, " When we are [indwelt] by the Holy Spirit, He puts a guard on our tongues."

    Where was your guard in what you wrote into the Eschatology Today inbox? (That Inbox also serves as my personal email also for anything connected with this blog)

    Then you have the gall to sanctimoniously write today, "Trump by his current speech and actions shows that he is no child of God."

    Really? Seriously So, do your words here apply to yourself and your claimed status as a child of God? I think not.

    Have you also not heard in Canada what Miriam also wrote above:

    "I have seen an interview with Dr. Dobson who said that Trump recently accepted Jesus into his heart and is a baby Christian at this point. "

    I have seen that interview of Dr. Dobson also, and I concur with Dr. Dobson's and Miriam's assessment - Donald Trump accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior (through the witnessing efforts of Paula White): he is now a babe in Christ and we should forgive him as God has forgiven him. Donald Trump also has on his advisory board a minimum of 25 born-again, bride of Christ brethren, who are and will advise and pray with him on a plethora of issues and decisions.

    Obviously the same absolutely cannot be said of his unsaved female opponent or her veep nominee. She is a disgusting sinner who has enabled and provided untruthful cover for the multiple rapist and child molesting husband, himself a former US President, for decades to this very moment. Both need our prayers as well.

    I will cast my ballot for our new brother Donald Trump and our brother Mike Pence.

    If you want to have your comments posted to this blog the obvious changes in your heart need be made.

  29. I take comfort that EVERY knee will bow, and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Imagine that day....hopefully soon my friends.


  30. Following up on Sean's observations, I wanted to mention that there is a new Trump campaign ad that is linked on the Drudge report at the moment related to former Congressman Weiner. I thought it was very powerful.

  31. Karen, here is math problem for you.

    70 x 7

    Thank you,
    Ken B

  32. I have not seen that interview, and as Mariam pointed out, only God knows if trump is truly born again. Whether he is or not,im voting for a president, not a pastor. I'm also to a certain extent, voting for a platform, not a person, and for a born again Christian to vote for hillary, or to even stand by and let her win.....well, I have no words to say to that. My vote has already been cast, and it's for trump

  33. I, too was wrong in saying Donald Trump would be the president to bring America
    through the Tribulation, if indeed he did accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and
    Savior. I did not see or hear of Dr. Dobson's observation and am very happy to
    hear it. Better for D.T. to go in the Rapture than through the most horrible time
    on planet earth.

  34. I think we can vaguely imagine the chaotic vacuum that will be created by the occurrence of the harpazo of the bride of Christ should it occur between January 2017 and the election of 2020.

    What IF the response of "the merchants of Tarshish and all the young lions thereof" prophesied by Ezekiel is due to the leadership of the leading power of the Western alliance suddenly disappearing from the face of the earth.

  35. Especially if Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's Capital, this would create the perfect excuse by Israel's enemies to storm their country while the Western Alliance is trying to recover from the rapture.

  36. Hey Sean,

    That's what I keep coming back to when I think about things to come. There are too many of us left that wouldn't stand idly by as these things happen. Even though our country has changed so much over the last 8 years, 50% of the country isn't okay with it. I keep coming back to one thought....something, some outside force, must take an action that results in a dynamic change to America. As this election shows, I don't think 50% the country will stand for the status quo....on the other hand, the globalists won't give in either. It sure seems ripe for God to remove us & turn this world over to itself.

  37. Jmoll106 and Lance,

    Almost predictable given what we know or suspect that we know. I'm going to see if I can collect some facts in the next few hours to turn some known unknowns into known knowns. ;)

  38. Sean, I think this discussion deserves a post of its own

  39. Hartdawg,

    My thought exactly. Probably post it up tomorrow morning as SITREP D10-16 with a title TBD. A wide-ranging aspect SITREP is what strikes me currently. Talkin' to the Lord about this since last night.

  40. I am reminded of how many times the Word if God says " is it not written" or "it is written" referring to a word God has given through His prophets.
    May we in this time have our eyes enlightened by the Holy Spirit and be found faithful to the finish line. To the praise of His glory!

  41. Sean,

    I think I mentioned to you before, It's amazing to see the parallels of the Left Behind movie with the possibilities of what we see now!

    I truely believe the vision for that movie had devine influence!

    Love the discussion guys!

    Ken B

  42. Hi everyone, I am seeing indications that our law enforcement agencies may be preparing for a major event related to the Clintons. This popped back into my thoughts; it seems like now might be an appropriate time to revisit this part of Isaiah 47 which I posted in a different thread some time ago. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun:

    You said, ‘I am forever—
    the eternal queen!’
    But you did not consider these things
    or reflect on what might happen.

    “Now then, listen, you lover of pleasure,
    lounging in your security
    and saying to yourself,
    ‘I am, and there is none besides me.
    I will never be a widow
    or suffer the loss of children.’
    Both of these will overtake you
    in a moment, on a single day:
    loss of children and widowhood.
    They will come upon you in full measure,
    in spite of your many sorceries
    and all your potent spells.
    You have trusted in your wickedness
    and have said, ‘No one sees me.’
    Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you
    when you say to yourself,
    ‘I am, and there is none besides me.’
    Disaster will come upon you,
    and you will not know how to conjure it away.
    A calamity will fall upon you
    that you cannot ward off with a ransom;
    a catastrophe you cannot foresee
    will suddenly come upon you.

    “Keep on, then, with your magic spells
    and with your many sorceries,
    which you have labored at since childhood.
    Perhaps you will succeed,
    perhaps you will cause terror.
    All the counsel you have received has only worn you out!
    Let your astrologers come forward,
    those stargazers who make predictions month by month,
    let them save you from what is coming upon you.
    Surely they are like stubble;
    the fire will burn them up.
    They cannot even save themselves
    from the power of the flame.
    These are not coals for warmth;
    this is not a fire to sit by.
    That is all they are to you—
    these you have dealt with
    and labored with since childhood.
    All of them go on in their error;
    there is not one that can save you.

  43. Sean and all,

    I am growing very weary from the lack of forward movement that should be progressing right now related to the crimes against our nation and citizens! Don't relate it to my age because I have never had any patience with traitors or the likes of corruptions.

    Until God crowns any other human as Judge Over Salvation we all need to pull our horns in and REMEMBER WHO IS IN CHARGE. I love the reminder regarding Isaiah 47 and it still resonates within me.

    Until we all hear HIS shout out of here, I will forever keep looking UP!


  44. A SITREP concerning the 'things to come' can only be posted AFTER the voting has been completed and we learn how many of us made the effort to turn back Global tyranny while we were here with the capability to do so.

    1. :) Very rarely do most of the people of my state vote for anyone other than the likes of Kerry, Barney Frank,( yeah, remember him), and Kennedy (Ted). However, I will, once again, be one of the first to cast my vote for Mr. Trump. May it be a real Massachusetts miracle.


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