Thursday, January 21, 2021

Global SITREP D6-21: Defining "The Will of God"

21 January 2021: When the most recent series of SITREPs began we stated that we would see the will of God made manifest. And we have. It is an ongoing process of end time events. Some of the events are spelled out in prophetic Scripture and some are not. 

Some assumed to know the will of God in advance and how it would apply to the United States. They were all incorrect. The rampant disinformation in circulation was, as we've said before, of truly epic proportions. And now introspection is the order of the day. Few are they who paid attention to or outright ignored President Trump when he wrote on the morning of December 20th, "Martial Law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting." There it is in crystal clear format. The expectation of actions to be taken in preemption was fueled by the righteous indignation of the lies, crimes and evil that accompanied our national election and its aftermath. 

This brings us to looking at the will of God. It is complex, but it is also revealed in Scripture and this has been reinforced by diving into the source of all truth, the word of God.

The first attribute of God's will is that it is sovereign because He is Sovereign. When God declares His will in Scripture He declares what He will do. One example of this is where Paul wrote in Romans 11:26 "all Israel shall be saved." Eschatology Today believes this declaration of the Lord's will is directly related to Ezekiel 39:29. In both of these God has decreed that all Israel will be saved. It is His Sovereign will that it will happen but the specifics of how it will occur are enclosed within His Sovereignty. Put another way, nothing happens if it is not within the Sovereign will of God.

A second, but no less important attribute is the revealed will of God. The revealed will of God is no mystery because it has been openly revealed in Scripture. The best example here would be the Ten Commandments and it is God's will for us to follow them. He wants us to do or not to do specific things, such as unconditional love, repentance and accepting His Son for the forgiving of our sins. The revealed will of God is encapsulated in Psalm 19:7. Humankind ended up in sin because Adam and Eve both failed to abide with the Lord's revealed will Genesis 1, 2 and 3 that they not eat of a certain tree in the Garden of Eden.

And then there is the dispositional will of God. God's dispositional will is described as His attitude toward things which please or displease Him. The attitude of God toward the lost in the world is that they accept Jesus Messiah and be saved. John 3:16 is the path of God's dispositional will and is spelled out in I Timothy 2:4. Unlike the Sovereign will of God, His dispositional will is not absolute as mankind has the free will to chose or reject salvation if Jesus Messiah.

So, what is the Sovereign will of God with respect to the United States of America at the present time? Eschatology Today believes it is a work in progress as it is for many other nations. We believe in his revealed will that the Harpazo will soon take the bride up; that many will be left behind, some to be refined and saved during the Thlipsis and others condemned because they rejected the Truth.

Amen. Marana'tha! 


  1. Going forward please use the blog email for questions about Eschatology Today content only. Thank you.

  2. My son just described some of the geopolitical things that the new administration is doing. Without going into detail, they are all clearly in opposition to the will of God. I believe God is going to intervene in an unexpected way.

  3. You are correct. See my comment of 3:34 AM this morning in the previous thread. Last few sentences especially. Wink, wink.

    How many days did Senator Cruz request for the inquiry? And that number is - not so coincidentally - the sum total of days of delay McConnell requsted and Schumer approved for the start of the Senate trial.
    Can hardly wait. No matter what, the truth will be known by all of America.

  4. If I am posting this incorrect please forgive me. So since the steal was completed on Jan 20 could God have turned America over for judgement? In Israel when God’s judgement came to the nation he always sent more wicked people to judge them. Could this be happening here?

    1. Zoe,

      I was wondering when the subject of America being judged would be raised up by someone.

      My answer is: NO!

      We remain in the dispensational period of grace; we have very clearly not entered into the period of Israel's 70th week of years as the bride of Christ remains on earth and the Restrainer continues His restraining. Revelation 3:10.

      I feel sorry for whoever might be so foolish to answer your question in the affirmative, because that person will have summarily added to the revealed word of God as given in The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ.

  5. There's no reason to post a new SITREP at this point because Eschatology Today already has that prophetic aspects covered.

    Three years ago, January 2017, a non-SITREP eschatological study was published here that shows us with considerable certainty what will preceed the 70th Week of years.

    That last days certainty are known as the TEN TOES.

  6. So, President Trump and the overwhelming majority of believers having blessed Israel more than any previous, but being the victims of egregious lawlessness, usurpation and fraud - that may yet be overturned - is somehow America being judged by God?

    I reject such a notion completely as nonsense.

