Monday, January 25, 2021

Global SITREP D7-21: Is America Under Judgment? NO!

26 January 2021: The notion, and even the erroneous teaching, that some are promoting that America has come under judgment from God as evidenced by the election result is abject nonsense. It is rubbish! We all know the true outcome, we know who won, who the usurpers are and that their disenfranchising usurpation will not stand! 

And there are a few, a very few thankfully, who haven't really followed the gist about what we've discussed here on occasion for the past four years, but especially since the October 7, 2020 SITREP C7-20, and that is a civil war has been raging within this nation between the forces of an elite globalist oligarchy and the true America. It cannot be denied; it is a cold, hard fact. And even this civil war is no judgment from God. It is the result of decades of our allowing the agenda of the elite globalist oligarchy to 'mission creep' its way to where were are today.

How prescient was Benjamin Franklin to observe to the inquiring woman that what had been created in Philadelphia was a republic, "if you (i.e. We the People) could keep it. If one reads a true accounting of American history without any preconceived notions, then one would see that this "American experiment" was a fragile creation from the get go. Most republics in the history of the world did not last very long, much less last more than two hundred years. 

However, America is the solitary exception to the general rule about the longevity of republics on this earth, and that exceptionalism is without any doubt because of the blessing bestowed upon us by the Lord our God. America had a Divine purpose at its founding and still does. This is why the recent disenfranchising of the electorate will not stand. God's will, as discussed in the previous SITREP, is different than that of the elite globalist oligarchy. 

Eschatology Today has reminded all readers recently about the letters to the seven churches in Asia relayed by God to Jesus to John on Patmos to us. Also a key reminder often invoked here is II Thessalonians 2. These are lessons that are must reads for those who think We the People are now under the Lord's judgment while the Restrainer continues His work in this nation and around the world.

And if one more individual desires to invoke how God has judged Israel in the past, I must remind you that Israel is the only nation in the history of planet earth with which God has made Covenant. The cost incurred for breach of covenant, even renewed as detailed in Deuteronomy 29, has manifested multiple times for the Jewish people. In Romans 11:1 Paul even reminds us that despite all that has occurred the covenant remains: "I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not!" 

And I say, has God cast away the United States of America? No he has not; not while the bride of Christ is here with the Restrainer! 

Our purpose, America's purpose, remains. And we, the bride of Christ, will accomplish our purpose before our imminent Harpazo which will occur at a time when we least expect it. Here is where the teaching of Acts 1 is so very important. How did Jesus issue His commandments to His apostles? It says right here in verse two "He through the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles whom He had chosen..." 

Notice that this time was prior to the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles on the Day of Pentecost. The apostles were saved, they already believed in Christ as the Anointed Savior of mankind, but they still required "the Promise of the Father" and the Promise of the Father was the coming of the Holy Spirit upon them.

Have you as yet received the Promise of the Father?  How else shall we complete our work, the commandments of our Lord in these last days if not by the power of the Holy Spirit? Ask anything in Jesus Name and it will be given to you!



  1. Pay close attention.

    Early on, and continuing throughout the Gospel accounts, Jesus taught His apostles through the abundant use of parables. This method of teaching was necessary due to Dueteronomy 29:4, and was repeated by Isaiah and Paul in Romans 11. Three times!

    And then, post-Resurrection, and as noted in Acts 1, Jesus changed His methodology and taught His apostles directly through the Holy Spirit.

    And then, further along, the Promise of the Father was manifest which came down on the Day of Pentecost.

  2. It's official, Donald J. Trump has established the "Office of the Former President" in Palm Beach, Florida. The new organization is known as DJTFP.

    Within hours of the nine Constitution-usurping communists in the U.S. House of Representatives prosecutors delivering a single article of impeachment to the U.S. Senate, DJTFP established his new office and issued its first press release from his Mar-a-Lago estate.

    Most media have reported this development, but Eschatology Today finds it necessary to confirm it with this notice. The "comeback" and resistence to the usurpation has officially begun.

    Additionally, the DJTFP has no affiliation with, connection to or interests in a new political organization known as the MAGA Patriot Party.

    The Office of the Former President and organization DJTFP officially disavowed in a public filing with the FEC the MAGA Patriot Party.

    The MAGA Patriot Party is the newest attempt by the enemies of our Constitutional Republic to masquerade as a Trump-supporting organization. They recently successfully deceived a considerable number of patriotic Americans with the Q and QAnon groups.

    1. By the way... what ever became of the "Trump Legal Team" (Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, et al); LTG (Ret.) Mike Flynn and Sidney Powell and a few others?

      What ever happened to their efforts? Not a peep and here we are at the end of January.

  3. Rephrasing for clarity sake:

    The "MAGA Patriot Party" is the most recent attempt by Antifa/BLM to masquerade as a Trump-supporting organization.

  4. Comparisons between OT Israel and present day USA are not in keeping with this topic.

    Again, Israel has an irrevocable Divine covenant, the USA does not.

    Instead the USA has a blessing from God that is due to our national purpose, our relationship with Israel since 1948 and our founding as a uniquely Protestant Christian Republic.

