Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Global SITREP C7-23: WAR! Phase II


UPDATED 11 October 2023: Eschatology Today is expectant of the second phase of this war to commence shortly with the IDF ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, notwithstanding developments on the northern borders with Lebanon and Syria. 

It is anticipated that the IDF operation in Gaza will mirror very closely the imagery contained within the Hebrew text of Isaiah 11:14.  They key words as pronounced are Oof kah-thayf and their meaning is to cover or obscure the shoulder. This evokes the image above of the map of Gaza and the two "shoulders" of the region on the upper right and lower left. This text may be descriptive of a classic pincer movement of armored forces simultaneously moving into Rafah and Gaza City. Another visualization of these two words would be to liken them to a bird covering her young with her wings, or, if you will, how the cherubim covered the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant with their wings. There are the images that come to my mind, others may consider them differently.

There's one other important thing to note that relates to this war. Prior to Saturday Israel was deeply divided, to the point of violence and verbal assaults among the two political camps of the citizens. This appears to be reflected in Isaiah 11:13 where Ephraim and Judah join together and Oof kah-thayf against their common enemy. 

IN THE NORTH The developments in the north could intensify in ferocity and breadth of military action at any moment as for the past couple of days intermittent strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria push towards a literal fulfillment of the Psalm 83 prophecy. At the time of this posting there are ongoing alerts of airborne threats to Israel from Lebanon and Syria.

Today at approximately 10:30 Hezbollah fired and anti-tank missile (ATM) at an IDF M113 personnel carrier known in the IDF as a Zelda. The Zelda was along side the access road to the Blue Line in Avivim, northern Israel, less than a half kilometer from Lebanese territory. The rocket struck the reactive armor on the front of the vehicle but apparently did not destroy it. So we see here that Hezbollah troops are forward deployed up against Israel's border.  Israel's retaliation consisted of addition UCAV air strikes on Hezbollah observation towers in extreme southern Lebanon and saturation artillery fire in the area where the ATM had been launched from. Israeli residents in the Mater Asher region have been directed to their shelters. Israeli police and counterterror forces are prepared for extreme outbreaks of violence and rioting in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem.

INTERNATIONALLY Russia, Byelarus, Turkieh, Iraqi militias loyal to Iran, Houthi-ruled Yemen and Taliban-ruled Afghanistan have clearly and unsurprisingly sided with the Islamic terrorists against Israel. In the US the Biden speech yesterday fell woefully short in complete omission on the culpability of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the IRGC-QF specifically, as bearing responsibility for instigating this war and providing materiel support which made it possible. This war might have been delayed had Biden moved the 6th Fleet much earlier into the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and said "Don't" to Iran weeks ago instead of releasing $6 billion in funds to the mullah terrorists. He bears personal responsibility for this  inaction. 

13 October 2023:
Through the UN the IDF has given instructions to Gaza civilians where they are to immediately move to ensure their personal safety. In the map above is a dark line south of Gaza City that stretches from the Israeli border to the Mediterranean Sea. This line is the Wadi Gaza, or Nahal HaBesor, a/k/a the Gaza River. There are just a very few hours remaining before the IDF executes military operations in the entire region of Gaza north of the Wadi Gaza.

Given the Islamist threat of violence for today caution is advised in public gatherings and Jewish neighborhoods everywhere.

Updates will continue as necessary...


  1. A growing concern is that the expected tempo of the expanding war may exceed the ability to note all developments in a timely manner.

    Hence the general overview given here as of 9 AM EDT on 11OCT23.

  2. An agreement has been reached on the establishment of a War Emergency government. This is likely necessary to bring all sides into unity in prosecuting the war. An affirmation of the SITREP reference of Isaiah 11:13, with Isaiah 11:14 becoming an imminent reality.

  3. There is a general threat and call by HAMAS for Islamist everywhere to rise up in rage this Friday.
    Also on the Eschatology Today radar is the Islamist threat coming out of Sinai, the ancient home of Amalekites, but the modern-day abode of ISIS.

    1. While Scripture informs that the sun, moon and heavenly bodies were created for signs and the seasons, I do not subscribe to the notion that a "ring of fire" eclipse viewable only between Oregon and Texas has any relation to current events half a world away.

