Saturday, December 26, 2020

Global SITREP D2-20: War in America


UPDATED 26 December 2020: I want to show everyone something with this update. This will vividly illustrate how totally unprepared the administration under President Donald Trump was for what occurred on 3/4 November 2020. They really had no clue regarding the depth or scope of the inside threat of TREASON that had been planned since 2018 for this past election. 

This is a catastrophe that has put our entire Constitutional Republic in dire risk of collapse. Make no mistake, this eclipses the two greatest previous failures of December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor, and of September 11, 2001 at New York, Washington, D.C. and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. This was a Trojan Horse far greater than anything planned and executed by the ancient Greeks. Only God, if it be within His will to do so, can reverse the fall of this Republic into the rising evil empire of the beast. 

The following, with emphasis added, is from Bill Gertz as published by The Washington Times on Wednesday, July 22, 2020. The headline read, "Pompeo: US to counter election disinformation." 

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he is confident the upcoming presidential election will be free of any foreign intervention from states like China, Russia or Iran.

The entire U.S. government is on alert for attempts to influence voting, disrupt voting machines through cyberattacks or use disinformation against presidential candidates.  There is one threat from cyber, switching votes, trying to interfere with the actual voting process,” Mr. Pompeo told The Washington Times. “I think we’ve also done a lot of good work, too, to make sure that we’re ready in the case of disinformation campaigns that may appear, to make sure American people can see through them and see what’s going on. 

18 December 2020:We are perhaps within a matter of hours before the ongoing war between the Globalist Deep State and the Executive Branch of our Constitutional government might break out into the open via official confirmation of massive electoral fraud having occurred the in November 3rd election. 

This confirmation will be made no later than Friday, the 45th day since the election by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), John Ratcliffe, as required by Executive Order 13848. Director Ratcliffe is expected to detail the established facts and the bad actors, both foreign and domestic, who perpetrated a host of criminal electoral crimes. 

17 December 2020: Late yesterday afternoon the MSM -which includes FoxNews - began reporting less than factual news, (i.e. Fake News). DNI Ratcliffe has not announced any delay in submitting the required 45-day post-election report pursuant to E.O. 13848. As received the DNI refused to accept the report (he refused to sign it) because a section from career anti-Trump analysts at the CIA contained blatant disinformation. 

Contrary to MSM reports yesterday the DNI had already reported directly to President Trump that the People's Republic of China was running a covert influence operation and was the greatest national security threat to the United States. In the report the CIA analysts refused to concur with other IC members that China had any role in interfering in the recent election, and instead focused on Russian interference. In common parlance, the CIA analysts were caught politicizing the report in CCP's favor.

Be that as it may be, CIA analysis in essence did admit to foreign intervention and that in itself is a trigger for national emergency sanctions delineated in E.O. 13848. The Russian government is widely accepted within the USIC as being responsible for a hack that penetrated multiple federal agencies weeks ago and continued until just this past weekend when emergency orders were issued for all federal agencies to shut down all systems running hacked SolarWinds software. Emergency update patches have since been uploaded to the affected systems.

Upon its release the classified IC report will cite three foreign bad actors interfering in the 2020 election: China, Russia and Iran. 

Reputable sources reporting the Pentagon (probably SECDEF as directed by POTUS) has ordered a quick-halt to all transition activities with the Biden Team. 


  1. Sean,

    Yes, praying that the evil is fully exposed, justice is served and the wicked in our government are utterly dealt with. Treason has consequences, as it should. I am also praying that there will be peace in our land. Only He can fully expose this in such a way that it is irrefutable, and that people can fully understand. It is truly amazing that our nation has descended into chaos and is on the precipice of disaster. I receive Decision magazine (Billy Graham) and there is a powerful photo that I have put up of a massive crowd in front on the Washington Mall (Called March 2020) of tens of thousands of Christians praying. I believe several million were watching worldwide on line as well . They were humbly seeking God, repenting, and praying. I am trusting God's word fully...that He will heal our land.

    Thank you for all you do here. It really is one of the only places we can go and get truth...and a proper understanding of geopolitical and Biblical happenings. Such rich content and so wonderful to have a man of God devote so much to this great cause. So grateful for you (and the brothers and sisters on this blog)!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.



    1. LD,
      I whole-heaatily agree with your comment about this blog being so rich in content. There is either very little, or none whatsoever of the sensationalism that so many current end-times teachers use in order to drive the traffic to their blog.

