Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Global SITREP A1-19: Continuity

Update 4 January 2019: Straight up and to the eschatological point of this update. 

Is it not now obvious the the Government of the State of Israel regards the Government of the Russian Federation as a viable partner with whom trust is given regarding Israel's national security? If so, and I believe this is true considering the level and scope of continuing Israeli-Russian contacts and cooperation that is being conducted, then it would not follow logically that the eventual advent of Ezekiel 38/39 would constitute an abject betrayal of the security partnership and trust bestowed by Israel upon the Russian Federation?

And will Israel not immediately follow-up such an ill-advised folly in the subsequent and apparently carte blanche acceptance of the 7-year "covenant with many" (security treaty) of the 70th week as confirmed by the Western ruler (nagiyd) per Daniel 9:26-27?

My curiosity in this has now flared up because as I understand Ezekiel 38/39, it is concluded with the prophet declaring that God shall have poured out His Spirit upon "all Israel" (Ez. 39:29). How does an Israel dwelling at that time with the Holy Spirit then turn around and accept a false messiah, one who is empowered by the dragon (satan), his seat, and great authority (Revelation 13:1-6)? 

What am I missing here? Does not the Holy Spirit provide discernment in such things?

Yes, He does! The "All Israel" that recieves the LORD God's pouring out of the Holy Spirit in Ezekiel 39:29 are the 144,000. 12,000 of every tribe of Israel - all Israel - who proclaim the gospel of Yeshua HaMashiach to the whole world during the first 42 months of the 70th week. Their ministry is concurrent with the Lord's Two Witnesses ministry in Jerusalem during this same 42 months. Amen!

1 January 2019: Yesterday there was a meeting in Tehran in which that terrorist regime once again made clear its military agenda of seeking the destruction of Israel and to replace it with a Shi'a Islamic government in Tel Aviv. This is the news this morning in the Jerusalem Post and few other Israeli media.  

Lost is the shuffle of last week, but captured within SITREP E3-18, was the report of a delegation of Hezbollah VIPs which departed for Tehran from Damascus minutes before Israeli ordnance began destroying Iranian, Hezbollah and their Syrian hosts warfighting materiel at 10PM on Christmas night. Concurrent with the Hezbollah VIPs travel to Tehran, we now know that Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) VIPs, led by PIJ chief Ziyad al-Nakhalah, a U.S. State Department specially designated global terrorist, also departed Gaza recently and arrived in Tehran. The object of this unfettered travel by Iran's primary terror proxies in Lebanon and Gaza was a face-to-face meeting with Ayatollah Khamenei on Sunday and Iranian president Rouhani today. The meeting with the Iranian Ayatollah was in all actuality, as announced by the PIJ leader in Iranian media, a war council for the next round of war against Israel. Rouhani doubled down on this by declaring the only way for the "Palestinians" to achieve their rights in "Palestine" is to wage war on Israel.

Except for the leadership of Iran and the still missing Jordanian factor, this Eastern Mediterranean enemy confederation has an uncanny resemblance to the enemy confederation found in Psalm 83. Eschatology Today views the Iraqi Shi'a militias as Assur per Psalm 83:8.  These militias are under IRGC-QF command and currently sitting on the Syrian side of the Golan. As noted in the JPost report linked above, all of these forces constitute a unified military command structure, from Lebanon to Gaza, for the next war. This news tends to confirm the assessment made in the 29 December 2018 update to Global SITREP E4-18.

There is also direct linkage between the ultimate fulfillment of Psalm 83, Isaiah 11:14, Ezekiel 28:24-26 and the prophecies of Jeremiah 49:34-39, Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27. In fact, the fulfillment of the entirety of Jeremiah 49 is applicable here, and our oft reference flood of prophetic fulfillments in the run-up to Ezekiel 38/39 and the 70th Week. Unknown is the specific timeline, but they do appear to be standing on all of Israel's current frontiers. 

This SITREP is about the continuity of prophetic developments as we watch in real-time.


  1. Question: What is the one very key prophetic item not manifestly present?

    We've seen several prophecies in an active process of fulfillment over the past 24 months or so, but the one I'm thinking of is missing - the one shabua "covenant among many" of Daniel 9.

    We may have just 12 weeks or so to get our first glimpse of it ... under the guise of "the deal of the century."

    That deal could spark war, prophetic war, and come out of them unscathed, and eventually be confirmed for one shabua.


    "In 2002 the US military conducted its "Millennium Challenge" exercise. Considerrd the greatest exercise in modern military history, its goal was to test the readiness of the American military and develop new tactics and weapons against the outlines of confrontations that American forces would encounter.

