Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Global SITREP E1-18: Hooks

27 November 2018: As the news burst forth yesterday that the Russian Federation's sea, air and land forces had attacked a 3-ship flotilla of the Ukrainian navy at the Kerch Strait east of Crimea, one word immediately came to mind: hooks!

"Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Son of man, set your face against Gog, [of] the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed, a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords."  Ezekiel 38:1-4 NKJV 
These hooks, as we discussed here back in 2014, are the kind that would be used to lead an animal to its slaughter. That's pretty much the gist of what Ezekiel told to set his face and prophecy against Gog of Magog. The inference is that Gog of Magog and his well-equiped forces are engaged in some military adventure in the far north when these hooks are used to turn Gog and his forces around and draw them south to the land of Israel, and there to be slaughtered.

The ongoing Russian four-year long war of aggression against Ukraine, having consumed 10,000 souls thus far, stands a very strong probability of still being in progress when the time of Ezekiel's prophecy rolls around. That speaks to the near proximity of fulfillment for Ezekiel's prophecy, even though there is much prophetic fulfillment which is still yet to preceed it, it is tantalizingly close-at-hand.


  1. It appears obvious that Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shake backed down for good reason. I find it odd that Avigdor Liberman couldn’t swallow the same pill and hold his composure. With a division of Iran/Syrian forces huddled to the very near north, the Lebanese existential threat along with the Russian air defense and provocation to date, Avigdor Liberman apparently allowed politics to cloud his rational thinking.

    All that being said, I’m reluctant to accept all of this at face value...Avigdor Liberman can not be this ignorant.

    Thanks again for all the hard work you put into this, Sean

  2. Joe,

    I believe Lieberman was utterly ram-rod resolute that a major operation to fully destroy HAMAS and the PIJ and re-take Gaza in the process was immediately necessary.

    I think he was convinced, based upon his briefings by the OC Northern Front commander, that sufficient IDF forces and reserves to deal with Syrian and Iranian proxies were in place and primed for any contingency.

    So, as I see this situatin it boiled down to a matter of timing - Lieberman was unwilling to postpone the operation as Netanyahu and his commanders have done. So he walked away rather than accede with their COA.

  3. What about living securely in unwalled villages?

    1. Falcon 195,

      That aspect is covered by the full context of the last sentence of this SITREP:

      "That speaks to the near proximity of fulfillment for Ezekiel's prophecy, even though there is much prophetic fulfillment which is still yet to preceed it, it is tantalizingly close-at-hand."

      The fulfillments that preceed Ezekiel 38/39 establish the conditions of peace and security, and they are Psalm 83 Isaiah 11:14, Ezekiel 28:24-26, Isaiah 17 and Joshua 13:1-7 to name a few.

    2. For years I thought that the gap between the fulfillments mentioned and the "war" (more of a one-sided battle) of Ezekiel 38 would be several years (at least 3). I'm starting to doubt that now

  4. Ok, politics aside, that resembles Lieberman. Insight like you just gave is not available anywhere els that I can find.
    I love this site!

  5. Oh, don't get me wrong, Avigdor Lieberman is 110% about the politics of Revisionist Zionism, which is the ideology behind his Yisrael Beiteinu party.

    He's run the same resign his government post ploy many times in the past 16 years, and always based upon a political calculus. It's his way or the highway... more or less.

  6. I have always thought the hook that God will use to bring Gog to Israel is financial especially since Israel just Inked the deal to provide natural gas to Europe. I'm sure that is a large thorn in Putin's side as he has had his eye on Israel's gas since the first big find off the coast of Haifa in 2009. Once the psalm 83 War is finished Israel will be in possession of even more of their evil neighbors(Jer 12:14) gas and oil rich land which I'm sure Putin will take notice of. Thanks for all your hard work Sean we all really appreciate it. Richard, Spokane Washington

  7. Sean,
    Old habits are hard to break but Lieberman might have tried that antic once too often. No time for Prima Donalds!


    1. GG5,

      LOL... "no time for prima Donalds." Hilarious!

  8. Richard,

    Read Ezekiel 38:10-12.

    As these verses instruct, it is the thought that will supernaturally come into Gog's mind that will compell the invasion of conquest and plunder.

    The hooks are the Lord's spiritual instrument which brings this most ancient prophecy (Ezekiel states it predates from more ancient times) to its fufillment at the latter days appointed time.

  9. Hartdawg,

    I think that's a period of time which is irrelevant to the bride of Christ.

    This is because God supernaturally intervenes on Israel's behalf, and that seems to indicate, as I see it, that the bride will have already been taken.

  10. I believe the Lord just confirmed the sequence of these events in the most profound way!

    As He usually does, He sent me directly to Scripture. Quick as you like, I suddenly found myself led to and looking at Joel 2.

    Starting at verse 15 - and on from there - in the plain text of this Scripture are found this specific sequence of key events:

    The Harpazo.
    The Gog of Magog judgment.
    The pouring out of His Spirit.