      Sean, I also echo LD's comment about how wonderful it is to have such a Godly man keeping us watching. I can't wait to witness Jesus saying to you, "Well done my good and faithful servant! (I'm VERY excited to watch my husband and kids also her those precious words from our Savior!!

      Merry Christmas everyone!! Let's remember to keep praying President Trump; and also for those will be left behind.
      (A couple of prayers for the Harpazo happen before New Years, if that's the Lord's will.)
      Merry Christmas especially to you and your family!!

    2. Aww shucks you guys, I'm just a servant doin' his job. You're makin' me blush. :D

  2. Praying for our nation and that Ratcliffe has the bravery to be honest and not compromised.

  3. Yes, pray!!! We are under a severe, sustained and multi-faceted attack from of both foreign and domestic points of origin.

    There are no massive explosions or huge fireballs to be seen as yet, but the assault is just as dangerous if not more so than an all-out kinetic attack. Stay informed by relying on reputable news sources.

  4. Depending on litigation decisions that may yet take place during the next three weeks, it is a 100% certainty that the electors from a minimum of six states will be challenged by House and Senate Republican members during the joint session of Congress.

    Only three battleground states and their electoral votes need be flipped in the challenges (PA, GA and NV) to result in President Trump being sworn in on 20 January for his second term at POTUS. All of these states have established there GOP electors for this purpose. The other three states are MI, WI and NM.

    This is the same maneuver the Democrat Party attempted as a result of the 2016 election, but failed to achieve in each instance.

    If it comes down to a state-by-state roll call (each state has 1 vote) President Trump will also win in that scenario as there are more "red states" than "blue states".

    If the Left then resorts to violence, well, let's just say "woe unto them."

    1. Concerning the state by state roll call which each state getting 1 vote, I'm concerned about the rinos giving it to biden. Is that a needles concern?

    2. Pretty much... the next 21 days will see an avalanche of bad news for the socialist deep staters, and it began today with the DNI's declassified notes release.

  5. Here is the url to an important article at The Federalist: DNI John Ratcliffe has declassified and provided to Congress DIRCIA John Brennans hand-written notes. These notes prove that the Russian Collusion hoax was Hillary Clinton's doing and the Obama Administration knew about it in detail.

    Enjoy this appetizer, main course coming up.


  6. I think trump is giving the courts, legislators, senetors and judges every possible chance to step up and do the right thing. While it's indeed very noble, I think he's given them too many chances. I think he should have enacted the insurrection order and decided martial law a few weeks back. He would have had every right in doing so. It think it would have been better than dragging this out. The longer this is drawn out, the more hostile the losing side will be. On the flip side, i suppose it shows character giving the judges, legislators.... every possible chance to do the right thing. That's just my humble opinion but there's so much I don't know

  7. Trump already knows what the report says it's just not being released to the public. He can still issue his EO. That's my thought anyway. Perhaps I'm wrong

  8. My thanks to all who submitted comments about the DNI's IC Report. Please send those type of comments via email so we can avoid filling up the comments section with repeats of the same information.

  9. Please keep us updated on that, and on whether that will affect Trump's ability to still issue the EO.

    1. The declared "national emergency" Executive Order 13848 was signed by Trump (i.e. made active) in September 2018 and has remained in an active status since then for every U.S. election.

      This means all POTUS requires is a classified, post-election IC report detailing the bad actors involved in U.S. election interference.

      Trump has this. It is to be released to Congress NLT tomorrow.

    2. I appreciate the confirmation of what I suspected. I don't know about you, but I'm really getting sick and angry about all the lies and misinformation. So much deception that unfortunately the conservatives sites like Gateway pundit, epoch times, Newsmax...are being deceived. I don't know about you but I'm starting to get really angry. Praying that the Lord will forgive me for getting angry

  10. New info being assessed and argued over and otherwise stonewalled. The info relates to Chinese interference in this election.

  11. In keeping with the title of this SITREP, prepare accordingly where ever you live.

    The Leftists have declared victory. Having that victory over-turned will bring violence worse than what occured last summer.

    Violence will be dealt with, but being prepared for it is far better than not being prepared.

