Thursday, June 27, 2019

Global SITREP C3:19: Elam and Iran in History and Prophecy

Elam/Iran  Susa/Anshan
27 June 2019: Elam and Iran (Paras), from the biblical prophetic perspective, are they the same or different? There are, according to the conducted Eschatology Today research, as many differing opinions or interpretations of this question as there are maps or drawings which depict the territory of ancient Elam within what we know today as the Islamic Republic of Iran (Paras). What appears as a fact is that ancient Elam does not exist today, but within its ancient territory are several provinces of the present Islamic Republic of Iran. Perhaps that is all we need to know about the subject. But maybe there is more. This discussion of the "more" will be brief but detailed overview of the Biblical and historical perspectives.

The Biblical Perspective

Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel all referenced this land within the prophecies given them directly by the LORD God, or in the case of Daniel, by His angelic messenger Gabriel. One question that arises is why Jeremiah's prophecy (Jer. 49:34-39) only refers to Elam, and Ezekiel's prophecy (Ez. 38:5) only refers to Iran (Paras). Not many venture futher to acknowledge that Ezekiel also referred to Elam during the time of his prophetic ministry. 

Ezekiel 27:10 refers to Paras (Iran). Then in Ezekiel 32:24 the prophet speaks lamentations upon the nations that will go down into the pit having been conquered by the sword (war). Among them is Eylam (Elam), gone into the pit,; conquered for having caused "their terror in the land of the living." With Elam in the pit is also Asshur (Assyria), Meshech, Tubal, Edom, Sidon and Egypt). So here are two example of Ezekiel using both terms for modern Iran in the same general time period (circa 580 BC).

The Historical Perspective

In those ancient times Elam had been an established political state for a couple of millennia in the general region of Iran we know today as the province of Khuzestan when Jeremiah and Ezekiel received their prophecies. Back then Elam was a contemporary of Akkadia and Sumeria. Elam emerged from that domination circa 1300 BC, and over hundreds of years there emerged within Elam two regional powers, Susa, with which we're eminently familiar from the Old Testament, and Anshan. In those ancient days the kings of Elam were known as "the king of Elam and Anshan. 

Then, circa Nebuchadnezzar the First (Nebuchadnezzar I) reign, about one-hundred some-odd years prior to King David's rule in Israel, the western half of Elam came under the control of the Babylonian Empire, while in the east, in Anshan, the Achaemenids began establishing what would come to be known as the Achaemenid Persian Empire. Before taking on Babylon, as the Bible recounts for us, successive kings of Anshan (Achaemenes, Teispes, Cyrus I, Cambyses and finally Cyrus II (Cyrus the Great 559 BC) took all nations and empires east of the Tigris River, until the sack of Babylon, as we know from Scripture. The languages of this second of the great world empires after Babylon was Persian, Elamite, Akkadian and Aramaic as the official language of government.

The point here is that from a bible-based eschatological perspective, Elam and Persia are virtually synonymous. This is why Ezekiel used both names. And this is how Eschatology Today interprets Jeremiah 49:34-39 and Ezekiel 38:5 as referring directly to the modern-day Islamic Republic of Iran. In the days of Jeremiah and Ezekiel both Elam and Anshan (proto-Persia) were located within the same geographic region of southwestern Iran.


  1. To bad for Iran that they won't go back to their ancient roots when they were friends with the nation of Israel

  2. Great post Sean, looking forward to the rest. I post to follow as the flood of wars and their final fulfilment commence.

  3. Great Post. Eagerly waiting for the next part
    Thanks Sean!

  4. Excellent! #Eagerlyanticipating

  5. Taking longer than planned... ISP having issues in this neck of the woods. Trying again this eve.

  6. Praying for all of the energy sources (no matter where they come from) get boosted to the most powerful measure of their abilities. But I do recognize some of the reasons for the down-strength of those assets and my active imagination cannot let it go without interceding prayers for you & your whole region.


  7. Back to full signal strength and the historical aspect for this SITREP has been completed.

    Watching for the next act to erupt.

  8. Well, that didn't take long. Israel began striking Iranian and Hezbollah target across Syria early this morning.

    Any one of this type of strike could trigger the bigger war of Isaiah 17 between Syria and Israel.

    New SITREP coming.

  9. Sean,

    My prayers are going right to the target of what God's word promises all of those who believe and we are all part of the great Crowd of Witnesses. I am reminded of this passage from Ephesians and it still holds the truthful Authority and Power to all who are believers in Jesus Christ! “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12)." The battle is real. Not to be taken lightly by anyone but it is all accomplished and remember this constantly, "we over come the evil one by the blood of the Lamb and the WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY". STILL one of the most powerful promises that anyone will find in God's Mighty Word. Wouldn't you think that Daniel became very well aware of the added power his prayers were receiving and yet it was way before Jesus Christ spilled HIS SINFREE BLOOD for all of us.


  10. Sean, were any of these areas protected by S-300, S-400 Russian air defense systems?

  11. GG5,

    A BIG Amen to that sister!


    Yes, they are, and Russia did nothing with its S-400. Essentially gave Isral a free hand to take out nearly a dozen IRGC Qods Force and Hezbollah targets, many of them repeate strikes on sites hit previouslt as we noted here several times in the past few years.

    The Syrian S-300 also apparently did not fire. But they did fire at least one SA-5B (S-200) Gammon at IAF orbiting east of Cyprus. That missile appears to have flown in a near Line-of-Sight (LoS) ballistic trajectory to impact in Turkish Cypriot territory in the vicinity of Nicosia. Very lucky for the Syrians they did not hit a commercial passenger aircraft or civilian homes.

    The next SITREP is on hold pending new developments; these strikes were more of the same as they have been from 2015 to the present. However, new developments are a matter of time only, and Iran is essentially in a box. They either lash out or fold. Lashing out is more likely IMHO.


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