    1. I agree. I think that psalm 83 and isaiIs 17 being fulfilled will serve as a wake up call to the church and a final warning to those riding the fence then the harpazo, the Gog of Magog judgement then the pouring out of his spirit

  11. Sean,
    I am glad you got a chuckle out of my Donald comment. I know that our POTUS has a huge theatre to satisfy but there comes a time when I get a little peeved at the whole show. Of course, my disgust with the former corrupt actor is beyond my ability to comment and I am dedicated to waiting upon the Lord to take care of the deceivers in this whole drama.

    Have a blessed day and oh, so waiting to hear "COME UP HERE!" very soon.


  12. Yup, even if it's in Greek (ANABAINO HODE!), we're good to go!

  13. There is a significant IAF strike operation at Al-Kiswah (IRGC HQ in Syria) in progress tonight.

    The duration and full scope of the op remains unknown and may be determined by Battle Damage Assessments (BDAs) in the morning.

  14. Eventually the IAF strikes on Iranian and Hezbollah targets in Syria will elicit a military response (most likely rockets) against Israel.

    Last night's hour-long IAF strikes were pretty significant; caused major damage on Iranian assets in Syria. More coming.

  15. Hmmm... maybe what Israel did last night was something a little more unique than at first glance.

    It may have been an intricately-planned , multi-layered strike operation - a retaliation for Iran's role in the recent Gaza 500+ rocket barrage - that utilized a bunch of LORA (long-range artillery) rockets combined with Delilah loitering cruise missiles fired from orbiting IAF jets.

    Very unique, very powerful, very destructive and very successful.

  16. By the way, we should get used to this Zero Dark Thirty type of warfare.

    Think of Isaiah's prophecy concerning Damascus' fate... in the evening trouble - by morning they're gone.

  17. This is one of the advantages of living in New Zealand - we can watch this in real time (awake) while Israel is carrying out its airstrikes when everyone else is asleep. And the fact that all other major ME media outlets are extremely silent about this (bar Debka/ToI/JPost etc) just goes to show how ruthless Israel was in this and how wonderfully embarrassed its enemies are about the whole 'ordeal'. Lord you are so good!!!

    Ryan D



    Excerpt of Washington Examiner report:

    "Iran tested a ballistic missile capable of delivering multiple nuclear warheads throughout the Middle East and into Europe, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Saturday.

    “As we have been warning for some time, Iran’s missile testing and missile proliferation is growing,” Pompeo said in a bulletin on the test. “We are accumulating risk of escalation in the region if we fail to restore deterrence.”

    That’s technical rhetoric for the possibility that Iran will feel emboldened to take even more aggressive actions in the region, eventually triggering a broader conflict. And the launch comes just days before Pompeo travels to Europe to meet the top diplomats of every NATO member, including the European officials who opposed President Trump’s withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal, so the launch will likely play into his defense of the American position in Brussels."

    1. This is a surprise critical development.

      This MRBM, known as the Khorramshahr, is actually a North Korean design (BM-25 Musudan) that came from the Soviet Union's SS-N-6 sub-launched ballistic missile.

      Iran has modified this missile to be road-mobile and to deliver 3 MIRV nuclear warheads anywhere in the ME or southeastern EU.

      Iranian tectnical details are probably more than they claim, meaning targets in central or western EU may be in range.

      If this missile were put in a shipborne container, then CONUS would be at risk also.

  19. If it's not a operational deception, then a ground invasion of Idlib and rual Hama governorate may occur shortly now that peace talks have collapsed.

  20. Sean,

    Hard to know which direction to face in this latest uprising. But it seems that Iran has had their hands in lot of foolishness all over the world and if that is the case, wouldn't that be stretching their resources a little more than thin? Southern Israel vs Hamas/Gaza; Hezbollah/Iran vs the northern borders of Israel and now the very visible testing of a nuclear capable missile that can reach Europe. That doesn't even include the Mountains of Seir vs Israel's northeastern territory. All because Iran desires to be over all in the region.

    Lots of praying for this whole situation.


  21. GG5,

    I'm pretty confident that this falls into the folder we know as Jeremiah 49:34-39.

    Been talking about this prophecy and its interpretation for quite a few years now. Many are those who fell by the wayside over the years because the fulfillment of it did not occur according to their schedule instead of the Lord's appointment book.

    I remain steadfast in the belief that this is something that the US, Israel, the GCC and hopefully the EU will now all see eye-to-eye on.

    If so, then there we have the 'Coalition of Nations' that will never accept Iran's possession of a nuclear weapon or the means to deliver it, and will act with force in preemption.

  22. Sean,

    Seems to me that EVERYONE IN THE USA & ISRAEL should be constantly on our faces praying for God's Holy Writ to be fulfilled and all of the enemies be scattered/defeated. This latest report is very unsettling to say the least and not a whimper on the internet about it. That proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the so called Main Stream Media are all sold out to their narrative that POTUS stole the Grinch's election in 2016.

    Have some friends who have posted to me that the war against all of us Christians, supporters of Pres. Trump and those opposed to the New World Order are in for a very rough and dangerous time from here on out. My response is, My God is greater than any threat or connivance by the Enemy of our souls can muster. "Greater is HE who is in me, than he who is in the world!"

  23. GG5,

    I agree completely and could not have said it better.


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