    1. I live near Seattle but live in a suburb about 10 miles from the city. I will be staying away from the city probably at least till summer. You'd be surprised how left Seattle really is. In many aspects it's worse than California.
      The media is making the coming violence a lot worse. They're pouring fuel on an already explosive situation. The media needs to be brought to justice

    2. hartdawg,

      Very familiar with the SEATAC area from my work at JB Lewis-Mcchord with 1SFG(A) and others. There are many patriots there, more than many think.

      Hang tough Bro. Major actions are in-progress.

  12. Repeating what is clearly stated above in the SITREP:

    "Contrary to MSM reports yesterday, the DNI had already reported directly to President Trump that the People's Republic of China was running a covert influence operation and was the greatest national security threat to the United States."

    To be perfectly, crystal, clear in fact, "China running... a covert influence operation" is inclusive of interference in the 2020 election and a $500 million dollar stake in the parent company owning Dominion Voting Systems.

    1. Because of these two critical facts President Trump has everything he needs to execute E.O. 13848 and therefore deploy the US military to immediately seize every Dominion voting machine in the United States.

      This is the direct and urgent advice to POTUS from LTG Flynn and Sidney Powell among several others.

  13. BREAKING NEWS: The DOD (Pentagon) has ordered a halt to all transition work with the Biden Team.

    It has begun... stay tuned to reputable media.

    1. SECDEF to meet with POTUS at 3 PM today.

    2. Deep State stunned... in shock... sensing "danger."

    3. Trump Administration has black-listed 60+ Chinese companies, most in high tech sector or related to the CCP military industrial complex.

  14. hartdawg,

    I am also in a burb outside of Seattle. I think I am fairly isolated from Seattle. I went to Bainbridge last weekend and took a quick stroll in Seattle while waiting for the ferry. It is disgusting! If things were to get out of hand we could connect here...

    Ken B

  15. Sean,

    It's almost funny (if not for the flat out deception being peddled as "news") that the medianites are clearly spinning the story of the DOD halting briefings with the Biden/Usurper administration indicating it is because of the Christmas holiday! Sure, our military apparatus suffers attempted infiltration by Russia and China over the past few days (acts of war?) and we are led to believe the IC takes the week off. The Deep State actors are truly squirming.

    He who sits in the heavens laughs........


    1. LD,

      The spin is patently ridiculous. The IC analysts and community at-large work in shifts 24/7/365.

      The Chinese SARS-CoV-2 went wildfire in March, which is when the Russian hack of SolarWinds updates also began. Act of war? Absolutely. What's not been spoken is our retaliation. And it was massive.

      The Deep State is in a panic. Here we go...

  16. The media are akin to the false prophets of baal

    1. Ain't that the truth! May they suffer the same fate.

    2. O they will!! If not soon then at the 2nd advent when our Lord Jesus Christ dashes his enemies to pieces!! What a day that's going to be

  17. President Trump's Operation Warp Speed (OWS) took just 7 months and 2 days (May 15 - November 17, 2020) to deliver the the first vaccine shots to front line medical staffers across the nation.

    No other nation on the face of this earth could have accomplished such a thing while under simultaneous biological and cyberwar attacks. Thank God for this!

  18. Back at the beginning of this "America" series I noted that our leaders may use the Emergency Broadcast System instead of the usual ("enemy of the people") MSM.

    Just got word this may still be the case. And not in advance but, after operations have begun.

  19. It's a great way to get the message to the American people outside the big tech manipulators and msm. Does the EBS broadcast to cell phone also?

    1. My mistake in using the old name EBS, it's now the Emergency Alert System (EAS).

      "The president has sole responsibility for determining when the national-level EAS will be activated."

      Most newer model cellphones can receive the message as a text, some may need to be set up to do so.

    2. On 12-12 while the Jericho walls marches were going on, my fears and defeat after the Friday SCOTUS ruling began to give way to a strong feeling of triumph. Triumph and Trump are from the same root word BTW as well as trumpet. That day I felt the walls of Jericho fall in the spirit. So much has come to light since that day barely a week ago that it seems like a long time ago. The Truth is being revealed every day more and more. I remember a pastor friend of mine telling me once that 12 is a number representing God’s authority and His perfect government. On 12-12 Jericho’s walls fell in D.C. and God’s government prevailed. Only spiritual eyes have seen it, but soon physical eyes will see. There will be no denying it. When I see antifa and the like attacking people and when I see the MSM and leftist politicians decrying the election challenges, I see the wrath of the evil one who knows that his time is short being displayed by his followers. I also see the Truth and those who have a personal relationship with the Truth being hated and persecuted. Viewed in the light of scripture, nothing that’s going on is out of place. The question for me and my family is how long until He puts all things under His feet and what will we suffer in the interim. That is why this once back slidden believer is praying like never before and prepping like never before. Perhaps that is one facet of His ultimate plan in this situation so that we may choose this day who we will serve. Perhaps the victory is in simply choosing the right side, and those who choose evil have already lost the fight. I know that it’s God’s plan and the evil will be ultimately held accountable, but I pray for a reckoning in the here and now. Every day I have more faith that the reckoning is coming and with it the probability of violence against patriots who have fought for Truth. Hope this isn’t too off topic. I just thought I would share the perspective of one who has recently been awakened spiritually by recent events. Thanks

