Sunday, January 22, 2017

Global SITREP A3-17: The Current Situation - A World Upside Down and a Reversal

22 January 2017: Before getting into what was intended for this SITREP there is something that must be clearly stated first.

Yesterday, Saturday 21 January, all American media was totally fixated on those individuals marching in many of our cities and other cities across much of the scope of western civilization. If one had the volume turned up to hear their words spoken from podiums in diverse locations, what was heard no matter the specific locale was very similar to the text of Acts 17:1-9

Here in high definition for all the world to see were masses of completely deluded humanity, claiming that we have turned the world upside down from what they believe to be its correct and proper orientation. This display confirms that Paul's preaching to the Thessalonians (2 Thessalonians 2:11) about God sending a strong delusion in the end times has very much come to a literal fulfillment before all of our senses.

What we saw and heard all day long in Washington D.C. on the prior day, Friday 20 January, was righteous in every sense of the word. In that city a vanguard of our Spirit-filled and incessantly praying brethren held evil at bay. The work of the Restrainer was completely unambiguous to one and all who wished to witness it. Umpteen prayers in the name of Christ Jesus were offered by the people and potentates alike. 

And then our vanguard, the Restrainer, returned home and those who openly reject God and refuse to abide by the Truth He has revealed to the whole world and revel in their own wickedness took to the streets. Surely these are those people Paul wrote about to Titus (Titus 1:15-16).

Can anyone who calls him or herself by our Messiah's Holy Name doubt the lateness of the hour in which we live? Got your armor on?


The prophet Zechariah (Zechariah 12:2-3) foretold of a time in the last days when all of the nations of the world come against Jerusalem.  How many realize this actually happened with the passing of UNSC Resolution 2334, and how it lays the ground work for the near future fulfillment of the verses which follow?

How many realize that UNSC 2334 would have the effect of international law without all of the nations, including our own, siding with the Arab Islamists in the name of "peace"?  

How many realize that UNSC 2334 is a betrayal of Israel in the same way that Neville Chamberlain betrayed the peace of the world to Adolf Hitler at Munich in September 1938? History has repeated once again.

Talk about historical revisionism, these nations of the world have declared Jerusalem to be an Arab Muslim possession despite the fact that King David of Israel built the city 1,400 years before Islam came into existence; despite the fact that the Supreme Muslim Council (a/k/a the Waqf) in Jerusalem published a visitor's guide in 1924 which states on its first page that the current site of the Dome of the Rock (a/k/a Al-Haram Al-Sharif) was the "site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute."  

The guide goes on to quote 2 Samuel 24:25 where King David of Israel first took possession of the rock (threshing floor) for the price of 50 pieces of silver paid to Araunah the Jebusite.  This historical fact was known to the Arab Muslims well prior to when they conquered the city in 637 AD. 

It was Adolf Hitler's Arab Muslim ally, Haj Amin al-Husseini, in 1924 as president of the Supreme Muslim Council and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, published the visitors guide and also then began in earnest the program begun in 1921 to deny any Jewish connection to the land declaring a jihad against all Jews then living in British Mandatory Palestine. Who started this war we know as the Psalm 83 War -- the Muslims did; it is their continuing jihad against Israel.

In the aftermath of Israel's War of Independence (1948-1949) and until the Six Day War of June 1967, there were vast areas of land conquered by Egypt (Gaza) and Jordan (Judea, Samaria and Eastern Jerusalem). At no time was there any mention of these lands being "occupied" Palestinian territories. Curious, no?

Through UNSC 2334 the nations of the world have joined in the Islamic jihad against Israel. UNSC 2334 could not possibly have come into existence without the dhimmitude of the West towards the Islamic jihadist agenda. And our new President, Donald J. Trump, and his administration is fully intent upon bringing our nation into national repentance by reversing the evil that our former president has done. 

Standby for a geo-political paradigm shift of Biblical proportions.

I believe virtually all of us can see that such a reversal has a very high probability of bringing the prophecy of Psalm 83 to its ultimate fulfillment, and which we also know is the will of God spoken through His many prophets of Israel.

I also believe the regional instability created by the former U.S. administration which had allowed the Islamic Republic of Iran to nearly achieve hegemony throughout the Middle East will now be completely reversed, so much so that when the dust settles Israel will stand alone as the dominant power in the Middle East, fearing no nation on earth and living in peace and security.



