Friday, November 4, 2016

Global SITREP D10-16: America Has A Choice To Make

Reverend Billy Graham exactly 42 years ago at his Tidewater VA Crusade, November 1974

4 November 2016: How utterly appropriate for us today is the message given by the Reverend Billy Graham at his Tidewater, Virginia Crusade 42 years ago this week. Here are the first four sentences of that message embedded in the link above:

"The world is changing so rapidly that I hardly know it anymore. While we Americans are glued to our television screens watching football games, the world is reeling and rocking from crisis to crisis. Dangerous explosions are almost everywhere. We are on the edge of a precipice."

Please use the link, and read the entire message - you can almost hear Billy speaking these words as if he were saying them this very day. This is the paramount message I believe the Lord wants America to hear as we head into a national election a little more than 100 hours from now. The Lord wants us to hear these words because Billy, who will be 98-years old on the day before the election, cannot deliver them as he did 42 years ago. 

If you're like me, these words resonate as the words of any prophet of God will resonate; indeed, the Holy Spirit is powerfully moving as these words are read again, for I do believe these words are prophetic and they might well be His final words to America. Who shall heed the word of the Lord from a man I do regard as America's prophet.

Then, Billy Graham continued...

"Before we take a look at the future, we should look at the past and remind ourselves of the roots from which we sprang. I do not see how anyone could study the history of America without recognizing religious influences that have helped mold this nation from the beginning. In no other nation’s founding documents can we find so many declarations of allegiance to God. Time after time in our history there have been appeals to the “Supreme Judge” in seeking to build a new nation. This idea of freedom as a right of all men everywhere is unique among nations."

And then Billy Graham clearly and unequivocally laid it on the line...

"I believe that every problem facing us as Americans is basically a spiritual problem. Crime is a spiritual problem. Inflation is a spiritual problem. Corruption is a spiritual problem. Social injustice is a spiritual problem. The lack of will even to defend our freedoms is a spiritual problem."

The same question that Billy Graham followed up with 42 years ago remains unanswered by our nation as a whole... 

"The great question before us tonight is: Will this nation survive as a free society? ... Will America turn to God at this late hour, or will America continue on the broad road that leads to destruction?"

In just about 40 hours from now we are going to learn the answer to the multi-faceted spiritual question Billy Graham asked. We're going to find out where the Christians of America stand regarding all of the spiritual problems in this country. 

I've stated on this blog that this election is about Globalism versus Nationalism, but it is much, much more than that.  Christians MUST voice their opposition to the spiritual causes of all that ails this nation and they must do so by going to their local polling place to ensure that the godless Globalist candidates are soundly defeated in every state of the union. This is something I believe strongly that the bride of Christ must do before we hear the call to "come up hither!" I can think of nothing better to give Billy Graham on his 98th birthday.

Happy Birthday Billy!


  1. I was just made aware of another potentially remarkable association with the year 5777. Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946. Inauguration day will be January 20, 2016. After he is elected (and assuming he is elected), Donald Trump will take the oath of office on the exact date when he will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old (777), in the year 5777.

    We will obviously see if this comes to pass fairly soon. Again, I am not trying to encourage wild speculation about numerology and prophecy; it is just fascinating though how exactly God organized our universe and the flow of history. Another way to describe that is to quote what Jesus said, that every hair on our heads is numbered. In these chaotic times, it is reassuring to be reminded that God misses nothing.

  2. Sean,

    Thank you for posting about Billy Graham. The Graham family has been such a blessing to the USA. I also want to acknowledge the tireless work of Franklin Graham as he went to every state capitol in the USA and led prayer and repentance rallies to thousands of saints, asking for their commitment to show up and vote. There seem to be so many more groups engaged in corporate prayer for this election and our nation. We remain prayerful that God will answer the call of His remnant, expose the lies of the enemy, and make clear the truth of what these people are doing in darkness. That all seems to be getting answered, doesn't it? I say remnant as I find it disheartening the amount of clueless "Christians" who say they will vote for H as Trumps comments are toxic, or not vote at all. I agree with you that Billy Graham is a modern day prophet for America. We have a choice....and we know that God is in charge. Are we going to stand for Jesus??

    God bless...and remain prayerful all!


    1. LD,

      Not only do I consider Billy Graham to be 'America's prophet,' but he is and has been one of the Lord's key instruments in these last days.

