Sunday, March 29, 2015

Global SITREP B8-15: Saudi-Iran War Moving Into Yemen; Rise of the 'king of the South"

UPDATE 29 March 2015: It has taken American and western mainstream corporate media three days to begin reporting on this overt military confrontation between a coalition of 10 Sunni Arab nations and Iran on the Yemeni battlefield. 

Better late than never, but be alert for disinformation nestled in alongside facts. The corporate MSM are suddenly reporting this coalition came to be on this date, mostly likely to cover their backsides in giving it little attention under direction of the Obama Administration media handlers because it did not fit neatly with the narrative of Yemen being an Obama Administration pro-Iran success story and achievement in the Arab world. 

The fact of the matter is this military coalition commenced offensive operations on its own tactical volition at midnight in Yemen 72 hours ago, and only today did the Arab League place its official stamp of approval on the creation of a joint military force to oppose Iran in Yemen, and, also the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, as well as operations against enemies in Libya. Within the next 30 days the Arab League will approve a budget, the location and staffing of the military headquarters as well as the specific command and control (C2) mechanisms for the joint military force. 

There is every indication at this point that this Sunni Arab joint force will become a permanent internal structure of the Arab League, with participation of member states being voluntary depending on the location of the circumstance requiring a military solution. Also of interest to us is the fact that among the several executive actions taken at this Arab League summit there was only a one-year budget approved for supporting the Palestinian Authority.

With respect to Bible prophecy, I believe we are watching the fulfillment of the prophecy given to us in the 11th chapter of Daniel (Daniel 11:40-43) by the angel Gabriel regarding the last days "king of the South." The Arab League summit which created this institution was held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

Also, take a special note of the participation of Sudan in this coalition. The country has long been an ally of the Islamic Republic of Iran even though it is overwhelmingly a Sunni Muslim country. 

Additionally, the government of Turkey, not a member of the Arab League, has taken sides with the Sunni military coalition against Iran. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has said he has grown tired of Iran's efforts to dominate the Middle East. Erdogan is supposed to have a scheduled  state visit to Tehran within the next couple of days. Erdogan is expected to press the Iranian government to "withdraw its support and whatever forces it has in Yemen, Syria and Iraq and to respect their territorial integrity."

On the battlefield itself, Saudi Arabian air and ground forces have reportedly annihilated a Houthi column of light armor and troops that was approaching the Saudi border. Just as with the battle against the Islamic State, the inclusion of boots fighting on the ground in Yemen will be essential.  A high-priority target for the coalition air forces will be the destruction of Scud-B and North Korean-made No Dong ballistic missiles and  MiG-29 aircraft delivered by Russia which are capable of striking Mecca.

Special Note: 
Brothers and Sisters, I would ask you to look long and hard at how blazingly fast these 10 Sunni nations - from Morocco to Pakistan - came together with their military forces to directly challenge the Iran-backed Houthi Shi'a militia in Yemen.

And Israel they leave alone?!?!  

In fact, it appears as if they are counting on Israel to take the fight directly into Iran.  I am now seriously wondering: Will this be the "coalition of nations" I wrote about beginning in September 2010 that could fulfill the prophecy of Jeremiah 49:34-39?

To that notion I am adding the links below to previous Eschatology Today posts in order to tie all of this together in one neat package for future reference should this coalition of nations turn its attention and arrayed swords towards the preemption of Iranian nuclear hegemony.

Global SITREP B5-15: More on Jeremiah 49:34-39

Jeremiah 49: Will a Coalition of Nations Move Against Iran? (Yes, They Will!!) 


27 March 2015: The direct Saudi-GCC-Egyptian military intervention in Yemen has a name: Operation Decisive Storm. A total of 10 Sunni Arab nations have committed their military assets to restoring the rightful government of President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi to power in Sana'a. This military coalition includes Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Morocco, Sudan, Egypt and Pakistan, and the military objective is to destroy the Iranian-supplied Houthi rebels and their allies.

Over 185 fighter aircraft took part in the first large strike against enemy forces at a range of targets across Yemen yesterday. Saudi, Egyptian, Sudanese and Pakistani troops are being mobilized for land combat operations in Yemen. Russia and Iran are consulting and coordinating their response to the Sunni military coalition's intervention. Saudi Arabia and it's allied air forces have declared a "no fly zone" around the whole of Yemen.