  20. Before this progresses to much further (it's running white hot now!), here is a review of events from former US Secret Service agent Dan Bongino. Context is always important.

    Hillary's 32,000 emails that were illegally destroyed during the FBI's email investigation contained communications between her, Obama, Biden and others regarding the sale of US Uranium to Russia and other classified information (a/k/a Uranium One).

    The Russians (and others) had intercepted the HRC emails with ease due to the criminal violations of security protocols which included Obama as an addee.

    When they learned the emails had been intercepted by a foreign power, they had had to cover it up.

    Thus the scheme was hatched. Hire Steele, fabricate a cover story, use the FBI, lie to FISA court, leak to the media, and appoint a Special Counsel. It was all to create a truly evil diversion and narrative to blame Trump.

    The Scandal of the Century. Every American should listen to this unbelievable sorry saga. Corruption and abuse at the highest levels of our government. And now they want back in, which cannot under any circumstance be allowed as even worse would take place.

    So they framed a duly elected President to avoid prosecution. But the story is not over.

    1. Watching the above linked Dan Bongino program probably has heads exploding all over the country. Context is very, very important, and is key to understanding what comes next.

      Gives new meaning in detail for when Hillary said of Donald Trump, "If that bast&*d gets elected we're all going to hang."

      Make sense now?

    2. By the way, if you watched Newsmax' Greg Kelly Reports last evening then you saw, as I did, Greg Kelly announce that he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

  21. Only Deep State media and wannabe-Deep State media are reporting on the U.S. armed forces refusing involvement in the 2020 election fraud.

    This is clearly disinformation.

    The U.S. armed forces must follow all lawful orders issued by superiors within the operational Chain of Command (CoC) who are, specifically, the SECDEF and POTUS.

    U.S. SOF are directly and uniquely now under the command of the SECDEF.

  22. A tweet from POTUS early this morning:

    "Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!"

    1. So there is zero ambiguity, it is official per the POTUS that there will be no declaration of martial law in the U.S.A.

      Claims to the contrary are disinformative and a deception.

      This is a solid indication that Trump is convinced the election steal will be defeated on January 6 in a U.S. Congressional challenge to the Electoral College.

    2. A few things
      1) I want to wish you a merry Christmas (I'll probably post more questions and comments between now and Christmas but I wanted to wish you a blessed Christmas season from the start)
      2) if Trump has put more people on his team and removed other people this late in the game then WOULDN'T THAT INDICATE HE'S STILL VERY CONFIDENT IN A SECOND TERM? OTHERWISE SUCH ACTIONS WOULD BE MOOT
      3) if Congress stabs Trump in the back on January 6th, could Trump still declare martial law and deploy the military to get to the bottom of this? Millions of Trump supporters have that question and are calling for martial law

    3. Hartdawg,

      Thank you and same to you and yours and all readers!

      (Tomorrow will see the traditional Magoi post reappear on the blog.)

      Re: #2. Ha! You got it, nicely done! He wants as many Patriots as possible to be in Washington, D.C. on the 6th of January. It will be a wild celebration.

      Re: #3 Not gonna happen.

  23. Pennsylvania lawsuit filed to the Supreme Court. I'm not expecting much to come of it, but we'll see. My eyes are on January 6th

  24. I just watched crossroads with Joshua Phillips do an hour long interview with Lin Wood. I didn't know much about the man, but after watching the interview he mentioned that the only way this nation can be saved is through prayer and by God's hand. He mentioned Bible accounts several times, spiritual warfare and even referenced the rapture, 7 year tribulation and armeggedon. I believe trump's main attorney is a born again Christian. He's also a very sharp man

  25. I posted a pair of things as comments which should not have been posted. They were removed along with all resulting fallout. That stuff simply doesn't belong here.

