Sunday, December 27, 2020

Global SITREP D3-20: The War for America

UPDATE 7 January 2021: Due to the events of yesterday at the U.S. Capitol (*see my comment posted this morning 04:56 AM for details), there should be no doubt that the ongoing spiritual conflict manifested as "next level" violence yesterday. On the national level the final result was an end to any rational discussion or debate in the joint session of Congress regarding election fraud. Thus, Joe Biden was certified by the U.S. Congress as the President-elect. And that effectively puts an end to this SITREP. Barring the Lord working miraculously, the war is over, America lost.

2 January 2021: A one-minute video from 22 December 2020 to reference my comment of this morning about SECDEF Miller's public "off script" comments to VP Pence about "we've been through some stuff; we've gone through some of the most complex military operations this country has ever conducted," and then lauds the VP for his role in leadership in the operation.

For what's it's worth, SECDEF Miller's background has been as a boot-on-the-ground, combat operations Special Operations soldier, so his placing of numberous accolades upon VP Pence for this, and the final acknowledgement fist bump is not lost on yours truly.

31 December 2020: Spread this far and wide:

The Lord has spoken! PASTORS! Open your churches NOW! Open your doors for worship services this Sunday, let all who will come inside come inside! "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." OPEN YOUR CHURCH!

27 December 2020: The War for America has begun. Like all wars this nation has fought in our 244-year long experiment as a Constitutional Republic, it erupted at a time when most of We the People were largely unprepared for it. 

Eschatology Today readers, among other believers, should have been prepared. This subject has been a central and recurring theme here for the past four and one-half years, beginning with Global SITREP B10-16: Making America Great Again Means Blessing Israel, and continuing through 

Global SITREP C12-16: The United States Presidential Election 2016

Global SITREP D10-16: America Has A Choice To Make,  

Global SITREP D11-16: The LORD God Blesses America to Bless Israel

Breaking News Alert 01-17

Global SITREP A2-17: A New, New World Order

No one who reads Eschatology Today can say they were unaware. However, they can say they rejected or did not countenance to what was presented, and that's fine because no one can say the information presented was false; at this point the truth of it all is blatantly obvious. 

As the last update to SITREP D2 attests, half of our  current leadership also saw it coming. The other half are on the opposing side. 

Our now-resigned United States Attorney General Bill Barr saw it coming, and he presciently characterized its mechanism as "playing with fire." He was dead-on accurate in that characterization as the entire nation will now find out. Yet, our former AG clearly did not have the stomach for the fight it would require to ensure a righteous outcome. 

Neither, apparently so, did his predecessor in the AG office have the stomach for the fight, and he simply did the cowardly thing and recused himself from it. One look through the list of those who've received pardons from President Trump will evidence the host of casualties of the opposing side.

Chief among those pardoned was Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. What he endured at the hands of our domestic enemies was criminally epic. It is no exaggeration to say that his experience serves as a primary example of what all patriots can expect should the opposing side win this war prior to the Harpazo of the bride of Christ. I strongly urge all to visit The Epoch Times and watch Jan Jekielek's exclusive two-part interview with General Flynn. Here are quick links: Part I and Part II

There is no greater insight than that possessed by General Flynn, and if you will take the time to watch both interviews your understanding of what has been taking place in this country over the past ten years will suddenly elevate into an entirely new level of conspicuous awareness. You will not look at America in the same way afterwards. I assure you as one who been riding on the tip of a righteous sword for all of that time, my own understanding has been so elevated.

“See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don’t miss it. Information to follow!” - President Donald J. Trump 27 December 2020

Over the next week and into the first week of January 2021 this SITREP will be the bridge taking Eschatology Today to new places. Only the trump of the archangel stands to change it.



  1. I'm trying to figure out how a communist, bankrupt America being a third world nation, which would likely happen under a biden administrator, would fit in Bible prophecy.

    1. If it doesn't fit then it's futile trying to figure out how to shoe-horn it in. Many have tried, all have failed.

      I believe the answer is different; have numerous SITREPs discussing it.

  2. When you say "let's roll" is this based on some inside intel? I've never felt the President is the type to back down but it seems he's fighting an enormous deep state machine.

  3. "Let's roll" is Todd Beamer's war cry from the sky over Shanksville, Pennsylvania on 9/11. It's the war cry of today against our current domestic and foreign enemies.