25 March 2015:  The Sunni Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is well on its way to a full-scale military intervention against the Iranian-supplied proxy army of Houthis (Za'idi Shi'a) before it can reach what may be the last redoubt of Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi in the coastal capital of Aden. President Hadi had become a close American ally in the war against AQAP terrorists until his sudden and unexplained abandonment by the Obama Administration.

While President Hadi's pleas for military assistance fell upon deaf ears in the Iranian-born, Valerie Jarrett-dominated Oval Office in Washington, D.C., this was not the case in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. King Salman bin Abdulaziz has ordered the heaviest of the kingdom's artillery and mechanized infantry brigades to pre-invasion assembly points along the Saudi-Yemeni border which lies adjacent to the traditional Houthis homelands in northern Yemen.

It appears to this observer that the de facto retreat of American forces, including our elite Special Forces, from Yemen constitutes prima facie evidence of the Obama Administration's capitulation to Iranian demands within the larger framework of their ongoing nuclear capitulations, thereby advancing and enhancing Iran's regional hegemony over Saudi Arabia and the other Sunni kingdoms and emirates of the Arabian Peninsula. 

Valerie Jarrett and Barack Obama have also apparently erased any White House memory of what occurred to the U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000 at anchor off port Aden, Yemen in what was the first overt strike against U.S. military forces and the American people by the terrorists of Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda, and the government of Sudan, which killed 17 sailors and wounded another 39.


  1. Sean,

    I know nothing should shock me from the WH at this point, but it still feels surreal to watch their unrelenting attacks against Israel, even as Khamenei is the one calling "Death to America" in front of massive crowds!

  2. The communist-run WH and State Department, through spokeswoman Jen Psaki, will tell you that Ayatollah Khamenei does not really mean it when he says "Death to America" or "Death to Israel." Those are just political phrases used for "local consumption."

  3. somebody with connections needs to find out Valerie Jarret's real name.
    Born in Iran, that's not the name she grew up with. Whatever her Iranian name is, is who she is and is doing all she can in her position to follow the koran, the evil book. Valerie Jarret sounds like an American schoolgirl selling Girl Scout cookies. She is indoctrinated in islam as anyone can get. God help her and her puppet.

  4. Was watching some of Hannity program last night and he said the videos of Khamenei saying that phrase to the masses looks just like the videos of Adolf Hitler doing the same!

  5. Sean:
    Is it common knowledge in the military community that this administration plays for the other team [IRAN/Apocolytic Islam]?

  6. Roz,

    In the lanes and circles I travel in, yes, everybody knows.

    But soldiers are just soldiers; tongues are bitten and hope springs eternal for Congress to act or January 2017 to arrive - which ever occurs first.

  7. Sean,
    There is no doubt there is a major element of evil in this nation, originating in the WH.

    And the thing that makes me so angry is HE is getting by with his evil and all anyone is doing is talking about it. It seems to me that the Constitution of the USA has built in protection against such evil actions and yet these legal minds in DC and elsewhere seem to be non-participants in enforcing those laws.

    I do think the WH throne room is going to learn a very real lesson from the American people when the prayers for this nation are answered by the Hosts of Heaven.

    But until then, we have a mandate to Stand when we can do nothing else and to stand in Faith believing that God is our great Provider. Jehovah Jirah!


  8. Sean,
    I would rather that Congress get some real man hair on their chest and take care of business and while they are at it, take care of Harry and Nancy also. Treason would be a very good charge to begin with and then fill in the other charges as they are legally and Constitutionally provided for. Maybe it will be a good way for all of the Congressmen and women to actually learn what "thus saith the Constitution of the USA".


  9. This could end up being interesting…

    “US Declassifies Document Revealing Israel's Nuclear Program”

    My assumption is it will be used as justification for Iran...

    Then we may see Elam lit up?

    Ken B

  10. Ken,

    I discussed this in a another recent SITREP. I'll look for that and be back here shortly with the info.

