Saturday, March 2, 2024

Global SITREP A4-24: The Parah Adumah (Red Heifer), Numbers 19 and October 7, 2023


2 March 2024: In approximately, or within the next 50 days time, the Numbers 19:1-10 ordinance (statue) given to Moses and Aaron by God will be carried out on a newly constructed platform on the western side of the Mount of Olives. This day is has been reported since last year to be just prior to the 2024 observance of Passover on 22 April. 

The Numbers 19 ordinance is news to no one who has read Eschatology Today or any truly Christian publication in recent months. This blog has brought the subject forward several times since 2015 when the Parah Adumah (Red Heifer) was first mentioned here. 

Simply put, without the priestly sacrifice and burning and mixing with water of the ashes of the red heifer there can be no cleansed person, rabbi or priest to rabbi fully ascend Mount Moriah to the place where the second temple stood and the third temple will soon be standing. 

To the truly observant Jew this event without question marks what they believe is the start of the "Messianic Era." But that is not the half of it, as the other half is how the adherents of Islam regard the mere presence of red heifers (there are now four highly protected red angus red heifers in Israel) in Israel. To them the cows are a casus belli, or cause for war. 

When the Muslim enemies of Israel cry out to their brethren to "defend Al Quds" (Jerusalem) and Al-Aqsa, what they mean is the temple mount, its mosques and the Dome of the Rock because the Numbers 19:1-10 unblemished red heifer ordinance indicates to them that the Jews intend to wipe their places from where they stand on the mount and erect in their place a new temple and its outer court. They will do anything and everything to prevent this from taking place.

It is a fact that this is true. 100 days after the October 7 massacre the spokesman for HAMAS' Al-Qassam Brigades issued a televised proclamation reminding all Muslim faithful the reasons for why they started the war against Israel on October 7. Here are excerpts from the English translation of Abu Obeida's proclamation for those who do not wish to click on the embedded Palestine Chronicle link above.

"We look back 100 days to remember the educated, the complicit, and the incapacitated among the world powers governed by the law of the jungle, reminding them of an aggression that reached its peak against our path (Al-Quds) and Al-Aqsa, with the start of its actual temporal and spatial division, and the “bringing of red cows as an application of a detestable religious myth designed for aggression against the feelings of an entire nation in the heart of its Arab identity, and the path of its prophet (the Night Journey) and Ascension to heaven...

As we have been informed by various sources in the resistance fronts that they are seeking to expand their strikes against the enemy in the coming days in light of the continued aggression on Gaza, we will not tire or falter in calling all the free people of the nation to rise to support their Aqsa and the path of their prophet, which the criminal Zionists are practically advancing towards destroying and establishing their temple. This is what we have chosen with our blood in Gaza for 100 days and for which the epic of October 7th was about." 

Talk about Indications and Warnings (I&W), as if another flash point for the ongoing war was necessary, make no mistake the Islamists have had the purpose for the red cows foremost in their minds for a very long time. They follow Jewish media very closely and this particular subject is for them the mother of all hut buttons. The events of October 7 and everything since then is proof of  this war which they view in the terms of jihad or martyrdom (holy war or death).

Eyes and ears wide open...


  1. Islam (satan) will do anything they can to prevent a third Temple and the return of JESUS CHRIST.
    It does appear the war will seriously escalate in the coming weeks.

    1. Joseph,
      A major escalation is being attenuated, I believe, by the Restrainer. However, there is a definitive appointment in the near-term for those who hate the LORD God and raise their heads (and arms) against in opposition to His will.

  2. To be crystal clear and avoid any confusion, the "100 days" statement by HAMAS military spokesman was made about 50 days ago, this war just entered into its 155th day.

    It is no surprise to anyone, especially to Israel intelligence and the IDF, that Hezbollah has been gradually escalating its attacks over the past 55 days.

    The red heifer ritual on the Mount of Olives takes place about 50 days from today, certainly just prior to Passover on 22 April.

  3. Sean
    I found and watched the CBS News video you spoke of on the Red Heifers.
    I watched the whole story and noticed something strange.
    There was 5 Heifers flown to Israel. 1 was disqualified. Yet the video only shows 3 Heifers. Could they have sacrificed 1 Heifer already?
    Gregg H

    1. Gregg,

      The three are kept together for security purposes. The fourth is in preparation for the ritual on the Mount of Olives.

