Thursday, November 19, 2020

Global SITREP C10:20: Are We Awake Yet?


18 November 2020: The series of Global SITREPs of the past month that began with C7: Rumors of War in America have all been related, in one way or another, to the U.S. presidential election of 2020. Being aware of the season in which we live, this election is absolutely pivotal in the scheme of events that will follow. The "dominoes" yet to fall in other words familiar to readers of the Eschatology Today blog.

That SITREP led to C8: Looking Ahead on the Prophetic Road to Revelation and which invoked the five-part series of the same name, an overview of prophetic events spanning from Israel's rebirth in 1948 to the concluding dispensational epic of Ezekiel 38/39. We view it as a concluding dispensational epic because Ezekiel 39:29 evidence that the Harpazo of the bride of Christ occurs in very near proximity to its fulfillment. That means the church is gone to be with Christ Jesus and Israel's 70th Week commences, or one dispensation of the past 2000 years will have concluded and the final seven-year 70th Week of Israel will have begun.

And, as we've all been buzzing about over the past three weeks, there's C9: Church in America, WAKE UP!, Pastor Gary Hamrick's Spirit-led election 2020 sermon. None of this is coincidental, and why SITREP C10 is asking the question: Are we awake yet? Have we got the church's attention? Eschatology Today believes, yes, this is so! Marana'tha Lord!

Within this series, which this writer had no idea where it was going to lead because no one knows when the Harpazo of the bride will occur, a response to a question about what in the world was going on came down like a dove from Heaven: We are witnessing in real-time the will of God being done! Current events, like Pastor Hamrick's sermon, are intended to have us ensure our lamps are oiled and to be earnestly watching and listening for His procession to collect the bride.

We are being given glimpses of what the world will be like once the Restrainer has been removed. We see the faces of those who will welcome and worship the Antichrist and do the evil bidding of the False Prophet in our streets. We see the grotesque lies, the incredible disinformation and deception that are more pronounced than ever before in the history of this Republic. We understand with crystal clarity that the so-called 'Deep State' is one of the crowns destined to be worn on one of the heads of the Beast.

So, the question remains of how will this clearly stolen election be resolved within the next week to several weeks? That is the Lord's decision and its already been made in accordance with His will being done. Will there be further restraint or is it time for us to "Come up hither!" Which ever it is, what ever amount of borrowed time is left, Eschatology Today believes it is but a very brief span of time indeed.

We'll continue this until that microsecond of the Blessed Hope finally arrives.


  1. I can feel the hoof beats approaching and hear the horses naying from aloft. Who could have imagined such wickedness would have been laughed out of town a year ago.
    Thanks for the insightful update Sean and may God bless everyone here.

  2. Amen & Amen! Pastor Gary Hamrick has been doing a Wednesday night bible study on Revelation (it is excellent) & that's no coincidence either. Spirit led pastors are actively engaged in informing & preparing the flock. Access the study via the church Facebook page or YouTube. Here is the link to the first in the series.

  3. Sean,

    I have been around your blog and even back to the Rapture Forum days! Its been 11 years! I grew up in AofG and talk of the Lords return wasn't constant but the few times it did happen gave me reason to research "what is the rapture" I am grateful the Lord woke me up when he did! The past 11 years have been slow and lighting fast all at the same time! I am ready and waiting! Please all pray for my wife, she was raised catholic and needs her eyes opened. She attended quite a few AofG services with me previously so the seed is planted.

    Ken B

  4. Absolutely incredible I’m so glad they did this the depts of corruption is beyond comprehension like a outrageous movie plot. Lord I pray that you cover this team of lawyers and staff with your protection, courage and continue to provide evidence of this pure evil force in Jesus name amen!

  5. Sidney Powell said that she didn’t know if the servers in Germany were taken by “good guys or bad guys”. Do you have any insight on this? I wonder why she wouldn’t know about this yet if the “good guys” had it...

    1. Good guys. No reason for Sidney to confirm that the servers really existed and were seized if bad guys had gotten them. Otherwise we'd never have heard anything about the raid. She also deflected any further questions; it's not a topic for detailed open discussion - those servers were obviously clandestine and classified.

  6. Thanks for the vote of confidence Sean, I was a bit worried about those servers too. Apparently Georgia paid a hundred million to purchase this system, yet I find it odd that it’s been two weeks and no body from Dominion has come forward to defend the accuracy of there system. This sure is one mysterious company. I won’t be surprised if we find out Hunter Biden is on the board of directors.