      His ministry's commencement was concurrent with Israel's prophetic rebirth as a nation, and there are many who think his longevity is directly tied to the conclusion of the 'times of the gentiles.'

      America is in it's final "Hour of Decision."

    2. Concerning the comment LD posted, sadly, there is an influence of evangelical leaders encouraging people not to vote because they're too sanctimonious and holier,than thou too vote for trump because he has a potty mouth. I think that's abhorrent

  3. Sean,

    Thank you for posting about Billy Graham. The Graham family has been such a blessing to the USA. I also want to acknowledge the tireless work of Franklin Graham as he went to every state capitol in the USA and led prayer and repentance rallies to thousands of saints, asking for their commitment to show up and vote. There seem to be so many more groups engaged in corporate prayer for this election and our nation. We remain prayerful that God will answer the call of His remnant, expose the lies of the enemy, and make clear the truth of what these people are doing in darkness. That all seems to be getting answered, doesn't it? I say remnant as I find it disheartening the amount of clueless "Christians" who say they will vote for H as Trumps comments are toxic, or not vote at all. I agree with you that Billy Graham is a modern day prophet for America. We have a choice....and we know that God is in charge. Are we going to stand for Jesus??

    God bless...and remain prayerful all!


  4. these comments have nothing to do with Billy Graham but I am one who consider him to be America's prophet. I would like to share a short story about what happened to my son and I yesterday. The back story first: a friend of mine and I have been talking and planning to open a shop called, "The Hope Chest." The main goal of the Hope Chest will be to spread the gospel; excite the saints about the blessed hope to come, the Rapture; treasure America's Past, love the Present and prepare for the Future. What happened: My friend and I were on our cell phones talking about
    my new ideas right before Josh and I were going a few miles out of town to shop for a few things. Not two minutes after hanging up with my friend, Josh (driving that day) and I were involved in a car crash. The blame for it is shared by several moving parts, with part of the blame on Josh. Anyway, after the crash, lots of damage to vehicles, Josh was not hurt but my chest was hurting a lot. I could breathe okay but it hurt to take a deep breathe. So, go in the ambulance I do to get a chest x-ray. No broken bones! They said it was probably the seat belt that kept your body from moving that bruised you on the inside and you will be sore for awhile.
    So, now my question. Did Satan just try and kill me for the plans I want to do
    for God's kingdom? I mean "The Hope Chest" and the only thing that hurts me after
    the accident is my chest???? Isn't that amazing. Of course today all sorts of muscles decided to be in on the fun to cause my body pain. God is so good though.
    He had me wear that seat belt so no broken bones and no blood spilled. Of course, who knows how long it will be until I get my vehicle back. I believe most of the blame goes to a car dealership that I live by because they had a large transporter truck too close to the corner blocking the view of traffic coming down the road. I'm asking for prayer that God will make sure that justice is done in this circumstance and the party responsible will make things right. And if the saints
    that frequent this site could add Josh, my son, to their prayer list. He feels very sad and guilty for his part in the accident. Please pray that he forgives himself as God forgives him and he won't have lasting emotional burdens because of it. Thank you to my on-line christian friends for reading my story and praying. God loves us all, Amen.

  5. Rhonda, I just prayed for your and your son. I have personally been through quite a few difficult trials in my life, and over time I have come to realize that everything God allows is being worked together for good, as difficult as it may be at the time that you are going through it. In regards to Satan, you might relate this to all of the events of Joseph's young life - being left in a pit by his resentful brothers, sold to passing slave traders, the incident where Potiphar's wife falsely accused poor honorable Joseph of attempted assault, resulting in Joseph's undeserved incarceration, Pharaoh's cupbearer forgetting about Joseph when he promised that he would not, and then finally Pharaoh's baker remembering Joseph's God-given ability to interpret dreams and after God sent Pharaoh the series of troubling dreams. And the rest, as they say, is history.

    On the surface, it would certainly seem reasonable to view all but the last item as a really pathetic series of unfortunate events/Satanic attacks (and who knows if Satan might have been involved,if so he probably really enjoyed it) worthy of the Jerry Springer show, but now that we have the perspective of history, we realize that as Joseph said to his brothers,"you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good." God will work all of this out, and blessings will flow from this, that you can't even imagine right now - that is the way it's been in my life over and over. Although the resolution of some of these things in my own life has taken years, God's timing is always perfect :-) And remember, every hair on your head is numbered and you are always in His care, 24/7. I hope you and your son recover quickly from your injuries and this is of some comfort and reassurance.

