Monday, April 1, 2024

Global SITREP A6-24: The War in the North

Iranian Consulate After the IAF Strikes on 1 April 2024

UPDATED 1 April 2024: It has taken several hours to piece together what occurred in Damascus around 5 PM Israel time today. As can be seen in the image above Israeli F-35I Adir strike aircraft have given a preview of what Damascus itself will look like in the near future according to Isaiah 17 - "a ruinous heap."

According to the preponderance of media sources a pair if IAF F-35I Adir's struck the complex of buildings surrounding the Iranian Embassy in Damascus. Specifically, the consular annex and the Iranian Ambassadors residence were leveled. Multiple fatalities, reportedly numbering 7 individuals, resulted from the strike, chief among them was Brigadier General Mohammed Reza Zahedi, a senior official of the IRGC-Quds Force, his deputy, Brigadier General Mohammed Hajrahimi and Hussain Amir Allah the IRGC Chief of Staff in Syria and Lebanon. The precision airstrike was directed at what the Iranian's believed was a clandestine meeting between the IRGC-QF and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) chiefs. The assessed death toll indicates that other terrorist leaders may have also been in attendance, as well as at least two other Iranian officers. Iran's foreign ministry immediately responded that their response to Israel will be "harsh." 

This strike is indicative that the IDF's directive of last week to expand the war northward has gone into its first phase of execution. It is crystal clear that this was a decapitation strike directed against Iran's senior commanders; it's what a military force would be expected to do at the commencement of major hostilities. Israeli strike aircraft were robustly striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon and HAMAS, PIJ targets in Gaza. In all of this the IDF has maintained is customary silence with most of the media reporting being attributed to "Israeli officials" leaking data to the New York Times that Israel was responsible for the strikes. Arab media also carried similar reports. The aspect of the strike being a pair of F-35I Adirs may be assessed to Syrian air defenses inability to target for intercept these stealth aircraft in any meaningful manner.

According to Israeli and Western intelligence sources the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, its co-located consulate and annex building were the grand central station of thee IRGC-QF, weapons transfers to Hezbollah, HAMAS, PIJ and even into Judea and Samaria prior to October 7 and to the present. Some will recall that in the past five months Eschatology Today revealed that the Iranian Twelvers stated they were withdrawing all of the senior military "advisors" from Syria following Israel's assassination of Major General Razi Mousavi on Christmas Day 2023, and the strike in Damascus on 20 January 2024 which killed five high-ranking IRGC-QF officers, including a pair of deputy intelligence officers, Sadegh Omidzadeh and Hajj Gholam. The one thing Iran is more prolific in other than terrorism and outright warfare against Israel is lying through their Twelver teeth.

Yesterday morning well-known IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari announced that the IRGC-QF was responsible for the drone attack on the Israeli naval base in Eilat which was launched from Iraq and overflew Jordan's airspace. Iraqi and Jordanian proxy terrorists in the service of the IRGC-QF are part of an anticipated "harsh" Iranian response in the coming days. The Hezbollah Brigades, a/k/a Kata'ib Hezbollah, of Iraq are promising the introduction of 12,000 Jordanians to attack into Israel. Relations between Israel and Jordan have soured considerably since October 7, 2023.

Finally, Iran is reported to have directed its overseas IRGC-QF operatives (terrorist sleeper cells) to strike Israel's diplomatic compounds in the Middle East, Europe and especially in the United States. Ayatollah Khamenei has promised a bloodbath and said that Iran holds the United States specifically responsible as Israel's military and financial enabler. This is where the Biden Administration's open border policy in the southwestern states could turn into a disaster in an election year. Any sleeper cell terrorists who wanted to get in have probably been in the US for many, many months. Some government agencies have been issuing warnings in this vein of late. 

Watching continues...


  1. Events such as this offer proof positive that the war in the North can and will go ballistic with no warning. All we can do is watch it take place, and catch up in the morning as Isaiah prophesied.

    1. Amen Brother!! Things are increasing at a geometric pace - it is no longer linear progression. I recall that the F-15 and F-16 aircraft had some sort of ECM fitted ('Suter'?) that was able to spoof the Syrian SAM batteries quite effectively. I remember that these planes were operating in Syria during their 'civil war', essentially with impunity. You actually commented on this at one point I believe. Bro. Steve

    2. It appears that many Syrians (and I suspect ordinary Lebanese) are quite pleased with Israel's recent success in Damascus. "Thanks for the kebab" is a recurring theme.