  7. Sean, I’m wondering if the disclosure from the POTUS legal team was to condition the American citizens to accept the truth when ultimately disclosed. Something the msm should have been doing all the while and is why the A-team was so upset at the televised disclosure. As the corrupt msm, judges and sec. of state’s discount all of the irrefutable evidence provided, thereby compliantly approving of an unconstitutional national election, I’m of the belief that POTUS will enact the “Executive Order” enacted in May, 2018 due the fact that foreign involvement of our elections requires him to do so.
    The Trump administration (in my biblical lens) is the final Christian administration this side of the rapture. I pray we have three more years of plenty (harvest) for a total of seven before the final seven years of deprivation.


  8. The Trump legal team did nothing more than provide a general overview of their efforts. They we under no obligation to provide even one word about their legal activities.

  9. We're not going to discuss the seized servers any more than what has been said in C9 and here thus far. The reason has been stated in a previous comment.

    1. Smart move. I think enough has been said. Now is the time to pray and intercede for Trump and this nation and let God's will play out while spreading the Gospel.

  10. According to Sidney Powell the full scope of the Deep State attempt to steal the election from President Trump will become public knowledge in about two weeks or less.

    She maintains that between 7 to 10 million illegal votes were cast, and Donald Trump still won in a landslide.

    1. That's good news. Discouragement and despair is trying to set in. The other day I repented for my part in the sinfulness of this nation. I have not been sharing the gospel like I should have been I should have used the freedom of this nation to do so. Therefore I am also to blame for the sinfulness of this nation which I have repented This election also reminded me once again that this world is not my home

  11. Immediate action being taken in the state of Georgia regarding vote fraud. Public release imminent according to POTUS.

  12. Anyway we look at it, time is running out for a long term revival.
    Israel began as a nation on May 14, 1948
    Mat 24:34
    Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
    May 14, 2021-May 14, 2028 = 7 years

    May God richly bless this nation, this side of the rapture. In Jesus name I pray. Maranatha

  13. I'm not expecting a long-term revival.

    I'm looking for one last call to graft in that last gentile per Romans 11.

    1. I sometimes wonder if this last 4 years was that last call and this coupt is part of the stage setting and we're going to hear the shout any day??? If this coupt attempt fails, I expect to hear the shout sometime during Trump's 2nd term, if it succeeds, then probably any day

  14. As stated before, we are seeing the Lord's sovereign will being done in real-time.

  15. Meanwhile, Iran is threatening Israel over Syria again. Big mistake.

  16. Iran on Sunday vowed to defeat any Israeli attempt to harm its role in #Syria, saying the era of "hit and run" attacks by Israel there was over, days after Israel carried out air strikes on Syrian army and Iranian paramilitary targets in the country. (Arutz Sheva)

    1. From the opening paragraph above: "Being aware of the season in which we live, this election is absolutely pivotal in the scheme of events that will follow. The "dominoes" yet to fall in other words familiar to readers of the Eschatology Today blog."

      The situation in Iran and Syria are two of the leading dominos as the twin comments I made above on 4 days ago make clear.

      Also clear on this are the regional governments who are making prudent military preparations.

  17. I'm hearing the Trump team is distancing itself from Sidney Powell. Is that more false rumors?

  18. Sidney has room to maneuver as she begins her Kraken bombing run to blow Georgia up. Not since Sherman's march to the sea has Georgia seen anything like what Sidney is about to do. Enjoy!

    1. I wish there was a "like" button for your reply I'm ready for the fireworks

  19. Hartdawg, they aren’t really distancing from her like the msm wants you to think. They are taking two paths to this fraud litigation. This should be a legal nuke...

    Ken B

  20. Sean, it's been awfully quite the past couple of days....meanwhile I'm reading something is brewing with Iran.... Any thoughts on the relative calmness around the election disputes or military movements lately?

    1. Tommy,

      The quiet has been due to the political maneuvering prior to the proverbial "Kraken" being released.

      Today that release has taken place in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsi, Michigan and Nevada.

      The coming days, or hours, will make clear the future of the U.S.A.

      WRT Iran, the clerics had better sit down and be quiet. Iran will not be allowed to possess a nuclear weapon.

  21. There are no rationales for any of us to harbor fear.

    Trust God.

    Realize this: The American electoral college of electors in the many states ultimately have the final say. They could, after hearing or seeing the legal presentations of election fraud played out, vote as they may.

    For example, in Pennsylvania the electors would not necessarily have to cast their ballots for Biden, but could cast them for President Trump.

    The electors in a good number of states, including even New York, have this Constitutional ability.