  11. Sorry for being a pain in the butt.

    You guys are my only sounding board / outlet… I have a catholic wife that thinks I am nuts…

    So when I see something interesting or pivotal I just spout off! =)

    Ken B

  12. Saudi Ambassador: Saudi Arabia Has Begun Military Operations in Yemen
    WASHINGTON — Mar 25, 2015, 7:37 PM ET
    Associated Press

    Saudi ambassador: Saudi Arabia has begun military operations in Yemen.

    Sean you don't need to post this comment... Just some "breaking news" I saw on Drudge.

  13. Ken,

    No pain, no gain.

    The gain will be convincing your wife that we're not nuts - we're the Bride of Christ and we're going home soon!

    I've looked and cannot find the reference to Israel's thermo-nuke outing by the Obama Administration that I was looking for; I know it was early February and I recall the source was something Bill Gertz wrote about in his "Inside the Ring" column. Perhaps it was just a comment I made within one of the SITREPs.

  14. Ken,

    Worth posting as it confirms the title and assessment of this SITREP!

    Thank you!

  15. It looks like joint Obama/Iran efforts are doomed to failure.

    Reading about shia militias constant inability to win battles or make substantial territory gains in both Syrian and Iraq (suggesting low military ability, skills and motivation within their ranks) it seems like Obama did bet on the wrong horse by taking side with Iran against Sunni Arabs and Israel.

    I don't know whether or not, as part of 5+1 negotiation on Iran's nuclear program there will be a framework deal by end of March and any final agreement comes June 30th but I would bet it will not be the case.

    If there is no deal and sanctions against Iran remain, then it will be a momentum for hardliners in Tehran and that would be the end of Obama dreams to leave Middle East "peace and security" as a legacy of his presidency.

    Tehran's hardliners would then flex their muscles and seek confrontation with Sunni Arabs and Israel, confrontation they would loose but with great harm to Sunni Arab nations (and destruction of Islamic state in the process). I think Muslim nations would mutually destroy. It is a sad prospect but a likely one, as a result of their obedience to a false/demonic "god".

    Islam as a religion (in both Sunni or Shia versions) could well be proven false in the process and we could see a lot of people in these countries abandoning Islam, hopefully for Christianity (or for what will be the false religion of the tribulation time False prophet).

    Countries like Iraq and Syria would then become open fields for Israelis to settle in (dwelling without walls, gates and bars) while Iran is rebuilding its forces looking for first opportunity for a revenge (that would be fulfillment of Ez 38/39).

    That could be a possible scenario and rapture could happen anytime in the process (I would think early in the process since the U.S. are now siding with Iran and they are absent, not mentioned as allied to Persia, in Ez 38 (except if we consider Magog to be the U.S. - It is after all as a northern country as Russia - but I don't think it is the case).

    It looks there is quite a bumpy road ahead. I am personally looking to "go home", in one of the mansions Jesus is currently building for us.

  16. It would be nice if we had more politicians like Judge Jeanine. I liked what she had to say to our President concerning Iran.

  17. The source of the story where Obama outs Israeli nuclear weapons is:!

  18. Yup... same link to the ToI report KenB posted above. Good to have this link.

  19. Saudi, the GGC and Egypt are intervening militarily. Egypt may have rescued Hadi from Aden. The Houthis military gains are going to be reversed.

  20. Somewhere in the past 2 years, some one that I trust regarding Bible Prophecy and his expertise on the Middle East and Israel in particular made the observation that the whole move regarding nuclear weapons is an entrapment for Israel in the final wrap. The conclusion of the discussion was that along with an atomic nonproliferation treaty in the Middle East, the main goal was to disarm Israel of their weapons of Nuclear Nature.

    As I read that article it became crystal clear that is indeed and thought of the majority of the Arab nations to a final destruction of Israel and her ability to protect the nation that they love.

    Then the realization that to the Arab mindset, disarming Israel completely so they could attempt their long held desire to rid the world of God, would make perfect sense. I have always felt and know that Jewish scholars hold this knowledge also. It is all about making a liar out of ABBA FATHER and it will never happen. God is not man that HE should lie.

    And we all know who the Father of all lying is.

    If it wasn't for not getting to ascend into heaven with all of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I would love to be present to see the final smack down of that lying being. But as I was typing this I realized ALL OF US WILL GET TO SEE IT FROM A HEAVENLY PERSPECTIVE.

