Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Global SITREP D10-17: Paradigm Shattering Changes Reshaping the Middle East - Part II

Jerusalem near future with 3rd Temple standing on the Mount

06 December 2017: 
At 1 PM Eastern Standard Time (8 PM Israel Standard Time) today the next paradigm shattering event is likely to occur when U.S. President Donald J. Trump officially recognizes Jerusalem - historically, at present and in the future - the most important city on the face of this earth, as the indivisible capital of the State of Israel. The president will then order the process of moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. 

That this monumental paradigm shift is occurring during Israel's 70th year has long be projected to occur by Eschatology Today based upon the Word of God. That violence in the form of the final fulfillment of the Psalm 83 prophecy will result is a given; the end result will be as foretold many times over by the prophets Asaph, Isaiah and Ezekiel, among others.

Future events include the construction of the 3rd Temple as envisioned in the image above, and the opening of Jerusalem to be an international city according to Revelation 11 and Jeremiah 12 through 14. Jerusalem is where the salvation of the Jews during the 70th Week will flow forth as if from a fountain, and where the Lord Jesus Christ will return at the height of the Battle of Har Megiddo to become King of kings and Lord of lords over the earth. Jerusalem will be the capital city of the earth.

Al-Kiswah as it Appeared in Satellite Reconnaissance Imagery January 2017

02 December 2017: Israel (sans official acknowledgement) has made good on its ultimatum to destroy Iranian military bases in Syria. Early this morning (Israel time) Israel launched a volley of surface-to-surface guided missiles or air-to-ground strikes, or both, against an Iranian military base (image above) in the vicinity of Al-Kiswah. There are indications that both surface-to-surface and missiles fired from IAF aircraft orbiting over Baalbek, Lebanon may have been part of this very significant strike. This is the kind of military assault that could start the flood of prophetic fulfillment discussed on Eschatology Today at length, or it could be a powerful signal of Israel's intent to drive Iran and its Hezbollah proxy out of Syria.

Al-Kiswah is eight miles south of Damascus. The base is on the eastern side of Al-Kiswah, which also lies approximately twenty miles north of the Golan and a short drive to the west of Damascus International Airport.

Simultaneously with the Israel strikes on al-Kisrah a significant force of Hezbollah and Syrian Arab Army (SAA) units continued their nearly month-long assault against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) jihadists holding a pocket adjacent to the village of Beit Jinn on the eastern slope of Mount Hermon, and opposite IDF positions on the Golan. This action is unrelated to the Israeli strike on the Iranian base at Al-Kiswah.

Hezbollah's Missiles 

28 November 2017:
We begin Part II by reinforcing a key item concerning Ezekiel 38:13 and that is the acknowledgment that "Sheba and Dedan" were the progeny of Abraham's son Jokshan by his wife Keturah. Genesis 25:1-6 and I Chronicles 1:32-33. Thus the common misconception or false teaching that all Arabians are descendants of Ishmael is blown up. This is important because Ezekiel was inspired by the Lord to specifically name "Sheba and Dedan." The allies of Israel as prophesied to exist in Ezekiel 38:13 exist to today in the form of the U.S.-led NATO, The Saudi-led GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) and Israel. It is no great secret that Israel has extensive, albeit currently quiet, contacts and relations with most of the nations of the GCC. We have a front row seat to see how this develops, and given the events (Iranian expansion and threats) of just the past 12 months it's developing at a very accelerated pace.

It is also no secret in Israel that the next war (Isaiah 17, Psalm 83, Isaiah 11, Ezekiel 28 and, last but by no means least, Joshua 13) will be violent beyond any previous war Israel has fought since 1947-48. Isaiah 17:4-5 attests to the damage and unfortunate amount of death that will be visited upon Israel. Yet Israel emerges victorious and even greater than she is today. This is attested to be Ezekiel 38:8-12. The haters of the God of Israel and the people of Israel named by Asaph in Psalm 83:6-8 are to be all but wiped out as verses 9 through 18 foretell. And then there's Lebanon and Syria which will cease to exist as Middle Eastern nations. This is where both Joshua 13  and Isaiah 17 are prophetically very important.

Now that North Korea has proven it possesses an ICBM capable of striking virtually anywhere on earth, but critically anywhere within the continental United States, the "game" has changed irrevocably from what it was just before noon Eastern Standard Time today.  The President of the United States has already made his decision on how to "handle it." We shall not have long to learn what that decision entails. Off the coast of North Korea at this time is an armada not seen in Pacific waters since World War II and more powerful than anyone back then could have even dreamed of.