    The electoral college votes will be transmitted to the new Congress in early January and be tallied there to finalize the true result of the election.

    The 2020 election might very well not be determined until then.

  22. Have a blessed Thanksgiving Sean;
    God has been good to us all and we should be thankful for all his tender mercies.

    God Bless you.

    Your sister in Christ


  23. Melody,

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, may God Bless and keep you safe!

  24. Sean,

    The states you mention (Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Nevada) comprise 68 electoral votes. If those were to be overturned and added to Trump's current 232, he would have an even 300!

    1. Yes, and other surprises will get the number closer to the 410 that was spoken about previously.

    2. There are some rumors that California went for trump. Sounds far fetched but I thought you might find that interesting. Happy Thanksgiving

    3. That's one of the surprises. Shhhhhh. ;)

  25. Ed, I'm holding on to your comment's link as it relates directly to the late-Kim Clement's prophecy about a 2-term Trump Administration.

    I put this into our mix a while back; it may be a true prophecy. Kim is no longer with us to benefit from its fulfillment.

  26. Ed has left a new comment on your post "Global SITREP C10:20: Are We Awake Yet?":

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    (Link to follow, hopefully real soon!)

  27. Indeed, Happy Thanksgiving to all and thank God for the roasted kraken, compliments of Sidney and faithful patriots everywhere.

  28. The Kraken, I am told, is a multiple tentacled DoD cyberwar technology. It allows real-time intelligence collection on the the WWW. So, as the story goes, DJT and staff watched the theft of votes and the insertion of votes as they happened. Now the lawyers are out to prove it all before it would need to go to SCOTUS. State Legislatures should give DJT his due electoral victory - Thank God.

  29. Sean,

    While this may be rhetorical, I struggle with the current strategy of DJTs team of endless state lawsuits (aiming for the SCOTUS goal) while the server and fraud issue is being taken up by Ms Powell. If the President watched the election flip in real time at a military installation, assumingely with high ups in command, why then would the DOJ (or perhaps the military command) not have taken the lead as a matter of security given the foreign interference? Secure voting machines in key states? Is DOJ that far gone? I believe in my very core that this election was stolen. Just can’t grasp why DOJ of some other alphabet agency is NOT taking the lead so Trumps team doesn’t have to do this? In any event, I am trusting God to fully and completely expose the darkness to His light.


    1. LD,

      In any war there are multiple fronts. In this war it's kinda like 3D, or 4D or even 5D chess. The "Deep State" is that deep.

      I see this war as one to, at least temporarily, prevent the US from faliing into what will become the beast empire.

  30. Tommy,

    Yes, as found on GatewayPundit dot com website.

    A video was released on Friday in Mandarin Chinese of a phone call request for fake ballots [in bulk quantity] customized by a Chinese factory.

    The manufacturer is reportedly in Kwangtung, China."

  31. Another powerful video featuring Gen. Flynn and LTG MacInerney.

  32. Hey Sean, it appears youtube blocked the video already. What a bizzaro world. Good thing we were warned about times like these.

  33. Sean, it looks like youtube pulled the video. I found that someone had uploaded it to bitchute here:

  34. Dear Brother....

    Happy belated Thanksgiving. I tried the link but keep getting an error.

    Take care my Brother!

  35. Have any of you seen the YouTube videos of the worship in the white house? It's amazing. I'm not ready to say Trump is a true Christian yet but still....

    1. I watched a Trump Rally where our President acknowledged God as Supreme and Jesus Christ as His Son in whose blood we are redeemed.

      To me that is a Christian statement of faith.

  36. WorldViewWeekend with Branon Howse hosts the video:

    1. And this:


    Gen. Flynn, LtGen McInerny, Marry Fanning lay out (in WVW interview above) the case that the fraud committed during the 2020 election was treason committed by high level personnel in the US government including current and former politicians.

    The level of treason has not been seen since the Civil War. They compare current situation to stages of warfare. Infowar, cyberwar, etc. Ex. Censorship of a US President by US companies.

    The President distrustful of traditional LE/IC assets due to recent past behavior is augmenting law enforcement agencies with military assets to develop, collect and catalog needed evidence of treason to remove an elected President.

    The actions of the President, the SecDef, SOCOM, JSOC, would appear that those involved would be designated "enemy combatants" in accordance with National Defense Directives and Executive Order signed in 9/12/18.

  38. Amen,amen. Thanks for the update and prayers for all.

  39. It's now time to move on to Global SITREP D1-20 in continuation of the series begun with C7-20: Rumors of War in America.


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