Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Global SITREP A3-19: Israel's Northern Front Offensive

F-16I Sufa

UPDATED 21/22 January 2019:
 The IDF pummeled IRGC-QF forces across Syria beginning just before midnight Israel Standard Time with one of the heaviest rocket and missile barrages ever. Iran's allies in Syria were also warned to stand down unless they desired to recieve the same. Ammo dumps, command and control (C2) sites, training camps, Iranian structures at Damascus International Airport, and dozens of mobile Syrian air defenses, like the Russian-made Pantsyr and Buk, have been all but obliterated during these strikes. The Iranian targets struck were on every side of Damascus, completely encircling the city.

The Iranian buildings at Damascus International Airport destroyed tonight.
Click on this image for a much more detailed view.

One of the reasons for this action was that Israel determined it was IRGC-QF forces which fired an Iranian Ra'ad-1 surface-to-surface rocket (good read at link) at northern Israel yesterday morning. It could not go unanswered; an overwhelming response was needed to teach the Iranians a lesson. Thus, as intimated yesterday, the war against Iran in Syria has suddenly eschalated to a new and much higher level. The fulfillment of Isaiah 17 may just be in the offing as the end result of the war against Iran in Syria. One of several prophetic dominos set to topple in rapid sequence.

20 January 2019: It took all of just four days for the new IDF CoS Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi to continue the war against Iranian military entrenchment and arming of Hezbollah in Syria. Moreover, he threw a Russian ultimatum and threats concerning no more IAF attacks in Syria right back into Moscow's face. This morning, in broad daylight, at least four IAF strike aircraft attacked one or more targets in Syria. 

Apparent disinformation coming from Russian and Syrian sources claims the attack was on Damascus International Airport and it failed completely with all Israeli missiles destroyed by Pantsyr and Buk air defense systems. However, there is considerable OSINT reporting that the strike actually targeted the Iranian Hezbollah underground weapons bunkers located at al-Kiswah. Damascus Int'l and the al-Kiswah bunkers are about equidistant from central Damascus.

An hour after the airstrike Syria launched one or more rockets towards northern Israel which were promptly shot out of the sky by Israel's Iron Dome ADS. Bottom line: Lt. Gen. Kochavi has called the Russians bluff in the most forceful , broad daylight manner. In this gambit Russia wisely stood down and did not fire at the IAF strike aircraft. Israel's deterrent power is as it has always been. There was never any doubt that Israel would stand down in the face of empty Russian threats. On this blog those kinds of doubts never existed.

12 January 2019: At about 11 PM last night in southern Syria that latest strike in the war Israel has been waging against Iranian entrenchment in Syria and the arming of Hezbollah began. As before the IAFs targets were Iranian weapons storage facilities at Damascus International Airport and a Hezbollah weapons depot a few miles to the southwest at Al-Kiswah. Media disinformation that last night's strikes were unsuccessful should be ignored. They were quite successful. Also, this particular strike was assessed to be imminent 11 days ago in the 30 December update to SITREP E4-18. It is the most recent strike since the strike on the night of 25 December 2018.

Satellite Photo Reconnaissance of Damascus Int'l Strike
It is interesting to note that this strike occurred on the very same day as reports of non-essential U.S. military equipment were seen to be withdrawing from northern Syria. In this light, last nights IAF strikes could be seen as a message to Tehran, Damascus and Moscow: nothing has changed. The strike would also mesh neatly with IDF CoS Lieutenant General Gadi Eisenkot's pre-retirement interview of yesterday with the New York Times.

Key points in the information coming from LTG Gadi Eisenkot are that a January 2017 decision of the cabinet authorized him to commence a sustained series of military actions against Iran in Syria. This authorization followed Israel's intelligence assessment that IRGC-Qods Force chief Qassem Soleimani had amassed 22,000 men of an eventual 100,000-strong force in Syria. According to LTG Eisenkot this was Soleimani's greatest strategic error - he picked a fight where he did not have the forces to sustain it much less win it.