    Let us enjoy the season for God is with us and will never forsake us. He is coming soon.

  26. Eight states, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, have slates of electors standing by to cast their ballots for President Trump when called upon to do so by VP Pence on January 6th.

    These electoral college ballots are more than sufficient to ensure a second term for President Trump.

  27. With all That's going on, the traditional Christmas star post, and the simple message of Christmas is more important and timely now than ever. Merry Christmas

  28. One more quick think, with the observation of our Lord's birth in a few days and all the current turmoil, have you considered shutting down the comments section until the morning after Christmas, (with the exception of you posting significant updates that need to be posted), so readers can focus on family and our Lord's birth? Just a thought

  29. Yes, but not shutting down completely. Too much is at stake to do a shut down, so we'll go slow.

    By now everyone can see the America of the 70th week of years, the America of the Thlipsis and Megas Thlipsis. It's here now, alive in the halls of the U.S. Congress, and somewhere between 75 and 80 million Americans are fighting against it tooth and nail. Come the harpazo of the bride of Christ, and those left behind will be at the mercy of pure evil.

    The Battle of the Electoral College will be joined on 6 January 2021. It stands a good chance of continuing for at least one week or so. God knows how it will resolve, so let us be prayer warriors for righteousness.

    1. I'm praying it'll be resolved quickly, and I hope you're sounding the alarm through other venues as well as the blog. Don't know how many platforms you have but praying that you're using them all and if possible, joining the March in D.C....if possible

    2. Praying as always. Merry Christmas to all.

    3. I pray Trump vetos the so-called "stimulus bill" because it is garbage, and refuses to sign any bill with less than $2k for needy Americans and nothing for foreign concerns.

      This is my platform, if I weren't serving the Lord here I'd be calling for and participating in massed and armed-if-necessary revolt against the beast in Washington D.C. That would be in keeping with my Oath before God.

      Tyranny is the antithesis of everything Biblical and everything American.

    4. In fact, all Trump need to is refuse to sign this garbage stimulus bill. He has 10 days to hold off, and after that the bill simply dies because a new Congress will exist in 2021. Painful but necessary. This is war.

    5. You took the words out of my mouth, it truly proves our legislators DO NOT have American interest in mind. President Trump has kept his promises and we need him back in the white house. The swamp is far from drained.

  30. Psalm 62 is a perfect fit for current events. David wrote this Psalm when he was under seige by his enemies. Our President is under seige; we are under seige, and our enemy seeks to destroy us. Just like David,we will wait upon the Lord-our hope, our strength, and our salvation.

  31. Sean,

    I have said for years that we are being ruled by a uniparty....with a sprinkling of patriots. That became evident this week as only 6 US Senators (R) voted against this debacle "stimu-less" bill. My own Marsha Blackburn, TN was among the few. Praying that God hits the reset button for us with people of integrity elected to office in the near future. Just had our first grandchild, and as I look at him w tears in my eyes, I wonder what kind of USA he will be forced to live in. I will willingly lay down my life for his future, if needed.

    Anyway, as I tell my kids, we put our faith NOT in man, but in Jesus. Lord, come quickly!


    1. Marsha Blackburn's reaction to Trump's video last night was notable. When informed by Newsmax that Trump upped the covid dollars to $2000 per person from $600 she exclaimed "My Lord!"

      Apparently she thought that was Trump's price not not veto the entire bill. However, when told that Trump wanted $2000 per person in addition to only covid relief in the bill he would sign she said "Oh, I'll vote for that!"

      She's a National Treasure!

  32. LD,
    We have to keep voting for people like Senator Blackburn, she brings some honor to a corrupt place. Congrats on your grandson, Tennessee is a great place to live.

  33. It's going around that the reason why Trump is issuing 15 pardons at this time it's because he knows he's on his way out. PLEASE DON'T BELIEVE FAKE NEWS! I think the reason is THE OPPOSITE. I think he's setting the tone for his second term. Time will tell

  34. Standby, some major news may be breaking shortly. There's lots of buzz of state legislatures DECERTIFYING Biden as winner. AZ, GA so far, two or three others also bubbling up.

