Monday, April 25, 2022

Global SITREP B9-22: Disruptions and Restraint Prior to Revelation 6

25 April 2022: The topic has been in the news lately and if one is not aware then just say, "noting to see here," and just move along. If only it were so, but it's not because there is something to see here and none of it is just coincidence. Food processing plants, distribution and logistics centers and sustainment warehouses from sea to shining sea have spontaneously combusted to place further strains on an already stressed national supply chain. If these were just one or two incidents in suburban America separated by many miles of interstate highway, that would be one thing. But when dozens of such incidents occur in a short span of time its something else again.

And its more than just a trend of mishaps. It appears to be orchestrated arson on a national scale. And yet it's more than that still, it's occurring globally. A short list (no time in my day to compile a truly thorough listing) to include the global occurrences would exceed 50 in the past month or so, from Canada, through one-half of the lower 48, to Mexico, to the EU, the Middle East to Central Asia and then to Down Under. And you know what, none of this has come about as a result of a third or fourth world war. And no, this has nothing to do with Russia's insane invasion of Ukraine. This is a barely glimpse into the future of the end of the world at war that John the Revelator was told to record as the Lamb of God opened the seals of the scroll in The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 6. Thankfully and by way of our blessed hope of the Harpazo, none of us will be here to endure it.

This brings us to the cadre of evil doers that Ray DiLorenzo wrote about yesterday in the cover story at truth-telling Canada Free Press, "Under Attack By Spectre--This Is No Drill."

"Anyone who is familiar with the James Bond franchise knows that Spectre is an international crime organization.  Like Spectre, the World Economic Forum (WEF) operates in the shadows, but working under the pretense that they are an organization devoted to preserving peace and saving the planet.  They are, in reality, a criminal cartel whose only interest is world conquest by enslavement and mass murder."

The cover story is worth he ten minutes of your time to read, and in so doing you'll be as up to speed on the current state of affairs of the murderous globalist cabal we've discussed here as the global oligarchy, the WEF, the Great Reset, and so on. DiLorenzo's giving them the Spectre moniker from the James Bond film series is also very apropos. Yet, the Restrainer is restraining their successes and limiting their advances until the Only God Knows appointed time... which we who watch know is very, very near indeed. 

The Second (Solomon's) Temple
Coming to Home...

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has profound implications, soon to be manifest, in the Middle East, in Syria especially, and in Iranian Twelver designs there directed at Israel, in the same vein as the IRGC has successfully down with Hezbollah in Lebanon. This situation will also prove o be very problematic for Russia (Ezekiel 38/39 is a great, big hint!). Iran's use of Syria as a vassal platform from which to strike at Israel is wholly risking every one of the billions of rubles Russia has invested in Syria, its warm water port at Tartus and sprawling air base at Hmeimim. Also, Russia's ever mounting problems in Ukraine (recalling that God is in complete control) has resulted in thousands of combat hardened Syrian soldiers being airlifted to support Russian combat operations in the Donbas, has left the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria very exposed and left Iran's IRGC and Shi'a proxy militias from Iraq, Afghanistan and even Pakistan in a dominant military position. This has created great instability and will surely result in the Syrian catastrophe prophecies by Jeremiah 49:23-27 and Isaiah 17. Damascus will be reduced to a heap of rubble and Syria itself will cease to be a nation in the near future.

There is also the view, based upon a slowly reviving national memory, in Israel of what the Arab Muslims did in Israel between 1948 and the Six Day war in 1967. An article posted yesterday at the Israpundit website does a very good job of presenting this view. Worth your time to read, which is why the embedded link has been included as part of this SITREP.  An excerpt from the sixdaywar dot org website sums up the Israeli memory of those days, and may be a hint as to why the Jordanian monarchy and leadership will be pursued by the IDF in the near future as were Midian, Sisera, Jabin, Oreb, Zeeb, Zebab and Zalmunna were pursued in ancient times by Israel's soldiers per Asaph in Psalm 83

In this conclusion we have Eschatology Today's continuing narrative of why Russia's invasion of Ukraine has profound prophetic implications and serves as a catalyst for the fulfillment of numerous prophetic dominoes soon the fall in sequence, like a flood.