LTG Eisenkot made clear that between 2011 and 2016 "thousands" of strikes occurred and they were conducted within specific parameters, such as the targeting of Iranian arms shipments moving overland via Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon. However, from his January 2017 authorization the strikes against Iranian assests in Syria have been an almost daily occurrence; the inference here is that many were not reported or attributed to actions of the waring sides in the Syrian civil war. Most recently, the general stated that in 2018 alone there were more than 2,000 ordnance strikes on Iranian targets in Syria.

LTG Eisenkot officially retires next week, but he leaves behind complete Israeli superiority in intelligence collection, combat air superiority, strong deterence and justified freedom of action, not to mention the continued full-support of the United States. This reality has forced Soleimani to transfer his troops to eastern Syria and Iraq. U.S. forces may yet directly engage Iranian forces in Iraq.

So, we still watch the ongoing real-world process for the filfillment of Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27 continue. These night-time events in Syria that we wake up to here in the U.S. will continue, and more than likely increase in severity. The incoming IDF CoS Major-General Aviv Kochavi, who will certainly will be promoted to Lieutenant General, will have the same authorization as his predecessor and will likely be able to expand the operations he leads against Iran in Syria.


  1. It is clear from both this strike and the 25 DEC strike that Israel is anticipating an airborne retaliation from Lebanon and/or Syria.

    In both instances Israel closed Israel's air space to all traffic immediately. This closure enables complete freedom of IDF defensive fire against incoming targets from the north.

  2. Sean,
    I hear the rolling thunder and immediately I needed to understand why this song, LORD? Here is what I learned:
    "Stuart K. Hine was a Bristish Methodist missionary on a mission trip in Ukraine in 1931 when he heard the Russian translation of a German song inspired by Carl Boberg's poem "O Store Gud" (O Great God). Hine began to translate the song to English and added several verses of his own. The third verse was inspired by the conversion of villagers in Russia who cried out to God loudly as they repented and realized God's love and mercy - "And when I think that God, His Son not sparing, sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in."

    Stuart Hine and his family left Ukraine as famine and World War Two began, and settled in Somerset, Britain where he continued to serve as a missionary to Polish refugees. The forth verse of "How Great Thou Art" was inspired by displaced Russians who experienced great loss and looked forward to seeing their loved ones again in heaven - "When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation to take me home, what joy shall fill my heart".
    I can almost hear the Father saying.............................


  3. Thanks so much, GG5, for the post above about Stuart Hine and the great Christian hymn "How Great Thou Art." It's one of my favorites, sung countless times at church through the years, yet I never knew the story behind the song. So your posting today is a real treasure! God bless you. And God bless our host, Sean, for the thoughtful blog postings and, with them, the reminder that God is on the move in our world today.

    - Brian from Florida

  4. GG5,

    I love that hymn; my favorite praise hymn going back to when I first heard it in the '70s. It is so appropriate for this time especially just prior to our Harpazo.

  5. Thank you Sister, that song has brought a tear to my eye more than once. Blessings to you and yours!
    Sean, Do you think Vladimir Putin will back away from his resent threat of an eye for an eye if struck again? I’m hoping he does think twice. I’m certainly ready for our Lords return, though I must admit I’m not looking forward to the wailing and the nashing of teeth from our enemies, many of whom are from within our blessed USA.
    Isa 17:14
    And behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

    May God bless you, your family and friends. MARANTHA

  6. One of these days, all these nations surrounding Israel are gonna do something about Israel going after all their precious war materials and we will see the completion of God's prophetic word and Israel will be finally able to say "peace and safety". At least for a little while.
    Thanks for the update.

  7. Today's events put the lie to those who say Israel has lost its deterrent strength. On the contrary, the enemies on the northern front wet themselves in fear of Israel's power. A one rocket response that never left Syrian territory is quite pathetic.

    Nevertheless, it was a response and indicates a new level has been reached.

    Syria's rocket forces are liquid fueled and reports of those weapons being prepared for launch would indicate an Isaiah 17 fulfillment is probable.