  5. I'm convinced that the only way God's going to let this sham of an election stand is if he's setting the prophetic stage for the antichrist. And if that's the case, since the restrainer must be taken out of the way first, and we're not appointed unto wrath, if this stolen election stands, then it would seem to me that our departure is to be measured (which it can't really be measured) in weeks or months and not years. That's the only thing that makes sense to me

    1. And again, the Scripture of Daniel tells us there will be the TEN TOES before the rise of the LITTLE HORN.

      Are there ten kings today doing what that Scripture says they are to be doing when the eleventh rises up among them?

      Not that I can see. Read Scripture everybody, it is there for the purpose of instruction. Sound instruction precludes idle speculation.

  6. Sean, if I may ask, what is your understanding of Daniel 2.34 "While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them."?

    1. Ben,

      It is not "my understanding," per se, but that the Bible interprets the Bible.

      Now you have to options here.

      1.) The answer to your question was posted to Eschatology Today on Saturday, March 29, 2014 and was titled;
      "Revived Roman Empire: Correcting a Hermeneutical Error"


      2.) You could continue reading Daniel 2 and find your answer in verses 44-45.

  7. Sean, perhaps the toes appear after the rapture. Many a signs are surly present including the generation that will witness all things before the end appears. Time is running out. This is not our home. Praying for peace in Jerusalem. Maranatha

  8. Joe,

    No, the toes do not suddenly appear after the Harpazo, they're here.

    Read #1 that is in my response to Ben.

  9. Once again, this is not the first time this same subject has been posted to Eschatology Today. The reason why is because there's nothing new about it, it was the same 9 years ago, but with differing circumstances.

    Look this up (search box, top left-hand corner, main page) and read it.

    Sunday, April 24, 2011
    Is America to be Judged Prior to Daniel's 70th Week?

    Happy reading.

  10. The elite globalist oligarchy (communists) usurpers, like the gluttons they are, have bitten off more than they can chew and appear likely to choke on it.

    The 2nd attempt to unconstitutionally impeach DJT will fail spectacularly; the chances of this impeachment blowing up in their faces with fatal political consequences increase with each passing hour.

    Contentment is to patiently sit back and watch it happen
    s l o w l y.

    1. One last time, one last point...

      Been saying for a loooong time that the Left would do anything...

      A N Y T H I N G get Trump out of office.

      And I was right. 100% right.

      And now they've even gone beyond the U.S. Constitution for a second time (unconstitutional election and electoral ballot count) and a third time (second unconstitutional impeachment) in less than three months.

      But it's going to be okay. The Left will have an epic choke on what they've done.

  11. Sean,

    I have taken a complete “ news” break as most of the news, and specifically the ones I thought were to be trusted proved to be wrong on so many things. My focus now is clearly on trusting and waiting for God to move. Only He can I trust. His word is true, it does not return void. He is a God of justice and righteousness, in fact Psalm 97:2 says “righteousness and judgment ( justice) are the habitation of His throne!

    I watch your site daily and opt to pray and wait in the Lord to move. I feel He will and it will be epic.

    Psalm 37:7: “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

    Resting and waiting patiently......


  12. Texans will vote in a referendum this coming November 2021 on whether the state should seceed from the US of A to become, once again, an independent Republic. Texas HB 1359 was filed this past Tuesday.

    So, in 9 months will a new nation be born? We shall see.

  13. @Sean: Hello my, it gave me chills when I read the last part of your post. I would prefer NOT to be here to see. I wonder, will the US even be in position to recover seeing that the man in the White House is ripping this country apart every single day with all of their EO’s? So can we assume then that Trump truly won’t reestablish himself? Or.....that that would not in fact be Gods Will?

    Blessings to you and all!

  14. Brother Frank,

    As you have discerned, my greatest desire is for everyone to read the God-breathed Holy Writ and read it often.

    For example, how many have understood until now that Jesus' teaching of the Jewish apostles prior to His death and resurrection was by parable because of Deuteronomy 29:4, and that after His resurrection the teaching (issuing of commandments) was by the Holy Spirit?

    Begs the question: How many pastors today give instruction by the power of the Holy Spirit, and how many lay people remain in need of said baptism of the Spirit.

    Matthew 25 (lamps and oil) comes to mind as they are metaphors for indwelling of the Spirit. Half of the bridesmaid were found lacking when the groom arrived and then closed the door to them.

  15. Sean,
    I went back and read you essay “Is America to be Judged Prior to Daniel's 70th Week?” Thank you for sharing that because question I had were answered there. Like Is America in scripture? Well there are about 190 countries and pretty much most of them are not mentioned. Always bothered me that American was singled out as “must be destroyed” because it’s not mentioned in the scripture.

    1. Zoe,

      Great, I'm pleased you found your answers.

      It's a crying shame there are teachers still presenting the doom and gloom scenario. Those teachings are unbiblical and in no way serve as a driver for getting our Lord's commandments fulfilled.

  16. Brother Frank,

    And no worries, your faith is on the level of sainthood. Maybe we'll be here, maybe not. All we do know for sure is we're gone we least expected.

    And I didn't even address the wondering questions you posed because, in faith, I've already turned all of them over to the Lord knowing that His will is being done day in and day out; His plan is a winner!


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