  1. Waiting on an event or two in Israel to complete this SITREP.

  2. A major event has occurred near Bryansk, Russia that is either the result of a Ukrainian special forces operation or a Russian false flag operation.

    A key oil depot, the Transneft Bryansk-Druzhba and a second nearby diesel fuel depot were blown up today.

    Civilians living nearby have been evacuated from the massive fire storm.

    1. False Flag operations this morning in Transnistria's capital Tiraspol. Multiple explosions with Transnistria blaming Ukraine for them.

      UK says perfectly legit for Ukraine to strike in Russia (i.e. Bryansk).

      Russia warns NATO arms to Ukraine is proxy war, threatens WWIII will result.

    2. Turns out that Ukrainian Trochka ballistic missiles hit the Bryansk fuel depots.

      The Ukrainians have used the 70-mile range Trochka missiles to good effect against targets inside Russia since Day One of this war.

  3. Later today we'll head for home plate [Israel] and the potential causes for the explosion that's coming.

  4. My simple question, why now? We know why, it's right at the door.

  5. They tell us in advance what they are planning, example: the Plannedemic. They've been saying for awhile that famine is coming. They are evil people. Jack Hibbs and Charlie Kirk did an excellent service/meeting regarding The Great Reset. It's on J.Hibb's podcast, his youtube etc. if you want to check it out. Very enlightening - it made me enlarge my little garden, just in case.

  6. Will the USA face food shortages in the immediate future? FWIW I generally agree with this. Unfortunately it seems that this is only available on youtube:

    1. Miriam,

      Yes, more than likely. Bringing the US down is a primary goal of the current globalist regime, current policies speak to this loudly.

      So I advise preparedness. I stock a minimum of 30 gallons water (5 gal Primo spring water bottles), non-perishable canned foods and 4 containers of Readywise emergency food (125 meals in each; 25-year shelf life) bought at Costco. 8 of these is the goal; 1,000 meals.

  7. I'll have to keep working on the update... much going on.

  8. The sixdaywar excerpt:

    At the end of Israel’s War of Independence in 1948, the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan controlled the older, so-called eastern part of Jerusalem, as well as much of Judea and Samaria. “Upon its capture by the [Jordanian] Arab Legion, the Jewish Quarter of the Old City was destroyed and its residents expelled. Fifty-eight synagogues–some hundreds of years old–were destroyed, their contents looted and desecrated. Some Jewish religious sites were turned into chicken coops or animal stalls. The Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, where Jews had been burying their dead for over 2500 years, was ransacked; graves were desecrated; thousands of tombstones were smashed and used as building material, paving stones or for latrines in Arab Legion army camps. The Intercontinental Hotel was built on top of the cemetery and graves were demolished to make way for a highway to the hotel. The Western Wall became a slum area.

  9. A Russian military ammo depot in Staraya Nelidovka, Belgorod Oblast has been hit by Ukraine. Several explosions and now the entire facility is ablaze.

    Ukrainian forces in the Donbas are holding firm.

    1. It has been revealed that M270 and M142 HIMARS (universal tracked launchers capable of firing everything: starting from unguided missiles to tactical ATACMS ballistic missiles) were provided to Ukraine by the US.

      The M142 and M270 HIMARS went into action against invading Russian forces in the Donbas last week with a devastating effect.

    2. Why would UKR admit this unless they were green lighted to do so.

      Convinces me more than ever that evil people are doing their level best to provoke a Russia-NATO war, even if its nuclear.

    3. And within hours there's Putin again threatening a nuclear "lightning strike" (hyper-sonic warhead).

    4. And Trump let slip (during the Piers Morgan interview) about the US having a superweapon that would "end Russia."

  10. Any truth to the rumor Russia and China are setting up shop in Cuba?

    1. I'd be surprised if they haven't set up shop in Cuba like they've done in Venezuela. Iran too.

    2. The big missiles Khruschev put in Cuba in 1962 were easily detectable with the photo intelligence of that day, not so much in 2022 with hypersonic nukes that fit into an easily disguised container on a truck or cargo ship. Our late-SECDEF Donald Rumsfeld warned about this multiple times over a decade ago; Democrats laughed at him. They're not laughing now.

