Monday, September 12, 2022

Global SITREP D1-22: Syria

12 September 2022: Israeli Defense Minister Gantz today revealed ten military sites within Syria which Iran is using for the production of medium and long range precision guidance missiles and weaponry. Advanced strategic weaponry in other words. These sites are known within Syria as Centre D'Etudes et de Recherches Scientifiques or CERS. A number of these sites have been struck repeatedly by Israel for the past four years, most recently in May and August this year (reference the clickable map above). 

There is no question that these CERS sites will be the targets of a major campaign in the coming days - otherwise there's really no reason to publish a map and specifically identify each of them, some above ground, others in tunnels and other underground, as DM Gantz has done today. Timing is everything. As we've noted in recent SITREPs these sites are now largely undefended by Russian air defense systems which were redeployed back to Russia for the Ukraine war, and the meager Syrian and Iranian air defense systems are simply not up to the task, especially considering that Israel is more than likely to task their squadrons of F-35I Adir with precision above ground strikes and F-16I Sufa and F-15I Ra'am aircraft with delivery of heavy earth-penetrating ordnance.

Such a campaign is assessed by Eschatology Today to result in fulfillment of the Isaiah 17 prophecy and all that it relates in a short but destructive war. This is not mere speculation, but an assessment which is subject to re-assessment given the Iranian nuclear issue. Iran's own ballistic rockets are not part of this equation simply due to what is related in the opening verses of Jeremiah 49:35. Rather it is the Iranian rockets already primed to strike Israel's population centers from launch locations in Lebanon (Hezbollah/IRGC) and Syria (IRGC and proxy militias). Great loss of life is certain in this coming exchange: Damascus destroyed complete, Syria wiped out as a nation, and Israel bloodied severely per Isaiah 17.

With Russia's battalion tactical groups being decimated and militarily dissected by Ukrainian forces armed with the best the Western Alliance has to offer, the loss of Syria, which Russia has long expected rich dividends from their billions of investment, is their any wonder that Russia would be looking to Israel in the future to recoup their billions upon billions of evaporated rubles? If this assessment holds then we are seeing clearly through the looking glass of Bible prophecy. The assessment will update accordingly as events play out simultaneously in eastern Europe and the Levant.

UPDATE 14 September 2022: Next we will lean forward and look at the inevitable changes that a Ukrainian military victory over Russia will bring to the EU and even more so to NATO!

These assessed changes will occur as a direct result of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Wars ALWAYS produce massive geo-political changes, and this war will be no different. Eschatology Today assesses that the coming changes will occur within the Russian Federation and they'll conform to the prophetic geo-political aspects we find in Ezekiel 38/39. 

As for Europe and the NATO alliance we'll likely see ten leading nations arise as per the visions and prophecy Gabriel imparted to the prophet Daniel. We also have to watch for a nation the size of Ukraine, and as well-armed as they are now if not more, becoming a major anchor, along with Poland on NATO's eastern flank. 

Early on in the SITREP series regarding the Ukraine war the Budapest Memorandum was included because of its importance. That agreement was a Russian guarantee of Ukraine's sovereignty, and in exchange for that guarantee Ukraine agreed to relinquish its nuclear weapons to Russia. 

Now that Russia unilaterally abrogated the Budapest Memorandum agreement with an unprovoked invasion its stands to reason that sooner or later Ukraine will get nuclear weapons again as a guarantee against no future Russian military adventurism at Ukraine's expense. NATO membership is almost a certainty as is membership in some type of Euro-centric federation of nations (a/k/a the feet of miry clay and iron we've referenced as the Ten Toes in the prophecy of Daniel 2.) 

We do well to remember "past as prologue." It was geo-political events (war is a type of international politics in action) which resulted in the fulfillment of the events in 70 AD between the Roman Empire and the Jewish people of Judea, Jerusalem and the destruction of the second temple. Likewise it was World War II which led to the fulfillment of Isaiah 66:8 which foretold of Israel being born again in a since day. Real-world events result in the direct and literal fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The war in Ukraine and all things related to it will be no different.

"Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?" (Revelation 13:4). This also is a prophecy in the process of fulfillment, and we today are witnesses to its beginning.


  1. Not too much new here, this has been discussed in many SITREPs over many years.

    What is new is the entrenchment of Iranian precision warfighting infrastructure in Syria designed specifically to kill large numbers of Israel's civilian population. Israel cannot allow these CERS sites continued existence.

    1. There are ongoing battles today between Armenian and Azerbaijani militaries on their common border.

  2. In Ukraine it's going from bad to worse for the Russian Federation, its ethnic troops and invited proxy forces. And worse is yet to come for those on the battlefield and in high places in Moscow.

    Russian morale is rock bottom, their desire to continue to fight negligible and willingness to surrender a creeping epidemic among commanders.

    The elephant in the room is our willingness, or lack thereof, to acknowledge that the Russian military of September 2022 bears no relation to our perception of what Russia's military was just 200 days ago - nevermind that these same troops have the destiny of burial in Israel's Valley of the Passengers per Ezekiel 39.

    What's more is that no one saw this reality coming, nor assessed a military defeat of this magnitude placed as judgment upon Russia in the time just prior to Ezekiel 38/39 fulfillment.

    Eschatology Today has been asking questions about this issue from the get-go at the beginning of this war.

    Silence and crickets because no one but God knows anything and human speculations are less than worthless.

    Yet the reality of the present is staring us in the face as we continue down The Prophetic Road to Revelation.

  3. What has been the fate of every dictator who lost a war he started?

  4. The IDF is now flying armed drones over Judea and Samaria. The drones have been deployed against terrorists, same as in Gaza.