  6. Thank you Miriam, your words are most definitely of comfort to me. I also
    remembered the story in Acts 5 when the Apostles were put on trial and they
    were flogged and ordered not to speak in the name of Jesus again. Then as they
    were going away they rejoiced that they had been considered worthy of suffering shame for His sake. I don't know if the accident that happened has anything to do with me suffering for my faith, but it would make it more worthwhile if it does.
    Anyway, thank you again Miriam for your thoughts and prayers. God bless you.

  7. Sean,

    It seems God has blessed Trump with great energy. Yesterday he held 4 rallies in 4 different states. Despite an assassination threat in Reno where he had to be rushed off the stage, he remains undeterred. He is now scheduled for 5 more rallies in 5 different states today, and 5 more rallies in 5 different states tomorrow!

    No politician until now has ever held this type of schedule as far as I know.

  8. Mark,

    This is as it should be, and I say this with our Lord's teaching of Luke 12 in mind.

  9. Hey Sean, I know it's not right, but I'm really worried about the elections, really worried.

    1. Don't worry Bro, early indicators are positive... I'll have another comment shortly.

    2. Don't worry Bro, early indicators are positive... I'll have another comment shortly.

  10. hartdawg,

    On there's an article posted today by Patrick Caddell which is his analysis on why a Trump landslide may occur tomorrow. Check it out.

    1. Coming from a democratic pollster, the article was very encouraging. Massachusetts has only voted 4 times for a Republican since 1928. Twice for Reagan so I hope it will be 5 times. I was registered voter 1 in my precinct on the voting machine so Trump was ahead here from the start. :)

  11. I'll check it out when I get home. I don't know anything about this guy so I hope it's not wishful thinking. Thanks for the info.

  12. I wouldn't say I'm worried exactly (and there is no sin in feeling afraid, the point is to set our minds on what we know and believe regardless of how we feel), but the state of affairs in our nation and in the world is a very stressful thing to see. I probably have quite a bit of company - I'd been experiencing what I can only describe as a heaviness of spirit as I considered the various developments during the past few days. Then, as I woke up this morning, the Holy Spirit brought the song "Greater" by Mercy Me to my mind. I haven't thought of/heard that song in months. I recommend a listen, Greater is the One that is living in us than he who is living in the world! Our God reigns!

  13. Our family worship night included this beautiful song!! The last stanza "Isn't the Name of Jesus All We Need" reminds us of our eternal hope. As we told the kids, report cards, social statuses, earthly treasures, and even an ELECTION have no bearing on eternity....simply JESUS!!

  14. Mirium/Heartdawg,

    I'll preface with... I am the guy in my friend group that responds to EVERY depressing convo with "Yes! BUT! Our Messiah is coming back! SOON! " It anoys at least one of them I know =)

    However today I was reading about that "spirit cooking" garbage and thinking of the possibilty of our president being a part of open occultic satanic worship... I was depressed. No other way to descibe it. It's scary and it's sad.

    I burried my ears in my earbuds with a bunch of Gaither music... Nothing like praise and worship to our King to solve the depression!!!!

    Ken B

  15. Sean and all ,

    Great sharing with all of you wonderful members of Christ Body! YOUR comment's brought me encouragement and nothing is greater than praise and sharing our Eternal Hope in Jesus Christ with each other!

    God has admonished all us to have NO FEAR because "GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN YOU than he who is in the world! NO Clinton, Obama or any other by any other name or title can separate us from the LOVE of GOD and that is the most powerful force known to mankind!

    Keep on praying in the name of Jesus Christ and no matter what you might hear or read about this election we are on the winning side!


  16. Can anyone say referendum (against the globalists)???


  18. Heck yeah Sean! Want some real entertainment....switch on MSNBC. I know we need to be the bigger side, but I just can't help myself. Yet another thing I need to ask forgiveness for.
    I really hope he lets the dogs loose on the corrupt individuals that have tried to dismantle our country over the last 8 years!


  19. I expect Zero to depart with a flurry of EOs and other such leftist nonsense.
    Thankfully our President-elect Trump can neutralize them all with his own pen.

  20. Did hellary concede, or is it going to fight this?

  21. The tide of darkness has been temporarily halted. Thank God!

  22. Hillary conceded in a phone call to Trump BEFORE John Podesta spoke to her gathered faithful @ the Javits Center in Manhattan, NYC.


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