    GG5/SHALOM and Hallelujah

  21. Sean,

    As we watch the Iran talks approach the inevitable train wreck, I'm thinking back of what you wrote 2 months ago:

    "It is my assessment that the government of the State of Israel stood down from engaging in full-scale warfare this week in order to allow the Western gambit of negotiations with Iran to run their course by May 2015. The government of Israel fully anticipates that a nuclear accord between the P5+1 and Iran will be reached by the current deadline, and that it will not be worth the paper it is written on; as meaningless as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939."

    Do you you still view May 2015 as the end of the line here, regardless of what happens this week?

  22. NOTICE:

    The post about the location of the Temples has been deleted.

    This subject, as I have just learned, is a very divisive issue among brethren.

    So, the long and short of it is that I am going to decline participation in a fight between Bob Cornuke and Gordon Franz. I'll just say that the Temple location issue will be sorting itself out soon enough, so I will concentrate on other tings in the meantime.

  23. Mark,

    Yes, I am still expecting the P5+1 effort will have collapsed in full by then. It's coming apart by the seams as we speak.

  24. Sean,

    Just watching all the arab countries joining in to bomb Yemen and I was wondering what your take was on:

    Is there any significance to the Psalm 83 situation? I see Jordan and Egypt have joined the dogpile.

    And... It seems there is some sort of "deal" in the P5+1 debacle... Isn't there only one direction that can go?

    Ken B

  25. I'm sorry that such an issue is very divisive, especially when fulfillment of prophecies proves beyond any shadow of doubt that God truly exists.

    Concerning the p5+1 talks, what news sources do you trust the most? You made it crystal clear awhile back which ones are the leftists mouthpiece. Which ones are good?

  26. There is no "deal" in the P5+1 negotiations.

    I've been saying it on this blog for months - this is nothing more than Obama's capitulation to Iranian demands.

    However, this capitulation is not necessarily a "bad" thing as it likely will prove to be the catalyst for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

    Let me ask you folks a rhetorical question.

    Did Obama's speech in Egypt in 2009, the one that launched the so-called "Arab Spring" bring peace, safety and security to the Middle East, or did it bring revolution, insurrection, strike, civil war and outright war to the Middle East?

    I said it was a rhetorical question.

    From Tunisia to Syria to Yemen the headlines scream every day of the disaster Obama and his administration have created.

    This is what the P5+1 "deal" with Iran will now create, but on a scale that is echelons more deadly.

    I suppose I need not tell anyone that the results of this deal is precisely what those global elites wanted to achieve all along. This is designed desolation on planet earth. It the elites way of heralding in their own European mahdi, except we all know him as Antichrist.

    Yes, this is all very prophetic. And its coming like a flood of fire.

  27. I located the original 24 February article about Obama first declassifying and then leaking Israel's nuclear program (an US assistance to it) as it existed during the Reagan Administration to the Iranians.

    Obama Leaks Info On Israel’s Nuke Program To Iran

  28. The word I just received is that Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz was a muslim convert.

  29. Sean,

    News just an hour ago reported that a German hospital had treated the co-pilot just a short time before the deadly crash and he was treated for depression. Reported on NPR (which dear hubby cannot live without).

    "When Satan comes in like a flood, God will raise up a Standard against him". My prayers are that those banners will start appearing real soon and WE will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that YAHWEH IS MOVING MIGHTILY.


  30. We shall see what the people will do because the muslim conversion is being reported in Europe... here is an example that's dated 26 March:

    The co-pilot of the Germanwings Airbus was a convert to Islam

    ccording to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.

    Translation from German:

    All evidence indicates that the copilot of Airbus machine in his six-months break during his training as a pilot in Germanwings, converted to Islam and subsequently either by the order of "radical", ie. devout Muslims , or received the order from the book of terror, the Quran, on his own accord decided to carry out this mass murder. As a radical mosque in Bremen is in the center of the investigation, in which the convert was staying often, it can be assumed that he - as Mohammed Atta, in the attack against New York - received his instructions directly from the immediate vicinity of the mosque.

