Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Global SITREP A8-20: Situation Chaotic

Turkish Army advances in Idlib
12 February 2020: Once again we're back with an eye on Syria. The situation there continues to deteriorate. Aside from the IAF strikes in recent days against Iranian encroachment, which the Russians say could lead to all-out war between Syria and Israel with Russia supporting Syria, we also have the increasing likelihood of all-out war between Turkey and Syria. 

And where else would this erupt in full but in the same general locale as we've been looking at for some time now - northwest Syria, the province of Idlib. Remember how Jeremiah 49:23-27 specifically identified this region! And the Turkish leadership also threatens today to attack Syrian forces anywhere in Syria, including Damascus. Wars and rumors of war. 

And all the grotesque things (famine, pestilence) that come with war which are making northwestern Syria a humanitarian catastrophe. Since the Syrian, Iranian and Russian military offensive began in February 2019 over 1 million refugees have been pushed towards the Turkish border; those who refuse to be pushed out (ethnic cleansing) are massacred by indiscriminant airstrikes and shelling of civilian neighborhoods, hospitals and schools. No question about war crimes taking place. But these are still the beginning of sorrows.

Speaking of which, a plague of locusts in East Africa will most certainly increase the already rampant famine there and even further afield. The 2019-nCoV is now beyond all attempts to contain and control it, and it's not the only viral outbreak occurring. Then there are the quakes rumbling around the globle, Japan, Papua New Guinea and Iran being the most recent. All these things are occurring simultaneously around the globe, and people just go about their daily routines in other places. Just as we've been told it would be. Our focus is on Bible prophecy, as always.


  1. Is there an air attack going on in Syria now? Robin

  2. By Damascus? I've followed your leading to start checking The Times of Israel since our loony msm suffers from lie-abetes.

  3. The IAF struck weapons storage and transport around Damascus airport tonight.

  4. Sean,

    I think it was Belgium =)

    Ken B

  5. Bibi is never flippant like that. Any guesses as to the origin of the BAF comment?

  6. The "Belgians" utterly destroyed the IRGC-QF Headquarters and a pair of massive weapons warehouses. Nice work.

  7. The Iranian leadership keeps stating they are not gonna tolerate this,
    And yet they do nothing, they appear to be very afraid of the Israeli's or "Belgiums". Maybe it's because the Israeli's mean what they say.:)


  8. Hello Sean,

    Something is not adding up regarding the US COVID19 testing. It seems as though our current testing criteria is extremely reactive VS proactive in comparison to other nations. From what I’ve read, currently to be tested you must be symptomatic, have recently traveled to China, or been in direct contact with someone infected. If asymptotic infection has been confirmed and we know how extremely virulent COVID19 is given its high R0, why are we not first testing for the flu (which is rampant across the US) and if the test is negative, then testing for COVID19 regardless of travel history. I’m seeing reports where people in this very scenario are actually being denied testing. I saw this testing scenario will be implemented across five cities, but why not nationwide? Is it a lack of test kits, further panic control, etc?

    Combined with the locust swarms, historic Storm Dennis, and M/E rumors of war; 2020 is off to a wild start.



  9. Sean, Turkey seeking NATO help for full scale war on Syrian invasion?

    1. "We see that Russians and Turks are very close to a major conflict in this region. We hope that they will find a solution that will allow them to avoid it. - Pentagon Spox

      Turkey proper would need to be attacked to triggerfull NATO Ch 5 clause for defense.

      Attack in Syria out of scope.

      Watch Naftalli Bennett vs Gaza terror, then Syria & Iran!!!

  10. With the Lord's help, I am recovering in hospital isolation from a powerfull strain known as HPIV. Another day or so I should be good.

    1. I'm glad to hear your on the mend. We will continue praying for you.

    2. Good morning Sean,

      Praying for your healing and recovery.


  11. Praying for your complete recovery brother in Christ.

  12. Praying for you, brother! May the Lord grant you a full and speedy recovery, and bless you, fully.

  13. Prayers sent up for you, Sean. Get well, brother.

  14. Those on the front lines get hit the hardest. Praying you're back in the action again soon. Your work is much appreciated, Sean. God Bless.

  15. Praying for your quick and complete healing. Being in hospital isolation stinks.

  16. Praying for your fast recovery and blessings to come from this...Maranatha

  17. Waiting to be discharged and go home.👍

  18. That’s great news, Sean. Praise God!!!

  19. Hi Sean...
    I have not commented before. I want you to know how important you are to
    my everyday search for truth.
    Yours is the only news I trust.
    Like many others who post here and the silent readers like myself, we are
    watching and waiting.
    God has you in His mighty Hand and I rejoice you are well enough to come home.
    You are really missed.
    Praise God for you and I am so thankful to have your messages in my life.
    A fan and fellow watcher, Sharon

  20. Moshe reports (Sunday evening Israeli time) a lot of rockets being fired in the area of Ashkelon.

  21. Sean: I also never comment but am so thankful for you and your blog as it is so uplifting to learn and as the sister above put it the best, a fellow watcher. May the Lord bless and keep you. Get well and rest.


  22. I'm a bit late but I wish you true SHALOM health Sean!

  23. Continued prayers for healing & recovery. Lord knows you are loved and needed here,but please take it easy and allow yourself plenty of rest. :)


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