    The DS is an enormous machine. It was constructed and is controlled by Barack Hussein Obama and his communist minions. Watch the Flynn videos!

  4. Something happened last night that gave me a little hope. I was visiting a church in Knoxville and after the evening service as they were getting ready to lock up someone noticed a stranger they never saw before at the alter praying. Apparently a long haul truck driver stopped at the church to pray for the nation. I hope his prayers aren't too late. People are still praying

    1. Prayers are never too late while we live, and there are more believers praying now than many realize.

  5. Sean,

    I have had hope of the Trump win and honestly thought he would but...
    The ever dreadful "but", the other day I was thinking about the whole situation and we are indeed late in this dispensation. I found myself thinking "well we all know what is going to happen in the last days, perhaps this is where our(USA) end line is..."

    Ken B

    1. Ken,

      We'll see signs this week and know for sure in 9 days.

    2. And now, on 5 January we are seeing the signs in a very big way and they are all pointing to a Constitutional outcome.

  6. Ukraine dropped the corruption bomb on Joe Biden and family at a news conference. Boom.

  7. Gateway Pundit posted breaking news 3 hours ago:

    "The Pennsylvania House has just uncovered that the certified results in Pennsylvania for President are in error by more than 200,000 votes. This is more than twice the difference between President Trump and Joe Biden."

  8. Nice. It gives more credit to what Pres.Trump has been saying all along,that there has been widespread fraud in Pennsylvania and other states as well.
    Thank you Lord!

  9. Here's more info from State Rep Russ Diamond.,-Certification-of-Presidential-Results-Premature-and-In-Error

    1. Yes, praise God, this is what we've been praying, waiting for!!!

  10. No doubt there's going to be a large gathering of the DS there also, perfect opportunity to go ahead and start the round up and ship them off to Guantanamo bay.

    1. Absolutely. And in state capitals across the nation. The DS will be inside buildings while their "soldiers" (BLM and Antifa types) will be on the streets looking for ambush opportunities. So also will very regimented and equipped Patriot groups like the PB and various militia to defend the MAGA protestors on those streets. No doubt there will be skirmishing and it could get ugly in places. Usually does when tyranny is being subdued by Patriots. Prayers are needed.

  11. As we all know so well, these are not normal times. In Jesus' warning signs He spoke of pestilences (plural). The new mutation (COVID-20) has been confirmed in Colorado. Very likely in other places as well. Follow safe practices.

  12. There are great organized caravans of Patriots already coming together to arrive in Washington, D.C. on 6 January. These caravans are representative of the three primary groups: MAGA Million, Stop The Steal and March For Trump. Other Patriots will join in.

    The two northern caravans will originate in Michigan and Massachusetts and the two southern in Tennessee and Alabama. Each of these will merge in Gettysburg, PA and Richmond, VA respectively. They will begin in local arteries (local roads) and move into national veins (interstate highways). They'll meet in the national heart.

    Other participants will come from even farther afield; some may be cross-country. This will dwarf the last event in D.C. on 12 December with hundreds of thousands if not one million gathering.

    Most view this as support for VP Mike Pence so that he'll do what is necessary to preserve the constitutional republic. January 6th is the D-Day for America as we have known her.

    1. If you are going carry extra water, protein bars and have a plan for while you are in the downtown.

      I can imagine what the Beltway will be like, probably by this evening, gridlock on steroids.

  13. Impprtant quote from Rasmussen Reports: "...there is nothing stopping Pence, under the (plenary and unappealable) authority vested in him as President of the Senate, from declining to open and count the certificates from the six disputed states."

    On January 6, 2021 VP Mike Pence will be the most important man alive.

  14. I am seeing in the news. We now have at least one Senator that will object to the EC certification. Quite a few House Reps but so far one Senator (Hawley).

    I also saw that Pence has had a trip to Israel slated to leave Jan. 6, press dubbing it his "last trip while in office". Reportedly the trip has been canceled.

    Ken B

    1. KY Senator Rand Paul is likely also. Most others are mum pending last minute legal challenges.

      REP-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene is warning about Capitol Hill rumors of a deal between Pelosi and McConnell to make a last minute rules change on electoral ballot challenging. Keep an eye out on this one in case it's factual.

  15. Would Pelosi and McConnell be able to have any effect on the outcome in light of the classified information?

    1. If it goes as expected, and neither of them are in the loop on this, then anythinh they plot would be a moot issue on Jan 6.