  8. News circulated by Rapture Ready that Nasrallah is planning on making a televised speech in the next few hours or so. The article stated it was to prove he was alive and in control but I also don't believe in Santa Claus either.

    But Is. 17 is baring heavy on my heart tonight and so, I will leave all of my qualms in God's Huge Hands and wait until the Shout out of here to sound for all of us.

    1. Such a small, insignificant man, yet he has been one of those who Asaph prophesied in Psalm 83 as conspiring against Israel; one who hates the God of Israel. It will not end well for him.

  9. Its appears that we have arrived at a point of open warfare between Iran and Israel.

    Iran is once again openly declaring its intention for the total destruction of Israel.

    At this point it won't be long before sustained warfare is engaged.

  10. Wondering if the time has arrived for Jeremiah 49:34. Watching...

  11. It seems to be that the Restrainer is still preventing a full-blown war in the Middle-East, despite skirmishes between Israel, Syria and Iran. Everytime when Israel is attacking (Iranian) targets in Syria, I always think that the big war is erupting and that the the Rapture is a question of a few days, or a few weeks. But these attacks wane, there is some silence and everything is as usual again.

  12. Moin,

    The "bride of Christ" is one in the Holy Spirit, and as such we are the "He" who restrains. When we are harpazoed (taken out of the way), the the revealing of the Antichrist will occur. II Thess. 2.

    But the harpazo of the bride is NOT tied directly to any earthly event, but ONLY to the Father sending His Son to collect His bride. This can occur in any given instant.

    The war remains in progress and is now in a process of sharp escalation.

  13. There exists only one Scripture-based doctrine regarding the harpazo of the bride of Christ -- as just addressed above to Moin.

    All other mutations from the minds of men of what Scripture tells us have never had a place here, and never will.

    Moin's comment was allowed through the moderation process as it was a sound teaching opportunity which included the Scripture reference.

  14. If Iran stays within their missile doctrine, then there's a strong likelihood of a coordinated mass barrage of IRGC-QF missiles being fired at Israel from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran. They will attempt to overwhelm Israel's BMD systems.

    I believe Jeremiah 49:34 is the Lord's preemption of this attack.

  15. I'm sure Israel has their satellites watching the launch pads and looking for any activity. Let the four winds blow their house down.

    1. I should have been more specific.

      Iran's Shahab-6 and Saffir missiles and their launchers ("bows") are deep inside mountain tunnels with vertical launch tubes. All but impossible to destroy conventionally.

      But God could take them out with a big earthquake. Israeli's will know if God acts in this manner.

      The others (Qian-1 and Zolfaghar) are smaller and road mobile... these can be addressed by conventional means if they are moved into western Iraq or eastern Syria.

    2. Sean, you are the most specific person I know. Your detail can't be matched. Thanks!

    3. Ha! Just updated the update with a link that identifies the Iran road mobile Ra'ad missile that led to the massive IAF raid which followed.

  16. Me too and have always thought so! No other reason for the beginING of the nuclear development that Iran, Russia and North Korea began in the late 1990's. I also believe that as we who are the Holy Spirit filled members of Jesus Christ Body, we will know by The Holy Spirit before it happens! If We Stay Attuned To Him!

    From this point on it is vitally important to cull your sources of incoming information and attune our self to Seeking after God's Holy word! The news sources are pretty well putrid as far as being truthful and social media is a coven of those who only seek after what the world is broadcasting!

    Using God's prophets of old and going deep mine digging is vitality important!


  17. "But God could take them out with a big earthquake."

    Indeed! My very first thought: the resurrection of all the Church Age saints at the rapture will very likely cause a big world-wide EQ imo.
    So, I'd like to offer and idea to the Lord: Rapture us please and let the EQ destroy those tunnels, two things accomplished at once!!! LOL

    Okay, I'm just joking! I'm also "half-serious" though, in the sense that I yearn for the rapture and this way it would happen very-very soon! (Not that the rapture can't happen super soon, it can happen anytime... And the Lord is able to destroy those tunnels with a local EQ anytime, anyway.)