    1. Standing by. There are rumors Mike Pence might be taking action as well. Once again, ignore the media or you'll be discouraged and decieved

    2. In the Rudy chat, he also talks to the decertify issue.

      What is now clear is that certain people posted to social media that the legislatures were meeting Wednesday. This was erroneous, deliberate or not doesn't matter now. Those sessions will happen, probably this week.

      My guess is the depth and scope of this election fraud is what will shock the country.

  35. I hope Mike Pence does the right thing tomorrow

    1. There's just so much rampant disinformation and erroneous reporting out there. And that's the point of Information Warfare... to sow confusion, doubt and have folks buy into nonsense presented as fact.

      And I've found it in the past two days not just with the MSM, but also injected into other news sites like Newsmax, as well as social media like Parler.

      Here's and example of one item being passed around with zero vetting being done on the content: › wisc...
      WISCONSIN VOTERS ALLIANCE v. PENCE, 1:20-cv-03791 ...

      Be careful. Events will play out quickly.

      And remember... Psalm 62

  36. Israel heading for another election??

    1. Yes, March 23rd.

      Maybe this time Moshiach ben Joseph will be elected; would seem to be time appropriate.

  37. Replies
    1. Absolutely nothing but rampant disinformation and erroneous reporting.

      There was no Georgia legislature hearing on election fraud or decertification of electors; it was just routine legislative business. The VP doing nothing out of the ordinary either. Much ado about nothing like I commented above.

    2. I'm guessing nothing happens until January 6th, then fireworks. There may be "bombshells" on both the right and the left, but note nothing really until the 6th. Meanwhile, I'll be checking back here every couple of hours or so

  38. Giuliani said fireworks after Christmas, so I'm thinking that's next week.

    Also an unverified note flew in that Trump secretly named Sidney Powell as Special Prosecutor. I'll believe it when it's truly official and she issues indictments.


    1. According to Newsmax' White House correspondent Emerald Robinson, "corporate media greatly fears that Sidney Powell could be the Special Counsel. That tells us everything we need to know."

      Perhaps the rumors are true afterall.

  39. Merry Christmas, ET fam! Hope everyone has a blessed one. Lurking here for the fireworks...

  40. Merry Christmas; may God provide the blessed hope we seek.

  41. Merry Christmas to all !!!

  42. Merry Christmas brothers and sisters!

    I’m reading Isaiah 9:6 this am and in studying the verse I noticed something interesting. “And the government shall be upon His shoulder”...

    The word “ government” in the Hebrew means “dominion”. Put a big smile on my face!


  43. I would like to say Merry Christmas to all you gather here as well. There are many voices to listen too. Some say are time is up and the rapture must happen very very soon because the Biden/Harris administration will unleash China and the globalists to takeover and we will be communism. I know I've said this here before but I think with the help of God, President Trump will successfully stay in the White House for a time. I feel this way just because of his friendship with the people described in the Bible as the Apple of God's Eye. I do not imagine our time will be very long though. In God's timing. The world is swiftly changing and we, the Saint's of Jesus will also be changed in the twinkling of an eye. Have a wonderful day with your friends and family eschatology family. Thank you Sean and all who contribute to the discussions here.

  44. From John...

    Rudy Giuliani: “You’re going to find it out all at once – it’s going to be very shocking to the country."

    1. Maybe the shock to the country Rudy Giuliani is talking about will be as shocking as the 26 December update I just posted.

  45. Merry Christmas to all!

  46. Happy holidays and the very best to you, all, in the coming year! Hope to meet you in the air, soon! ~Lori :)

  47. ALL media are reporting "shots fired" in the area of Commerce & 2nd Ave in Nashville where the RV exploded. Local residents confirmed the sound of gunfire over approximately 25 minutes.

    No doubt the "shots fired" were designed to draw in police.

    Now the police say no evidence of "shots fired" have been found.

    Then came the warnings from the RV's loudspeaker to evacuate the area as the police arrived on scene.

    So why is no one noting the obvious that the "shots fired" also emanated from the RV's loudspeaker?

    1. The event in Nashville, which may or not be a "one-off," had one primary purpose and one purpose only - to kill police officers; first responders. Period.

      Disrupting lines of communication was a secondary objective. But that can be repaired. The area can be rebuilt. The lives that were intended to be ended would be unrecoverable.

      "Fry 'em like bacon," remember? These leftists intended to do exactly that.

