Thursday, January 28, 2021

Global SITREP D8-21: Israel Going Alone vs Iran?


28 January 2021: The map above illustrates one of the most critical combatant commands of the U.S. armed forces, the Central Command Area Of Responsibility.  One of the astute things President Trump did during recent weeks, January 14th to be precise, was to transfer Israel from the European Command (USEUCOM) to the Central Command (CENTCOM). Today, the CENTCOM Commander, General Kenneth McKenzie, Jr., USMC, visited Israel and met with IDF commander General Aviv Kochavi.

Nuclear-armed Israel is now an integral part of not only the CENTCOM AOR and US military policy in the whole of southwest Asia, but also a part of the Israel-Sunni military bloc standing against the Islamic Republic of Iran. This military bloc not only has repercussions for Iran, but also for the Iranian Houthi proxy in Yemen, with which the Sunni bloc has been at war with for a few years now.

The bellicosity coming from Iran as a direct result of this shift took an ominous tone today when the Iranian military spokesman, Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi threated to "level Haifa and Tel Aviv" at the "slightest mistake" made by Israel. Shekarchi's statement was in response to General Kochavi's severe public warning concerning Israel's determination to "go it alone" against Iran if necessary and briefly outlined the IDF's training and mission-oriented contingency planning to strike Iranian nuclear weapons infrastructure. Them's fightin' words folks, no if's, and's or but's about it.

Israel's determination and willingness to strike is based upon the knowledge that Iran, having made public its decision to enrich its stockpile of uranium to twenty percent - and therefore become within reach of weapons grade uranium and nuclear weapons capability by spring 2021. 

Additionally, Israel is dead set against the Biden Administration's much talked about plans to return to the defunct JCPOA, regardless if any improvements or modifications to the agreement. The Biden Administration says it would go forward only if Iran were to roll back its advances of the past two years to conform within the JCPOA limits set in 2015. That roll-back would take time, more time than it would take Iran to race forward and produce its nuclear weapon. According to General Kochavi's statements, that is a risk Israel and all of its allies in the region, including the US CENTCOM, cannot take.

Therefore, to answer to question posed in the title of this SITREP, Israel would not be forced to "go it alone" because the threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon is just as much an existential threat to Haifa and Tel Aviv as it would be to Bahrain, the UAE or even Saudi Arabia. As Eschatology Today has maintained for the past eight years that the Iranian nuclear program faces a military coalition of nations ranged against it per the interpretation of Jeremiah 49:34-39. 

Here's a "what if." What if an Israeli-led strike take place. Would Iran not make good on it's pledge to level Haifa and Tel Aviv? Would it not make use of proxy forces in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq in a retaliation? If so, then there would be the likelihood of the dominoes scenario of Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 falling into place. And folks think 2020 was bad. 


Monday, January 25, 2021

Global SITREP D7-21: Is America Under Judgment? NO!

26 January 2021: The notion, and even the erroneous teaching, that some are promoting that America has come under judgment from God as evidenced by the election result is abject nonsense. It is rubbish! We all know the true outcome, we know who won, who the usurpers are and that their disenfranchising usurpation will not stand! 

And there are a few, a very few thankfully, who haven't really followed the gist about what we've discussed here on occasion for the past four years, but especially since the October 7, 2020 SITREP C7-20, and that is a civil war has been raging within this nation between the forces of an elite globalist oligarchy and the true America. It cannot be denied; it is a cold, hard fact. And even this civil war is no judgment from God. It is the result of decades of our allowing the agenda of the elite globalist oligarchy to 'mission creep' its way to where were are today.

How prescient was Benjamin Franklin to observe to the inquiring woman that what had been created in Philadelphia was a republic, "if you (i.e. We the People) could keep it. If one reads a true accounting of American history without any preconceived notions, then one would see that this "American experiment" was a fragile creation from the get go. Most republics in the history of the world did not last very long, much less last more than two hundred years. 

