Sunday, November 3, 2019

Global SITREP D4-19: The Crisis That Isn't A Crisis

US Armor Moves into Syria for Oil Fields Defense
Update 3 November 2019: The decision by Presdient Trump has been to reverse the wholesale withdrawal of lightly armored American special forces from northern Syria. The reversal is the deployment into eastern Syria of a brigade or more of U.S. Army heavy armor and rapid mobility special forces armor that had previously been based in western Iraq. This armored force is for the defense of oil fields captured by the SDF and the US during the campaign that destroyed the territorial Caliphate of ISIS. 

U.S. High-Mobility Special Forces Armor moving into Syria
Some of the US armor is from the 30th ABCT of the South Carloina National Guard with their Abrams MBT, Bradley IFV and armored infantry troops. Other elements are U.S. Special Forces in the now familiar M-ATV SOCOM and the Armored Ground Mobility System (AGMS) which is a SOCOM-modified 6x6 Pandur APC (image above) used by Delta and the Stryker ICVs of 75th Ranger Regiment. This deployment was rapid as Iranian forces in Dier Ez-Zor Syria were seen to be preparing operations to seize the oil fields from Kurdish-Syrian SDF guarding them. The oil fields will remain in production providing revenue to the Kurds as well as funding US forces defending for the region.

US M-ATV SOCOM Force departs Syria for Iraq

21 October 2019: For two weeks Eschatology Today kept its keyboard idle while the rest of the world couldn't stand to wait to see what would come to pass and instead passed judgment from the instant the U.S. military withdrawal from northeastern Syria was announced by President Trump. And all of that judgment, including some from very prominent Christian leaders, was absolutely wrong. To his credit, Pastor Graham, reversed his earlier position to one of giving POTUS the benefit of the doubt. Smart move. 

In any case, it is Eschatology Today's view, as most should be well aware by now, that everything occurring in the present time is related one way or another to the ongoing fulfillment of prophecy. If you doubt it keep watching the news, it'll catch up with this SITREP in due course.

Prophetically, Syria is a house of cards, Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:34-39 make that very clear. And pulling the U.S. card out of the top tier of Syria will have the ultimate effective of destabilizing the entire house that is Syria today. Look forward and ask if Syria and Bashar al-Assad without a real problem in its northeastern corner would then find itself free to finally concentrate on the governornates of Idlib and Hama, leaving Iran, Hezbollah and proxies free to make moves against Israel. 

Remember, just before the announced U.S. withdrawal from Syria, Israel was in high alert status for Iranian missile strikes. That alert has by no means diminished, and intermittent strikes on the Iranian forces in the Dier Ez-Zor region continue to be struck by stealthy aircraft, keeping them off-balance.

And getting back to the U.S. forces that just left Syria, they are now in Iraq where they'll continue to hunt ISIS and be a northern hammer for the other American anvil that will remain in Syria at Al-Tanf. They will also defend Iraq from Iranian encroachment. These two forces can strangle any Iranian military moves towards Israel. 

This is almost certainly what SECSTATE Pompeo and Israeli PM Netanyahu discussed a day ago or so. Meanwhile in Jordan, as we were informed recently, King Abdullah II gave some very direct advice to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The King told her to stop with her interfering in affairs that were none of her concern. Good advice.


  1. SECSTATE Pompeo says that POTUS will use US military force against NATO ally Turkey IF it becomes necessary.

  2. Sean,

    I saw a news story saying Iraq has told the US they cant stay... ???

    Ken B

    1. Ken,

      That's correct. As SECDEF said, the movement of US forces into Iraq from Syria is not opened ended ("interminably"). This is a temporary move into Iraqi Kurdistan from where they'll depart back to the US within weeks.

    2. However, there's more to this. GEN (Ret.) Jack Keane (FoxNews) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) convinced Trump via maps briefing of oil fields in E. Syria that urgently needed US troops to secure them pending an Iranian attempt to capture those fields if undefended.

      This explains Trump's cryptic remark of yesterday, "we have secured the oil."

      Today we appear to have launched a devastating three-drone strike against the the Iranian staging area in al-Abu-Kamal.

      So, not all US troops have withdrawn from SDF-controlled land east of the Euphrates River in Syria.

  3. "SECSTATE Pompeo says that POTUS will use US military force against NATO ally Turkey IF it becomes necessary."

