Thursday, August 30, 2018

Global SITREP C5-18: Idlib and Jermiah 49:23-27

IDLIB Governorate of Syria

3 August 2018: Above is an outline map of Syria. The IDLIB Governorate is highlighted in bright green. To the north of Iblib is the Turkish border and Hatay province. Idlib has been under Sunni rebel control since the start of the civil war and it has always enjoyed Turkish support, and Turkish military forces occupy observation posts throughout this region.

Idlib is the Syrian governorate to which the Assad regime has been allowing free passage to for rebel forces who have not surrendered in other battles all across Syria. There now are an estimated 100,000+ rebel troops awaiting a Syria-Iranian-Russian forces onslaught now that the southern Syria offensive appears to be winding down. The Iblib rebels have placed all of their various factions under a single command known as the National Front for Liberation, or Jabhat al-Tahrir al-Watanya (JTW).

Notice where Idlib is located within Syria. It is right in the middle of the two locations identified in Jeremiah 49:23. Eschatology Today has been consistent over many months in linking northwestern Syria as key to the literal fulfillment of Jeremiah's ancient prophecy (49:23-27) and Isaiah 17. 

The countryside to the immediate west of Hama is also still in the hands of rebel forces, as is the region west of Aleppo. In preparation for the final assault on Idlib this entire region is being pounded by Syrian and Iranian artillery; an ongoing rocket and artillery duel is ongoing as you read this. Again, those who say the Syrian war is over are incredibly premature with such pronouncements.

16 August 2018: The battle for Idlib (Idleb) has not been forgotten.  It's a final warzone in northwestern Syria pitting the Syrian regime and its Iranian allies (Shi'a) against Sunni jihadists (AQ and company) plus other Turkomen factions supported by Turkey. Because of the Turks the Russians trod lightly here. 

One Iranian general let slip recently that after Idlib is conquered Syria (and Iran) would move to recover all of the Golan from Israel. Problematic to that is the US-led CJTF-OIR coalition (mostly the SDF/SDC militias and US Special Forces are in a position to cut off the Iranians from their homeland base of support via Iraq. The Coalition still has military control over 30 percent of Syria east of the Euphrates River and several hundred square miles around Al-Tanf at the Syrian-Iraq-Jordan border region. Iran is on notice that US forces will remain in Syria until all Iranian forces have permanently departed the country. The SDF believes the US forces will go into battle against Iran in Syria shortly.

But watch Idlib, it's where everything could unravel for Syria.

25 August 2018: The predictive sentence directly above is looking more likely with each passing day.  Turkey is begging the Russians to prevent  Iran and Syria from launching the full-scale Idlib battle. But Russia is sending even more ground combat power and shipborne Kalibr cruise missiles into the war zone.  

U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton has expressly warned Syria against using chemical weapons (WMD) against the Idlib redoubt, promise a powerful US-UK-French response against the regime of Bashar al-Assad if they those weapons are deployed.  

The Russian media is issuing beau coup propaganda trying to cover the the regime, saying that the rebels are the side actually preparing to use chemical weapons. They've even gone so far to accuse British Special Forces of assisting the terrorists in Iblib governorate in launching a false flag chemical strike and the promised US-UK-French retaliatory counter-strike.

Again, notice where Idlib is located within Syria. It is right in the middle of the two locations identified in Jeremiah 49:23. Eschatology Today has been consistent over many months now in linking northwestern Syria as key to the literal fulfillment of Jeremiah's ancient prophecy (49:23-27) and Isaiah 17. 

The approaching Battle of Idlib will (according to the Isaiah and Jeremiah prophecies) be utterly catastropic for Syria, the foreign nations involved will flee from the catastrophe that occurs, and also result in great damage and loss of life occurring in northern Israel. Forewarned is fore-armed.

29 August 2018: The buildup of foreign military forces hardware into and along the periphery of Syria continues. Such buildups take time to complete. The daily intelligence collection/analysis is out in front of the deployed hardware. This is all part of an effort to forestall error or miscalculation, yet the bristling and sabre rattling are an intentional effort to cause the other side to blink (i.e. stand down). 

There is no way that a "false flag" chemical attack by Islamic jihadists against  the civilian population in Idlib governorate can succeed. By the same token and the same real-time intelligence collection being employed by the Western allies in Syria, there is no way a Syrian chemical attack against Idlib could succeed either - even if it is conducted as a mimic of a jihadist chemical attack. No amount of Iranian or Russian propaganda making the rounds in global media can obfuscate what will occur when WMD by either side occurs.