  11. For public service and awareness the following video link discussing "deepfake" is provided:

  12. Jon Hartman (hartdawg)April 28, 2022 at 9:42 AM

    2000 mules comes out today, I don't know where I can see it, but I'd like to see it.

    1. It's on Dinesh' Locals platform. One-time fee of $19.99 provides access.

  13. Rheinmetall from Germany has requested the German Government to deliver 88 Leopard 1A5 main battle tanks to Ukraine.

  14. Iran will be attempting to manufacture a crisis in Jerusalem tomorrow.

    1. Escalating violence on Temple Mount this morning.

      Israel Hayom reported that a former senior member of the defense establishment warned that the government is planning to enter into large-scale talks with the Hashemite Kingdom regarding the situation on the Temple Mount.

      According to the official, who has spent years dealing with Jordan, negotiations with the royal family will inevitably lead to failure.

      The senior official stressed that "the Jordanian royal house, as well as its subordinate Waqf, have no control over the hundreds of thousands of youths who ascend the Mount, and most of the Islamic organizations that operate there.

      "There is no point in agreeing with the Jordanian royal house on actions to be taken on the holy site," he pointed out.

  15. It sounds to me that being an arms manufacturer would be a very lucrative business to be in these days

  16. Millions in investment but Billions in profits.

  17. Day 65 of Ukraine War:

    Russian troops killed nearing 23,000.

    That's 353 Russian soldiers being killed every day.

    Tanks destroyed: 970+ in 65 days = average of just about 15 tanks per day.

    The 100 T-80 tanks Russia has pulled as replacements from the Omsk, Siberia tank storage depot will be destroyed within one week when deployed into Ukraine War.

  18. It's time for students of Bible prophecy to research the on-again conflict between Egypt and Ethiopia over the waters of the Nile River and the operation of the GERD.

    1. Ok, I'll bite, Isaiah 19:2 comes to mind. I have known about this for years. Why are you bringing this up now...specifically? I searched for latest news and am not finding anything newish.

    2. TP,

      Data Mine a little bit deeper.

      It's an issue since Ethiopia turned on the first of the GERDs electrical generating turbines very recently without notifying any of the Nile River riparians. Israel is concerned as well.

    3. yep, that will do it! Been waiting for this specific thing for years; will see where it goes. Thanks for the updates as always Sean!


  19. Most sources are saying Putin will declare all-out war against Ukraine on or about 9 May.

    More NATO officials are now saying war against Russia in Ukraine may be unavoidable.

  20. Six days ago I posted a statement made by former Iranian parliament member Ali Motaheri about Iran's nuclear weapon objective. Not surprisingly, no one seemed to notice it.

    Now, a week later Newsmax has published Clare M. Lopez article about it. (Clare is a former CIA Directorate of Operations agent - she knows of what she speaks).

    Iran's Nuke

    Take this as 100% truthful, fact.

  21. Avram Noam Chomsky, libertarian socialist, said in an interview this past week,

    "...fortunately there is one Western statesman of stature who is pushing for a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine rather than looking for ways to fuel and prolong it."

    A stunning admission from this Leftist philosopher.

    1. I am no fan of Chomsky by any means (I don't understand how such a supposedly intelligent man can hold such positions), but a "libertarian socialist" is an oxymoron.

  22. Chomsky endorsing Donald Trump. If someone had said that a few months (or even weeks) ago, I'd have fallen off my chair laughing. but now? - Truly interesting times. Thanks for bringing up the whole GERD issue also. Been reading ujp - fascinating history. YBIC, SG

  23. More on "Deepfake" video technology.

  24. Sean, I am hearing Putin may have to step aside for cancer treatment?

    1. Interesting times to be sure. More plot twists and turns than a Clancy novel.

      Could be disinformation or deception, but Putin's announcement scheduled for next Monday is still on...

    2. This just in, forwarded by a trusted source, it's almost always "bankable" accurate.

    3. We noted early on in the Ukraine war that Putin didn't appear healthy at all. This goes towards 'splainin' his appearance.