  4. While I can understand referring to a nation as being incapacitated on account of political obligations, corruption, etc., I can't help but thing Abu Obeida was making a not so veiled reference to Joe Biden, at least in part.

  5. Watching for all of the abundant and prophesied signs of the end of this age is what the Lord's true believers, male and female, should be doing, as commanded by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  6. On the wall, watching...

  7. I know it has been said many times before Sean, but a massive thank you for the work you do in keeping us informed. I live in the UK and I've always had Ephesians 6:11-18 in mind but increasingly I've needed to be very intentional about putting on the whole armour of God even in daily interactions.

    1. Dean,
      Thank you, it's just my mission.

      Absolutely, intensely intentional at that. Evil and deception are everywhere, yet by the Holy Spirit we overcome.

  8. Rockets were fired into northern Israel today from Syria. The IAF immediately began striking two Syrian Army bases near Daraa where the rockets originated.

  9. Raw intel suggests that a Russian S-300 missile in land attack mode nearly triggered a NATO Article 5 response against Russia two days ago.

    The Russian missile hit a port structure in Odessa, Ukraine that was just a few hundred feet from the in-progress meeting of Ukrainian President Zelenskiy and Greek PM Mitsotakis.

  10. Hello;

    Article that caught my eye today:

    Although this has apparently been case since 10-2023 - and I am sure the F-35I has been so for some time now - it is interesting for this to be confirmed now. I suppose they are sending a message to the Russians, but this also has solid prophetic relevance.

    Hamas have now made it 100% clear what their intentions are for Ramadan; so, here we are folks. Things are increasing at a geometric pace.

    Bro Steve.

    1. Steve,

      Spot on this is 100% messaging for both the US and IAF versions of the F-35. Consistent with the analysis here for some years now.

  11. Interesting report found on Arutz Sheva (INN) this morning.

    Iranian anti-regime activist Vahid Beheshti who spoke before Israel's Knesset two months ago told the MKs that the only way to secure peace would be for Israel's military to strike "the Revolutionary Guards centers, the nuclear sites and the houses of the heads of the regime inside Iran."

    In the follow-up to this a sign was posted on a pedestrian overpass at the entrance to Tehran which stated that millions of Iranians are in mourning for Israel (since October 7, 2023), and they send greetings as Cyrus the Great blessed Israel so long ago.

    This was accompanied with a plea to help the Iranian people throw off the Twelver Regine as Vahid Beheshti had requested, saying to PM Bibi Netanyahu directly, "We, (the Iranian people) are ready."

    Beheshti's speech and the Iranian oppositions response are a signal that the time is right for Israel to act.

    This is, again, consistent with the prophecy of Jeremiah 49:34-39.

    1. Wow, Sean. My heart just breaks for the people of Iran. I read years ago that the majority of the population there was under 30? It seems strange that this generation in Iran can see the truth, but those in Gaza cannot. I read Hal Lindsey’s book, The Everlasting Hatred years ago which is a sad testimony to that fact. We pray for the lost. God knows what He’s doing and His plans will be fulfilled. Amen.
      God Bless. Shelley

    2. Shelley,

      I find myself gobsmacked with rage when considering how the Iranians (Persians, truly) recall at the drop of a hat their ancient history, whereas in U.S.A. our current leaders do everything they can to erase American history, tear down our monuments and villify half of our population as the usurping and criminal President Biden did in his SOTU address days ago.

  12. Doesn't get much clearer in terms of I&W than that. Perilous times - the security we have in Jesus is such a blessing. We of the Bride do not have to worry about our hearts failing us for fear.

    These tyrannical regimes almost always lash out in an attempt to externalise their problems, when they are in really dire straits - much like the Twelvers are at the present time.

    High likelihood IMO of some sort of precipitous 'Hail Mary' type move by the mullahs - unless of course, the IDF strikes first...

    This situation cannot but have a very short shelf life. Bro. Steve

    1. Great comment, Bro Steve. Just wish it would be a “Hail Jesus,” instead of a “Hail Mary”. God Bless. Shelley

    2. Thank you so much Shelley. Your comment is highly relevant, as Iran has been experiencing very significant revival last few years. Jesus is moving powerfully amongst those people. It is for the Twelvers to make their own decisions; to choose their eternal destiny. Bro. Steve

  13. The IDF confirms that it again struck two Hezbollah targets deep in the Beqaa Valley, Lebanon today.

  14. Day-long combat operations by the IDF against Hezbollah inside Lebanon today consisting of airstrikes and intense, highly focused artillery fire.