      By the same token modern technology is allowing mankind to see previously unknown and apparently unique phenomenon among celestial bodies in very, very deep space. Only now is humanity capable of seeing these "signs" in the sun, moon and stars. Knowledge has increased as Gabriel told Daniel the prophet it would.

  4. Netanyahu, Galant and Gantz have all promised that HAMAS will be "perished" completely.

  5. Not crowing here, but after conducting a survey this afternoon of "prophecy" and eschatological websites, I found none with the level of in-depth coverage you find here. Zero, zip, nada.

    Many are defunct, inoperative. Others are like Bible prophecy headline news sites, devoid of any depth. Some have been abandoned months ago. None of those operational sites I located Identify this war as a highly probable Psalm 83, Isaiah11 and potential Isaiah 17 fulfillment. I'm stunned.

    1. 100% in agreement with you brother. If I may add, I'm stunned that no intelligence agencies, especially Israily, were able to be on top of this. While here on ET it's like a slow moving train wreck. Lord is truly amazing if you just read His Word and believe what He says.
      Can't wait to give you a huge on flight 888!

  6. News from Israel, even in this wartime, generally stops at about midnight in Tel Aviv and resumes at about sunrise in the US. That would comport with the final verse of Isaiah 17.

  7. After dozens upon dozens of Israeli airstrikes on the IRGC-QF, Hezbollah and Syria over several years, why is it that they've not seized upon with vigor the opportunity to attack Israel that their Gaza proxies have created? What deters them?

    Could it be Israel's current 'holy of holies' (thermo-nuclear weapons) that's the deterrent?

    This is also an opportune time for an Iranian rush in two weeks time to breakout as a nuclear weapons state.

  8. The IDF continues to prep hundreds of thousands of its troops, logistics and armored forces for the ground operation inside Gaza - the execution of which is at the sole direction of the war cabinet (Netanyahu, Gallant and Gantz).

    Per the IDF Homefront Command at the start of Day Six the war against HAMAS and other terrorists in Gaza will be "a long war. He stated that HAMAS understands this new reality and is limiting its rocket arsenal to "only a few dozen" launches per day.

    The necessity for more robust OPSEC across the IDF's command echelons is critical going forward during this conflict.

    1. What does "a long war" actually mean?

      Israel and the many terrorist organizations in Gaza have been at war since 28 June 2006.

      17 years, 4 Months on 28 October 2023.

      The sum total of the Psalm 83 War is now over 75 years or nearing the Psalm 90:10 maximum of 80 years. Longer than most people reading this have been alive!

      This defines the Eschatology Today phrase "the prophetic process of fulfillment."

      In contrast, the Roman-Jewish War lasted just 7 years, from 66 to 73 AD.

      Until the end desolations are determined, but the end will come as a flood.

    2. Sean, unbelievable! I bet I can guess the ages of those making those objections. I am 80 years old, a Christian for over half that time, and I can surely remember when history was actualy taught in the schools. Good grief in this fog of war, any believer should know the ONLY reliable source of truth is what God gives us in His Word. It may not give us the process/event/timing particulars (in every case), but He gives us the end result. As heartbreaking as it is to see/hear the horrific reports coming out of Israel, we KNOW who wins--and we can be sure that God is both a God of mercy, AND a God of judgment.

  9. Israeli and global media are swallowing hook, line and sinker the false HAMAS narrative (al-taqiyya / dissimulation) that they alone planned this war in secret. By propagating this false narrative they serve the informational warfare agenda of Islamists and socialists all over the world.

    Stupid is as stupid does; have we learned nothing or completely forgotten everything about the jihad tactics employed by this enemy?

  10. Israel should rely less upon its American ally and rely more upon the God of their fathers. They will, eventually, but now would be a good time to start.

    A longstanding objective of the Iranian Twelver regime has been to take down their big satan (USA) before taking down their little satan (Israel).

    Situational awareness (intelligence collection) at this juncture is paramount.

  11. It is a bald-faced lie propagated by leftists (including Israeli leftist talking heads) that the IDF of today cannot defend Israel should a multi-front war erupt in the coming days.

