Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Special SITREP B1-23: Global Military SITREP with Emphasis on the Levant

IRGC Bavar-373 Air Defense System

12 April 2023: The proverbial "cat" is out of the bag. The "cat" is the Iranian reverse engineered air defense (AD) system known as the Upgraded Bavar-373 from the Russian S-400 AD. This AD has been deployed to Syria under the guise of humanitarian assistance to Syria and Turkey following the massive earthquakes of this past February. The IRGC has authorized their proxy militias in Syria, under IRGC command, to bring the systems on-line for use against the Israeli Air Force, and possibly, if not probably, against Coalition and US aircraft operating over Syria.

The several high-level meetings among Western allies in the Levant as well as Israel's security cabinet briefings in recent weeks can be cited as the result of actionable intelligence having been acquired by the allies intelligence collection activities, as well as Iran's razor thin distance from nuclear weapons possession. This is possibly the last backgrounder Eschatology Today will present before the war between Israel and Iran erupts. 

Going back quite a few years Eschatology Today has postulated on the sequence of prophetic fulfillments. It has been noted many times that no where in Isaiah 17 or in the Psalm 83 scenario is there any mention of Iran (Persia) being a combatant against Israel, but until this point the Twelver clerics on Iran have armed, except for Jordan, all of the front line enemies that will square off against Israel. The lone exception are Iraqis (ancient Assur) who are in Syria today as mercenary proxy militias of the Iranian regime and foretold by Asaph to provide strength to the armies facing Israel. 

Also noted in these postulations was Jeremiah 49:35 which is interpreted as a reference to Iranian missile systems. Iranian missiles are unquestionably the foremost of Iranian military might today. So it follows logically that the Iranian "bows" will be "broken" as the lead-off event in the coming war that will totally consume Syria (Aram) as seen in Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27. We also know from Isaiah 17 that Israel's population will endure great loss of life in this exchange of fire, but Israel will emerge from the conflict victorious; recovering from it fully, if not exceptionally, as seen in Ezekiel 38:8.




  1. SITREP B1-23 is complete pending updates, if any.

  2. I must assume, (which is not my favorite thing to do), that with about 320 views of this SITREP that all agree with the interpretations of theprophetic Scriptures as presented.

    With no other interpretive views expressed means that these interpretations, which date originally to at least 15 years ago, are accepted by-and-large as accurate.

    Therefore, with the concensus we have, we carry forward on this track. Good stuff Brethren!

  3. Brother Sean: I believe we wait with baited breath for your next comment as you have been so correct in your comments and sitrep's on how close to the end times we are. Bible Prophecy coming to pass right before our very eyes. God Bless You! When we get to Heaven, I want to give you a big hug as you have been a good watchman on the wall.
    Your sister in Christ

  4. Any update on leaked documents from Pentagon? Is it True

    1. Nick,
      The leaking of U.S. classified documents has the potential to cause extremely grave damage to our National Security.

      Sorry, but other than stating this cold, hard fact I cannot and will not touch upon the subject further.

  5. This new OpEd from Arutz Sheva closely resembles in specific detail what is stated in Special SITREP B1-23.

    However, what is critically absent is the Word of God through Israel's prophets about the outcome of this war as foretold by Asaph, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Joshua.

    'Death to Israel': The Iranian Plan to Attack Israel

    1. And today the WSJ carried the same type of report as Arutz Sheva...

      Iran Recruiting Militant Allies to Attack Israel

      Atypical secular Globalist word salad confusing "militant allies" with Islamic terror jihadists.
      Oh how the Globalists detest Israel.

  6. Iran launched a significant cyber attack upon Israel today which targeted power distribution and the Red Alert missile warning system. An overt act in the ongoing war.


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