  7. I totally agree sean. I refuse to believe that God is judging a nation
    Who's leader has blessed Israel more than any other leader in American history, has done more to stop the onslaught against Christians, has honored God more than any other president in modern history, has done more to protect the unborn,
    And not to mention that the VAST MAJORITY reelected him based on those principles. God would have spared sodom for 10 righteous people, but somehow God's judging America despite millions praying. HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE? I'M IN FULL AGREEMENT WITH YOU

  8. If the majority had really voted biden in and wanted Trump out, then I MIGHT have entertained the thought, but you and I, and any intelligent thinking person all know that just isn't the case. Trump won and we both know it. Case closed

  9. Sean,
    People come here asking you questions to try to get more understanding of what is happening, we value your input for understanding and insight, so may I appeal to you to not be like the left by dismissing people as stupid.
    President Trump did win the election by massive amounts that the fraud was so extensive and right in your face to be noticeable.
    President Trump did bless Israel much more than any modern day presidency.
    So why did God allow the steal to succeed?
    I know there are people saying “just trust the plan and the election will be overturned”? I’ve heard this stuff also and nothing these people have put out there have produced one shred of evidence that this is happening, it’s just seems more of a psy-ops and nothing else.
    Next question. The first day of the 117 congress one of Nasty Nancy’s stooges prayed a prayer using actual scripture and attributing it to the god Brahma. What what do you think of it when congress curses itself like this?
    Thanks, Zoe

  10. in 2020 there were 43 million abortions that were done. The church as a whole have stayed silent for the most part; even though each year there was a pro life march. My heart breaks and I feel if God does not judge us for this horrible sin that has been a way of life for several decades now, Hitler exterminated 6 million Jewish souls; what would make us any different than Hitler as a nation that is; not all in the body of Christ as many stand in the gap and ask for repentance for our nation but I understand what Sean is saying; the rapture would occur where the restrainer is removed and Lord knows that we do not want to be here for the 7 years of tribulation. God Bless you Sean.


  11. Ryan and Zoe,

    Thanks for your comment replies. They, plus some other private emails have cause the Lord through the Holy Spirit to instruct me that the first sentence in my comment at 5:12 PM yesterday is erroneous:

    "There's no reason to post a new SITREP at this point because Eschatology Today already has that prophetic aspect(sic) covered."

    The rest of that particular comment stands as written, please do read the post titled TEN TOES

  12. A new post is in-progress and will appear shortly.

  13. Hi Sean, thanks so much for all the great, God inspired teaching you have provided over the many years of this blog. I have been a reader here for years but never before commented. I would like to say that I keep hearing people speak of God judging America for our many sins, which I understand, but also believe is not correct based on what you and Hartdawg said, and one other point. When God sent judgment to Israel and Judah, it was because they were overwhelmingly wicked, and were judged as a nation, meaning the few righteous suffered WITH THE WICKED. In our country, we have great evil happening, including that which comes from a lot of pretend Christians (Church of Laodicea), but also a large number of true Christians following God and doing our best to combat this evil, though we are currently of little strength (Church of Philadelphia). If the left begins persecuting the Church in this country in a big way, then only the righteous will suffer, while the wicked will not. This is not how God has sent judgment to any nation previously that I can think of (correct me if I'm wrong). Anyway, just my 2 cents. Again, thanks for all you do on this blog, and to my other brothers and sisters here that contribute as well. YBIC, Alden

  14. Alden,

    Excellent point I wasn’t thinking about that.

  15. Just to add to what Alden (welcome!)said, it is not of small significance that this evil regime was not chosen by we the people. We overwhelmingly chose freedom, protection for babies in the womb,freedom of speech, and religion among a host of other things that align with biblical principles.
    We are still here. The Restrainer is still restraining. Why would God send judgment upon we the people who stood in the millions and in the majority for His truth, justice and righteousness? How can biden be our judgment when WE didn't choose him?
    The judgement should (and will imo), be upon those who seek to steal what G-d established to serve His purposes for His glory and who seek to erase Him from our history and our present. They are usurpers intent on destroying this nation founded upon "G-d and G-d's law. G-d's Word reveals this has not gone well for those in the past who attempted the same.
    This is a battle between good and evil; unseen princes and principalities.The Church, the true Bride, has power to move mountains by faith! We should not be falling for any imaginations to the contrary.
    There will soon come a time when the world is given over to evil because following Satan is their choice, but this is not the present case. We chose the leader who would uphold one nation under G-d, and I believe that He will not leave or forsake us.

  16. Melody,

    I heard it stated on a non-MSM media channel (Sirius/XM Patriot Channel) a day ago that of the 43 million abortions in the United States in 2020 a full 40% of them were black babies. The person providing this information was a black American male who's spent a great part of his life fighting the scourge of abortion on demand, so I have no reason to doubt his accounting.

    As we all know it is NOT the Conservative or Christian who is promotes abortion-on-demand - even up to the final days of the third trimester as those demonically controlled souls of the unholy political Left. Yes, without question the murder of the unborn is one of the most sacrosanct of commandments in their political platform. They even plan to codify the murder of our innocent unborn into US Law in the coming days.

    Let us see what the bride of Christ will do in opposing this hideous Satanic agenda, for we already know that all three aspects of the will of God are diametrically opposed to it.

  17. Alden,

    Welcome and thank you for your comment!! This erroneous teaching going around that the result (that is not the final result) of the November election is God's judgment upon us is the guiding theme of the next post now in the final editing touches.


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