    Seems like big news to me. Would Russia sit by idly if that happened? Probably not. Could this whole conflict end in the USA& its allies versus Russia& its allies? Sounds like WW3 in the making. Maybe it will turn out another way and/or the conflict with Turkey will calm but that's a possibility too.

  4. There's a great big IF in Pompeo's statement. It's a "yuge" IF actually.

    Wars and rumors of wars, remember? But the end is not yet. That's what Jesus said. So, there is no WWIII to come out of this.

    Moreover, I actually discount what Pompeo said to the point of it being a big zero burger because there is no Syria in the near future, Isaiah 17 and all. That's all that matters, what the Bible says. The rest is worthless idle speculation.

    The bigger issue in this region right now is Iran and its proxies.
    They really want those Syrian oil fields that the US will defend big time. That's a real-deal flash point which will inevitably involve Israel.

  5. As i was writing the above comment, Israel's security cabinet called into emergency session over a direct cruise missile and drone attack by Iranian forces.

  6. The crisis that is a crisis is now white hot.

    Israel has no government and war may be imminent.

    Will Aviv Kochavi be designated 'Moshiach ben Yosef' when his leadership wins it for Israel?

  7. The General has over 30 yrs in military service. That gives him plenty of experience. You can be sure we will be staying tuned into this.
    Maybe the trigger for this will be the rapture. Could the catching away of Jewish christians be the beginning of the awakening for the rest of the Jewish people and also confusion over
    'Moshiach ben Yosef'?

  8. Just keep in mind that ben Yosef preceeds ben David (Antichrist/70th Week) and what Jesus said about him in John 5:43.

    New SITREP coming...

  9. Do you believe the rapture most likely will be on the Feast of Trumpets? That is my feeling so I have resigned myself to another year of waiting as it just passed...

    1. Julie,

      I believe what Paul was led by the Holy Spirit to write in 2 Thessalonians 2.

      These verses, SPECIFICALLY, are what the Lord wants us to know about the timing of the Harpazo. They contain two signs, one of which (great apostasy) is currently occurring all around us. The other is also.

      That means the Harpazo is imminent.

  10. (Shalom Sean.

    Are your sources confident yet that this time they have cut off stone cold dead the ISIS sbake head abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. ?. Praise Messiah Jesus it be so !).

    1. Yes, he was killed after being trapped by US SOF in a dead end tunnel.

    2. Honestly I was not believing, since you are saying boldly here.. Taking that as confirmation.

  11. Oh yes, got him!
    100% befitting that al-Baghdadi was chased down in a tunnel by US combat dogs, whimpering, crying and screaming. Unfortunate that he took three children with him into the tunnel and seeing no escape blew himself and the kids up. Dogs survived. No US casualties.

    1. I heard the report from president Trump. But couldn't believe.

      Thanks Sean for the update.

  12. Sean, do you think President Trump will declare a sovereign state for the Kurds? What end time implications might this have if he does? Thank you, Robin

    1. Robin,

      No, that's something only the Kurds could do. Of course Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran would immediately end the attempt at sovereignty.

      We don't yet know how the future "Assyria" will come about, but it's definitely by the will of God and they will worship Him.

  13. Israel Security Cabinet again in session due to Iranian cruise missile and/or drone attack threat.

  14. The northeast Syria situation going from bad to very bad with Syrian army backed by Russian forces engaged in heavy combat with Turkish army and Turkey-aligned islamic jihadist forces.

  15. Sean, do you see a Turkey/Russia alignment happening in the near future as prophesied in Ezekiel 38?

    1. Robin,

      Catch-up reading posted on this blog 10 years ago (note the date):

      Sunday, October 18, 2009
      Turkey Has Left the West and Joined the Magog Axis

  16. Sean,
    Turkey is emerging as a new Islamic State?

  17. Nick,
    Since Erdogan and his AKP took dictatorial power over the state.

  18. If erdogan can extend his territory, considering Kurds as terrorist group, and trying to get rid of them from Syria, why no Israel taking the harm ones from their borders. Its the same thing Israel trying to defend is in it?

  19. Good move by POTUS
    once again, all the tabloids are criticizing him with the endless blather without facts. Patience is a constant victim in our society that wants instant results.


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