Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Global SITREP F4-21: PA Cartoon Illustrates Psalm 83:4 Perfectly


Palestinian Authority cartoon erases Israel

6 July 2021: The above cartoon was recently published by the Palestinian Authority. The erasure of the State of Israel with a single "Palestinian state" is self-explanatory and exactly matches what the prophet Asaph wrote 3,000 years ago in Psalm 83:4.

They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation,
That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.


  1. The timing of this cannot be coincidental. The "Palestinians," as the saying goes, have written themselves a check they cannot cash.

  2. Meanwhile, in Israel's northern neighbor, Lebanon, the current situation continues to degrade.

    To emphasize this a quote below from the July 5, 2021 edition of the Jerusalem Post article written by Seth Frantzman.

    "Lebanon is in the midst of a long, slouching, slow-moving disaster, like a mudslide that gains momentum over time. The country is divided along sectarian lines and has a political system that is broken.

    Lebanon also has an armed state-within-a-state called Hezbollah, which siphons off cash, plays a role in security, carries out extrajudicial assassinations and increasingly operates a parallel network of health, banking, construction and even supermarket services. These factors have hollowed out Lebanon, leaving it an empty shell."

    For many years now Eschatology Today has included Joshua 13, verses 1 through 7 specifically, as integral to the overall Psalm 83 scenario.

    To those who may be unfamiliar with this scenario, it is strongly suggested to read Joshua 13:1-7. It is a key part of the bigger prophetic picture.

  3. A Public Service Announcement in support of President Trump's SAVE AMERICA campaign.

    Last night President Trump announced a major lawsuit filed in the U.S. Federal Court, Southern Florida against Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube which have denied him and many conservative Americans of their First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression.

    I will support President Trump's Save America lawsuit against the unConstitutional, Marxist tyranny of social media by contributing financially to the cause.

    It occurred to me that if every one of the 75 to 80 million patriots who voted for Trump on 3 November 2020 put in a $10.00 donation - well, the math is elementary, - the legal warchest would have $75 to $80 million as baseline popular funding! And with those small donations being increased (matched) 500% by the Trump organization, we're talking hundreds of millions to well more than a billion dollars in legal funding.

    The potential is nearly astronomical in the battle against Marxist tyranny. I'll consider my donation a lasting legacy post-Harpazo.


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