Thursday, July 8, 2021

Global SITREP F5-21: The Current Situation Part II


8 July 2021: The two words in the image above have profound meaning far beyond the obvious and the political spin MSM have been propagating for weeks now. 

For Afghanistan the sudden U.S. withdrawal is projected to closely mirror what took place in Iraq a decade ago when President Obama suddenly pulled U.S. troops out of what had been several phases of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The immediate results were a bloodbath in both Iraq and Syria which coincided with the meteoric rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and a new surge of U.S. forces back into both nations to deal with that disaster in Operation Inherent Resolve - which continues. 

That premature withdrawal resulted in the instantaneous collapse of the Iraqi National Army and the loss of billions in tanks, trucks, artillery, ammunition and training of Iraqi troops who fled in great haste from the jihadist insurgents. And to this very hour the rocket and drone attacks against remnant U.S. troops of Operation Inherent Resolve on their bases in Iraq as well as the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad are incessant. And Biden says... crickets.

Is there not a single capable historian within the Biden Administration or among those who pull upon his marionette strings? 

The jihadist Taliban of Afghanistan are now over-running the entire country - again as they did 20 years ago. As has been their nature in years prior, many Afghan troops are switching sides as quickly as if they were simply changing from a white pakol (traditional woolen Afghan hat) to a black pakol. Beyond this, the even more important geopolitical dangers to both India and Pakistan are almost incalculable, as much or more than the dangers now facing the whole of Central Asia (hint: Gog/Magog and allies). 

It's a no-brainer that the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation will move swiftly to full the vacuum caused by the American withdrawal. The CENTCOM AOR map below illustrates the dangers from a strategic perspective and amplifies the prophetic interpretation Eschatology Today has provided for the past 12 years. Major geopolitical changes have preceded the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy for thousands of years, and this year and the immediate future years are no different in this regard. 

President Biden will (hopefully) speak to these issues this afternoon, and until then this keyboard will be idling.

To be continued...


  1. Those who think and opine that things of prophetic import are not occurring these days need to urgently reconsider their worldview.

  2. Who's ready for full-scale war across the entire Indo-Pacific region?

    Even the normally soft-spoken Japanese Ministry of Defense is now warning of a Russian-Chinese "Pearl Harbor-style" surprise attack across the region.

    Yet all we hear are crickets 24/7. Not an iota of concern. Sad.

  3. When our country has the likes of Belshazzar in charge and our military brainwashing our troops with CRT. PRAYING is our only hope that God would send Jesus before we see the world spiral farther down this black hole we've been going since the election.

    I hope I'm wrong but Taiwan might be on their own.

  4. Jmoll,

    I don't think you're wrong, Taiwan's days are very likely numbered, and it's a pretty small number at that.

    All these things signal the nearness of the Harpazo, and that in turn will seal America's descent into the beast empire.

    The Lord's will be done.

  5. "There will be signs in the sun, moon and the stars."

    Of late the "signs" being detected by our current technology in deep space, and seemingly directed in our direction, have been (pardon the pun) absolutely astronomical.

    On a scale and at a frequency never before registered previously.

    Example: The Crab Nebula and it's neutron star were observed to have emitted a gamma ray photon burst which measured 1.1 petaelectronvolts (PeV).

    That's a million billion volts of energy when we detected it, and at it's source origin the burst exceeded the theoretical upper limit calculated by astrophysicists as possible or even potential for a gamma ray burst of energy.

    Keep looking up!

  6. Japan has no choice but to go to war with Communist China if Taiwan is attacked. Japan's defense begins at Taiwan.

    The march of the 'kings of the East' has begun.

    It is an undeniable fact that Communist China is at war with multiple enemies around its periphery and internationally.

  7. Looks like the mullahs have begun rushing into their causal chaos to usher in their mahdi...

    1. Yes, it does! Put another way... it's hammer time.

      Eschatology Today has from the beginning held the bottom line position that the Global Elite will NEVER allow Iran to threaten their agenda with nuclear weapons.

      So, again, it's hammer time.

    2. Just noticed that Iran prez Raisi wears the same type bloodstone pinkie ring like Soleimani did.

    3. Those rings are (were) special gifts from Khamenei. Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah has one also.