However, America is the solitary exception to the general rule about the longevity of republics on this earth, and that exceptionalism is without any doubt because of the blessing bestowed upon us by the Lord our God. America had a Divine purpose at its founding and still does. This is why the recent disenfranchising of the electorate will not stand. God's will, as discussed in the previous SITREP, is different than that of the elite globalist oligarchy. 

Eschatology Today has reminded all readers recently about the letters to the seven churches in Asia relayed by God to Jesus to John on Patmos to us. Also a key reminder often invoked here is II Thessalonians 2. These are lessons that are must reads for those who think We the People are now under the Lord's judgment while the Restrainer continues His work in this nation and around the world.

And if one more individual desires to invoke how God has judged Israel in the past, I must remind you that Israel is the only nation in the history of planet earth with which God has made Covenant. The cost incurred for breach of covenant, even renewed as detailed in Deuteronomy 29, has manifested multiple times for the Jewish people. In Romans 11:1 Paul even reminds us that despite all that has occurred the covenant remains: "I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not!" 

And I say, has God cast away the United States of America? No he has not; not while the bride of Christ is here with the Restrainer! 

Our purpose, America's purpose, remains. And we, the bride of Christ, will accomplish our purpose before our imminent Harpazo which will occur at a time when we least expect it. Here is where the teaching of Acts 1 is so very important. How did Jesus issue His commandments to His apostles? It says right here in verse two "He through the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles whom He had chosen..." 

Notice that this time was prior to the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles on the Day of Pentecost. The apostles were saved, they already believed in Christ as the Anointed Savior of mankind, but they still required "the Promise of the Father" and the Promise of the Father was the coming of the Holy Spirit upon them.

Have you as yet received the Promise of the Father?  How else shall we complete our work, the commandments of our Lord in these last days if not by the power of the Holy Spirit? Ask anything in Jesus Name and it will be given to you!


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Global SITREP D6-21: Defining "The Will of God"

21 January 2021: When the most recent series of SITREPs began we stated that we would see the will of God made manifest. And we have. It is an ongoing process of end time events. Some of the events are spelled out in prophetic Scripture and some are not. 

Some assumed to know the will of God in advance and how it would apply to the United States. They were all incorrect. The rampant disinformation in circulation was, as we've said before, of truly epic proportions. And now introspection is the order of the day. Few are they who paid attention to or outright ignored President Trump when he wrote on the morning of December 20th, "Martial Law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting." There it is in crystal clear format. The expectation of actions to be taken in preemption was fueled by the righteous indignation of the lies, crimes and evil that accompanied our national election and its aftermath. 

This brings us to looking at the will of God. It is complex, but it is also revealed in Scripture and this has been reinforced by diving into the source of all truth, the word of God.

The first attribute of God's will is that it is sovereign because He is Sovereign. When God declares His will in Scripture He declares what He will do. One example of this is where Paul wrote in Romans 11:26 "all Israel shall be saved." Eschatology Today believes this declaration of the Lord's will is directly related to Ezekiel 39:29. In both of these God has decreed that all Israel will be saved. It is His Sovereign will that it will happen but the specifics of how it will occur are enclosed within His Sovereignty. Put another way, nothing happens if it is not within the Sovereign will of God.

A second, but no less important attribute is the revealed will of God. The revealed will of God is no mystery because it has been openly revealed in Scripture. The best example here would be the Ten Commandments and it is God's will for us to follow them. He wants us to do or not to do specific things, such as unconditional love, repentance and accepting His Son for the forgiving of our sins. The revealed will of God is encapsulated in Psalm 19:7. Humankind ended up in sin because Adam and Eve both failed to abide with the Lord's revealed will Genesis 1, 2 and 3 that they not eat of a certain tree in the Garden of Eden.

And then there is the dispositional will of God. God's dispositional will is described as His attitude toward things which please or displease Him. The attitude of God toward the lost in the world is that they accept Jesus Messiah and be saved. John 3:16 is the path of God's dispositional will and is spelled out in I Timothy 2:4. Unlike the Sovereign will of God, His dispositional will is not absolute as mankind has the free will to chose or reject salvation if Jesus Messiah.