    4. Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev.

      As hardline, former KGB as there is.

    5. But... he is not Gog of Magog; he is not a military leader, a general or captain of troops.

    6. All media today talking about the recent Ukrainian attempt to take out Russian senior military leadership at their forward HHQ at Izium, Ukraine.

      Ukraine knew the details, but just missed Gen. Valery Gerasimov, Russia's CoS.

      That's powerful I&W of gaping holes in Russia's military OPSEC, but General Gerasimov must have departed just before the massive artillery strike occurred and took out other generals and senior staff.

  25. Perhaps an easy stage left, off the stage, to forgo the wrath of the combined power of the oligarchs and KGB diehards? Consider how far it would go politically for, a Putin who is either severely disabled or dead (presumably), in terms of Russia saving face?

    Seems like a plausible option if there ever was one. Only time will tell.

    On a lighter note... actually, a super dark note, I read one commentor on another board say something along the lines of "It is a rare opportunity for a surgeon to save so many lives with one surgery."

    But, honestly, I suspect 95% of all info I am privy to is "ready made" for consumption. So who knows.

  26. But ETA: If Putin "doesn't make it out of surgery," you know he is still alive.

  27. Per UK MoD:

    25% of Russian units inside Ukraine are "combat ineffective."

  28. Is a coup d'etat against Putin coming?

    We may find out sometime in the next six days.

  29. Replies
    1. Some leftist hack clerking in SCOTUS has betrayed the SC for partisan political agenda.
      Disgusting, but proof none of them are trustworthy.

    2. If this is true, than this is one of the most blessed days in our history and all Praise and Glory go to Jesus Christ for answering Billions of prayers. I know it will still be left up to the states, but this is still a HUGE victory.

  30. Replies
    1. The question I have is, will anyone do anything about it? I really hate to be pessimistic, but I don't believe much will come of this. The comfort I have is not in our government, but in our God. He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. He is a God of Love and Mercy, but also a God of Justice. Whether or not justice is done here and now or at the Great White Throne is of no consequence to me. Though I long for it to be done now, ultimately, "vengeance is Mine, I will repay", says The Lord. (Romans 12:19)

      On a side note, I saw the news about SCOTUS. I am very happy to see the early report, too much innocent blood has been spilt through the years. Yes, even one innocent life is too much! God please forgive us.

      At some point, I believe Christians will face real persecution in the US. I just wonder what the catalyst will be.

  31. Just got word that Putin in bad shape...cancer spread through his body.

    He gave his power temporarily to Vladimir Kolokoltse because he had no trust in military or intel chiefs.

    1. So, what does this mean? Nothing good. Putin is now more dangerous than ever, has a legacy to ensure for Mother Russia and the world-at-large.

    2. If true, like you said, nothing good. Watching like a hawk. Please continue to keep us informed and thanks as always.

    3. Every clerk working in the SC knows with some level of certainly who the betrayer of trust is. These folks will reveal his/her identity to national shame.

  32. There is some very serious bad blood libel going on between the Russian Federation and Israel.

    Israel for nearly two months sat on the fence and refused to take sides in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    Now Russia accuses Israel of being Nazi sympathizers and claims Israeli mercenaries are fighting with the "neo-Nazi" Azov battalion in Ukraine.

    Both Russian claims are complete rubbish; bald-faced lies.

    1. I wrote the above comment.

      Once again, "annonymous" comments will be rejected. They mess up site operation.

  33. Been sitting on this for about 10 days waiting for verification. Now it's looking verified.

    Russia has been withdrawing its forces from Syria for redeployment to the Ukraine war front.

    The IRGC and its militias are taking up positions Russia has withdrawn it troops from.

    This is a major development that will lead to war in Syria.

    1. I had wondered about how Gog would not be affected by Isaiah 17. It appears now that he won't be there.

    2. Thank You Chuck B. for pointing this obvious key item out!!! And for filling in the intentional blank space I left in my comment above; the why that makes the Russian redeployment out of Syria a major development. A prophetic I&W!