      The Twelvers must realise how unpopular they are and are almost certainly gearing up for theri own end-game. Bro. Steve

    3. In the updated info to this SITREP, the enemy (Hezbollah Brigades) promise strongly invokes Asaph's inclusion of Assur and Jordanian participation in his inspired imprecatory prophecy, a/k/a Psalm 83, as well as Isaiah 11:14's itemization of Edom, Moab and Ammon. Wanna know the future, read the Holy Bible.

  2. Has there ever occurred a more pressing time at which to preempt Iranian Twelver nuclear weapons ambitions than right now?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. I'm thinking any direct response from Iran could provide that trigger

    2. This strike is a direct response to the Iranian regime from Israel. It is the most serious warning possible because the embassy, the entire compound, is the sovereign territory of Iran.

  3. The death toll in the Iranian embassy strike has risen to 14.

  4. "We are currently in a multi-front war – we see evidence of this every day, including over the last few days."
    - Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant

  5. It appears that a second Iranian drone has crashed in Jordan today just yards from Israel's border near Eilot and Eilat.

  6. The Iranian Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) has convened and made "the responsible decisions" in response to the Zionist attack.

    The SNSC conveniently forgets that an IRGC-QF attack on the Israeli Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan was preempted as it was about to launch.

  7. Big earthquake in Taiwan, tsunami warning in Japan. Don't know of any casualties

    1. Magnitude 7.7 according local seismic sensors. Buildings foundations crumpled tilting entire structures, collapsing ground floors. Massive dust clouds. This quake centered on Taiwan's east coast near Hualien city. Japanese islands experiencing significant ocean water level drop. Tsunami warnings.

    2. USGS reports Mag 7.5 7 mikes deep near Hualien, Taiwan. 9 tsunami warnings issued. Dozens of secondary quakes Mag 5.0 to 6.4 follow main event. Mud slides and ground liquifaction on Taiwan reported.

  8. Correction - anti-Israel global media claims of the "consulate" are false, IDF and intelligence say the structure was IRGC-QF Command and Control Center (C3) adjacent to the Embassy. Images illustrate the absolute precision of the F35I missiles strikes.

  9. In an emergency session of the UNSC yesterday the USA warned Iran and its proxy forces 'do not retaliate' against America in any manner whatsoever, as war drums and rumors of war rumble in the Middle East.

    1. I am confident that they are all very scared of the Biden regime. Bro. Steve

  10. Assessment: Since there is nothing in Scripture foretelling of an Iranian (Persian/Elamite) attack on Israel, but there is prophetic Scripture about proxy forces that attack Israel, the assessment is the Iran will not launch a direct attack but its proxies will. Iran may attempt an attack, but it will fail massively according to Jeremiah 49:34-39. Syria and Lebanon will pay a tremendous price for hosting Iranian proxy forces per both Jeremiah and Isaiah.

    1. The IRGC confirmed the Eschatology Today assessment this morning in announcing deadlier attacks against Israel will occur "very soon"; the "resistance forces" (Hezbollah and IRGC-QF proxies in Syria) will carry out the attacks..

    2. The IRGC announcement may well be a harbinger in bringing forward the prophecies of Joshua 13:1-7; Jeremiah 49:23-27 and Isaiah 17 to their literal fulfillment.

    3. Bro. Sean; I absolutely concur. I think it is a distinct possibility - given the current environment - that a massive missile barrage (by Hezbollah) may well include some non-conventional munition payloads. In that event, Elam and Damascus will likely meet their end very abruptly - i.e. 'sudden terror' in the evening.

    4. Bro. Sean; What am I missing here? Jesus feeds the 5,000; gets hailed as a Prophet ('the' Prophet, to be specific); then withdraws to the wilderness to avoid being made king of Israel by force. I am trying to fit this to the current discussion topic and having some trouble (not the first time!!). Bro. Steve

    5. Bro Steve,

      That was a typo, inadvertant comment.

      However, most scholars of Scripture understand that the 5,000 were all men, but the total number of people present (included women and children) numbered 15,000 to 20,000.

      The point of the feeding of the multitude is that what whatever is given to the LORD God is multiplied abundantly, many, many times over in return.

      As for their wanting to make Him king right then - that was not in keeping with the Lord's appointed time.

  11. Situation Normal defined:

    Accidental deaths in Gaza of World Kitchen Center (WCK) workers and the liberal world goes into total anti-Israel meltdown, but the intentional Hezbollah bombing by IED of an international UNIFIL foot patrol in Lebanon last Saturday resulted in crickets chirping.

    (The UNIFIL patrol was scouting an area in south Lebanon where Hezbollah and local Christian had engaged in a firefight.
    Hezbollah seeded the roads with IEDs when they broke contact with the Christian militia.)

