Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Global SITREP C3-23: Tzohar


26 September 2023: As Yom Kippur came to a close, and reports of "protesters" disrupting Tzohar prayers all around Israel, a sense of indignation arose at the gall of such people in Israel doing such in Israel on its holiest of all days. Tzohar prayers are prayers of repentance in Judaism, for oneself and for all Israel, for the salvation of the world at large. That in itself is Messianic in its very nature. That indignation, some would call it righteous indignation, directly led to a new curiosity about what a Tzohar prayer was, and that led to a study which began at Genesis 6:16. 

A Tzohar is what God told Noah to put into the ark. It was a window from which he released birds until they did not return. The word also has other meanings besides window, and those meanings are directly related to its place within the ark - at the top and above the rest of the of the vessel. The Tzohar is also related to where the sun is located in the sky at high noon. So, to use the Tzohar Noah had to look up, high up, to raise his arm high up to release the dove which did not come back to has hand. The symbolism is inspirational to say the least.

Now it's often said in dispensational and prophecy circles that Israel is the Lord's clock. This symbolism is without question imagery everyone here knows very well. The rebirth of Israel is the prime indicator that the 70th Week of Years will take place within the generation that sees such become fact. In my thoughts on Yom Kippur it began to coalesce that Israel is not only the Lord's clock, but Israel is also akin to the Tzohar on the upper most point on Noah's Ark, the window through which the Bride of Christ today looks towards Heaven watching for our Groom's return to catch us up in the Harpazo.



  1. That was very inspirational Brother Sean. Thank you. Melody

    1. Melody,
      It's the story of how I spent the closing of hours Yamim Nora'im, especially Yom Kippur, which in years previously I really hadn't paid a great amount of attention to.

      It was very inspirational to watch in near real-time thousands of Israeli's openly pray to the Lord for their redemption, a prayer He will answer fully so that "all Israel will be saved." (Ezekiel 39's closing verses)

      This also did remind me of Daniel's prayers for Israel prior to Gabriel coming to give him prophesy about these 'last days.'

  2. So, the non-resident Saudi Arabian envoy al-Sudairi rolled into Ramallah today promising a Palestinian state based on 1967 maps with "East Jerusalem" as its capital.

    No chance.

  3. So far Saudi Arabia has been saying this from the beginning. Israel says a deal is only months away, but I don't see them dividing Jerusalem, I agree, no chance.

    1. And not because you and I say so, but because the LORD God said so through Isaiah (33:20).

      Look upon Zion, the city of our appointed feasts;
      Your eyes will see Jerusalem, an undisturbed habitation,
      A tent which will not be folded;
      Its stakes will never be pulled up,
      Nor any of its cords be torn apart.

    2. Brother Sean,

      What about Joel 3

      I will gather all the nations And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land

      I under stand that this verse takes place right before the Millenium Kingdom, it necessitates the division though. It (rapture, trib) can not be that far away. I pray it's today!

    3. Ben,

      Yes, Jehoshaphat means Yahweh Judges, and is a literary way of saying the Valley of Har Megiddo, Armegeddon. It's the final act of the 70th Week of Years prior to the Millennial Kingdom.

      This is long after the remnant of all Israel (the 144,000) were gived the seal of God. There are about 10 million Jews in the world today, but only 144,000 are the saved remnant out of the 70th Week.

    4. I doubt the 2-state solution, if Israel is reluctant to give up East Jerusalem, a major war will erupt between Israel and her neighbouring Arab nations. Will the antichrist broker a 1-state solution in stead?

    5. Sean,
      I was referring to:
      "And they have divided up My land"
      Looks like land will be divided, and soon.
      We must be supper close.

    6. Ben,
      The land has been divided in the modern era since the 1947 U.N. partition, so it's not a future prophecy, but a fulfilled prophecy.

      Even the Jews themselves have since 1967 partitioned the land of Judea and Samaria into Areas A, B, and C.
      Again, a fulfilled prophecy.

    7. Anon,

      Daniel 9:24-27 (from angel Gabriel) does not say antichrist will broker any solution; what it says is he will "confirm a covenant among many" for one shabuah (week of seven years). That covenant pre-exists his confirming of it for 7 years.

    8. Correction:

      Echad shâbuaʻ =
      one week of seven years

  4. Anonymous,

    Psalm 83, Isaiah 11:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:24-26. It's an imminent, pre-70th Week prophetic fulfillment.

  5. President Trump to be Speaker of the U.S. House for a temporary duration of 30 - 90 days? Interesting!


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