  12. SECSTATE Blinken to Israel: "We're here; we're not going anywhere."

    Uh-huh, right, that's what you said to the Afghans.

    1. By now the entire world knows if a Democrat says anything it can't be trusted.
      I don't come close to having your situational awareness however I have lived under the tyranny of Democrats.
      Israel has a right to put an end to these terrorist any way they see fit.
      We can see why Asaph's words are so fitting.

  13. Islamist, socialist, American democrat, there is essentially no difference among them. Proven time and time again. So, when it comes to the Book of Life ... yeah, figure the odds of that one!

  14. Arutz Sheva (INN) Headline today:

    "Military Analyst: 'We didn't understand the Middle East'"

    Nonsense; absolutely wrong. Israel (and most Western governments) have categorically FAILED to identify the enemy as Islam and their ideology as Islamism.

    These are a absolutely culture of satanic origin and therefore a theology of death. Period!

  15. The total and complete extermination of HAMAS will commence within 24 hours.

  16. The IAF has put the runways of Damascus Int'l and Aleppo airport out of service.

    1. Apparently they forced the Iranian Foreign Minister to turn tail for Tehran. His plane was reported to be close to Damascus at the time of attack. Aleppo as possible alternate was taken out for good measure. Good to see Israel punching back hard like this. Steve G.

    2. Steve,

      Not quite. Iranian FM Amir-Abdollahian's aircraft diverted into Beirut Int'l. He then told Hezbollah media that more war fronts would be opened against Israel.

  17. I hope and pray civilians and believers are getting out of that region.

  18. I will shortly add a UN map which illustrates where Gaza civilians must move to for their safety per the IDF. The current safe area is south of Wadi Gaza (HaBesor).

  19. Clearly, and we'll see more in the coming hours, the proverbial gloves are off.

    Also, NATO is standing up its Rapid Reaction Force to a heavily armed and permanent group of 300,000 troops in 2024-25. A major war game exercise in Poland soon.

  20. The Friday 13OCT23 call for a "Day of Jihad" is no idle threat. In Arras, France a high school teacher was stabbed to death, two others stabbed by an Islamist shouting the jihadist battle cry.

  21. Northern Israel around Metulla is now a closed military zone by order of the IDF.

  22. We must be prepared for persecution by IS and Al Qaeda terrorists. Because they will strike and attack churches and individual Christians, now that Israel is at war against Hamas.

  23. Jordan: Thousands are marching towards the Israeli border and Jordanian security forces have used tear gas in attempts to halt the marchers. Not looking good in Jordan wrt Psalm 83 and Isaiah 11 prophecies.

  24. The whole of northern Israel now under red alert. At least one interception has just occurred and it was a Patriot ABM interception..

    Hezbollah prepared to attack and their intervention is likely timed to IDF ground forces entering Gaza.

    PA leader Abbas has aligned with HAMAS, and Arab in Judea and Samaria confronting the IDF.

    Again, we are almost certainly witnessing the final fulfillment of the Psalm 83 prophetic scenario we have been discussing for years on this blog.

  25. I read again your post from Dec. 27, 2009 - Are Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 Imminent? Here we are almost 14 years later, and it sure looks like they are imminent!

    1. Yes, I believe we are now witnessing these fulfillments on live TV such as the i24 News coverage from all areas of Israel.

    2. I have long believed that the church would be here to witness the fulfillment of psalm 83 and Isaiah 17, and then depart shortly thereafter.
      I also believe (I may be wrong about this ) that after isreal takes out there enemies In the middle east, trump will finally take out the enemies in Washington....we'll see about that one.
      I used to think we had less than 10 years left, now I have a hard time thinking we have more than 5.

  26. HAMAS has established road blocks to prevent Gaza civilians from escaping to safety south of Wadi Gaza. These human shields are in grave danger, so expect the IDF/IAF to strike the HAMAS road blocks outside of Gaza City.

  27. It may come to pass that U.S. military forces are the sword God will bring upon Iran (Jeremiah 49-34-39) when Iran directly intervenes in this war. Based upon what SECDEF Austin just said in a presser with DM Gallant this is a distinct possibilty.