  48. Sean,

    Here from Nashville area. Realizing that most news is unreliable these days, here are some thoughts from what I can cobble together: The targeted building was an unmarked AT&T hub of some sort. The perpetrator (persons or highly organized group) would have to have known what it was used for, and targeted it accordingly as their objective. I do know that 911 centers are still down this am in much of middle that has raised anxiety for locals downtown as to some kind of follow-up hit. I am reading stories of AT&T and NSA previously working together to help NSA spy on people. Connected? Snowden is currently on the pardon radar...maybe linked? Just down the road is the focal point of all downtown Nashville...the AT&T high rise office building AKA Batman Building...that was not the target, the communications center was. Clearly not the typical terrorist MO. The level of explosion and count down timer/voice warning is not your hardware store variety...and the whole thing was made to look like a bunch of "good ole boys" and their beat up old RV decided to make noise. Hard to buy that. As our president gets closer to exposing the deep state, I can only wonder if this is bad actors performing track covering?

    Anyway, thankful for the brave police officers who clearly saved lives. Thankful that no none died. And praying that the deep state gets totally exposed. I will listen to the medianites this upcoming week closely, as they will tell us exactly what is NOT true here once they get their organized talking points.

    What a year. Jesus please come quickly....


    1. LD,
      That was the ancillary objective, not the primary. And it succeeded more than the primary did, thank God!

      The DS will pin this on "white, rightwing religious extremeists." Christians in other words.

      Maybe you recall the "nuke in Nashville" news stories of not so long ago. It is related to what happened yesterday.

  49. Hi Sean, let me propose another way to look at the interview with Mike Pompeo and other material for public consumption that preceded and surrounded the election. This is what I am sensing in my spirit, and if it turns out to be wrong, it then I will be wrong about this.

    As you know, our President is a long-time student of the Art of War by Sun Tzu, from which he got his well known “Art of the Deal” title. Some of the better known quotes from that work include “Every battle is won before it's ever fought.” and “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” And there is also “Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.” "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."

    My point is, bearing in mind the recent video with the Human Rights attorney discussing the Executive Order on foreign interference in our elections that was enacted 6 months after the midterms in 2018, I expect that President Trump was fully aware of and prepared for what was going to occur on the night of 11/3/20, allowed it to occur, and captured it all.

    If this turns out to be correct, the outworking of this plan is not our President's first and foremost, it is God's plan. It had to be this way. The globalists and those that are paid off or blackmailed and are subservient to them had to be allowed to "walk through the front door," if you will, so that they would completely expose themselves and render themselves without excuse or escape. In my humble opinion, that process is ongoing as I type this, and will continue to occur until the "fall like a thunderbolt" moment, after which God's great worldwide unwinding of justice and righteousness will commence in earnest.

    This time of testing sure has been nerve wracking, and frequently terrifying, to live through. I am gladder than I have ever been that we are not going to be here when the final iteration of this age-old conflict takes place. FWIW I suspect we are pretty much at this point in our escape from those that are attempting a worldwide Bolshevik Revolution:

    1. What I wrote is from the most knowledgeable alphabet soup source. They had inklings as Pompeo clearly noted, he was DIRCIA for some time, and was kept out of the loop. The notion that they had full knowledge and captured the steal in real-time, no, that simply did not happen, it's nothing more than a flight of fancy from some Twitter know-nothing. The seizure of servers would have been a moot point.

    2. To expand on the above, and, sorry, I can't be more explicit than this.

      How was "the steal" planned from late 2018 to this past election day? How was it able to stay 90% hidden from members of the Trump Administration's inner circle executives? They all possess need-to-know access to the most advanced intelligence collection and flat-out spying apparatus network on planet earth. So how'd the DS plan, communicate and execute "the steal?" Smoke signals, semaphore, invisible ink, or a Get Smart 'cone of silence' Super-duper VPN?

      There's an "all-seeing eye" on our currency. It floats above a pyramid on the back side of the dollar bill. The fact is, there's not just one "all seeing eye" but five of them. Try googling: 'The Five Eyes: The Global Spy Network You Never Heard Of.'

      How did this escape notice until zero dark thirty on 4 November 2020?

    3. Are you still confident that Trump will prevail? He still has the "Pence card" and dualling electors and the insurrection act

    4. Since everyone except Greg Kelly, Rudy, other Trump legal eagles and Trump himself are now on record saying his chances of winning are slim and none, then and without question pulling a win out will for sure be a Biblical scale miracle. It will also provoke leftist insurrection far beyond anything seen last summer.