  8. Isn't Iran one of 3 (or is it 4?) major countries that aren't a part of the IMF (or Central Banking system?) along with Venezuela and North Korea? Thought I read that somewhere at some point. That would probably put them on the world elites naughty list, no?

    1. ShellyB,

      The former Pahlavi royal regime of Iran joined the IMF, but since the Twelver revolution took over they've maintained membership.

    2. Hey Sean,
      In the Book of Revelation, China or the kings of the east don't make their move on Israel until the The battle of Armageddon. With their historic rise to power, thanks mostly to the USA, it would seem the Harpazo and every thing prophetic needs to kick into high gear...unless China gets knocked back a few pegs soon.

  9. Or - as noted above, the CCP/PLA is already at war with many nations in its unrelenting drive for world domination.

    The CCP/PLA SARS-COV-2 bioweapon was no accident; they used their own people to disperse the pathogen globally, and now threaten nuclear war if efforts to trace back to the Wuhan bioware lab are not halted.

    CCP/PLA combat forces are massed on their borders with India and Central Asia and the military threat to Taiwan increases daily.

    Xi Jinping does not wear a drab Mao Zedong suit 'cause he thinks it looks cool. He is sending a near identical messages of territorial expansion by means of war that are indistinguishable from Adolf Hitler's eighty years ago.

    As with ALL Bible prophecy, it's all an ongoing process. Like the Roman Empire did well before our Lord Jesus came into this world as flesh; He did not see Israeli soldiers, He saw Roman soldiers as foreign military occupiers of Israel during His entire life, and before He returns those Western soldiers will return to Israel through a 'covenant among many.'

    Gabriel spoke of this to Daniel and Jesus spoke of it to John on Patmos.

  10. Israpundit posted today that Israel is attacking Iran from four sides (directions).

    That's (unwittingly so) exactly what the prophet Jeremiah prophesied the Lord GOD as saying, i.e. bring the "four winds" against them.

  11. Watched the video; good informative site. Pretty much indicates that the Jeremiah 49:37 enemies are forming up nicely...

    1. Oh, and he's right, there is no diplomatic solution.

  12. Saudi Arabia will join the Trump Abraham Accords soon.

    Israel is prepping for direct kinetic strikes on Iranian nukes, etc. (Sshhh, don't tell anyone)

  13. In a stunning report a Canadian medical doctor says minimum of 60% of those who received either of the mRNA vaccines will die of blood clot heart failure within a few years.

    About 146 million Americans have been mRNA vaccinated. 60% of that number is more than 87 million people.

    Who says the CCP biological warfare attack was a failure?

    A massive depopulation of about 90 million people within a few years is not a failure.

    1. mRNA vaccine effects explained by Dr. Hoffe and it's scary!

    2. The CDC links to the VAERS site which reports on two data categories: 1.) COVID-19 Vaccine deaths and
      2.) COVID-19 (and variants) deaths.

      In just the past month there have been considerably more COVID Vaccine deaths than COVID and Variant deaths.

      So the data, unreported or suppressed by MSM, is confirming Dr. Hoffe's warning on the accute dangers of mRNA vaccines.

    3. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data as reported by the CDC website for the last week of June and first week of July 2021, shows about 1,000 more COVID vaccine deaths than COVID deaths.

  14. It's not looking good. I was hoping it was exaggerate.
    Come O Lord!

  15. Much depends on the accuracy of Dr Charles Hoffe's research into mRNA vaccines. His forecast timeline is finite; the 60% result observable in the near term.

  16. Question:

    How could Naftali Bennett secure his position as PM and dominate Israel's politics for the foreseeable?


    By doing what Bibi Netanyahu an several American presidents had promised and failed to deliver on - preemptively striking Iran with overwhelming military force in an elimination of its nuclear weapons program. Not a set-back, but a total destruction.

  17. For the sake of the world and the Iranian people, that would be a good thing.
    It was certainly frustrating seeing Bibi Netanyahu faltering when it came to Iran through the years however I always felt the thumb of the USA was inflicting our will and the threat of financial support. I do think if Israel was right on the edge of annihilation Bibi would have ended Iran's regime as we know it.
    The clock is ticking....