  28. It may come to pass that U.S. military forces are the sword God will bring upon Iran (Jeremiah 49-34-39) when Iran directly intervenes in this war. Based upon what SECDEF Austin just said in a presser with DM Gallant this is a distinct possibilty.

  29. We must prepare ourselves for the emergent reality that this war could take many months to a couple of years to win.

    The IDF will rotate troops constantly into and out of Gaza because killing HAMAS completely will require difficult house to house urban fighting, both above and below ground level. Ditto for Judea and Samaria.

    Lebanon is another matter, as is Syria and Western Jordan. Eastern Jordan has a robust American military presence (this may be why Isaiah 11:14 reads as it does, i.e. Moab and Edom). Amman will surrender.

    Put on the whole armor of God while we wait upon our Blessed Hope.

    1. Is the Rapture dependent upon this war being "won"? If so, then a couple more years......very hard to fathom.

    2. The Harpazo (Rapture) of the Bride of Christ is dependent on nothing except for God the Father to send His Son to collect her. It is an imminent event which Jesus Christ testified to in His Olivet Discourse and Paul wrote about in his letters to the Corinthians and Thessalonians, and John in the Apocalypse (Revelation) of Jesus Christ.

  30. IDF UCAV are striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon at this time.

    1. The Lebanon-Israel border is now a region of intensifying combat operations on land and in the air.

      IDF's Gaza operations are relentless and redefining the phrase "shock and awe." And this is "just the beginning" in the truest sense of the word.

  31. IDF has conducted raids into Gaza seeking hostage holding locations.

    As of 30 minutes ago the IDF gave the green light for tip of the spear units to advance into Gaza. It has begun.

    1. May Almighty God be with the Israeli people, and may the whole world know that He is their God.

  32. O my God, make them (Hamas)like the whirling dust,
    Like the chaff before the wind! Ps83

    1. Indeed, all of them; "Edom and the Ishmaelites;
      Moab and the Hagrites;
      Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek;
      Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assyria.

  33. FLASHBACK: 50 years ago during the 1973 Yom Kippur War there was one Black and White television channel in Israel, Channel 1, and AM radio stations. Every half hour the IDF spokesman went on the air to give SITREPs of all the active warfronts.

    Contrast that image to the present with many TV channels, radio, and internet websites running 24/7, even on Shabbat.

  34. Black and white tv's and am station's, amazing!,
    knowledge has certainly increased.
    The two witnesses will have a large audience.

    1. Also, the Male Haredim who remain virgins until marriage (around age 30) are numbered at about 150,000 right now according to percentage statistics. A good following for the two witnesses.

    2. Channel 1 broadcast in B&W; its first color broadcast was during Anwar Sadat's visit after the Yom Kippur War. Just a historical fact.

  35. FLASH FORWARD: This war will bring about fundamental, across-the-board changes in Israel in government, military and societal arenas. This will lead to the Israel of Ezekiel 38/39 and the Israel of the prophetic 70th Week of Years.

  36. So, this really does look like the beginning of the final fulfillment of psalm 83.
    In my mind, for Netanyahu, it's psalm 83 or bust. Gaza (Philistia) being a major component of psalm 83 won't be leveled until the fulfillment, and if Netanyahu doesn't level Gaza this time his career is over. It's psalm 83 or bust. I think this might be it

  37. I have a sense that even though at the moment there is a lot of support for Israel that the path of annihalation of Hamas will not meet with approval worldwide leading to the Ezekiel 39 position of no support. God will show Israel that He alone is their defense, their strong tower .Praying for salvation for the Jewish people and for the sons of Hagar for God's love is limitless. Without Him we are all lost.Thank You Seán from Ireland You have an Irish name so maybe you have some connection to Ireland. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and break agreement with any antisemitism .Thank you so much.I appreciate your blog with its solid biblical foundation.

  38. Since this past Monday their IRGC-QF-led Hezbollah and militias from Dief Ez-Zor in eastern Syria have been mobilizing and deploying their force to Quneitra province adjacent to the Israeli Golan Heights. In September IRGC-QF MG Qa'Ani oversaw these troops in a warfighting exercise.