    The Blue team represented the American forces, while the Red team, the enemy, represented the army of a Middle Eastern state whose identity was not defined."

    As one who participated in "MC02" from APR to SEP 2002, I will tell you that based upon the map used, the enemy was Iran. In the real-world version of that map, southern California (centered on NTC Ft. Irwin) represented Khuzestan, Iran.

    MC02 went went to war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq just 7 months later in March 2003 as Operation Iraqi Freedom. Saddam and his army were defeated in about 4 weeks time.

  3. The above is relevant because the IDF's "Digital Land Army" C2 system of systems appears to be very similar, if not copied after, the current US C2 system of systems. It's all about what is known as interoperability. A full-scale regional war needs this kind of C2.

    (C2 = Command & Control of an entire military: land, sea, air and space-based platforms)

  4. Boiling it down further... this kind of advantage over any/all enemies, in any combination thereof, gives the IDF such superiorty that the fight is almost 'unfair.' But an unfair fight is the dream of any general staff - it ends the conflict quickly in an overwhelming manner. As in Ezekiel 37, "an exceedingly strong army."

  5. Sean,

    I have decided to concentrate on praying as The Holy Spirit directs me to do and turn over all the details to all of you young people. I love reading and digging for the details even when they are beyond my grasp of understanding!

    You are all in my every prayer and I know that Our Abba Father is in complete, total Control and ALL to HIS glory! So, know I am keeping up with Eschatology Today but not much in the conversations! You all have my prayers and wonderful memories!


    1. God bless you too GG5. We will all be together one day and a glorious day it will be!

  6. Sean:

    Good Morning my Brother. I just saw an article where it said that "Lieberman revealed details of US peace plan to Palestinians".

    Just wanted to get some insight from you.

    Have a Blessed Day Brother!

  7. VP ORD,

    Yes, he did, and the moles in the PA leaked it to HAMAS and the PIJ. The PIJ leaked it to Iran.

    Within hours of this Iran is telling the PIJ, HAMAS and the PA to fight.

    This knowledge is the bedrock fact underlying my comment above about this being a spark for the war we know is coming.

  8. Sean and VP Ord.

    Yes. I understand. article on Y.netnews "What they offer is rejected, rejected, rejected. We will fight to prevent it, because we will not sell our sanctity," Abbas told a meeting of his Fatah movement in the West Bank on Monday.

  9. Kenneth,

    Indeed. So, it would appear the enemies of Israel, both Sunni and Shi'a, are at this point "all in."

  10. Sean...
    Good Morning. This was another article I was going to ask you about. The one where it stated that “Trump not listening to intel, doesn't get Iran moves in Syria”.

    It seems he made a comment about how he doesn’t care what Iran does in Syria.

    Crazy, mind-boggling things we’ reading.

    Be Blessed my Brother!

  11. VP ORD,

    Typical disinformation - and I say that knowing full well this was published by YNet and a few other Israeli media, to include JPost.

    The problem is that these folks don't comprehend "Trump-speak" - never have. They don't understand his manner of speaking, how he uses words in phrases that may appear to be contradictory, but are of the exact opposite meaning.

    What he's saying is that Iran's former plans to take over the whole Middle East are not going to succeed. Iran can do whatever they want in Syria, but the net result will be an epic failure.

    Just watch.

  12. Sean,...

    That is exactly what I was thinking, but just wanted to get some good insight on it to confirm.

    Sorry off topic brother...but how do I reply to someones post rather than just reposting a reply?

    Thanks Bro!

  13. The "Jordanian factor" is slowly creeping up in the dark thank to Jordanian trade unions putting large Israel flags at office entrances forcing them to be tred upon.

    The Israel-Jordan peace treaty is approaching the end of its life expectancy.

    1. That's what I'm watching for...I said umpteen times that before seeing the dominoes fall, (psalm 83,Isaiah 17...)I'm watching Jordan. Could it be that the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 be the catalyst that turns Jordan openly against Israel?

  14. Specifically, now that Arab reconciliation with Syria is occurring, it may be the destruction of Damascus that causes this.

    Capital cities are where foreign embassies are located, and the prophecy tell us point blank that Damascus will not be deserted.

    So obvious...

  15. VP,

    I've looked to see if there's a general setting that permits a reply to anothers comment directly. I find that feature only appears when I'm signed in and using my Chrome browser.

    Looks like all other users simply need to address other comments via a regular comment addressed to that person.


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