      I still hold to saying God will prevail here, His will shall have been done whoever is still standing the morning of January 7th.
      I hope Kim Clement was the prophet some say he was.

  50. Sean,

    That is certainly food for thought. Killing our police is beyond sick, and certainly part of the left's sick agenda. Then blame it on Christians? Priceless. I struggle with the organization and size of the ordinance. I also struggle with "why Nashville"? Seems there are so many more large cities (NYC, Philly, Boston) that would draw a much larger police response. Probably a soft target. In any event, just having to trust God to expose and judge those who are doing this to our nation. We are in for a wild ride over the next several weeks. I am praying DJT does not grow weary, nor his family. Our nation needs him to stay in the fight. We need to stay on our knees and fight in the spiritual realm.

    Stay alert.....

  51. Hey Sean, I thought Canada dropped out in 2016. I haven't seen where the rejoined. Did another join the Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, and the United States network?

    1. It's global now... working all over the globe, even France.

  52. It would be hard to believe anything could escape being found out with such a network in place.
    It does appear a miracle is what's going to be needed. We will have to see what Rudy G. has to say.
    In the end, our future is sure, God's plan will prevail when Jesus comes to rule and reign.

    1. Amen! That's the only for sure for sure there is!

  53. Nashville LE source leaks to CBS that 63 year old Anthony Quinn Warner, a Nashville area resident, had a similar make and model RV as the one in photos released to the public.

    Is this Richard Jewell Part II?

  54. @Sean Osborne Hello Brother. I pray that you had a wonderful Christmas with family. From reading the previous posts, it seems that POTUS may not have a chance short of God's Will. So if our Fathers Will is to have Trump out of office, is there any indication or probability that he will attack Iran before leaving office?

    Thanks Brother!

    1. Brother Frank,

      I've heard an unconfirmed report that direction has been given to White House staffers to "stop packing."

      On the other hand, a U.S. Navy special warfare submarine are with cruise missiles and several dozen SEALs is operating with an Israeli sub near Iran's coastline.

      Don't know if a strike is coming, but the warnings are backed up by the means to execute at a moments notice.

  55. Gotta Love it. And the feds had pics from weeks ago of the RV in his yard. I laughed when I saw the news and then thought this guy is about to have his life ruined by these evil dictators. FIb showed up at scene almost immediately yesterday... from field office in Memphis (3 hours away). Richard Jewel indeed. There is a 75% chance he’s a Trump supporter and goes to church. I’m sure the guy would leave the RV in his yard and load it with explosives he purchased at Lowe’s and test his public broadcast system daily...just to be sure it works. Sarcasm intended, sorry.

    Richard Jewell II. As long as the Fib has this we will never know the truth. Pretty disgusting. I’m praying the real criminals are found out. At this point, only Almighty God can save this nation.


    1. What'll they do if Mr. Warner still has his RV, or if he shows 'em a bill of sale? The media has sullied his name. I suggest he call Lin Wood.

    2. So the FBI, ATF Police, and a horde of local police raided the house where Google had recorded an image of a Chateau RV similar to the one taken in downtown Nashville early Christmas morning.

      The house used to be the property of Anthony Q. Warner, but he previously sold the house according to an Epoch Times report.

      No one has been arrested.

      Mr. Warner please call L. Lin Wood, Esq.

  56. Not that anyone asked, or that I have any kind of special dispensation beyond what is available to every person that has accepted Jesus' offer of redemption and been indwelled by the the Holy Spirit, but I'd like to go on record stating that I believe a miracle/obvious Act of God is inbound. This is how He "rolls" in this kind of situation, the element of drama being deployed in large part as an attention-getter: to wake as many lost people up as possible, a (perhaps final) worldwide Great Awakening, if you will - thus, the more unlikely/impossible the situation appears to the outside observer, the better.

    2 scriptures to consider at this point, Matthew 10:24-30

    And the entire chapter of Exodus 14:

    As always, may God’s kingdom come, may His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

  57. Amen! I had just read Exodus 14 this morning, specifically Verse 13. God is sovereign over all nations, kings, and judges, Isaiah 40:10-15.

  58. A lot of believers are calling this our Red Sea moment.

    1. I know everyone is saying it'll take a miracle, and too some extent they are right, but Pence, as president of the Senate has authority not to certify. I'm praying he does the right thing.


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