    This appears to be the IDF continuing to shape the battlefield in Lebanon before IDF boots cross the border.

    1. Apparently Hamas committed a reprisal killing of a clan chief (Dughmush) over statements he made that Hamas did not like. Retaliation is reportedly threatened. They're killing each other now. End game. Bro. Steve

  15. PM Bibi Netanyahu has signed off on the IDF's classified operational plan for Rafah and the evacuation and humanitarian care of non-combatant civilians.

    The meddlesome, intrusive and frenemy folks of the Biden Administration do not have the "need to know" details of the plan, which is why US SECSTATE Anthony Blinken spent his day engaged in the futile act of pounding sand.

    1. Bro. Sean; That entire (installed) administration is 'futile' IMO. So good to see Israel being imbued by God with the resilience to withstand what they normally yield to.

      I see Nasrallah is getting nervous - been making statements about the IDF being 'tired' and 'stretched too thin' vis. Gaza. Starting to sweat a bit under those brown robes methinks. He'll shortly be finding out directly about IDF readiness. Bro. Steve

    2. Nasrallah and his jihadist ilk in Syria and Iran don't understand the principle of FAFO (Fool Around & Find Out). Apparently they're not able to communicate with Yahya Sinwar; he'd tell them to stop the nonsense.

      And with thousands of jihadi martyrs why are the rest of jihadidom not in joyous celebration over their 'brethrens' attainment of paradise and 72 virgins? Why all the anger and long faces; are they slowly realizing they've fed a crock of satanic lies for 1,400 years?

    3. Quick action has taken place following Netanyahu's Rafah OpOrder... IDF ground forces are moving in and the IAF has begun precision airstrikes in Rafah.

  16. As Eschatology Today has maintained, IDF CoS Herzi HaLevi has also made it clear: Israel is fully engaged in a multi-front regional war.

    "We are in a multi-arena war - Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, and Gaza, and threats even further away."

    By definition from Scripture, this statement invokes Asaph's Psalm 83 prophecy as being in progress.

  17. The beyond the pale US interference in Israel's sovereign affairs is dangerous in the extreme. The plan to build a permanent pier on the Gaza shoreline has clearly come from a host of Washington D.C.'s disturbed minds and those who erroneously believe that the State of Israel is merely an American colonial possession.

    By what right? As if Israel has no ports for the sealift of supplies? As if Israel has done nothing to provide aid to Arabs in Gaza?

    This unilateral activity has parallels found in the prophecy of Daniel 11.

  18. Sean, your statement, "has clearly come from a host of Washington D.C.'s disturbed minds and those who erroneously believe that the State of Israel is merely an American colonial possession", is spot on.

    When I see and/or read of the Biden regime's "demands", I get so angry. Who are we to tell the sovereign nation of Israel what to do as we if think we're their daddy? But then I remember Psalm 37:1-13.

    Secondly, I am reading through Daniel 11 and looking for the parallels you are speaking of, but I don't know that I fully understand, so I do not want to assume. Could you help me?

    1. Jason G,

      The parallels referred to are what we all know from throughout Scripture as "foreshadowing" of prophetic events.

      Antiochus IV Epiphanes was a foreshadowing of the coming antichrist. The angel Gabriel gave Daniel detailed attributes about the antichrist and Antiochus mirrored those attributes as well as actual events. Daniel 11 covers these things in good detail.

      I see now in the Biden Administration, with respect to Israel specifically, the same attributes of both Antiochus and antichrist being present in our current usurper president. Biden usurped the American presidency by intrigue as both Antiochus and the antichrist assumed (and will soon assume) political power. Extreme arrogance, criminality, excessive prevarication... the list goes on and on ad nauseum. I am not saying Biden is an or the antichrist, but he certainly appears to be a foreshadowing.

  19. Hello ET'ers:


    Jesus is moving right now - everywhere. Iran is an interesting example. This video is 3 months old, but the presenter gives a solid overview of developments:

    The Twelvers and their 'agenda' are in real trouble. Bro Steve


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