  18. While watching for Iran/Hezbollah to respond, the action today has been in Gaza where a sniper attempted to kill an IDF officer with a head shot. The officers helmet saved his life, he was treated and released by hospital in Be'er Sheva. this kind of firing occurred all day long. As night fell the IAF conducted air strikes which took out a HAMAS military camp in northern Gaza. As a result of the sniper attack PM Netanyahu stopped Qatar's payment to HAMAS from going forward.

  19. Yesterday at the U.N. the Syrian ambassador threatened attack upon Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv.

    The destruction of Damascus draws closer each day.

  20. Isaiah 17:3-4

    "In that day it shall come to pass
    That the glory of Jacob will wane,
    And the fatness of his flesh grow lean.

    This passage refers to the serious human losses Israel will suffer in this war. Tens of thousands will die.

  21. And the ceasing of "the fortress from Ephraim refers not just to the ancient lands of the Ephraimites, but also to the whole of the ancient northern kingdom of Israel.

    The damages from war here will be extensive.

  22. "Russia is demanding that Israel end its "arbitrary" airstrikes on targets in Syria"

    My response to this headline is...(bwahhahahahahahaha) is....(bwahahahahahahahaha) is..........okay, okay stop, uncle.

    1. VP,

      What they're strongly hinting at here is the manning of the new Syrian S-300 SAM sites with trained Russian personnel.

  23. Reminds me of general McAuliffe’s response to the Nazi’s surrender offer in Bastogne during The Battle of the Bulge in WW2, “NUTS”.


  24. Sean. And all,

    I am overwhelmed with the horror of that report and yet I have been acutely aware of the gross degree of barbaric events and LOSSES the nation of ISRAEL is about to suffer and in the long run, all Christians! The whole of the northern kingdoms include some of the most beloved regions of Israel that Jesus lived, taught, preached and healed during his physical life on earth! The Sea of Galilee, the area where He gave the Beatitudes, where Caprunum is located and Jesus lived alongside the disciples and on to show you the degree of the real reason the likes of the Muslim regime in Persia to destroy everything and all evidence of Almighty God’s Holy Presence ever loved, walked spoke and proved that Jesus Christ was & is the Promised Son of God!

    Satan wants only to make God &His Word a lie and that would establish satan as supreme rule over all of creation!


  25. Gg5,
    The carnage is hard to bear but in the end God is the one orchestrating these events because the nations of the world reject Jesus as their Savior and LORD. Through these events, just like Jesus' first advent, multitudes of young mother's lost their babies because of evil hearts, even so, today's events will cause many to lose love one's because of the hardness of hearts but they will recognize the hand of God and it will bring about the 2nd coming.

    May God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And, like you dear sister, may we continue to beseech God to move on peoples lives before these things come to completion.

  26. Just a heads-up note regarding volcanic activity around the Pacific 'ring of fire.' Simply put, what is occurring is unprecedented IMHO. The OSINT that I've seen in the past 48 hours is quite disturbing, especially from Mexico to Washington State to Yellowstone.

  27. Hey....I live in Washington state and all my relatives in Alaska

  28. Then you know St. Helens and Ranier have been classified as "very high threat" for eruption for the last 3 months. The Helens lava dome has been rising at a rate of 5m (15ft) per day.
    I've been to both mountains recently.

    1. Yes... and don't forget the earthquakes in Alaska. YheyThe still having 5. Aftershocks... But I doubt you're hearing that

    2. The Tube channel link has info based on parametric data predicting imminent quakes in western Iran and Anchorage AK with a day or so. Watching for accuracy.

  29. Praying for you Hartdawg & all who reside in that vicinity. That those who do not know Jesus Christ will receive the witness of the Holy Spirit before it is all too late.

    Know that area of Washington very well and many, many relatives and friends who live there.


    1. Granny, I hope I am not being stupid and naive for believing that a lot of this won't happen till after the harpazo. I do appreciate the prayers to. If you know the Washington area then you probably know that Eastern Washington in my opinion is far more beautiful. Nice desert scenery

  30. Highly recommend this Tube channel for very educational info on tectonics and earthquakes:


    This link is to the Global Seismic Update from yesterday (23 JAN).