  12. The IDF has begun calling up Air Defense reservists in response to Iran's threats to attack.

  13. Important Development of the Golan Heights:

    The Russian Defense Ministry announced today that Russian troops have been forward deployed to the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.

    The announced Russian troop deployment has occurred due to the increased Israeli attacks against Hezbollah, Iranian proxy and Syrian troops along the front who fire rockets into Israeli territory in support of HAMAS in Gaza.

    The Russian troops are now in a position to become active combat participants in combat operations against the IDF.

    1. The addition of Russian troops opposite to Israel's northern border, in addition to the terrorist formations already present, adds an entirely new dimension to the warfare described in Jeremiah 49:24-27 and Isaiah 17. This is a dimension that, pardon the pun, 'fleshes out' these prophesies which heretofore were never considered as they can now be considered. This is a genuine eye-popper.

    2. Eye-popping indeed. Interesting developments to the north also - with the (slightly) leftist CHP winning Istanbul over incumbent AKP. This is being seen as placing Erdogan under some pressure - and these types always go reactionary when pressured. Bro. Steve

    3. Have an eye on Turkey also. The domestic politics that need to be sorted out first may attenuate the perceived threat to Israel.

      If the CHP (Kemal Ataturk secular nationalists) peacefully take charge of governance over the islamist AKP, then Israel and the West (US EU NATO) would be able embrace and rediscover their former close pro-West ally.

      Worst case would be a schism and civil war between the West-oriented CHP and Ottoman-like Islamists of the AKP.

      God knows.

    4. Sean, watching and seeing these things come to life is exciting, and also humbling as we try to watch prophesies unfold without trying to fit news events into our personal Bible comprehension. The Russian presence, pre Psalm 83 fulfillment (which I have felt all along was an accurate one-as do you) is a bit confusing. Russia has been involved in Syria, but not at this front line level. So, perhaps Ps 83 will happen suddenly and Ezek 38-39 happens as part of the ongoing warfare? The players in Ps 83 are clearly not involved in Ezek 38, so this is honestly interesting and a bit confusing. God knows, as you said, and that is really all that matters. With the US and most of the world kicking Israel in the backside, God will show Himself strong in all of these wars. They will know that He is the God of Israel. Clearly, the prophesies will come to life, and probably like a flood of dominoes. Looking up...! Thank you for your reporting. It is truly invaluable. LD

    5. I think what this is about is Russia placing its forces on the Golan border as a type of trip-wire for the IDF.

      They know Israel has to enter Lebanon to roll Hezbollah northwards away from the border, so this deployment is intended to keep the IDF from also going to Damascus.

      Also, there is no Put or Cush (Libya or Sudan) military on the Golan with the Russians. Even more, the Gog/Magog burial ground will be in Jordan, near Dhiban and very far south of the Golan.

      When Damascus disappears there will be no military purpose for the Russians to remain on the Golan.

  14. As of this morning (Thursday, 4 April) the IDF has halted ALL approved leave of absence across the service branches (sea, air, land). Prudent action prior to all-out warfare erupting.

  15. With the Russian Federation already having its economy on a war footing (300,000 new troops coming on 1 June 2024), NATO countries have been balancing their collective defense needs with provisioning Ukrainian forces against the Russian invaders.
    NATO has been quietly putting their war economy on track for 2025 and beyond.

  16. MK Danny Danon is a truthful man, especially when he says Israel made an error when it acquiesced to the Biden Administration's operational conduct of the war against the terrorists in Gaza. A HUGE mistake in that now the nations of the world are in a froth over how Israel is conducting the war. America learned nothing in 20 years of fighting Islamic terrorists!

    Israel's original operational warfighting plans were for rapid advances and hammer blows. These plans were abandoned in favor of the American desire for slow and methodical, one hand tied behind the back, neighborhood by neighborhood meat grinder tactics. Despite the flaws in the US tactics the IDF persevered and is now poised to enter Rafah, the last bastion terrorist spider hole.

    Who should Israel have listened to in conducting this war, America or the God of their fathers who spoke through the prophets? It's a no-brainer. Now is the time to correct the error.

  17. Your right, it's a no brainer, I think their decision making will be divided even when they see God's deliverance against there enemies by His Hand, until the two witnesses make it clear whom they should serve.

    1. Jmoll,
      For sure!
      Israel and the enemies all around her crossed the proverbial Rubicon on April 1, 2024. There's no turning back so the world had better buckle up. Better still, call on the Lord for salvation.