      To wit: neither Gog, Magog, or the Ezekiel 38/39 military confederation thereof is mentioned at all in Isaiah 17 or Jeremiah 49:23-27. That clear omission is very important! I believe it is an indication about the nearness of the fulfillment of these prophecies.

    3. Notice very carefully the words of Ezekiel 38:4... "I will turn thee back....."

      So what this seems to suggest to me is that Russia pulls out of Syria to focus on Ukraine, Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, and Jeremiah 49 are all fulfilled, leaving Israel in a state of peace and security... then God sets the hook in the jaw and drags Russia back into the Middle East to attack Israel.

    4. My point exactly from over 2 months ago, as well as inclusive of my identification of the Russian battle plan that is just recently become big news. Transnistria? Most people have never before heard of that separatist region of Moldova and Romania (Besarabia).

      As noted often, the blog is well ahead of the curve be it by days, weeks, or yes, even 2 or more months.

    5. Marana'tha Sean and everybody here!

      With reference to all the comments above. Amazing how Gods word is more alive than EVER before.

      Just to add to 38:4

      Please read Ezekiel 38:10-13

      Verse 13 kind of has no business there and sticks out like a sore thumb.

      Verse 10,11, and 12 you have God prophesying.

      Verse 13???

      Since when do the countries prophecy in unison like that? Being thousands of miles apart by geographical locations, and probably billions of miles apart in terms of political, military and religious views. Yet, in one voice, they seem to judge the intent of the russian heart.

      It's not lost on me that God that is prophesying in verse 13, however it's God prophesying that Sheba, Dedan and the Merchants of Tarshish will prophecy. Double prophecy if you will.



  34. Interesting headline that broke this morning:

    "Funds raised by Jared Kushner from Saudi Arabia will soon be invested directly in Israeli hi-tech firms, the Wall Street Journal reported Saturday in an exclusive report."

    We're talking billions of investment $$.

  35. Israel's birthday is coming up. 74 years old. The fig tree is getting up there in years.

    1. 6 to go in strength, but our Lord's fig tree parable wasn't a temporal absolute, but a general indication of the season being "at the door."

      And to that we've made discernment in adding the words of Psalm 90:10 to give the fig tree parable a temporal context.

      All of the signs are active, progressing, lamps are filled with oil, and eyes fixed upon the heavens...

      Even so, Marana'tha!

    2. And now we move on to the last B-Series SITREP of 2022.

      Global SITREP B10-22 inbound and hot!

  36. Hi Sean, I was wondering - on the Psalm 90 fig tree prophecy, don't we really still have seven years? The 74th, 75th, 76th, 77th, 78th, 79th, and the 80th? Israel won't turn 81 until 2029, so technically, the seven years could fit in there, especially if the "days are shortened" somehow? Actually, the number of days from 5/14/2022 to 5/14/2029 is 2,557. So, maybe we have to go Home this weekend? ;o) And thank you for all the work, hours, research you put in to keep us informed. You are a blessing in Christ. Maranatha

    1. ShelleyB,

      We have less time remaining on this earth than anyone realizes! My own realization of this has totally eclipsed the material I was about to post as the next SITREP B10-22. Blew it out of the water, so to speak!

      The 70th Week of years will commence somewhere between 7 and 19 months from now.

      And since the bride is harpazoed prior to the 70th... how much time remains? Not much!

      I put it this way to avoid folks claiming date setting.

      What I believe we have is best described as a "window."

      Now I'm crunching on how to explain this adequately, accurately and as soon as possible. With the Lord leading this will be done.

  37. I assume the last two comments are in regards to the fig tree and "this generation" in Matthew 24:32-34? Also, I truly hope the Lord returns soon. The words of Christ in Revelation 3:8 "...I know that you have little strength..." make me wonder if He refers to those at the end who are crushed by the weight of sin on this world.

  38. The Lord provides!

    Go here:

    Christ in Prophecy.Org

    Near the top of the page you'll see an embedded 30-minute audio teaching by Dr. David Reagan about an Overlooked Sign

    Click on the start arrow ▶️ and listen!

    1. SITREP B10-22 will be about the "week of millenniums."

      6,000 years (6 millenniums) of fallen humanity followed by 1,000 years (Christ's Millennium) on this Earth.