Nevertheless, the military situation continues to deteriorate and appears to be taking on the attributes of a runaway freight train, especially in Russian and Iranian words and deeds. The Western allies (US, UK and france) have warned via unambiguous language in the UN Security Council that they will execute an appropriate response to a Syrian chemical attack against Idlib governorate. 

The Pentagon, U.S. State Department, and Executive Office (i.e. NSA John Bolton) also issued similar warnings directly to the Russian and Syrian government officials within the past 24 hours. The U.S. appears to have taken the position that if Syria uses chemical weapons it is because the Russians did nothing to prevent it, and they will be held as culpable in the resultant WMD atrocity. Backing up the US, UK and French warnings, NATO as a whole also has given stern warning to the Russians of potential consequences should they fail to prevent Syrian use of WMD.

There are an estimated 2.1 million civilians in Idlib living in areas under the control of Islamist and jihadist forces. The humanitarian situation there is dire and a catastrophe in the making even before the expected large-scale Russian, Syrian and Iranian military operation commences. 


  1. Also, reports of Iran withdrawing their forces 85km (52 miles) to the north from Israel's border are a ruse. Iranian troops are on the border, only some of their heavier weapons eere moved. Those weapons remain only an hour or so drive from the Golan border.

  2. Sean,

    Isn't the Golan another name for the Mountains of Israel which God ordained for Jacob after he was renamed Israel? And a further question on that matter, if you will. Is it to be the Mountains of Israel that the most bloody battle for Israel will take place soon? Following along with what I am trying to deduce is beyond my capability to figure out. However, could it all be a matter of consecutive fulfillment in quick order for all of the Psalm 83, Is. 17 and so on to be the matter of divine intervention?

    Too many questions flooding my understanding and yet, I am more than hopeful because I know whose I am and HE is greatly in charge. I learned that one last night, big time.


  3. GG5,

    It is my understanding that the "mountains of Israel" lie in the heart of the country as we know it today - Judea and Samaria.

    That is, the central part of the country, inland from the coastal plain to the eastern slopes west of the Jordan Valley, and in the north from the Jezre'el Valley south to Be'er Sheva.

    The eastern half of these mountains are located on current maps of Israel within the so-called area of the "West Bank."

    In other more simple words still, present-day central Israel.

    I believe Ezekiel 36 defines them perfectly.

  4. SEAN,

    I thank you kindly! I have become very untrusting of just about any of my former "informed friends" because none of them actually take God's prophecy serious as relating to all of us today. Me gets so very tired of their foolishness and always trying to find another excuse for what God is actually doing right in front of their faces.

    Thank you again and I feel very satisfied!


  5. This is a bit off the topic at hand, but is there any news of the upcoming peace agreement for the autumn? I search and find nothing.

    "Also, reports of Iran withdrawing their forces 85km (52 miles) to the north from Israel's border are a ruse. Iranian troops are on the border, only some of their heavier weapons eere moved. Those weapons remain only an hour or so drive from the Golan border."

    Could you please post a source for this?


  6. Rich,

    There is no scheduled upcoming peace agreement for the autumn. Sounds like something from a pseudo-Christian prophecy dabbler conspiracy website, so don't waste your time searching. Try reading the true Word of God instead, it's far more profitable endeavor.

    Also, I only reveal the sources or methods of raw OSINT collection on rare occasions, and this is is not one of them.

  7. The following links give some insight as to what is being prepared. We can presume this at year's end or spring 2019 an announcement at least will be made.

    And from August 3:

  8. In the verse above, Jeremiah mentions two cities; Hamath and Arpad. Both of these cities are located in northwestern Syria. Today Hamah is Syria’s fourth largest city with a population of around one million. Hamah is in the Hama Governorate of Syria. Hamah is south of Arpad but both cities are close to the Turkish border. Arpad is the modern day town of Tell Rifaat just to the north of Aleppo. The city of Tell Rifaat is in the Aleppo Governorate of Syria.
    What Jeremiah is trying to tell us is that the two large Syrian cities of Hamah and Aleppo along with the towns north of Aleppo will hear reports of a gathering invasion from the nearby Turkish border! Hamah and Aleppo’s northern neighbors are fearful that they may be attacked.
    Today Al-Qaeda rebels are assaulting Aleppo. Aleppo is Syria’s largest city. Turkey is moving more heavy arms and troops to the Syrian border near Aleppo.

    Sean. I'd say standby for more news of fighting and bombing in those area.
    soon these maybe in fulfillment.

  9. I know these are just words from a lower Duma official but boy, is this just totally playing up to Jeremiah 49:23-27 and Isaiah 17 fulfillment!

