Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Global SITREP A4-23: Middle East Earthquakes


NEW UPDATE 08 February 2023: Jesus' Olivet Discourse was in response to His Apostles wanting to know the signs that would herald His return. Earthquakes in diverse places was one of key signs He gave. Yet how many are aware that the prophet Ezekiel was explicit in the seismic prophecy he passed on to us living in this day?

At the same time also when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, my wrath shall arise in mine anger. For in mine indignation, and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken it: surely at that time there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel, So that the fishes of the Sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all that move and creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the earth, shall tremble at my presence, and the mountains shall be overthrown, and the stairs shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground. - Ezekiel 38:18-20 (Bold lettering mine for emphasis) 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV).

As most have noticed of late, all of the earth's tectonic plates as well as the major and minor faults around the entire globe have been extremely active. This activity will continue, progressively increasing in severity and frequency. The recent massive back-to-back earthquakes in Turkey and along the Syrian border momentarily caught global media and our attention. Even in Israel there is much news about just three earthquakes occurring from the Golan in the north to Eilat in the south in the past two days. Three earthquakes.

Three earthquakes in Israel is nothing when one looks at the details found on the Geological Survey of Israel webpage. Over the past two days there have been ten times that number of quakes throughout Israel. 30 earthquakes in just the past two days (7 and 8 February). Tomorrow's tally will certainly increase. But the important fact is that all of these quakes are preparatory or leading up to the really "big one" that will occur at the time when Gog comes against Israel. 

And folks, some still wonder having read this same passage in Ezekiel umpteen times, how it is that the muslim sites on the Temple Mount would come to their end so that the third Temple could be built? It seems to Eschatology Today that God has has had something else in mind in that regard, even in far more ancient times (Ezekiel 38:17). If you'll use the above geological survey link, you can clearly see the north-south axis or bearing of the Levant quakes from Israel and northward through Lebanon. That line of axis points directly at the Turkish-Syrian quakes of the past week. They're all related as the illustration below the latest update attests.

NEW UPDATE - 13 February 2023: The earthquakes and recent rains in Israel have caused new damage to Muslim structures on the Temple Mount. An article appeared this morning at which contains considerable historical detail in this regard. The bottom line is this: "Muslim structures standing on Judaism's holiest site have a long history of collapse due to the earthquakes that are common to the region." This gets to the point made in the last paragraph above. The article is worth your time to read from an educational standpoint.

However, it is the historical data that has the most relevant interest to add as an update to this SITREP: 

The Dome of the Rock was constructed in 692 A.D. 117 years later (808 AD) the structure was severely damaged by an earthquake. This was repeated by a second quake 38 years later (846 AD). 187 years later a third earthquake collapsed the Dome (1033 AD). In July 1927 a quake resulted in severe cracking of the walls and other parts of the structure to collapse. The Al-Aqsa mosque was built circa 700 AD but destroyed by an earthquake 46 years later. It was destroyed in the same 1033 AD quake that collapsed to Dome. An 1847 quake caused additional damage, and 90 years hence the July 1927 quake also caused severe damage to the mosque. More recently there was the 2004 quake which resulted in new cracks in the Dome of the Rock and the nearby Marwani mosque. The Waqf refused Israeli experts to repair the damage.

To sum up the seismic situation on the Temple Mount in early 2023, as noted by Israeli archeologist Eilat Mazar, "It is just a matter of time... It is pure stupidity to think if we do nothing that nothing will happen."  Eschatology Today's bottom line: Unquestionably, the Islamic structures on Temple Mount will be coming down. It is far less likely such destruction will occur due to human warfare than seismic forces mankind has no control over. This puts due emphasis on the quake described by Ezekiel and the timing factor entirely within an appointed time ordained by the LORD God.

09 February 2023: The time when Ezekiel 38/39 takes place is prior to Israel's 70th Week of Years. This has always been the position of Eschatology Today. Ezekiel in receipt of the prophecy from God in ancient times make no mention of either Jerusalem or Temple Mount or of a standing 3rd Temple on the Mount. These details speak to a time that is immediately prior to the 70th Week of years, as does the deliberate past tense of Ezekiel 39:29.