  18. Northern NJ, near Lebanon, Warren County, just had a rare 4.8 Richter earthquake. The rareness is due to feeling and hearing it here in coastal Atlantic County, 15 miles from Atlantic City.

    1. Sean, my mom just alerted me to a fact about this 4.8 earthquake--"in 3 days" we will have the eclipse on 4/8. So much seems to be tied to this upcoming eclipse. Trying not to get overly excited, but I can't help but think that the Lord is "going above and beyond" to get our attention about this.

    2. Randi,

      Things I've learned this morning are that this quake initially registered as Mag. 5.5. It was felt across hundreds of miles along a southwest to northeast axis in eastern PA, all of NJ and southern New York state. No quake like this has occured since 1884. This earthquake area, and all the rest of the east coast not in totality, will get 80% of the sun's light blocked out. There's a lot of uniqueness in all of this.

  19. I'm in NC and I called my insurance agent and added earthquake insurance to my policy.

  20. The UN was discussing Gaza at the time of this earthquake, two state solution? Dividing the land belonging to the Jewish lands. Was this a precursor and loosening of the fault lines running similar the the eclipse on Monday..

    1. If nothing else, the earthquake was certainly noticed by the delegates. Otherwise ALL tectonic activity around the world are signs of the coming 70th Week of Years and global judgments.

    2. The quakes and aftershocks have continued in NJ, last one was was a Mag 4.0 felt about 90 minutes ago.

    3. Hello Friends; Further to the subject of earthquakes, I've now read several credible reports that the Obama 3.0 admin (aka Biden admin) has been fomenting an attempted 'colour revolution' in Israel contre Netanyahu. Given the times and the correspondingly (very) short 'fuse' that God operates on vis attacking Israel, I can certainly see that this would bring direct and immediate disciplinary action on the US; specifically the incumbent administration. Bro. Steve

    4. Bro. Steve and all,

      Scripture tells us that God establishes and removes national leaders, etc., pursuant to His will. Judgment, punishment, chastisement, call it what you will, but what has occured in the US from 2020 to present is a type of tempered judgment through the Restrainer.

      The Lord knows who will remain after the Bride is caught up, and then wrath will come down for seven years. All of the sign we're seeing these days points to a soon departure.

      Let the scoffers scoff, it's the closest thing to joy they'll have before wailing and knashing of teeth begins.

  21. Apparently someone in a US alphabet intelligence agency leaked to CBS News the method of Iran's retaliation for the destruction of the IRGC-QF Headquaters in Damascus last Monday. The report mentions a mass of loitering drones and other airborne muntions launched from Syria, Iraq or Iran itself and aimed at an Israeli diplomatic facility within their range. The strike is speculated by CBS News to occur before the end of Ramadan.

    What countries in the middle east have an Israeli embassy or consulate? Not many, which makes for a short target list. What weaponry are foremost of Iran's military might and how accurate are they? Hmmm.

    1. There is only 1 (one) Embassy of Israel in the Middle East within reach of Iran and its proxy forces.

      Amman, Jordan.

    2. However, the Embassy of Israel in Amman, Jordan is not the most likely Iranian attempt of a like-kind retaliation target.

      The HaKirya (Israel's 'Pentagon') in central Tel Aviv is the most likely target for a direct drone swarm and cruise missile attack.

  22. Sean, how much of the "news," intelligence leaks, et al, do you think is head fakes/misdirection? Sure seems TPTB are either really stupid/incompetent, or deliberately obfuscating??

    1. Hmewrdbd,

      About 100%. Some are even 21st century "deep fakes." And yes, they're deliberate and agenda-driven.

  23. SECSTATE Blinken spoke for the whole of the Western elite today when he unequivocally stated that "Ukraine will become a member of NATO."

    Say hello to the next world war.

    1. Bro. Sean; Ez 39:6 really comes to mind at this juncture. The use of atomic arms is increasingly discussed in the mainstream these days and has been openly threatened by Russia and China (among others) of late. Bro Steve.

    2. Bro. Steve,

      So very true and it's especially prevalent on the various mainstream "Start" pages which pose as "news" windows. Bing, Google, all of that ilk. And every day there perhaps a half dozen such "stories" to be clicked on about nuke war, who will start one, how to survive, etc. etc. It's the same old social conditioning hype.

  24. Many are they who are habitually watching television or tracking trending topics. This is for secular people, it's what they do. It's detrimental to them.

    What do real Christans do?

    We read Scripture, and track the trends in wars and rumors of war, earthquakes in diverse places, famines, pestilences, signs in the sun, moon and heavenly bodies. We adhere to what Jesus said were the signs of the end of this age and His Millenium Kingdom to follow.