    Converts are the most important weapon of Islam. Because their resume do not suggests that they often are particularly violent Muslims. Thus Germany now has its own 9/11, but in a reduced form. And so it is clear that Islam is a terrorist organization that are in accordance with §129a of the Criminal Code to prohibit it and to investigate its followers. But nothing will happen. One can bet that the apologists (media, politics, "Islamic Scholars") will agree to assign this an act of a "mentally unstable" man, and you can bet that now, once again the mantra of how supposedly peaceful Islam is will continue. And worse still, the attacks by the left against those who have always warned against Islam, will be angrier and merciless.

    For now the German Islam supporters like never before have their backs against the wall.

    Michael Mannheimer, 26.3.2015

    The Daily Mail today writes:

    Police investigating the Germanwings crash said tonight they had made a 'significant discovery' at the home of pilot Andreas Lubitz, who deliberately ploughed the Airbus A320 into the French Alps.

    Officers refused to reveal details of the potential breakthrough but said it was not a suicide note.

    Hopefully we'll know in a few days if this article is accurate.

  31. French authorities will not acknowledge anything regarding the copilot's recent conversion to Islam (at least for now) due to the fact that tomorrow there will be, in France, the second round of local (departmental) elections. In the first round the National Front (far right) got over 25% of the votes (which is huge) and it would help their candidates in tomorrow's run off elections if national mainstream media were to let the general public know that this Lubitz was in fact an Islam convert.

    I am still not fully convinced this copilot converted to Islam but I think this is definitely something that has to be investigated further.

    Now, if he was a Muslim, then why wasn't he praying Allah in the last moments before the crash (maybe he did and authorities are lying when they say he didn't say anything at all during the last 10 minutes before the crash).

    Also, if he was Muslim and hijacking the airplane for the sake of Islam, why didn't he used his radio to let air traffic controllers know about it?

  32. Andreas Lubitz apparently had an observant Muslim girlfriend. It may have broken up after Lubitz told her of his intent to wage jihad for allah. There's also a Facebook page up, allegedly by Islamic State supporters, praising Lubitz for his act of jihad. This is what has been posted by the Israel Matzav blog (which is maintained by an ultra Orthodox Jew by the name of Carl in Jerusalem) who cites "Christian websites" reporting this aspect.

  33. NG,

    I think you answered your own questions, but I'll add something for you to consider.

    Did the 9/11 hijackers in any of the four hijacked aircraft communicate to the various ATC in the northeastern USA in order to inform them of what they were doing and why they were doing it?

    No, they did not. There was no communication to anyone outside of the aircraft by the hijackers. They also turned off the transponders.

    The passengers themselves did not know until those on United 93 learned of the events in New York City via phone calls to their loved ones. That's when they rolled to take control of the aircraft.

  34. Rhonda,

    With Respect To your comment of 25 March, we do know Valerie Jarrett's real name, but we don't need someone with connections to find out about it.

    The name she was born with in Shiraz, Iran on November 14, 1956 was Valerie Bowman.

    Her father, James Bowman, was employed as a pathologist and geneticist at a children's hospital in Shiraz as a part of the US Aid program. Her mother, Barbara Bowman (nee Taylor), was native to Chicago and a children's education author. Valerie's parent moved back to Chicago in 1963 taking up residence in the Hyde Park section of the city.

    Both Valerie's family and her in-laws had long-established ties to the Communist Party of the United States.

    Valerie Bowman married Dr. William Robert Jarret in 1983 to become Valerie Bowman Jarrett. Valerie and Barack Hussein Obama traveled in the same communist-radical circles (Bill Ayres, etc) in Chicago.

  35. Sean,
    Do you trust Turkey's president to be a real participant in the newly formed nations to address Iran's aggression? I keep getting reminded that Turkey will take a big part with the Gog/Magog battle and it seems strange to me that they would be true in their commitment. Of course, things will probably change once or twice, at least, before we get to that phase of the advancement taking place now.


  36. GG5,

    I don't think it's not a matter of anyone's trust, least of all my own. As quoted, Turkey's Tayyip Erdogan is on record before the whole world siding with the new Sunni Arab coalition against Iran in and its ongoing efforts in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.

    Will Turkey continue to maintain this position? That would depend on whether or not Turkey has been correctly assigned by Christian prophecy expositors as one of the nations in the Gog of Magog military coalition. This assignment appears to be correct, but it has not been chiseled in stone.