    All of this comports with Asaph's Psalm 83 prophecy with respect to its participants as these troops have deployed from the territory of ancient Assyria.

  39. Saturday, 14 OCT - An IDF UCAV has attacked Hezbollah position in south Lebanon after 3 of its drones were detected and shot down over Haifa and northern Israel. The IDF also eliminated a 3-man terror squad attempting to cross in Israel from Lebanon.

    1. Agreement reached that will open the Rafah Gate to allow foreigners to leave Gaza beginning today. However, the agreement does not apply to hostages abducted from Israel.

  40. The IDF's window for Gaza civilians to move south of Wadi Gaza will expire in a half hour (4 PM IST).

  41. Mortar and artillery firefight ongoing along Israel-Lebanon border. Significant Hezbollah v IDF clash in the Mt. Dov area.

  42. HAMAS has begun executing the hostages forcibly abducted from Israel.

  43. A rocket fired from Lebanon has critically injured two Israeli's in the coastal city Nahariya, north of Acre.

  44. Preps for a coordinated joint air, land and seaborne assault on Gaza north of Wadi Gaza are complete and will execute at any time. This joint assault will mark the start of Phase III in the war.

  45. Rocket fired at Israel from Syria, intercepted and destroyed. IDF returning fire on the Syrian launch site.

  46. According to Russia the Middle East is on the cusp of a regional war because of the actions of the US and Israel.

  47. Iran now threatens Israel that it will intervene in the war if attacks on HAMAS don't stop.

    Now ALL of the enemy nations named by Asaph, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Joshua and Jeremiah are directly involved or threatening to become directly involved in this war.

    1. We can expect an intervention to remove the foremost of Iran's military might - it's missile and rocket forces. It's all they have to attack Israel directly; the IRGC-QF and proxy militia in Syria are covered by Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17. Iran will be militarily reduced.

  48. In a little bit a friend of mine, who was a high school student in a youth group when I was a youth leader in that youth group is going to call me. He wants to ask me a bunch of questions about prophecy and what is going on. Please pray that it goes well. In addition to psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 I'm going to bring up Ezekiel 25, zephaniah 2:4-13, Jeremiah 49 and Obadiah. I believe all of these cover the same prophecy. I'm going to tell him that I believe it's very possible that these wars have started. Pray that it goes well. He was never taught prophecy and he wants to talk to me about it

    1. Jon,

      That's awesome! May the Lord guide your words and the Holy Spirit touch your friends heart with conviction of the Truth.

    2. HI Sean, I know you need to limit the number of comments so no need to publish this, but maybe the next time you respond to Jon you could mention that I--and I'm sure many others--am/are praying for him and his friend. May their conversation bear the fruit of understanding and passing that understanding on to others! The time is so short, and prophecy is the key to urgency!

    3. No worries Hmewrdbd your comment informs Jon as perfectly as can be.

      I am truly expecting to put up SITREP C8-23 WAR! Phase III within a few more hours. The "flood" is coming.

    4. It went well. I told him that the war of psalm 83 and related scripture might have started (i told him i was 50/50 that this was the big one) then he asked about Russia. I told him that psalm 83 sets the stage for Gog/magog and he asked what that was and I explained that to him. He asked about the order of prophetic events and I gave him this order

      Psalm 83/Isaiah 17/Jeremiah 49
      The rapture
      Rise of antichrist
      confirmation of the covenant
      70th week
      2nd advent
      Millennial reign
      I then told him while I think the rapture occurs between psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 the fact is it could happen now. He then wanted to know what Christians would be doing during the Millennial reign. He had a lot of good questions.

    5. Sean, please tell Hmewrbdb I greatly appreciate thing I forgot to mention, after I talked to him he asked why churches and people weren't talking about it. He was mad that the church he been in his whole life (he s saved and went to a Christian school) wasn't talking about it

  49. The IAF put the Aleppo Int'l airport out of service again tonight and just after the runway was repaired from Thursday's airstrike.

  50. SITREP C8-23 War! Phase III will post shortly.