  1. I haven't read anything from Iran since this strike, have you? They threaten Israel all the time but now nothing but the sound of crickets.

  2. Indeed. Several of their officers (IRGC, Hezbollah and Basij militia) were killed. Silence deafening.

  3. Still haven't read anything, definitely worth watching.

  4. Israel does not officially acknowledge strikes such as this even though such strikes are the direct result of official statements on "red lines" and they're having been crossed by Iran, Hezbollah or Syria.

    No doubt this was Israel.

    1. BTW... A dozen Iranian field commanders 'bought the oasis' in this strike. Too bad Soleimani was not among them.

  5. Sean,

    Two thoughts...first of all, against what I am assuming was a pretty "impregnable" defensive posture, Israel totally destroyed that base undetected, and unscathed. That has to be blowing the collective minds of Vlad, the Syrians and the Apocalyptic terrorists of Iran. Secondly, the silence of Iran is actually very unsettling. I fully expect the skies over some undefended northern portion of Israel...where civilians live... will get lit up very soon by the cowards that they are. Knowing that the GCC has Iran in its sites makes this all very interesting. We know what the prophesies tell us must happen, and we have a front row seat for these things. We must pray for the peace of Jerusalem...and keep this land in our prayers. Let's maintain a vigil for that nation.


  6. DEFCON 4,

    Syria, even with significant Russian hardware present in-country, has never been "impregnable."

    Israel has routonely attacked enemy military convoys and fixed sites inside Syria with impunity for the past decade.

    Aside from this, we know exactly what the Bible foretlls must shortly take place.

  7. Sean,

    Does this fit into Ezekiel 38?

    “We have long been dreaming about this visit,” Bashir told Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said Thursday that he’s “very happy” to see the Sudanese leader in the Black Sea resort of Sochi. Bashir appealed to Putin for “protection from aggressive U.S. actions” and offered to make Sudan “Russia’s key to Africa” in developing ties on the continent.

    Ken B

  8. Ken B,

    Yes as Puwt. Also, Daniel 11 as a king of the south.

  9. Another prophetic point has become very clear... the battle over Jerusalem will be an integral part of the Pslam 83 fulfillment.

  10. While I don't believe that Trump is a born-again believer, at least that I know of I am so happy that we have a president that recognizes the nation of Israel. And it is a nation not a state regardless what anybody says. That said, however, won't the moving of the embassy delay psalm 83 as opposed to speeding it up? I was thinking that would the embassy being in Jerusalem it's kind of like a statement from America saying if you mess with Israel you mess with us I may be totally off on this, NF I am feel free to correct me but please don't be too harsh on me, and don't give me a failing grade lol

  11. Hartdawg,

    Trump being born-again or not is irrelevant IHMO. Was Cyrus the Great? God works His sovereign purposes through many men.

    This neither speeds up or slows down anything; it is occurring at its appointed time, and therefore its timing is perfect.

    1. You're right, every now and then I need to be reminded. So I did not get a failing grade did I? Believer or not, aren't you glad you elected a President Who recognizes Israel?

    2. Hartdawg,

      A couple of points.

      1. President Trump has executed a promise he made before God, his Oath, Israel and the American people.

      2. President Trump is not President expressly because I or anyone else voted for him - he is president because God willed it.

      3.God knew before Donald Trump was born that he would do what he has done. God also knew what the results of this action would be.

      4.Therefore, President Trump is an active executor of the will of God.

  12. Today's announcement (1/2 hour) from now will immediately recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital city, and probably defer the embassy move to occur over a period of 5 to 6 years.

    However, the 5 to 6 year timeline is never going to occur.

    It will be preempted and made moot by the fulfillment of Psalm 83 and the related Isaiah and Ezekiel prophecies.

  13. Sean, I'm reading, not posting too much but THANK you for your study and insight, as always. Zech 12:3 is meaningful -"Jerusalem shall be a burdensome stone"... I look forward to being w/the mighty Christ but also this community!

  14. No timeline for the embassy move was mentioned, and that is a good thing as well as a smart thing.

    Now we watch...

  15. Sean you are obviously correct, God has ordained the appointed times and it is perfect in it's timing.

    Humanly speaking, I think this actually speeds it up or does nothing to change the timing of things. It certainly doesn't slow anything down in my view. Why? Nothing will be slowed down as long as the Jews live. When capable war machines are ready; they who hate the Jews like Iran and all it's proxy's will attack as they pray to a false God to prey on Almighty God's chosen people to the nations that she would be utterly destroyed. They do not need a reason or an excuse, they want utter destruction as their own eschatology informs their actions, not a President of an America they hate with equal measure.