Another key aspect to this is found in the narrative given by God, to Jesus to John on Patmos that we read in The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Jesus Christ, Chapter 11. This chapter opens to a view of the Third Temple standing on the mount at the very beginning of the 70th Week of years. The measured Temple itself is where Israel worships God, performed daily sacrifices and oblations are occurring there, and the unmeasured outer court and the city itself is an international city (i.e. given to the gentiles) for the first 42 months or exactly 1,260 days of the Tribulation (Thlipsis).

And there we have the Two Witnesses of God performing their ministry and prophesying for that exact period of time in the first half of the Thlipsis. At the termination of their ministry they are overcome and killed by Antichrist who is indwelt by the beast from the pit (Abaddon/Apollyon). They lie dead on the street in Jerusalem for three and one-half days when the Spirit of God resurrects both of the Two Witnesses and they are harpazoed into heaven with the command "Come up hither" just as the bride of Christ was harpazoed approximately 42 months previously. 

And in that same hour, as the world beholds this harpazo with their own eyes, a great earthquake (megas seismos) occurs in Jerusalem destroying ten percent of the city and killing seven thousand residents. Witnesses to this incredible scene in Jerusalem, despite the destruction and death around them will give glory to God. 

These two prophetic earthquakes, the first in Ezekiel 38:18-20 virtually marking the start of the 70th Week of years, and the second of Revelation 11 marking the ascension of the Two Witnesses and the start of the Great Tribulation (Megas Thlipsis) are distinct signposts on the prophetic Road to the Revelation of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of Lords and the establishment of the Kingdom on God on this earth. 



  1. Make no mistake, the Ezekiel 38 earthquake is not related to the 2nd Coming quake of Zechariah 14:4. Just making sure folks know this.

  2. I was just discussing with my friend the mount of olives being split in two when our King sets foot back on this earth! (Zachariah 14:4)
    This sitrep just adds another more urgent dimension to current events!

    Ken B

  3. Ken,

    The longstanding benchmarks for the interpretation of prophetic Scripture here are: 1) the overarching processes leading to final fulfillment, 2) the precursor events (past as prologue), and 3) dual fulfillments.

    So, absolutely, the urgent dimension of the time we're living in shakes anew with each quake around the world, but especially those in the Holy Land, and irregardless of the Richter value involved.

    1. With nearly 400 people having read SITREP A4-23 since posting yesterday, and no comments concerning the obvious link of a much greater prophetic significance, an update with a focus on that issue will be added shortly.

  4. A quake of a different kind has occurred on the fault line of US-Israel relations.

    The Biden Administration has directly interfered in Israel's domestic affairs by calling the transfer of Judea and Samaria civil affairs power to Minister Bezalel Smotrich as tantamount to annexation.

  5. Elsewhere, Ukraine has thwarted a Russian plot to overthrow the government of Moldova.

  6. Reminder: The joint US CENTCOM-IDF "Juniper Oak 23" exercise of two weeks ago simulated strikes on Iran's nuclear weapons program.

    Juniper Oak 23 involved thousands of troops, the Bush CSG, B-52 strategic bombers, stealth fighters and attack helo's delivering nearly 200,000 lbs of live ordnance at targets in Israel's Negev Desert.

    Juniper Oak 23 not only simulated the destruction of critical nuclear sites but also neutralized Iran's capability to retaliate offensively with its land and sea-based missile forces. (See Jeremiah 49:34 for prophetic Scripture reference)

  7. Sean,

    Twi times I tried to post and it looks like it went anonymously. My apologies. Anyway, I saw that a high altitude object was shot down over Alaska by the US Military. Any indications as to what it was and where it came from? The obvious leaning right now is China again. My question is, where does it go from here. Two incursions and two downed ariel objects. If it is China, it does feel like kinetic warfare is incoming.

    -Jason G.

  8. Another slow-moving, high-altitude object, the size of a small car has been shot down while in US airspace over Alaska. The object did not appear to be manned.
    First detected on Thursday F-35 fighters investigated. Today at 1:35 PM EST an F-22 fired an AIM-9 missile to bring the object down. Recovery mission in progress.
    USNORTHCOM, NORAD, the FAA and FBI are involved.