      Then begins Eternity.

    2. Seems my senses detect the dropping wide open of jaws of those reading the comments posted here since last evening.

      B10:22 will post tonight and rely heavily on the work done by Dr. David R. Reagan (Lamb and Lion Ministries).

    3. It also lines up perfectly with the hosea 6:1-3 prophecy

  39. The National Science Foundation (NSF) will make a "groundbreaking" announcement this Thursday morning, 12 MAY 2022.

    No way it eclipses what is posted here this evening.

  40. Sean, first I love Dr. Reagan! Second that was an awesome sermon! I have been watching and listening to everything I can get my hands on for 12+ years and that is the first time I have heard about the 6-7 days (thousands of years)

    GREAT info and very encouraging! I recommend everyone listen it's about 35-40 min and worth every min.

    Ken B

    1. Ken,

      As Dr. Reagan points out the "week of millinniums" has been right in front of us for literally hundreds if not thousands of years. And I only became fully aware of all of the finer points a few days ago.

      Here's a simple math teaser.

      Per Daniel 9:24 Jesus' death and resurrection fulfilled the final day of 4,000 years of millenniums in 30/31 AD.

      30/31AD + 2000 years (Church Age) = 2030/31 AD.

      2030/31 AD minus 7 years of the 70th Week = 2023/2024 AD!!!

      We're now in the 5th month of 2022. And some still do not believe the Harpazo of the bride of Christ is not imminent?

    2. Ditto, Ken B, and Amen and Amen!

  41. God is so serious about the rhythm of rest, that He put it into effect before sin entered the world. As God, who never changes, He has shown repeated importance of this spiritual law/discipline to the point of judging the nation of Israel, His chosen people,within their history for failing to keep it. It is a pattern of constant repeat in the Word and does not take being a biblical scholar to see the consistency (just a commitment to read it). I heard this teaching a few years back, and I think it was even by Dr. Reagan when I heard it, but did not catch the correlation of how soon the dates are to today as I think the principle was taught w/out referencing past dates. However, I am so encouraged to be reminded of this and feel it to be spot-on simply by way of the repeated example God has shown us of how He works in the timing of His creation. Amen and even so, please come quickly Lord Jesus!

  42. I saw a YouTube video from the Bible answer man the other day about 5 reasons the Bible doesn't support a pre trib rapture. After I saw it I thought to myself this is nothing but hogwash and pickle juice. And I told myself you really need to be careful who and what you watch cause of all the charlatans out there. I have believed what Dr Reagan was talking about for years. It pays to have been going to a Bible believing Churh with a Man of God as the pastor and the Sunday School teacher I've had for the past 30 years.
    A Man of God, Saved by God, and studies to get a message from God every time he gets behind the pulpit and preaches his heart out and not some hireling.

  43. Just as a side-note, I wrote the above anonymous note. It would seem when I type my name in, for some reason, it kept switching to anonymous when I’d type my note (hoping it doesn’t do it again, name is Tovah). I know you said you wouldn’t accept anon posts, so thank you for posting anyway. Maybe I’ll get this to work this time!

  44. The easy answer is to add your name at the start or end of the comment if "Anonymous" is the only option for you. All comments are previewed, so the proper name will be seen. 👍

  45. Tying up action in Ukraine...

    Ukraine's military has destroyed and driven two crack Russian armored brigades back across the border into Russian territory. The offensive occurred this week between Kharkiv, in eastern Ukraine and Belgorod, just east of the Russian border.

    The devastating power of US-made M777 155mm howitzers first smart munitions (GPS guided) has left Russian armor no place to hide, not even in forested terrain.

    Moving on to the Donbas next, southern Ukraine and Crimea thereafter.

  46. OSINT corroboration came wrt what has been reported here in the past 70 days or so in yesterday's Mail Online.

    Of particular note is the Russian military admission of an inability to replace combat losses due to the population demographic.

    The Russian army had filled this gap with forces from the Middle East and North Africa.

    Guess where these troops will go from Russia as soon as the hooks are Divinely applied? 😉


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