  10. Chuck B,

    Indeed, the prophetic end-game in Syria has been building steadily since January, occasionally boiling over on the edges (i.e. Al-Bukamal, Al-Tanf, Manbij, the Golan and now Idlib).

    This is all part of what is referred to on Eschatology Today as Bible prophecy in an active process of fulfillment.

    The use of WMD is very likely to cause the cauldron of Syria to boil over in an uncontrolable final convulsion of violence.

  11. Amen Sean. And with Iran now declaring full control over the Straights of Hormuz and Russian Black Sea naval assets moving towards Tartus plus the USS Ross cruise missile destroyer entering the Mediterranean, The Most High Hashem is about to bring the Four Winds against a most dismayed Elam! Marana'tha!

  12. As of today, and from the Eastern Mediterrean Sea to the Strait of Hormuz to the Horn of Africa (Bab al-Mandeb Str.), the slightest military miscalculation could set all of South West Asia ablaze with war.

    The "flood of prophetic fulfillment" is danger close.

  13. In the past 48 hours the Russian government's propaganda regarding Syria has escalated to virtual war-time levels. None of it can be accepted at face value; all of it is intended to decieve and confuse the reader/listener; all of it is disinformation. Ignore it.

  14. The war drums are deafening. Watching and waiting for the Lord’s call to “come up here.”

  15. Sean,

    Having health issues but appointments made to get correction very soon. In the meantime, I am totally depending on God's mercy and provisions to get all of us through the coming days, and maybe weeks. This morning I was awakened at about 4 and it was still quiet and dark outside but try as I might, sleep wouldn't come lay down for any amount of pleading. So, prayers began and I feel like a worn out old rag mop this afternoon.

    Here is what I garnered from a real battle royal and I have to pass it on to all of those gathered here. It is NOW the HOUR to pray in earnest for all of your family members, saved or not; friends who might be wandering away but before all of that devote a majority of your prayer time to those who are in authority over us. It isn't a matter of party affiliation any longer. Evil has been turned loose onto the earth because the deceiver knows his time is very short and he doesn't want anyone to escape his final actions. But I have to say that the Body of Christ has been given all Authority and Power in heaven and on earth just as Jesus Christ was seated at the right hand of God Almighty. That authority and power was granted to Jesus Christ in Righteousness the same as we are all seated within HIM in Righteousness. We overcome the works of Satan (evil) by the Blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ shed blood at Calvary) and the words of our testimony (the admonishment by Jesus Christ and God's Holy Word) Don't go off thinking it is in the power of a human being, each one of us, because it is only by the power of God's giving it to Christ. And we don't use our 'great brain power' to address the issue either. It is by the Holy Spirit, God's Written Word and in the Name of Jesus Christ.

    Each of you & me, can find all of this in Ephesians Chapter 1: starting at verse 17 which is the prayer that Paul offered up and we are a major part of it too. Many years ago, I stumbled upon this passage and the more I studied it the deeper it got in my heart and now it is a very present strength in times of great troubles. The more I learn that I don't know and ask for God's Wisdom the more humble and dependent I become on only trusting His word totally.

    The very reason that evil has been turned loose is written in 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2 and beginning with the 5th verse. Paul told the Thessalonians "that the secret power of lawlessness was already at work" but the main reason is the humans refused to believe the truth and love the lies they are being fed by the forces of evil. Only the continued Holding Back by the Holy Spirit is what is containing all of this evil right now but we are almost out of here and when the Holy Spirit quits holding the full force of evil, it will be quicker than a twinkle in Sean's eye or in a brain cell charge to flee. So evil is abounding because the ones who refuse to listen or hear prefer it that way and they will reap what they have loved to the death of their souls.

    I know this is long but there was so much taking place and the power of God's Presence was so strong that even tying to type this has been difficult for me to get correct.

    Shalom, Shalom,

    1. Thank you GG5 for passing on to us what God has shown you.
      I will certainly be praying.

  16. Sean and GG:
    I am also watching and waiting. Evil does seem to me more prevalent lately, with storms, volcano eruptions with many of family more sickness we are fighting off lately.
    Prayer and holding fast to our faith. I'm aware of GG verse Ephesians 1:17 and 18.

    "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,"

    I'm also very aware of Rosh Hashanah this year end on 9/11/18 evening tide. "nightfall"!

    May the Lord Bless You and Keep you!

  17. Thank you GG, beautifully said. Thanks for your perseverance to type that out. Yes, praying and watching, Labor Day, 7 days, one week, Rosh Hashanah ending on 9/11, the anniversary of destruction. I just saw in my minds eye, God taking His hand of protection away from the US on 9/11/01 and now it’s about time where God, the Holy Spirit in us is removed. Which day, which hour no one knows but the Father.