So, what is the Sovereign will of God with respect to the United States of America at the present time? Eschatology Today believes it is a work in progress as it is for many other nations. We believe in his revealed will that the Harpazo will soon take the bride up; that many will be left behind, some to be refined and saved during the Thlipsis and others condemned because they rejected the Truth.

Amen. Marana'tha! 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Global SITREP D5-21: We Await Our King

14 January 2021: We are monarchists. We are awaiting our King, and therefore the previous SITREPs focused on the upheaval in our nation and around the world will remain for viewing on Eschatology Today but will not be a primary concern going forward. The primary  concern for us has been and will be eschatology - the study of what the word of God says will happen in these end times. 

We are seven days away from the inauguration of a new executive administration. We have seen the extraordinary and the unprecedented ignoring of the long-established law of our land - the Constitution of the United States of America. We have seen unconstitutional rigging of elections in several of our states. We may yet see the inauguration of an illegitimate president and his administration. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's; give to God what is His.

What we have not seen, as has been widely circulated, is any proper legal unveiling or court decision or legal recourse to remedy or rectify a stolen election. Maybe that will happen in the next few fleeting days, but we're not going to pine around for what might be. We are going to continue looking up and going our way and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in anticipation of His coming at the Harpazo.

We are going to watch events in the Middle East centered upon the secular and yet unbelieving State of Israel. We will have an eye to the global pandemic and other pestilences yet to emerge. We will watch the continuing rise of the kings of the East. We will keep an eye to the skies and heavens above for potential impactors. And we will call out the coming official announcements of "alien visitations" for what it is - demonic deception. We will watch the rise of the ten toes and the little horn spoken of by the angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel. We will watch weather patterns change and the roaring and tossing of the seas, not because mankind is responsible for them, but because God Himself is shaking the heavens. 

This is what we will busy ourselves with because it is Bible prophecy.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Global SITREP D4-21: Moving Forward in the Midst of Spiritual Warfare

UPDATE 14 January 2021: Make no mistake, what is occurring in the U.S. is nothing short of an attempted communist take over of the country. The amount of on-going treason is staggering, beyond imagination even. If this doesn't lift any doubts and fog of war, then we don't know of what else to say except forward directly to SITREP D-5 or wherever else you might want to surf to.

There are far too many details involved than can be made here in a blog format. A few highlights and then direct links will be provided for readers to see for themselves. I had intended to use the originating source (Mary Fanning and Alan Jones), but web dot  com has taken their primary site (TheAmericanReport dot org) offline, no doubt due to the information it contained.

The critical information is (for the moment) sited at Worldview Weekend Hour hosted by Brannon Howse. Yesterday's program was a blockbuster and included the team of Jones and Fanning, plus LTG (Ret) McInerney, Dr. Peter Pry and NSA whistleblower Kirk Wiebe. On 12 January the former Assistant Director of the FBI Counter-Terrorism Division, Terry Turchie, appeared on Brannon's program calling for all Americans to RESIST the ongoing coup d'etat and communist takeover by all means at their disposal.

Of note is the urgency with which all  the program guests cited that President Trump, his closest trusted circle (minus the VP) and the JCS must be presented this data. That presentation may have just taken place or will in short order.  If our leadership follow their sworn Oath then a sudden shift will have to take place, and a postponement of the 20 January inauguration under the Insurrection Act and National Security directives will quickly ensue.

Here are the two URL links to watch the programs of 13 and 12 January.

There is no doubt you will find the above to be distressing, disturbing in the extreme even; hence the subsequent SITREP D-5 and admonition to breathe, remain calm and trust the Lord, He's got this!