  1. Well said. Trump has the smarts and backbone to stand with Israel.

  2. Yes, he does possess the requiste smarts and spine to stand firm with Israel in this time of prophetic fulfillment. The Lord's choice of him to be our national leader becomes all the more clearer with the passing of each day going forward.

  3. As it was in the days of Noah..
    The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
    Sean, your messages are keeping us alert and looking up.

  4. Sean,

    Great insight and verification of what THE SPIRIT is sharing with us all. I have to believe the same Holy Spirit is warning all of those who have turned their heart and mind to detracting and rebellion! Even the news media! But when God turns them over to a reprobate mind they will no longer be reachable. Have they indeed been cast into that great delusion! I tend to think so but I still have to try reaching them before that "Trumpet sounds"! As it stands now, I have a diffcult time with disgust, anger and then being willing to try for the Kingdom of God!

    There are times my foot really has to be shackled to keep it from reactions not becoming an old SPIRIT FILLED LADY!

    My prayers continue for all of our land but especially to come against the prince of the air over Washinton, D.C.


  5. Sean, concerning your remarks about the restrainer having restrained, some others have picked up on that as well. I'm not a fan of amir, but he picked up on it too. I just found that quite interesting

  6. One of my sons was in DC for the inauguration. Initially I had some concern for his safety as he was staying a very short walk from the Capitol Building. But the Spirit quickly reassured me no harm would come; the Restrainer was present!

  7. Sean, the fulfillment of Zachariah 12:2,3 was a prophecy I had a hard time seeing where it fit in to the last days. Until now, it's clear it must take place before Israel's expansion of land before Daniel's 70th week. This is so big.

  8. Sean, I would also like to bring up 2 Thess 2:11. This final call as it were by God to give the lost one more chance to believe on Jesus even as those who have totally rejected God, God is now giving them over to the strong delusion, so when we meet our Lord in the air, the deceived have been prepared to accept the coming man of lawlessness. This is big too.

  9. Well, as GG5 noted above, these are things the Holy Spirit is making known among the bride of Christ. I'm just spreading the news.

  10. Sean,

    I am so very thankful for our Heavenly Father gathering all of us here and placing you in charge of keeping us focused, enlightened, encouraged but also Armoured up and ready!

    I have learned to simmer down when I come here and start to focus on God's word and the realization that HE is really bringing the past warnings (prophecies)into being but that is all in and under his Supreme Command. I truly thank you and count you my friend in this chaotic time and even in the quiet times, if there ever will be those again!

    Just think, we are all living in these times that prophets, apostles and ages gone believers yearned to be here too!

    HALLELUJAH and Praise the LORD God almighty.


  11. I was holding on to this... but now media has it, so... one of Obama's last minute acts was to issue an Executive Order releasing $221 million of U.S. taxpayer money to the "Palestinian Authority."

    1. Don't know for sure, but prolly not because once the funds were released, they're gone.

  12. I recommend taking it out of his retirement.

  13. Yes, I was surprised when the AP reported that yesterday.

    Do you expect there to be any more surprises from Obama that we still don't know about?

  14. Sean,

    If memory serves me correctly the House nixed the funds that Obama wanted sent but Obama attempted to send it anyway over the LEGALLY AUTHORIZED OBJECTION OF Congress! I BELIEVE THhere is a built in recourse to stop the funds but cannot remember it! Betting that President Trump will figure it out before much longer!

    I have to state this up front and mean it most sincerely; what former President Obama and Mrs. Obama have put in motion can and will be made null and void by All Mighty God and their future or lack thereof is in ABBA FATHER'S domain and it will surely come swiftly! That includes the leadership responsibilities he has accepted for destruction of God's plans, purposes and prophecies. Consider old Nebuchadnezer or Haman!


    1. Obama's underhanded $221 million transfer to the PA, against Congressional onjections, was executed by Kerry on Friday morning 20 January, just hours befor Trump took the Oath.

      However, both Trump and his new State Department are looking to make adjustments so the funds go to truly humanitarian needs outside of PA control.