  16. Why would President Trump invite as many of his 75-80 million supporters as can make the trip to come to Washington, D.C. on January 6th?

    Does anyone really think President Trump would call them all that way at their own expense of time and on their money and after 4 years of their unwavering support, just to see him go down in electoral defeat?

    Think about it. The specifics will be revealed in Congress seven days from today.

    Happy New Year too.

  17. UPDATE: Legal counsel for VP Pence has counter-filed for the federal judge to reject Rep. Louie Gohmert's (R-TX) suit to make the VP's power in the 12th Amendment supreme.

    This is a good move and is a very strong indication of the much bigger picture in play.

    Few are those who are aware of VP Pence's role as the overseer of the Special Ops seizure of foreign-based servers containing the real-time voting data on 3/4 November (this is data proving Trump won the election with over 400 electoral votes).

    I believe this unassailable data will be revealed in the joint session of the newly seated Congress. The several contested state's themselves (especially PA) will put the alternative GOP elector ballots forward as a result.

    This may make the House and Senate contested ballot challenges a moot point. Senate majldr McConnell will be forced to drop his objection.

    President Trump will have his second term.

    1. A federal judge dismissed Rep. Louie Gohmert's suit against VP Pence.

      This is a good decision as it is very likely not necessary to force the VP into actions he won't have to take.

  18. I don’t have the strength or stamina to go to DC on the 6th. What other way can I show President DJT my support that day?

    1. Jean,

      Contact your state and local pro-Trump groups; there are many planning rallies in state capitals, county seats, etc. for those who cannot travel to D.C.

    2. ALL - Find your state/local "Stop The Steal" information at:

      I've noticed some will happen tomorrow January 2.

  19. rmace,

    I expect live TV coverage (Newsmax, OANN & CSPAN my own preferences) as well as live streaming on the web. Must see TV.

  20. ...or from President Trump's mouth or keyboard.

    Today he tweeted:

    Massive amounts of evidence will be presented on the 6th. We won, BIG!

    1. Good Morning Sean,
      I am convinced that President Trump won BIG. Watching this election has proven the leftist in the Democratic party and the Rino's in the Republican party have no interest in the truth or the constitution. I do hope the evidence that is presented is overwhelmingly obvious to the congress and American people. If I understand the process of electoral votes being counted, challenged and overturned, it will take some courageous Senators and Representatives, (like the American citizens who came forward at the polling stations to testify under oath what they saw), to convince V.P. Pence to overturn the chosen electors. I am encourage at how confident you are. Thanks for keeping us updated.
      Happy New Year to all here!

    2. Jmoll,

      Therein lies the truth of what has been said here many times:

      The Deep State IS composed of socialist DEMs and RINO GOP. They are Globalists, the deceived and perishing whom Paul revealed in II Thessalonians 2 as citizens of the coming beast empire. As such they are also a fulfillment of the Lord's prophetic word.

      However, the Restrainer continues His work, those who are perishing have a time which begins in earnest when He (and us) are removed in our millions at the Harpazo of the bride of Christ.

      Now, about that overwhelming evidence. I'm convinced that the major part of it was obtained in the seizure of servers by American SOCOM soldiers. This operation was spoken of by the new acting SECDEF Miller about a month ago, as the most complex military operation ever conducted by the U.S. military, and it was overseen by VP Pence personally.

      Those servers contain extracted, real-time vote totals that will, WHEN DECLASSIFIED for release by President Trump, prove he won the election in a huge landslide (over 400 electoral votes)!

      This will take place on Jan 6. I think it makes sense that this evidence will be revealed by VP Pence to the new Congress before any of the state ballots are opened for counting. This will provide time for alternate elector ballots to be introduced for counting by the state delegations. There will be no GOP Senate objection to the counting of alternate ballots for Trump.

      So, VP Pence will not have to over-turn the elector ballots, the contested states will do that themselves.

      In sum, this is the real-world basis for my confidence in a Trump second term being within the sovereign will of God.

    3. I have to make an exception and insert a YT video into this SITREP.

      This video has SECDEF Miller speaking "off script" to VP Pence about the "most complex military operation" and his leadership role in it.

  21. This warning is being repeated because a Trump win in Congress on Wednesday, JAN 6 will likely bring violence from Antifa/BLM.

