Saturday, August 19, 2017

Global SITREP D1:17: The Late, Great American Eclipse

NASA Artist Rendering of the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
Updated 20 August 2017: As was noted in Global SITREP C8:17 four weeks ago today, "there is not one whit nor one iota one iota of coincidence" in the fact that this total solar eclipse is happening at this specific time. But you know what, there's some more to this than just the obvious, and for that the hat tip goes this time to "JR" who this morning sent me a link to a blog site, the "Countdown Report," that had several interesting tidbits regarding Monday's eclipse that I'd not considered or heard any mention of previously. Use the link to see the entire blog item, but here a few the items which I thought were most interesting.

  • Most total eclipses falls over water or unpopulated areas of the planet, so an eclipse that is visible is rare in itself. The August 21 eclipse will be the first total solar eclipse whose path of totality stays completely in the United States since 1776 according the Total Solar Eclipse 2017 guide. What else happened in 1776? Oh, so a total solar eclipse that affects only the United States, a gentile nation, since the founding of it? Note taken.
  • The sun will "set" at the commencement of this total solar eclipse at Salem, Oregon (named after Jerusalem circa 1850) at 10:17 AM, or the same time as the sun will have set in Jerusalem, Israel, 10 hours to the east. (my edit of the info)
  • The eclipse path is exactly 70 miles wide. 70 has a sacred meaning in the Bible that has two perfect numbers, 7 that represents perfection and 10 that represents completeness and God’s law. 70 also symbolizes perfect spiritual order and a period of judgment. 70 is also specially connected with Jerusalem with so many references it would take a book to write.
  • When Jesus died, there was an eclipse? and a earthquake. “It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon” – Luke 23:44-45 / “Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.” – Matthew 27:54.
  • This map of the path of the the eclipse over major lower 48 earthquake zones pretty much speaks for itself:

At this point I would invite the reader to visit the linked blog for a look-see at the embedded videos which are also interesting tidbits. I wouldn't and advise all not read too much into any of this, but it will be interesting again to see what actually occurs during the day tomorrow. 

The Biblical Truth of the Matter

That aside, the Christian perspective must be absolutely focused upon the Word of God. At no time can we entertain any astrological significance to this event. The Bible forbids such, as can be seen in Deuteronomy 18:9-11. This lesson was reinforced, among many other God-breathed passages, in Daniel 1 and Daniel 2. God directly enabled the prophet Daniel to make a mockery of the astrologers in Nebuchadnezzar's court; they were utterly powerless to answer this king's interpretive directives. But Daniel, through the word of God provided him, nailed it. With precision and accuracy that stands to this very day millennia later, Daniel, empowered by God, proved divination of the stars to be bankrupt, worthless and a charade. Anyone who doubts this see James 1:5.

So, here the the points God has made, and which are relative for all of us in this and other events in the stars:

  • Genesis 1:14-16
  • Psalm 8:3 When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have established...
  • Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the expanse makes known His work. 
  • Job 9:6-8, Job 26:13 By His Spirit He adorned the heavens; His hand pierced the fleeing serpent.
  • Job 38:32 Can you bring out Mazzaroth in its season? Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs?
  • Amos 5:8a He made the Pleiades and Orion; He turns the shadow of death into morning and makes the day dark as night...
The above establish that God created, established in their specific places, banded the Mazzaroth (literally: Constellations) together for His specific and perfect purposes everything we see above, day or night.

And in these last days He's told us many times over that the power He wields holding all of His Creation together shall be shaken in Isaiah 13:9-10; Joel 3:15 and Matthew 24:29. God alone has the power to move planets from their orbits, or cause the stars to fall out of their places where they have been since He created and put them there!

Enjoy the total solar eclipse knowing that it is only God who makes it possible.

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