  15. Thank you Sean,

    For the update on the $221 million that Obama and Kerry embezzled from the USA and sent to the Outlaws of the PA! Words are not fit to put into printed form what degree of great dislike, regard and out right anger this last action by two traitors has brought on their ownselves but also, their whole families and those involved in it!

    May God have mercy on their souls!


  16. I'd like to know what source is reporting the $221 million transfer was blocked.

    Those funds were blocked by Congress, for months, but Obama and Kerry ran around Congress - as usual - at the last possible minute and get the funds released as I noted above. Trump Admin is having a go at adjusting the delivery.

  17. Sean,

    Will dig for the info on what source and deep roots if any!

    GG5 (May I dispenurse with the ending greeting?)

  18. See if this works but also, a blog by the name of Wayne Dupree has similar info!


    1. The JNi report contains the same info as in my comment above, it has a deceptive headline is all.

  19. By the way, there are many other "stories" out there on the Internet about how Kerry let someone in Congress know just a few minutes before he walked out of his office at State for the last time! How about Federal charges and prosecution related to knowingle aiding a foreign government with illegal TREASURY FUNDS,

    Mr. Trump surely has legal PRO that can and must bring these rats to justice.


  20. Sean, I'd like to know the source too. People at work today have been saying to me "hey, have you heard the funds for the PA have been blocked?". Everyone where I work knows that I'm radically opposed to obama, and equally as opposed to a "2 state solution".

  21. hartdawg,

    They are citing older reports which repeat the truthful fact that Congress had a hold (read: block) on the funds.

    That Congressional was non-binding, so Obama/Kerry ignored that and released the money last Friday.

  22. So once again, we see the first casualty is the truth. I don't know about you, but I'm getting fed up with all the half truths in the media, even the conservative media.

  23. Finally, we have proof that the transfer of the $221 million was frozen by the Trump Administration. And its the Palestinians who have confirmed it.

    "Source says State Department has notified Ramallah the funds will not be immediately available, while it examines the transfer"

    "The Trump administration has informed the Palestinian Authority that it is freezing the transfer of $221 million which was quietly authorized by the Obama administration in its final hours on January 20, a senior Palestinian source has told The Times of Israel."

  24. Awesome NEWS:-)

    Love it when a plan comes together;-)

    I still cannot believe how biased the media is against President Trump. CCN commentators and others continuously refer to the president as Mr Trump and not President Trump? They are always find fault in everything that he does and yet the markets are rallying?

  25. Nora,

    C. Lynn Peake's article on RR is very much in line with what I posted in SITREP D11-16 on 9 November 2016.

    Glad to see other websites are following Eschatology Today's lead in viewing current events and near-term future events through the lens of Bible prophecy.

  26. A current online poll being conducted by Arutz Sheva asks respondents if they are for or against moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

    On the current tally of 466 votes cast: 92.7% YES and 7.2% NO.

    A landslide in support of epic proportions.

  27. That's great. Our newly elected President has been working at a fast pace to keep his campaign pledges. That in itself is (epic). I hope this support helps politicians in Israel feel the same way.
    Every day feels like a cliffhanger movie waiting to see what happens next.
    Prayers and popcorn.:)

  28. The next SITREP will (again) take a look at a couple of things that have been illuminated on my radar that may happen during the next 18 months or sooner.

  29. Prayers & popcorn.....we'll said. It definitely feels like things are ramping up. Ready for the two-minute warning, last call, other shoe to drop, fat lady to sing....take your pick, just ready to go.


    1. Saints who have been waiting and watching tend to have more of a desire and excitement to meet Jesus face to face or face to feet as we bow with reverence and honor to the one who purchased our salvation. I have found the study of eschatology helps remind us this world is not our home.

      I'm ready to go too. It's a good thing I have alot of patience.(lol, yeah right)

  30. Sean,

    Before I forget it, a news item related to the UNSC attempt to vacate everyone in Israel xcept the Palestinians just showe up in my email. I don't remember how to do tags so will post the link here. Love how our Abba Father takes care of all the little details for us!


  31. love the Prayers and popcorn comment too! I am anxiously trying to cope with a non believing hubby that loves the very liberal PBS radio network and especially the morning fake news! Need your prayers to endure until I either fly away on my own or Jesus comes for all of us!

    Also, still praying that dear hubby has a Damascus Road experience with Jesus or some other witness comes by that he cannot fake who and what he really is!



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