    The DS will be inside buildings while their "soldiers" (BLM and Antifa types) will be on the streets looking for ambush opportunities.

    So also will very regimented and equipped Patriot groups like the PB and various militia to defend the MAGA protestors on those streets.

    No doubt there will be skirmishing and it could get ugly in places.

    Especially in D.C. stay in groups, stay relatively near to ProudBoys and PrayerWarriors for safety; beware of Antifa who may disguise as MAGA patriots.

  22. Senate Cruz will now join in with opposing certification

    1. There's a bakers dozen or so U.S. Senators who will challenge on 6 January.

      Getting on board while the getting is good; maybe totally unnecessary, but as long as Trump has a second term, I'm good.

  23. On the soon-to-be "historic day" of January 6, 2021 President Trump will join the marchers on the streets in DC as Congress convenes to count the electoral votes.

    1. President Trump will be revealing information about the November 3 vote during his speech tonight in Georgia. Newsmax, OANN and CSPAN should have live coverage.

  24. The USS Nimitz will remain in the Arabian Sea on extended deployment following direct Iranian government threats on the life of President Trump and the IRGC-N seizure of a South Korean chemical tanker in the Strait of Hormuz.

  25. Today GOP Senators from Georgia will deliver a signed letter to VP Pence. The letter is a request for him to delay the electoral vote count by 10 to 12 days. Those days are needed to conduct forensics on voting machines and actual ballots - especially in Fulton County.

    This move is near identical to the GOP call in the House of Representatives to delay the electoral count so that the GOP-majority legislatures in all seven contested states can self-convene to re-examine the unconstitutionality of the Nov 3 election rules established by unelected officials fiat, decertify their electoral college slate of electors and re-submit a corrected slate of electors.

    These moves also closely mirror a call made by Trump attorney Jenna Ellis for a vote count delay, as well as what President Trump himself said in last night in Georgia would be VP Pence doing the "right thing."

  26. For the record, there's no media, media personality (except Greg Kelly of Newsmax), or legal opinion giver who express belief in a positive outcome of the electoral college challenge in Congress today at 11 AM.

    Meanwhile, the DC protests will proceed as scheduled. The potential for clashes between opposing groups is very high.

    The FAA says that a broadcast on an aviation commo channel issued a threat of an aircraft flying into the U.S. Capitol building. It is unknown if the threat was real or not, but it is being taken seriously.

    Big day ahead.

  27. I am praying desperately that God will have mercy on This Nation because I don't want to live under a communist regime. I'm also debating on if I'm going to check in or just wait until the end of the day to see what's going on because I don't think I can handle another emotional rollercoaster

  28. Hartdawg,

    We're all on the same page. I'm on duty but will monitor all day long.

    There is high confidence that VP Pence WILL NOT certify electoral ballots from the contested states.

    The fight will, if necessary, continue well past today's date according to President Trump.

    This is not over. Neither is Georgia election over.

    1. I normally don't ask for prayer on this blog but please pray that I will have peace about this and if Trump does prevail hopefully he'll do something about the Georgia elections

    2. White House Press Release

      "Antifa activists have brutally attacked our law-abiding friends, neighbors, and business owners, and destroyed historic landmarks that our communities have cherished for decades.

      This violence and lawlessness has no place in the United States and will be called out for the domestic terrorism that it is.

      Today, President Donald J. Trump signed a memorandum to ensure that Federal officials assess actions of Antifa activists in light of Federal laws that restrict the entry of aliens associated with terrorist organizations and aliens intent on criminal activity.

      President Trump will not allow Antifa, or any terrorist organization, to destroy our great country."

  29. Sean,if things don't go well today how late can the President still invoke the insurrection act? I would love to be there today but I'm my wife's caregiver since she had her stroke last June. But I am praying that God's will will be accomplished. I visit your site probably 10 times a day to keep up on your updates as there's not many sites I trust anymore. I've been reading after you about 8 years now and I really appreciate what you do for us.

    1. rmace (and everybody),

      Trump is addressing the massive MAGA crowds in DC "as we speak." He is telling us what will happen and why it will happen in Congress beginning at 1 PM EDT.

      At least three states will void their previous electoral ballots and re-certify for Donald Trump. This will happen because VP Pence will send their electoral ballots back to their state legislatures for correction.

      Live on TV.