    1. Bro. Sean; This is a timely reminder. It is an easy trap to fall into (getting 'hooked' on current events) - especially if earthly trials are being undergone. Bro. Steve

  25. I'm located 12 miles from the epicenter of yesterday's earthquake and aftershocks. Never experienced an earthquake before. My kitchen chandelier was swaying gently. Thankfully we haven't identified any damage at my house.

    I would just like to point out that the epicenter according to the US Geological Survey was in Lebanon. It is also referred to as Whitehouse Station, which is the part of Readington Township that borders on Lebanon. Hmm...Lebanon, Whitehouse Station...what is stationed at the White House? Names matter and nothing is random with God.

  26. Amen, Sean! He commanded all His followers to “Watch!” so that we would not be caught unaware. We have turned from the world and no longer hold any love for it. We only long to see Him face to face and worship Him for all eternity, rendering the glory, praise, and honor He so richly deserves. And we can see that we will be able to do that soon because of the clues He has so lovingly given and patiently revealed to those of us who are part of the Bride, eagerly awaiting. Our hearts are full of expectant joy and our ears attuned for that soon sound of the trumpet. We’re going to join Him in resurrection soon, family! God Bless, Sean, and all my dear family! Yes, imagine - we’re one BIG, Joy-filled family up there! Can’t wait! Maranatha! Shelley

  27. Eclipse today; end of Ramadan tomorrow; Iranian FM touring the Middle East in preparation for Twelver's promised attack on Israel in coming day or so; Rafah clearing operation and IDF refitting, regrouping for what's next. Clock ticking.

    1. The above comment has been mirrored by an article in today's JPost which touches on the key issues I noted. Iran is watching Israel intently.

  28. The total solar eclipse is awesome!

  29. It is indeed. It's God's glorious handiwork put on display at the right time for us to bear witness to. Maranantha! Come quickly Lord Yeshua! Hasten your return.
    God bless and keep everyone here safe and the oil lamps filled.

    1. Douglas,

      You are exactly correct.

      Since, as was prophesied by the angel Gabriel, knowledge has increased in these last days so that hundreds of millions of people were keenly aware of and observed with their own eyes the "X marks the spot" total solar eclipses (SIGNS) of 2017, and 7 years later, 2024, no matter where they were on the Earth.

      Not only did those innumerable people see the moon pass before the sun, but in totality they saw the stars and four planets (Saturn, Venus, Mars and Jupiter) which were lined up on the ecliptic become visible during the day.

      An undeniably accurate fulfillment of the purpose for the heavenly bodies Created by our God!

  30. Monday night and Tuesday morning Israel detected missile/rocket fire from Syria into its territory. The launch points and Syrian military sites were then attacked by Israel.

    Cross-border rocket fire and armed drones from Hezbollah and other islamic terrorists in Lebanon have been a daily routine. Israeli retaliation against Hezbollah targets now covers the entire length of Lebanon, south to north.

  31. Sean,

    I found this article, not totally sure about JNS (new to me).
    Anyways, Iran is outwardly/openly arming terrorists in Judea and Samaria. Curious thing, the pic in the article... all I see is M4's...

    Who is arming them? Iran giving them M4's? Or are these spoils of the Iraq conflict? Leftovers from Afghanistan?

    Ken B

    1. Ken,

      Those are the Iranian Fajr 224, a copied version of the US M4.

  32. Media would like us to believe that an Iranian retaliatory attack on Israel that is launched from Iranian territory will result in an Israeli attack into Iran.

    Begs the question: What Iranian terror attack upon Israel from ANY of its proxies did not originate from Iranian territory, specifically, Tehran?

    And never forget that Israel MUST strike Iranian nuclear sites in Iran before Iran can manufacture its nuclear weapons.

    There is no precondition for such an Israeli attack into Iran other than Israeli intelligence determining it is in Israel existential national security interest to do so.

    To wit, current intel assesses Iran is within days of achieving nuclear weapons capability.

  33. I saw the following headline (not new) and it got me thinking:

    "President Joe Biden has demanded that Israel agree to a 6 to 8 week ceasefire in Gaza while asking nothing of Hamas"

    Why won't Israel tell everyone to pound sand? Why won't they trust in God instead of the United States?

    Why are so many Christians abandoning Israel? I don't understand any of this and my heart is in anguish to the point of feeling it physically.

    I know the answer --- but still, it is so hard to comprehend.

  34. To be continued in Global SITREP A7-24: The War in the North - Part II


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