  9. Jason,

    No worries, comment posting is now open to all. Just add a name to the bottom of the comment.

    What I have so far is that this was, allegedly, a flying object. It has not been described as a balloon, but an un-manned slow mover. There is nothing to prove or disprove the government's contention of a shootdown. Could be 100% deception. I'll get notified through trusted sources what this was or was not.

    1. Since everyone keeps referring to this as an "object" , I can't help but be curious , especially since the admission of two more "objects" today.. The Kings of the East are up to something

    2. I'm not buying this "object" nonsense at all. Smells of tremendous deception. F-35 and F-22 pilots cannot ID a "flying object"? Nope, not buying it.

    3. Yesterday Canadian Defence Minister Anita Anand added one detail to the second unidentified shootdown in as many days. She described the objects shape, which U.S. F-22 Raptor pilots said had no visible means of propulsion, as cylindrical.

      Where's the F-22 video of the engagement at high North American latitudes?

      Until a better account is made, I'll refer to this second cylindrical object as "son of tic-tac."

    4. Sean am I the only one who finds it odd that the only way we have to take down a balloon is with our most lethal aircraft and missiles ?

    5. Tommy,

      No, you're not the only one.

      We see what the impotent Biden Administration is doing, and what it is not doing.

      The problem is that it is the kind of farce that could spark a great war, and that may be the real objective of the globalists.

  10. In Israel, the terrorist attack of Friday afternoon at a Ramot, Jerusalem bus stop is another event bringing tensions to a boil over. Two were killed, one was a 6-year old boy, others severely injured when a terrorist operated car rammed the bus stop.

    NATSEC Minister itamar Ben-Gvir has called for another robust counter-terrorist operation in Jerusalem to commence on Sunday.

    1. The 8-year old brother of the 6-year boy killed in the terrorist ramming attack has also died of his injuries. Their father remains critical in hospital.

    2. Arab Muslims in Gaza are again celebrating the murders of the two children and a young, newly-wed man by passing out cakes and sweets.

      Time is coming when evicting the terrorist's family from a home and demolishing it will no longer assuage the wrath of the Israeli people.

  11. The great quake in Turkey has a death toll now approaching 20,000.

    The quake may yet claim the political death of virtual dictator Recep Tayyep Erdogan and his AKP-led Islamist government.

    The national election in May 2023 could be Erdogan's swan song and provide a replay of the great Izmit quake which caused the extinction of the previous national government.

    The Turkish people could be the biggest winners in the May election if Erdogan is defeated, and the biggest losers would be the HAMAS terrorists in Gaza.

    1. Turkish quake deaths now estimated to exceed well over 50,000.

      IDF search and rescue (SAR) team in Turkey have been evacuated back to Israel due to warning of an imminent terror attack against them.

    2. That number of deaths is mind numbing to me. I met some really nice people when I was there TDY. We never know when our time to meet the Lord will be but events like this reveal how quickly it can come and how we should be ready.

    3. Hey Sean, that was me who just replied. I'm not sure why it went anonymous.

    4. Jmoll,
      No issues, comments are moderated but wide-open because time is short.

      We can anticipate huge changes going forward; these "beginnings of sorrows" are supposed to wake up those who are napping, we pray they do.

  12. There is trouble brewing that could soon result in the prophetic Psalm 83 conflict. Egypt is attempting mediation with HAMAS but fears failure could result in war on all of Israel borders.

  13. From Arutz Sheva:
    "In response to the murderous terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, the Security Cabinet decided unanimously to authorize nine communities in Judea and Samaria.