    2. Sean,

      VP just released statement stating he will not block.



  30. VP Pence just allowed the challenge to Arizona's electors to stand. House and Senate retired to their chambers.

    This will take place several more times with other contested states during the joint session. It may take two hours or less.

  31. Patriot protestors have entered the U.S. Capitol building, breaching several entrances and overwhelming Capitol Police by sheer numbers. Ongoing...

  32. A curfew declared by DC mayor from 6PM today to 6AM tomorrow.

  33. Sean,

    Just read this from Pence:

    “It is my considered judgement that my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not,” Pence said.

    Trump then tweeted: Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

    Protestors then started clashing with Police.

    Wow.....guess ONLY God can right this ship now. We can NOT be depending on man....any man.


  34. A protestor has been shot in the chest, presumably by a capitol police officer.

    1. Another individual has been reportedly shot in the neck.

  35. I understand that it was Antifa dressed as MAGA that were responsible for violent breeching and actions at the U.S. Capitol.

    1. And it was the state legislatures in AZ, NV, PA, GA, MI and WI who abjectly failed to address uncontitutional elections held in their states who are to blame for today's events.

  36. I wonder if Trump will now declare the insurrection act and martial law. Pence must be charged with treason

    1. No, not gonna happen.

      POTUS' designating Antifa as domestic terrorists this morning is all that need be done at this time.

      This is uncharted territory, unprecedented in fact in the modern era. To preempt kinetic civil war cooler heads must prevail going forward. However, acceptance of election fraud can not be allowed to stand.

  37. Sean,

    Agreed that the state legislatures miserably failed (or willingly opted to allow the mountains of fraud), but what about the entire justice system of this nation? DOJ, FBI, State, Federal and Supreme Courts? We do not have an evidence problem, we have a justice problem. If the evidence was fairly heard by righteous judges, this all could have been avoided. Truly a sad day for this nation.


    1. Yes, it's the lawlessness Paul prophesied in II Thessalonians 2.

  38. By the way... VP Mike Pence just permanently turned 75-80 million Americans against him. Politically he is kaput.

  39. Begs the question... if DJT has the undeniable evidence of the real time election night computer theft, why would he put his own supporters in such jeopardy today? He didn't know his VP would betray this nation? It has been over 60 days since the election. Why would he not work to stop the election night nonsense if he knew in advance (ie. the EO in 2018)? Why not stop it last night?

    The whole thing really just makes absolutely no sense to me. I believe Trump just sealed his fate too, and the fate of the nation.

    I believe God is fully in control, and we all need to focus on His word. We need to be listening to what God is speaking to His people at this critical time. No time to be trusting in man.

    Jesus come quickly.


  40. I’m with LD. What happened to the “big” announcement? Where is all the “indisputable “ evidence? Why call hundreds of thousands of your supporters to town? I think the entire movement has been made out to look like fools, in part due to Antifa in disguise. Since we trust God, we know He is in control and these things are allowed for His purposes. Maranatha!!

  41. Why not open up the evidence? I'm certain the detsils, sources and methods are highly classified and a matter of National Security. Declassifying for revealing it all is obviously problematic.

    This event never got to its conclusion and, in fact, it had just gotten started when anarchists embedded in the MAGA protests executed their violent agenda.

    I said it could get ugly, and it did, because I and many others know this enemy better than they know themselves. I shut this blog down because of what I learned earlier in the day. The anarchists made the mistake of announcing their plans on their social media. The march to the capitol building was impromptu, and no one was prepared for it to become violent.

    Trump had hoped the VP would "do the right thing" but he was not convinced that he would. He said so even minutes before the 1PM joint session began.

    The joint session will resume, perhaps tonight, tomorrow at the latest. And even then no one knows for certain what will happen.

  42. Again, the procedures of the joint session had barely even begun. Alabama and Alaska's electoral ballots were accepted and counted; Trump 12 - Biden 0.

    Then Arizona... immediately contested and the process was halted. None of this at the Capitol building was foreseen, no actionable intelligence was generated for law enforcement preemptive action.

  43. Here are someone else's observations from a chat I was just reading:

    "- Biden was not certified today!!!
    - As of right now, Trump is ahead 12-0 in electors
    - PA and WI legislatures are meeting tomorrow to decertify the Biden electors and certify the Trump electors, and AZ is close behind, plus other states
    - Several elected officials are suing to decertify in CALIFORNIA!!!"