  18. Yes, and at a quicker pace than before. (I think processes are being expedited, so to speak.)

  19. We recently spoke to the current situation in Lebanon. Here is a link to a confirming report at the Middle East Forum:

    Bottom line - Lebanon is in an acute crisis, the worst in its entire history. Lebanon is now rapidly collapsing into a failed state.

    Eschatology Today Assessment:

    Hezbollah is contributing greatly to Lebanon's rapid collapse and may be forced into armed conflict with Israel as a distraction.

  20. Just received: China has warned Japan it will use nuclear weapons against them if Japan intervenes in China's plan to subdue Taiwan.


  21. Sean
    I get alerts on my cell phone whenever rockets are fired from Gaza into Israel, and I haven't gotten any since the cease fire and they started again about 5 minutes ago.


      Israel preemptively struck an Iranian militia arms depot near Aleppo, Syria early this morning.

      This IAF strike was followed by suspected Palestinian militants firing a volley of short-range rockets toward northern Israel from Hezbollah-controlled southern Lebanon, setting off warning sirens in Israel. The rockets fell in Lebanese territory; one may have fallen harmlessly in Israel.

      The IDF then used tanks as artillery to strike at the source of the rocket fire.

    2. Sean, great reporting as always.

      Question: What app do you use that notifies you of rocket attacks into Israel, and is it available on Android?


    3. Jonathan,

      For my Android I use 'Red Alert-Cumta by Mor Haviv'

    4. Thanks Sean. While I don't plan on using definitely, I want to use it for a few weeks or maybe a month to get a sense of what it is like living under the constant threat of rocket attacks. Downloading right after this post.

    5. And.......... installed. Thanks again and God Bless.

    6. Per the closing verses of Isaiah 17, the war will erupt at night. We in the US will be literally asleep.

      The Red Alert app will provide the initial Indication and Warning (I&W). In this I see the app as indispensable.

  22. Follow-up: Three hours elapsed from the IAF strike near Aleppo to when two rockets were fired towards western Galilee, Israel. Iron Dome shot one down, the other fell in Lebanon.

    The Red Alert sirens were heard in Netiv HaShayara, Sheikh Danun, Hanita, Ya’ara, Cabri, Metzuba, Avdon, Idmit and Shlomi.

  23. Russia has reported that its Pantsyr-S and Buk-M2 shot down 90% of the long range missiles that a sortie of IAF F-16I Sufa's fired at Iranian targets near Aleppo early yesterday morning.

    Is the Russian report accurate? Looking into it.

    1. No, not only are the Russian claims inaccurate propaganda they are also complete hogwash.

    2. As proof of the above, the IAF DID NOT re-target the IRGC-QF ammo depot in Al-Safira with a second strike. It was destroyed completely.

      A new target was struck this morning in Al-Qusayr,Syria. This target was a Hezbollah weapons and ammo depot, was being the operative word because this depot no longer exists either.

      Nice shootin' IAF!!!

    3. A senior Hezbollah commander and a senior IRGC-QF commander were both killed in these IAF airstrikes in Syria.

  24. Iran prepared for conflict to close the Strait of Hormuz.

    The pipeline for the Hormuz bypass project to terminal facilities near Jask on the Sea of Oman had been in a testing phase since late May, and is now operational following a ceremony led by outgoing Iranian President Rouhani and the loading of a crude tanker with 100k barrels. Little doubt this tanker is destined for Communist China.

    This strategic move had a target date for completion within three weeks time, and an expected lifting of economic sanctions in mid-August 2021.

    Astute observers reading Eschatology Today will recall that a strong message was delivered to Iran recently regarding operations from the Jask port area; that vessels there are not immune from attack and being sunk.

  25. HAMAS resumption of incendiary attacks along its entire frontier with Israel no doubt was ordered by terror masters in Iran. IAF airstrikes in Gaza have resumed.


    Temporary post... image save for new Global SITREP. Armed revolt against the Iranian Twelver regime which began in Khuzestan (ancient Elam) has spread to ethic Kurd and Azeri regions, as far north as Tabriz.


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