  18. GG5,

    Amen sister, you know as we all know that God is with you; He is always on overwatch and answering our prayers for you and your loved ones. We're family!

    The evil vermin are aware of the Holy Spirit's presence within each of us, but every once in a while they need reminding in the power of Jesus Name to stay clear of us and our loves ones, we also by the Spirit can cast them into swine.

  19. A corrective teaching.

    Did God take His protective hand from the U.S. on 7 December 1941 when this nation still had prayer in schools and was generally a more God-fearing nation?

    No, that day was no different than 11 September 2011 - the direct result of a fallen, sinful world where evil was unchallenged until it manifest itself on our shores on beautiful days in Pearl Harbor and New York and Washington DC.

    17 years later we still are at war against that evil; a war which now threatens to expand exactly as our Lord foretold in His Olivet prophecy - nation v nation, ethnicity v ethnicity.

    None of this is due to the removal of His hand. Those days will come, however, when the Restrainer, and we along with Him, are removed from this earth in the Harpazo.

  20. Thanks for the heart felt reminder GG5. The prayers of the saints no matter how long or short are always heard and will always be remembered by our God.
    To all, the peace that surpasses all understanding, maranatha!

  21. If we're going to cite Jewish holidays, then let's get it right to avoid confusion.

    Rosh Hashanah ("Head of the Year") is a two day long Jewish holiday. It is also known as Yom Teru'ah, a day of sounding [the Shofar].

    Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Sunday, 9 September 2018 (1 Tishrei 5779) and concludes its first day at sundown on Monday, 10 September when 2 Tishrei 5779 begins.

    2 Tishrei concludes the evening of 11 September (Patriot Day in the USA).

    Tishrei is the 7th month of the Hebrew calendar.

    The reading on 2 Tishrei is Jeremiah 31:2-20, a prophecy that has for 70 years now been in an active process of literal fulfillment.

  22. Excellent point!
    Romans 5:10 KJV — For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

  23. When I consider the workmanship of His Great Hands and consider my lowly estate, I oft times tremble at the power of HIS Love to all of us whom He sent his Son to redeem. Then I am instantly filled with a love that has no bounds and a vocabulary that is never sufficient no matter how hard I try.

    Then I read the shared comments here and my soul is quieted and at peace.


  24. Anticipating an imminent and large-scale Israeli strike on an Iranian surface-to-surface missile production facility at Wadi Jahannam, Syria (east of Baniyas) by satellite reconnaissance imagery.


    The JPost has the breaking news report this morning. The Israeli government has no doubt approved today's release of satellite reconnaissance imagery by ISI.

    The facility has been known about for some time. The time for its destruction has arrived.

  25. Sean,

    Seeing that image here is bringing it right home but the first thought in my mind was, why would Iran, Russia and Syria not realize that they can run but they can never hide from the watchful eyes that are present in today's world. Those have been very busy deceivers spending their citizens money on weapons of destruction.

    My prayers are established and may all that they have done in the darkness become of no use to them in any manner what so ever, ever!


  26. GG5,

    Well, they weren't trying to hide this facility from the God they don't believe in. And they weren't even trying to hide it from Israel either.

    They deliberately constructed this missile manufacturing facility with a couple miles of the Russian S-400 anti-air site and 10 miles of the Russian Hmeimim Air Base.

    These things won't present any problem for the IAF when the time comes.

  27. Something has occurred in Syria amid multiple unconfirmed reports of rocket or missile impacts in the vicinity of Damascus, possibly Al-Mazzeh Air Base. At least two, disticntly loud and large explosions occurred a little over 1 hour ago. The Israeli and Arab media speculation is that Israel has struck Iranian ammo warehouses at al-Mazzeh Air Base.

  28. Thank you Sean for keeping us all informed...praying for Israel’s protection.

  29. There were multiple second and third order detonations of ordnance at al-Mazzeh Air Base. Not buying the regime excuse of an electrical shorted circuit in the middle of the night. Iranian assets in Syria were attacked.

  30. There are a few folks wondering why recent comments have not been posted. There's a couple of reasons for this.

    1. The comments contained questions or material already covered or responded to within the text of a SITREP or within the comments section. There's simply not enough time to re-hash or re-publish material already covered.

    2. The comments contained active website URLs. These will not be published, unless they are URLs that have been vetted and known to be safe to post or folks to view. Again, this is a one-man blog, time is limited and focused on onging studies/research.

    3. Use the blog search engine (upper left-hand corner on mainpage) to locate material you're interested in reading about.


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