Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Global SITREP A6-23: SIGNS! and the "Jesus Revolution"

UPDATED 19 February 2023: SITREP A6-23 is a special addition that comes from two different categories, signs in space (sun, moon, stars) and the Lord's calling us and the unsaved through the Holy Spirit into revival.

Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars

The graphic interchange format (.gif) images of our sun were taken of a never-before-seen by human eyes of a "solar crown" by the James Webb space telescope. This spectacular event of a little over a week ago (circa 10 FEB) involved a very peculiar filament of plasma that came off the surface of our star as a major prominence and them unexpectedly began to circle the pole in a counter-clockwise vortex movement. The solar crown was not unlike a hurricane. 

At no time during human history on earth would this type of event have been observed until now when our limited knowledge all things celestial has increased. The plasma vortex circled our star's northern pole at 60 degrees north latitude, traveling at a speed of 60 miles per second for a period of eight hours. The obviously compressed time .gif is a collection of individual laced images of the entire eight hours of observation. Astrophysicists have no idea what caused this. Eschatology Today believes this collected data is, in fact, a sign of the times in which we live. We're being messaged.

The Holy Spirit Leads a Kentucky Revival

Back on the earth, at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, there's been an in-process revival led by the Hoy Spirit following a routine service in the University's chapel.  Upon the conclusion of the service a handful of students began worshipping by the chapel altar as the choir continued signing hymns. The Holy Spirit came upon all and the worshipping has been non-stop since 8 February. 

There had been no advance advertisement of the worship event as Asbury officials determined beforehand; it was simply a routine Christian worship service. Yet videos of the ensuing and ongoing revival went viral in the internet and folks were called by the Holy Spirit to come and participate. And come they did to the dimly lit chapel in central Kentucky. Reports are that people came from Canada and from distant lands such as Singapore. As one participant describes it, "there were no fancy lights, no timing devices, no pre-planned productions, no human leader, no "teams" of individuals, literally no structure whatsoever. God initiated this worshipping and His Holy Spirit sustains it. 

As of this past Tuesday there were 3,000 in over-flow attendance. When there was no more room in the chapel those who had made this pilgrimage began worshipping in four ancillary buildings; when they were full the worshipping continued in the streets. This brings back memories of the 1970's when this kind of powerful movement of the Holy Spirit brought yours truly into salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.

These events are unmistakable signs from the Lord concerning the lateness of the hour.

UPDATE 21 FEBRUARY 2023: Obviously SITREP A6-23 has been restored to its proper place in the series of SITREPs for 2023 and has had its title updated as well. There are numerous locations around the country, and overseas no doubt, where the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully! Without mentioning any specific online naysayers, the fact of the matter is those who deny these revivals being led by the Holy Spirit do, in fact, deny the words of our Lord Jesus Christ who said, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20 NKJV) 

Pastor Greg Laurie has discussed the "Asbury Revival" on 17 February via a post on his Harvest page "Greg's-Blog." The link is embedded here for your easy access to it. Pastor Greg titled that post "Is Another Jesus Movement Beginning to Happen?" That blog post hit home because the young high school girl he speaks of, Adriana Kuch, lived nearby. The freshman student was bullied relentlessly in the woke, brutal high school culture that infests not just New Jersey school systems, but is found all across America. School Administrator's did nothing and therefore 14-year old Adriana found no respite, and sadly committed suicide in the first week of this month after being senselessly assaulted in a school hallway by a handful of female classmates. This isn't about politics completely, it is about allowing the spirit of antichrist to fester in our midst.

If there was ever a time for Spirit-led revival, it is now. And, as just noted, it is happening, and not just at the impromptu Asbury University chapel revival, but wherever two or three gather in Jesus' name across this nation and the world. And gathering together our brethren are for what could in all likelihood be one final Spiritual awakening before the Harpazo - the harvest of the Bride of Christ. To this end, of sharing the Gospel and recalling the Spirit-led revival which swept America about 50 years ago, the theatrical release of the movie "Jesus Revolution" premiers tomorrow in select theaters (check local listings) and nationwide on Friday, 24 February. This is not coincidental, the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully.


  1. There are dubious claims being made by some on what has been taking place in Wilmore, Kentucky.

    Such should consider carefully (which they have not) that denying the work of the Holy Spirit is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Period.

    1. I would advise those guys to heed acts 5:38-39 look it up

    2. This is Jon Hartman. My phone keeps reverting to "anonymous " anyway That's the passage where Gamaliel warns the Leaders about speaking against Christianity. He warns them against fighting God

    3. Jon,
      What I'm referring to is the Scripture of Mathhew 12:31-32.

  2. There is a lot of "revival" topics lately - at our local church, on-line pastors, and then there is the "Jesus Movement" film that is coming out this week. Very Interesting! KAnn

    1. Amen KAnn!

      The "Jesus Movement" is about Greg Laurie and his wife Cathe. It's about the movement that brought me out of Churchianity and into born-again Christianity in 1971.

      Another Jesus Movement

      God has spoken and this SITREP will remain and even expand in coming days.

    2. I also saw an article yesterdayabout revival in the Phillipines where hundreds were being baptized in the ocean!

    3. Here's a quote from a local Christian Academy in Knoxville,Tn.
      "Last Friday, after GCA concluded the worship service for their middle school students, many “felt compelled to continue their time of worship,” the spokesperson added. “Leadership pivoted any planned afternoon activities and allowed students to lead one another in song and prayer. This led to students repenting, confessing and seeking Christ.”
      “God can speak in showers or waves, and at last week’s Discipleship Days, He decided to flood our campus with His presence,” GCA Upper School Principal Angie Nordhorn was quoted as saying in the statement shared with CP.


    4. Hallelujah, no question that our blessed hope is at the door!

  3. Perhaps this is one last call for the Gospel before the harpazo
    Jon Hartman

  4. Brothers and Sisters in Christ... the Spirit-led revival is without any doubt sweeping the nation! Baptisms in the Holy Spirit and the bestowing of the Gifts of the Spirit are taking place from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast! Prophetic words are being spoken! The Bride is being prepared!

  5. Breaking: A Richter 4.2 earthquake occurred in northern Israel about 20 minutes ago. Details pending.

    1. Follow-up:

      The Israel Geological Institute reported that the magnitude of the earthquake felt this morning in the north of the country was 4.5 degrees on the Richter scale, and originated 81 km northwest of Nahariya.

  6. BREAKING NEWS: At five minutes past midnight this morning GMT, Israel National News (INN) published the following based upon a Channel 12 report:

    "In recent weeks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has held five secret discussions on the Iranian issue, in which it was decided to significantly raise the level of Israeli preparation and readiness for an attack on the nuclear facilities in the Islamic Republic."

    Israel also notified the US and Europe that Israel will strike alone if necessary.

  7. Keeping up with events... there was a significant firefight in Shechem (Nablus) between Israel special forces supported by the IDF and islamic terrorists this morning. Three terrorists holed up were the targets. All were killed. Additionally nine other terrorists who attempted to ambush the Israeli forces were killed as well, with at least 100 other terrorists suffering various severity of wounds in the engagement.

    1. Today's battle in Shechem has the consequence of drawing severe criticism from the EU and US.

      This is not a surprise as prophecy (Daniel) indicates that the Western Antichrist will invade Israel with his military forces, most likely in the middle of the 70th Week.


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