13 January 2021: Did you ever think you would see an image like the one below? Armed American troops deployed in front of the Capitol, it's almost surreal considering many of the same Democrats present today strenuously objected to President Trump's expressed desire for a parade to honor our armed forces (Trump got his parade, it was held at Mt. Rushmore). News reports are saying there are 20,000 National Guard troops in the National Capital Region. My sense is that are more than that. I would include the "ghosts" of our SpecOps forces, perhaps a few teams at most. Maybe they've come back for more laptops?

10 January 2021: The image below is a piece of the motherlode of data proving the U.S. national election of November 3, 2020 was stolen through high technical means by enemies both foreign and domestic. No doubt many of you will connect the dots from just this one item. You will find many other documents and video files now archived at Sidney Powell's website. 

This motherlode of documents reveal that Donald J. Trump did in fact win the November 3rd election in a landslide. They reveal that beyond the 6 states we know as "electoral battlegrounds," the vote totals of 17 states were manipulated and switched from Donald Trump to Joe Biden.

8 January 2021: The U.S. Deep State (Socialist Democrats, Marxists and RINOs), according to its media ankle-biters, are hard pressing their bogus case against President Trump. They've even attempted the absurd gambit to get VP Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to immediately remove him from office. 

This news was quickly followed by word that Trump was told on 5 January not to come to Scotland on 19 January by First Minister Nickola Sturgeon for a golf outing as golf is not an 'essential activity' permissible under Scottish COVID rules. Serious problems with the time-line here, wouldn't you say?

Now, besides the sheer panic on full-display by the American Deep State, all of this may be much ado about nothing. It may be, as some maintain, that VP Pence really does wear a 'white hat' and the 'black hat' he appeared to wear on the 6 January joint session of Congress was part of a masterful ruse. That sounds so conspiratorial, but given what goes on in Washington, D.C. these days, even stranger things have happened - like the staged anarchist assault on the Capitol Building as the joint session was convened. 

Breaking the Eschatology Today ban on YouTube video links again, but this one from FlashPoint is self-explanatory with all the evidence necessary to present that the will of God has not yet run its full course. The Deep State may yet have another thing or two, or three coming! I'm sure the comments section will now blow up.

7 January 2021: Lot's of people are depressed today. Some are angry. Some are both. And lots and lots of them are just plain lost. Literally. I know their status for a fact as my email literally blew up yesterday with all kinds of folks looking for answers. Some how I got to sleep and today I awoke knowing what to do after praying the Lord for guidance. 

In earthly military conflict there is always a situation that invariably develops which is known as the 'fog of war.'  The fog is due to a lack of what we call 'situational awareness.' It is the uncertainty of knowing exactly what is going on, why it's going on, what will happen next, who's on your front, rear, left flank right flank, and so on and so on. Sometimes the fog is thick as pea soup, other times it's short-lived that lifts with the changing of the sea breeze. 

Today would be a good day to begin a fast. It would also be a good day to read Daniel 10. That's where the Lord's response took me. It's all about Spiritual Warfare and the message Daniel received; that it concerned a time in the distant future (i.e. the appointed time was long) but he understood both the message and the vision given to him.  

This occurred in the third week of that first month of the year as Daniel had been fasting the three weeks prior and during that time did not bathe or anoint with oil. and then on the 24th day, and, well, read the chapter and you'll see. 

This is where we are today. We're in Daniel 10. We're in the midst of a great spiritual battle that was overtly manifested yesterday at the U.S. Capitol building. If you find yourself in need of true Spiritual situational awareness during this battle, such that there is no trace of the fog of this war and so that like Daniel you'll also be strengthened, having no fear of the days and events yet to come, then talk to our Father in Jesus name.

We all knew this was coming, and now it's here. The oft-repeated reference here is to II Thessalonians 2. So if you continue reading from Daniel 10 into Daniel 11 and then into Daniel 12 you'll come to verses 9 and 10, which contain the clincher - we're supposed to understand what is going on!
And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand."

None of the wicked shall understand. Why? Because as Paul wrote God has sent them a strong delusion; they're supposed to believe "the lie." 

Amen. Marana'tha.