    These communities have existed for many years; some have existed for decades. Following consultations by the Prime Minister, Defense Minister, Finance Minister, National Security Minister, and Strategic Affairs Minister, it was agreed to authorize the following communities:

    1. Avigil
    2. Bet Hogla
    3. Givat Harel / Haroeh
    4. Givat Arnon
    5. Mitzpe Yehuda
    6. Malachei Hashalom
    7. Ashael
    8. Sde Boaz
    9. Shaharit"

    1. Hello Bro. Sean; Steve G here. Q: What are the material specifics involved in 'authorising' communities such as those referenced?? For example, do they currently have only 'tentative' status under international accords? I can safely assume that the anti-Israel actors will be infuriated by this - and of course riots and other unrest will ensue? YBIC, Steve

    2. Brother Steve,
      This was explained in advance and in detail within SITREP D10-22: The Emergent Religious Israel and the subsequent first posting of this year SITREP A1-23: Zionist Israel. The coming prophetic realities have the precise catalysts necessary. It's not just the 9 communities, but all things and events within the bigger picture that are acting in concert. This is one vast and very complex process which is under the Lord's full control. Eyes wide open.

    3. The 'material specific' is the aforementioned "Sovereignty Plan."

  14. There are stories that HAARP caused the earthquake. Do you have any comments about this.

    1. Yes, but as a precaution I need to don my tin foil hat first.

      Tin foil securely in place, my response: The HAARP system has less potential to cause an earthquake as human technology can affect so-called "global warming."

      In short, the premise is absolute rubbish.

    2. Now, taking off my tin foil hat, I must note that the USAF has not ruled out some UAP objects are ET.

      And beyond that, the on-camera comments made by Commander David Fravor (USN Ret.) concerning the 2004 "Tic Tac" encounter are as accurate as accurate can be from a professionally trained observer in describing something almost beyond human comprehension IMHO.

  15. A new update will be added to this SITREP this morning.

  16. In Antakya, Hatay Province, Turkey, about 10 miles from the Syrian border, the recent massive quake opened the earth creating a long east-west chasm 100 feet deep and 650 feet wide.

  17. Sean, your 13 Feb update fills in the gap of the removal of structures on the Temple mount, sometime from now to the end of the Psalm 83, Isa 17 or end of Ez 48, the Temple mount will be ready for the new Temple.
    For me that is another clear piece of the mystery puzzle coming together.

  18. Jmoll,

    There's one other thing that could have impact on what will occur. Temple Mount has a great many tunnels within it, they run to and fro beneath the surface structures. They've been subjected to the same quakes for 1,400 years. Tick tock.

  19. Good point, I've seen a great hall under there also. This one truly will be an Act of God!

    1. As students of bible prophecy, we study and watch how God completes His plan, hopefully so others can see that He has everything under His control and will trust in Him. I hope some will believe from all this effort you have put into teaching us.

    2. Jmoll,

      As do I have Spirit-driven hope if even one will believe, and which is why, in faith, I continue to do this, for without that faith this would have ceased some time ago.

  20. Yesterday morning (13FEB) the US Government issued an emergency advisory for all Americans, especially those holding dual nationality, to depart the Russian Federation IMMEDIATELY. The war in Ukraine was cited as the reason for the advisory. Harassment and possible conscription into the army were cited.

    1. The Russian Federation has deployed its nuclear-armed Northern Fleet according to Norwegian Intelligence. The deployment followed a high-level defense meeting in the Kremlin.

    2. Interesting. Any possible implications? (I mean, of course all of that looks like preparations to a "direct conflict" on both sides but still kind of "surreal&mad".)

    3. Nora,
      Oh, it's beyond interesting, and the implications have been detailed in various SITREPs many times over, which is why they were posted to this blog.

      Russia is in bad shape, it has arrived, at least in increasingly paranoid Putin's mind, at a point where its survival is being questioned. Not in 30 years has Russia even attempted to deploy its entire nuclear-armed Northern Fleet as it is now doing.

      The fiction of a Tom Clancy movie manifesting in real-time today, and most of the world sleeps.

  21. The Turkey-Syria quakes occurred on the East Anatolian Fault. This fault is connected to the Dead Sea Transform, a/k/a the East African-Syrian Fault which transits Israel on a north-south axis..

    In Israel this Dead Sea Transform has quaked on average once every 100 years. The last major quake occurred in 1927, or 96 years ago. Israel is due.

  22. New SITREP in-process in an attempt to stay ahead of the curve, even though this subject was first presented here 10 years ago. Coming full circle.


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