    Remember, in a recent speech (I think it might have been the speech in Dalton GA last night), POTUS said to watch what earth shattering things are publicly revealed during the next 2 weeks. Every word he speaks has strategic purpose. I don't think anything he has ever said publicly since he became POTUS has ultimately proved to be incorrect or even slightly inaccurate. Why did he refer to the next 2 weeks?

    We don't know what will happen next, we are in uncharted territory, but the Lord certainly knows. If it is His purpose to extend his grace for a season of great worldwide revival by breaking the stranglehold of corruption in the world so that the gospel can shine forth, He will absolutely accomplish that.

    I'm not sure that Pence did the wrong thing today. This is all part of a larger picture. I don't have any idea how the Lord is going to resolve this situation, but I still believe He is in the process of resolving it. I've learned through personal experience that God's miracles, large and small, are not even slightly limited by my own lack of understanding.

    Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    Praying for the ongoing safety and peace of all of the law abiding people that gathered in our capital today, and for justice to be done. As always, may His kingdom come, may His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven....

    1. Miriam,

      You are correct and I agree 100%. Had the joint session process continued these things (AZ, PA and WI flipping) would have happened, and they still will tonight and tomorrow.

    2. The ultimate day of significance is the 20th

  44. Sean...What a day. My husband and I believe in our hearts that if Biden and Harris are to be in the White House, God will appear to have taken His hand of protection off of our country.
    The judgement we have long deserved will begin.

    But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength...they shall mount up with wings as eagles: they shall run and not be weary: and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

    The judgements of Revelations appear nearer than ever and so does the glorious Rapture for which we have long waited. Maranatha!

    1. HisAlone,

      See the SITREP update... could be a miracle in progress.

      Now, besides that, I believe for the Lord it makes no difference who the American President is with respect to the Harpazo.

      The Father can send His Son for His bride in any given nanosecond. Trump or Biden are irrelevant to it.

  45. Concerning the update, I'm suspecting either pence had an idea which was why he did what he did, or God forbid if Pence is a traitor he'll shoot it down. Either way God's will IS GOING TO BE DONE

    1. According to Rudy Giuliani, it was the latter. Pence knew but did not return the electoral ballots to those states as requested.

  46. Since the house back at work counting votes if they finish and states change their votes say tomorrow does it even matter or would it be to late. I question this supposed change heart or call to correct a wrong since they waited to late so they had plenty of time do get this done before today. As much I want Trump to remain I know it doesn’t matter Gods will be done and his plan will continue to move forward because he is as he always has been still in control. Come lord quickly!

  47. My son called me today for my take on today's events. All I could say is,"G-d is in control." I'm kind of in shock & numb knowing that, short of a miracle,this republic is done and I'm grieving her demise. But our Blessed Hope is not in this republic or any other. Today was a stark reminder that we certainly can't place our hope in man and so-called representatives. We all know that the greatest nation the world has ever known would have to fall to set the stage for the global governance of the Antichrist. We hoped that G-d in His mercy would grant us blessing and reprieve, but I think that came 4 years ago,and justice and truth were rejected for lawlessness and lies. We have all known that this would come, we just didn't know we'd be here to see it, and it hurts. It hurts because we love America, and what She stood for these 200+ years. It hurts because we know what's coming for those who have rejected the Truth. The foundation for a Great Delusion is firmly set when so many can not discern good from evil, truth from fiction, right from wrong, or light from darkness. Prophecy will be fulfilled in accordance with the will of the Father. Nothing will stop it. The flood is coming. "When you see these things,look up because your redemption draweth nigh."

    1. Alta,

      Where you wrote, "I'm kind of in shock & numb knowing that, short of a miracle,this republic is done and I'm grieving her demise," I find total agreement.

      The Fascists (Antifa), Antisemites and plain old Communist revolutionaries who launched the assault on the Capitol building, and where followed in by a horde of well-meaning MAGA sheeple yesterday, caused a near wholesale defection from the ranks of GOP electoral objectors of the House and Senate.

      This resulted in the unassailable evidentiary proof of massive election fraud never being presented to both the House and Senate in televised joint session or in private when retired to private chambers.

      There's more to say but that's going in the SITREP update.