    Which brings me to my second point. Trump just picked a fight by asking them to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by way of a "peaceful reaction." My own quotes to summarize his plea for peace. Knowing certain prophecies must reach final fulfilment and that war will come it is plain for me to expect war to come given the lateness of the hour. I think Trump understands negotiation and he is trying to negotiate from a position of strength by reframing the peace process with the removal of Jerusalem from the peace process. Either way, the enemy now will respond. Erdogan as you know has already called for an Islamic summit. There will be a response of some kind because there needs to be.

    Speed it up? Slow it down? God's clock is providential as Sean has made clear, it will happen precisely when it will. Humanly speaking that seems sooner rather than later in my book.

  16. I agree with TP....humanly speaking, I see this accelerating events. What I may perceive as an acceleration is merely the timeline reaching it's next natural progression.....put simply, we are where we should be...when we should be. My impatience is what leads to the sense of tarrying. The islamists are looking for a it is.

    Clearly, as Sean, states....things are exactly on schedule. When people say "if the Lord tarries" it always hit me funny. He isn't early or is His timeline & it happens when He wills it.

  17. Precisely.

    When we turn ourselves over to Christ we also willingly place and accept that ALL things are thereafter under His full control. We become vessels of the Holy Spirit executing His perfect will in all things. We are not afraid of what takes place around us because He told us beforehand that what must take place will take place; that He will never leave or forsake us.

  18. Corrections to be made:

    1.) Turkish Dictator Erdogan (pronounced Erdowan) never said "East Jerusalem" in his address to the largely irrelevant OIC meeting in Instanbul.

    2.) The global corporate media is falsely reporting the dictator said "East Jerusalem."

    2.) Dictator Erdowan said "We (the OIC) recognize Jerusalem as the occupied capital of the Palestinian state."

    3. Both Turkey and the PA have declared the U.S. role as a mediator between Palestinians and Israelis to be "over;" that a future role for the U.S. in this regard was "out of the question."

  19. The Turkish dictator also referenced an apocalyptic "last day" Islamic ahadith in his remarks, saying (loosely translated into English):

    "Those who think they own Jerusalem better know that tomorrow they will not be able to hide behind trees."

    Notice again, this is not "East Jerusalem" but Jerusalem.

    There has been so such place as "East Jerusalem" since June 1967, nor will there be ever again.

    These words mean war as the prophecies of Asaph, Isaiah and Ezekiel all foretell.

  20. I've long thought we'd see this happen, a real-life example of a backsliden believer now denying the prophetic Truth of the Lord's Word.

    This is exactly was is to be found in a CNN report, official disclaimer notwithstanding, authored by Diana Butler Bass and published fove days ago.

    You can find this CNN report by google searching: "Jerusalem, Bible prophecy, Diana Butler Bass"

    Diana is, IMHO, a prime example at present of a Matthew 25 bridesmaid who has no oil for her lamp.

    She's a former (she freely admits that she no longer believes) non-denominational church goer who was well-taught about the last days, the Rapture, Israel and Jerusalem. She recites all the key prophetic details.

    She now self-describes today as a liberal PhD who no longer believes what her church and pastor taught her as a teenager.

    In reading this online report I'd say she learned well in her church, but never accepted Christ as her personal savior. Pray for Diana!

  21. Her last paragraph implies that the only way for peace is a 2 state solution and evangelicals are misinformed to believe the word of God. Ridiculous!
    Who brings the world new inventions and technologies?, Who treats the wounded of their enemies?, the list goes on and we all know in the Middle East it is ISRAEL. So on a purely secular level, she should be siding with evangelicals. Just another worthless article IMHO.

  22. Gaza border crossings have been closed by Israel. Rafah crossing with Egypt will open Saturday.

    HAMAS leader declared that they would march on and liberate Jerusalem from Trump and Israel; they would sacrifice everything for this purpose.

  23. The PA/PLO/Fatah have renounced (as in null and void) ALL accords negotiated with Israel from 1993 to the present.

    The slide to war continues to accelerate with each passing day.

  24. The "other shoe" is dropping as well.

    Yesterday the U.S. made the case for a coalition strike upon Iran before it can become another North Korea tomorrow.

  25. This is kind of nuts....the World is going about their business thinking that peace is somehow going to materialize out of this scenario. While they are saying peace and safety, sudden destruction....

    The tricky thing is that "peace" WILL come at some point.....a false peace, but "peace" for the blind nonetheless.....that is, of course, until the final & true Peace!

    Looking up, while peering over the edge every now and then :)

  26. "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet

    Matthew 24:6

  27. Acts3:19“Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord,
    20“and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before,
    21“whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.


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