  31. Imminent quakes in Iran and what about the Elam region. Not mentioning that by the known name today because I do believe there are people who only know it by the biblical name. But that could be answer to the tunnels that cannot be burrowed into. Hope you get what I am trying not to say.

    Hartdawg, I too love the eastern part of Washington and only got to see it for a very short time when our United flight was rerouted there due to flight problems due to engines. But it was a great surprise to my mother and I. Lots of wonderful stories and so many GOD TIMING events that I keep wishing I could write a book about some day. Oh my, HE really showed HIS SON off big time and it all happened in Washington but in Renton, Puyallup and Olalla. But it was tremendous and I will get to do it soon! Oh my!


  32. Sean, Thanks for the link to the Tube Channel! Great graphics and info and all of the world wide info brought to mind Earthquakes in multitude regions! Spent the last 2 hours before bedtime and now can't go to sleep! Oh well, time to go raid the fridge and snack!


  33. I began seriously looking into seismic data when the thought came to me that God might use quakes to fulfill Jeremiah 49:34. Now I see that a major tectonic fault runs right through Iran, from the gulf to the far northwest of the country. Elam is on the west side of the fault, ancient Persia to the east.

  34. If the Trump proposed peace proposal published after the April 9 Israeli election includes dividing Jerusalem, do you think there is a likely earthquake or other natural disaster in store for America? Could we see God divide America?

    1. Robin,

      The so-called "Trump peace plan" will not include any provisions for dividing the city of Jerusalem. For it to do so would be contrary to existing U.S. law.

      However, what does Bible prophecy tell us about the division that will occur on the Temple Mount? Who is given control of the courtyard so that it is not included in the assigned measuring John was told to perform? (Revelation 11)

  35. Sean,

    A thought sprung in me and have to ask your opinion on it! Mark 11: 23 is Jesus speaking and HE promised that about the mountain but he said "say to the mountain and order it to cast itself into the sea, it has to do IF WE HAVE FAITH IN GOD, right! But why not address that mountain in Oregon to put a Cork in it and send the pent up forces to spew it out in Elam, the former summer Royal family's palace and head of government for Persia! The very same area where Queen Ester faced down Haman and his divisive plan to destroy Isreal captives! Do you all have that strong degree of faith in God? But first we have to clean our hearts of any malice or anger towards anyone! Jesus SAID SO!

    PS: remember the full meaning of Shalom!!!!

  36. GG5,

    Yes, exactly, by faith in God.

    What ever we pray for, and as we pray it we have the faith to belueve that God will do it, it will be done.

    Most people will add, "if it be Your will Lord," believing that if it doesn't happen then it was not God's will. But that is not what Jesus said is it. What He said was very specific.

    I've not yet met anyone who has the kind of Spirit-powered faith in God to move a mountain into the sea. I consider that to be the kind of faith as Moses and Elijah and Elisha possessed.

  37. Sean,

    Oh, yes YOU do too have it! Build up that faith in God Almighty because if you didn't have it, you would not be Sean the Lion Hearted Warrior and watchman that Elohem ordered to the Watchman's Wall in the firstplace! That power is not because of our ability but is the POWERADE of our FAITH in HIS SON'S promises! You don't dare to understand all of it but we dare to hold as the most sacred Belief In & ONLY HIM TO FILL US SO FULL OF FAITH THAT WE CAN DRINK WATER FROM A POND, hold our sword of salvation in one hand and dipping the water with the other hand & drinking it! We are the Called out ones who are here to carry out God's Holy Spirit power contained in HIS promises to all who believe! Little David slung a sling and killed a giant with one Smooth stone while the men stood in fear & trembling. A little shepherd boy did what grown men could because he believed GOD'S WORDS TO HIM

    and no, I have flipped my wig in any manner because I have actually been through the valley of the shadow of death and GOD took me through it by the Blood of Jesus Christ and the Words of His testimoney! So there!


  38. Yes Ma'am! I stand Biblically corrected! Thank you!


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