  48. Miriam,

    I deleted and will continue to reject what Wanda Alger has to say. She is a Dominionist, tied to the Seven Mountains theology which is completely unbiblical. She has no place among dispensationalists. By the Lord's command we are to witness His truth not build a global dominion. He will establish the Kingdom after the 70th Week. This is the heart of dispensationalist belief.

    As for Thomas Wictor, he's quite eccentric but a good geopolitical analyst and expert on WWI flame throwers. He is also just a man, a secular man, and therein lies the problem. Wictor is utterly clueless when it comes to the will of God in real-time fulfillment.

    So, God is in control, 100%. His will is being done before our eyes. Our patience is required through our faith that HE is faithful and true, that He will in an instant known only to Him suddenly send His Son for us, His bride. And thus we'll be with Him forevermore.

    Amen. Marana'tha.

  49. Sean,

    God has reminded us that the battle is His, not ours. We are now in a place where ONLY He can bring about a different outcome than what appears to be the obvious conclusion before our eyes. We are to have faith in Him, not man...not any man. This verse has been showing up for me front and center for the past 24 hours:

    “ Now, FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen” Heb 11:1

    I repent of thinking I knew what God was up to. His ways are higher than my ways..... I repent for placing my faith in man instead of looking up believing and and resting in Him. Whatever the outcome, He is fully in charge. And His plans are in full force and effect. Just like the persecution of Christians after Jesus’ ascension, He has a plan to bring the very last person to Him before He takes us off this lost and forsaken planet. What does He want of us to be doing in the time remaining in this present church age? Personally, I needed this reset this am.

    As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.


  50. Thank you Sean, I had never heard of the Seven Mountains thing, I just related to that one message. Coming from a different religious background, the many denominations within corporate Christianity are something of a mystery to me. The first church I attended was nondenominational. So assuming that seven mountains thing is "off," if I continued to read her other material, hopefully some warning bells would have gone off in my spirit.

    I'm going a little off topic for the moment, but for whatever it's worth (and this is in no way directed at you or this blog, for which I am grateful, just in general), I have to say that I question whether the existence all of the denominational divisions within corporate Christianity are pleasing to Jesus or reflect His best for us. No one person or faction in this dispensation has a perfect understanding of God and His word, because we are all peering through a cloudy glass, and those of us who are saved and trust in the risen Messiah can discuss and disagree about certain aspects as brothers and sisters within the same family without turning away from each other. The errors in some of our views will inevitably become clear to us over time. Like bringing us to salvation, correcting us and revealing the truth to each of us is ultimately the job of the Holy Spirit.

    In regards to Mr. Wictor, I agree with all of your points. On the other hand, there is an established history of God speaking His truth through unsaved people, and for that matter, even animals, going all the way back to Balaam’s donkey and perhaps earlier.

    For whatever it's worth I personally believe we are coming up to a Red Sea moment and January 20th is the date to watch. The harvest of souls is ripe and it seems to me that there is still a world full of people that still need to be saved before the Harpazo occurs. Those people need to be able to see the beauty and grace of the Lord as well as His justice and righteousness, which are inseparable from each other. So that it’s not about us, it’s about loving them. We'll see within the next 2 weeks whether that is right or wrong, so we won't have long to wait :-). I am personally ready to go, my husband went to be with Jesus this past August and I am frankly struggling with being a little ticked off with the Lord about still being here because my assignment has not been completed. Either way, I am standing in trust that God is in complete control and His purposes will be accomplished. Shalom and may the Lord continue to richly bless us all.

    1. Miriam,

      I thought that might be the case of your coming from a different perspective.

      There's a really big reason why The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ opens with 'John the Revelator' making the monumental introduction of the first three sentences and following that up with distinctive messages "to the seven churches which are in Asia." A major topic of study in its own right!

  51. I hope this comment is appropriate, today the following hymn has me moved to tears
    "On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand, ALL other ground is sinking sand"

  52. Amen, Hartdawg, thank you. I will be singing this, today. Thank you,and blessings to you all. Sean, thank you, again, for your diligence and faithfulness.

    May the Lord guide, strengthen and protect all the saints for the days ahead, and bring us safely home.

    Sooner, rather, than later, I hope.


  53. I put my faith in NO man....or his theories or speculations or videos or opinions
    Zero, zip, nada DONE

    1. HisAlone,

      No one here, that I am aware of, does. In fact, no comment expressing such heretical views would ever be allowed to appear here.


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