  5. Report: Israel and Lebanon have reached agreement on their maritime border, and the Karish NATGAS field is within Israel's side of the border.

    How will Hezbollah react?

  6. While the identity of the Antichrist will likely not become known by the bride of Christ living and breathing upon this earth; his revealing is for the time after our departure, the identity of the prophetic Gog of Magog is likely to be known with the rapidly approaching fall from power of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

    1. Thanks for helping us connect the dots. This is not one that I had considered yet.

    2. David,

      You're most welcome.

      As noted in this SITREP, the naming by Israeli DM Gantz of these 10 specific CERS sites in western Syria (west of the Euphrates River) are essentially an open declassification of an existing, formerly classified IDF Order Of Battle (OOB).

      These CERS sites are CLEARLY of the highest order on the IDF's OOB due to the threat they pose to Israel if left unchecked.

      I assess this as a path to the literal fulfill of Isaiah 17, and I will add Jeremiah 49:23-27.

  7. Chris Lugwig,

    I am well aware of the recent teachings by Andy Woods.

    Unfortunately, I find disagreement with a very high percentage of his eschatological interpretive (flawed) viewpoints regarding Isaiah 17, Jeremiah 49 and Psalm 83.

  8. I just watched a brief portion of the Queen's memorial service and something struck me. The minister read John 14:1-6.
    I cannot help but feel that was a profound moment ordered by The Lord that the whole world was able to see. Proclaimed to the world; Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father except by Me." His Word WILL NOT return void. Hallelujah!

    "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

  9. Good Morning...Didn't know if it would be ok to post this here or the previous SitRep. But a thought came across my mind that I thought I would share. Could it be possible that the Russian withdrawals in Ukraine are due to Putin getting ready to use a nuke there? Again, just thinking out loud. Blessings!

    1. The Kremlin in Moscow has finally acknowledged their forces in Ukraine Kharkiv Oblast have been militarily defeated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

      Great effort is now being made by the Kremlin to blame the defeat on Putin's advisors, and to exonerate Putin personally of any responsibility in the defeat.

      This will be difficult to maintain when previous military defeats in Kyiv and on Snake Island becomes more widely known in the Russian Federation (RF).

      The cohesion of the RF may be at risk of disintegration into a loose confederation of independent political entities.

      Perhaps this way Ezekiel 38/39 points to certain parts of the current land of the RF (Magog) by their proper names, i.e. Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, Beth Togarmah, etc., etc..

      There is talk within NATO circles of re-arming Ukraine with nukes since Russia completely ignored its responsibilities under the terms of the Budapest Memorandum, and for which Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons.

    2. These are items included in the coming update.

    3. Addendum in support of my assessment on the near future of the Russian Federation:

      Indeed, I now believe it is a genuine possibility that (Russian dictator) Vladimir Putin’s exposed weaknesses are so severe that we might be witnessing the beginning of the end – not only of his regime, but of the Russian Federation itself.

      - Lt.Gen. Ben Hodges, former Commander US Army Europe (COMUSAEUR).

      Things never previously considered in Biblical eschatology are today within the realm of the possible!

  10. AMEN! Queen Elizabeth II was a devout Christian, and head of the Protestant (Anglican) Church of England. She was our sister in Christ.

  11. Anonymous, it occurs to me that you may be right, Putin may be out, or the humiliation/losses in Ukraine may push him to use nukes to "save face"?

  12. This SITREP began with Syria and expectations for IAF strikes enmasse on at least ten Iranian weapons sites masquerading as CERS facilities, and it concluded with Ukraine and the inevitable changes coming to the EU and NATO. Wars and rumors of wars and specific biblical prophecies on the cusp of fulfillment.

    Here in the US a railroad strike that was approved by voting looms to commence tomorrow, 16 September, with no end in sight to further complicate the existing supply chain issue with an 8.3% and rising inflation rate as icing on the cake. Stock up on necessities.

    1. Just saw report that the US rail strike set for tomorrow has been called off due to an agreement negotiated in DC. The Biden Administration cannot afford such a strike just prior to mid-term election, so they appear to have caved. "Appear" is the operative word.

  13. Think the civil, sectarian and internationally waged war in Syria is over?

    Think again!

    Continuing military clashes among diverse Syrian and international military forces are occurring throughout the country.

    Warnings have been issued by a diverse group of observers of a return to open, wide-spread warfare throughout Syria. Foreign forces, including CJTF-OIR, have been actively preparing for this in the near-term.

    1. Additionally, all eyes are on Turkey and what it is planning to do in northern Syria against the Kurdish allies of the US-led Coalition.

      The August meeting between Erdogan and Putin - well prior to Ukraine's blitz upon Russian invaders - appears to have resulted in a Turkey-Russia agreement in support of Bashar al-Assad's government in Damascus. With this agreement Turkey has aligned itself with Russian and Iranian objectives in Syria.

  14. The current kings of the East and of the North have reaffirmed at the SCO meeting their alliance against the "ugly" West.

    This is a headline ripped, albeit prematurely, from the text of Daniel 11 we often cite on Eschatology Today.

    It is indicative of the nearness of the soon fulfillment of that prophecy.

  15. The rabid dogs of Putin's "inner circle of support" are openly calling for more than half of Ukraine's population into forced refugee status in the EU.

    To achieve this they call for Ukraine must be turned into scorched earth, oblast by oblast from east to west. This is only achievable for Russia through the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

  16. Next Tuesday, 20SEP22, marks the fourth month since the USAF and IAF launched a real aircraft simulated strike upon Iran.

    Dozens of IAF aircraft were the strike package while USAF tankers provided in-air refueling for the strike aircraft.

    Just an FYI reminder.

  17. Global SITREP D2-22 will post with BIG news as soon as updates on my M365 machine complete!


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