Friday, October 23, 2020

Global SITREP C8-20: Looking Ahead on the Prophetic Road to Revelation

23 October 2020: We Christians are looking ahead on the Prophetic Road to the Revelation of Jesus Christ. And we have smiles on our faces because we know exactly what lies on the road as it crests the far horizon. Somewhere along this road, we know not where, the view seen in the image above will suddenly change to a bird's eye view when the Lord snatches us all away in the blink of an eye. In that moment our eyes will see the full scope the victory that was won for all mankind at the Cross.

But before that moment, when time for us will cease to exist as we've entered into an infinite eternity with the Lord Jesus Christ, we will see, as we are seeing right now with increasing frequency, troublesome times, fearful sights and lots of things no one has seen ever before. Yet, we do not fear them, they have no power over us of the victory that has been won. Many of those things have been foretold in prophecy as we've discussed on Eschatology Today for more than a decade. This is the Lord's purpose of His prophetic word, to let our inquisitive minds know what lies ahead over that horizon. The Lord, in His omniscient wisdom, knows of our need to know, so He told us in advance what we needed to know, all we have to do is read it.

From ancient times we have the testimony of the angel Gabriel, given from God as testimony of the events to come. The overriding theme of what Gabriel passed along was concerning present day Israel, the political events and political intrigue of these last days, and the rise of the beast and his unholy kingdom, the final fourth kingdom. The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Jesus Christ echoes much of what what Gabriel related to Daniel but in ever more exquisite details. The greatest of all the details that has been given to us is the fact that God has complete and total control of His will being done. Right here, right now.

And in addition to this, we have the Spirit-spoken word from Peter: "No prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." (2 Peter 1:21) Tell me that Paul did not speak from the Spirit in saying that in these final days "people would be narcissistic, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their elders, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, not lovers of good, treacherous, reckless, puffed up with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying it power. Avoid such people." (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Everywhere one can cast his or her gaze today this is what that person will see; one would have to be willfully blind not to see it.

And here in America we have seen it, almost all summer long and to this day we have seen Paul's prophetic words on full display. In the coming days, during this next week even and thereafter, we shall see them in living color. 

And this is where we'll leave it for now. Updates to this SITREP will continue to our election day, unless the Harpazo occurs first. If Jesus is not your Lord and Savior this would be a good time, possibly even your final chance, to accept Him and escape the catastrophes to come. Marana'tha!


  1. Sudan is on the cusp of joining the Abraham Accord with Israel. President Trump will make an announcement soon.

  2. Sean,
    Thanks for the encouraging words and for helping us keep our eyes focused on the blessed hope.

    1. Jmoll,

      It's so necessary to accentuate the positive now. This necessity will become clearer after Donald Trump wins his second term in office.

  3. I wanted to share this with y'all. This is the most powerful sermon I've heard in a long time. Election day message: Wake Up Church! Cornerstone Church, Leesburg, Va.

    1. Alta,

      First, WELCOME! Thank you so very much for raising your voice with this comment and sharing what I also say is the most powerful sermon I have heard in a very long time!

      Truly America is at a crossroads, what we do in the next few short days will determine whether the Spiritual Restraint WE impress upon evil continues or whether that Restraint is removed and disaster falls upon a once Godly nation.

  4. I have embedded the above MUST SEE video onto Eschatology Today as Global SITREP C9-20.


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