    I have long pointed out the researched historical fact that the modern Seljuk/Oghuz Turk tenants of Asia Minor, a/k/a Anatolia, modern Turkey did not arrive as conquering invaders until the period of 1000 to 1400 AD. These invaders came from Central Asia, so perhaps it is they who Ezekiel's prophecy mentions, perhaps not.

    In Ezekiel's day, circa 600-570 BC, this land had been heavily populated by sons of Javan (Greeks) who had been there since even more ancient times, but particularly since Alexander the Great's conquest about 300 years prior to Ezekiel's time and as we know from Gabriel's prophecy in the Book of Daniel. The Cappadocians (northeastern Anatolia) were sons of Javan (Greeks), as were the Bithynians (Trojans)of northwestern Anatolia, and the thoroughly Hellenized Galatian Celts (Gomer?)

    Whatever the case may be, it is the rolling back of Iran's ability to project military power and influence across the Middle East due to the fulfillment of Jeremiah 49:34-39 that is another of the key prophetic issues before us to watch closely.

    I would propose this Sunni Arab military coalition, flying modern American combat aircraft piloted by US-trained aviators, could very well be a large part of what befalls Iran between now and Ezekiel 38/39.

    The bottom line issue is that history needs to runs its course so that in the near-term we can see even more clearly what the inspired prophesies have foretold, exactly as you have noted in your comment.

    In the meantime, check out Iran asks Turkish envoy to explain Erdogan comments ...

    and from Turkey...

    Arab League points finger at Turkey, Israel, Iran over ‘interference’

    to get a sense of where things are today.

  37. Sean:
    Good work and information to these Arab nations. My study bible says the "king of the south" is an Egyptian ruler, he will attack Israel during the Great Tribulation.

  38. Kenneth,

    Yes, the Arab League officially put this military coalition together in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, so that fits perfectly with what Gabriel prophesied in Daniel 11.

    The 'last days' specifics are in verses 40-43, which indicates that during the 70th Week this coalition will attack the Antichrist.

    Antichrist then conquers and takes control of Libya, Egypt and most of the Middle East except for the westernmost part of present-day Jordan... which I believe will be part of Israel at that time.

    Hope the world is ready to rumble, cuz ready or not, here it comes.

  39. Sean,
    Thanks for the links you posted and keeping them for further reference. I truly believe that there is a major shift taking place in the Arab nations and yes, this could be the rising of the powerful Southern King. That passage has bothered me for some time now because for such a long time, Egypt has been everything except a world power.

    Now to address an earlier observation that I commented on. To me, it has already been established that the co-pilot of the crashed Germanwings plane was a very recent convert to Islam but couple that with the fact that he was deeply depressed and on various meds, is even more painful. How many Christians become very depressed after their conversion? Isn't it kinda the usual thing that these people convert to Radical Islam and immediately they begin to have deep depression and have to resort to anti depression Rx?

    It makes the whole scene a lot worse testimony for Islam than just that he was depressed.


  40. Yes, fervently praying to a demonic impostor opens oneself up to demonic possession.

  41. Very well put, Sean! Now consider that on a national plane and it makes the situation that we are presently in, much more than a political aberration.

    Just to make sure I was using 'aberration' in the correct sense, I did a Google on it and about scared myself out of this world.


  42. Yes, the aberration is truly mind-boggling, but at the same time it's just a prelude of what is to come.

  43. Sean,
    Jerusalem Post has an interesting take on the demise of the P5+1 talks and also a report by the Associated Press that one of the Journalist covering the talks for the Iranians has defected to the other side while he was covering the event in Swiss territory. He said that there was no such thing as being a Journalist in Iran because all that could be written was dictated by the Khomeni.

    But the latest that you have enlightened us about the storage and testing being done in N.K. is really salt in a very deep wound. Yep! You called it right this time also.


  44. Sean,
    Jerusalem Post has an interesting take on the demise of the P5+1 talks and also a report by the Associated Press that one of the Journalist covering the talks for the Iranians has defected to the other side while he was covering the event in Swiss territory. He said that there was no such thing as being a Journalist in Iran because all that could be written was dictated by the Khomeni.

    But the latest that you have enlightened us about the storage and testing being done in N.K. is really salt in a very deep wound. Yep! You called it right this time also.



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