Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Global SITREP F7-21: The Current Situation Part IV

UPDATE 5 August 2021: It would seem the events briefly described below of two days ago were intended harbinger of the arrival of the new Twelver president Ebrahim Raisi. IF IRGC forces had succeeded in their attempt to commandeer commercial vessels in international waters where would the world be today as a new president, more radical than the infamous Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ever was, is sworn into office. Many are saying Tanker War II. Maybe, but we won't have long to wait in suspense of Raisi's first actions while actually in office.

As a side note, it was the quick-thinking mechanic aboard the IRGC-commandeered MV Asphalt Princess who effected a sabotage of the ship's engines leaving it dead in the water. Thoroughly spooked by the prospect of being captured red-handed by allied forces the IRGC hastily abandoned ship. The crew's mechanics made instant repairs to restart the engines and turned south towards the safety of UAE and Omani waters. (See the UPDATE in the comments section below.)

Yesterday in Lebanon, an ever worsening world-class basket-case caused by Hezbollah's corruption and Iran's heavy hand, several if not tens of thousands of Beirut's residents marched in a silent vigil from the primary fire station down to the destroyed port area. Many of the dead were firemen who ran to the fire instead of away from it. Protests of this size, and up to one million, have been common place in Beirut in the past year.

The vigil was was both a memorial the passing of one year and to the deaths of 218 innocent lives, the injuries to thousands and over $15 billion in damages done since Hezbollah's 1.1 kilotons of improperly stored ammoninum nitrate exploded. 

The people know that the entire government is to blame due to their servitude to Hezbollah and their masters in Tehran. None in the government have been held to account, not a single apology to the families who lost their loved ones was offered. Lebanon is a literal powder keg with a lit fuse.

It's no exaggeration to say that other explosions will soon occur in Lebanon. This is not in reference to Israeli's artillery and air strike retaliation overnight for the three rockets that struck near Kiryet Shemona. There will be more rockets from Lebanon and Israel will hit back massively. Eventually, yet very soon, the prophecy of Joshua 13 will come to fulfillment.

3 August 2021: Many intel and media sources are reporting that several merchant ships issued distress or mayday calls in the Gulf of Oman (GoO) today. The location data has the initial report off the UAE coast, approximately 60 miles east of port Fujairah. This remains a breaking news situation.  

There was such an abudance of raw intel circulating late yesterday afternoon that at 19:08 last evening I posted a warning in the comments section of the previous SITREP F6-21 about the likelihood of shooting occurring without warning. The warning became a real-world reality at roughly the same general time as it was posted.

What is known or suspected is that Iranian forces or their local proxies  have set upon at least five merchant vessels in the GoO. One vessel, MV Golden Brilliant, reported it struck an underater mine or weapon of some type. 

Four other vessels reported via their Automatic Indentification System (AIS) radio that they had a "loss of control" or "not in command" possibly indicating a coordinated hostile boarding of all the vessels. One of these vessels has been identified as the MV Asphalt Princess and which appears to have been boarded and seized by a team of 8 or 9 IRGC special forces in international waters. The others are the MT Queen Ematha, the MT Jap Pooja, and MV Abyss. These are acts of war.

Also, just now learning that Iran was withdrawn its participation in the nuclear talks.


  1. PM Naftali Bennett issued an ultimatum today during a Northern Front tour.

    “Iran already knows the price that we exact when someone threatens our security. The Iranians need to understand that it is impossible to sit peacefully in Tehran and from there ignite the entire Middle East. That is over.”

    1. 🚨Earlier this morning... Red Alerts Northern Israel along Confrontation Line opposite Lebanon,
      vicinity Kiryat Shmona.

      Nothing further...but antenna up!

    2. Red Alert was for three rockets fired into Israel; two exploded in Israel with no damage, third rocket started a fire near Kiryat Shemona.

      IDF artillery immediately put counter-fire on the source of the rockets.

    3. A totl of 400 arty shells were fired... and then came the IAF swooping in to finish the job.

      All this was Israel's response to Lebanon for the three Arab Terror Rockets fired at the people of Kiryat Shemona.

      Message: Control your country, or we will. Joshua 13

  2. At 0300 EDT the UKMTO tweeted msg that commandeered bitumen carrier MV Asphalt Princess, (Panama-flagged, Emirati-owned) was suddenly abandoned by armed boarders. Vessel and crew unharmed, incident ended.

    Crew reported armed men had ordered ship to make for Iranian waters. As it approached port Jask suddenly reversed course back towards Oman. 

    No further info from UKMTO or LloydsList.

    I suspect IRGC had mistaken ownership of the MV or gave in to a US/UK Naval forces

    1. UPDATE -

      "Four other vessels reported via their Automatic Indentification System (AIS) radio that they had a "loss of control" or "not in command" possibly indicating a coordinated hostile boarding of all the vessels. One of these vessels has been identified as the MV Asphalt Princess and which appears to have been boarded and seized by a team of 8 or 9 IRGC special forces in international waters. The others are the MT Queen Ematha, the MT Jap Pooja, and MV Abyss. These are acts of war."

      How was this achieved by the Iranian forces? Through Electronic Warfare (EW). Iran appears to have fully developed for maritime use the same kind of EW that brought down a stealth US RQ-170 "Sentinel" drone in 2011. Iran quickly reverse engineered the US drone to produce their own stealthy "Shahed 171 Simorgh" and "Saegheh" UAV drones.

      The Iranian EW system, as yet unknown, caused the affected ship to lose navigation and steering control which prompted the AIS system to report "Not Under Command."

      It is believed the EW system used uses a short-range broadband EW signal. This is why four ships in proximity all had reported the same electronic command and control problem at virtually the same time to UKMTO. It was the MV Asphalt Princess, that was the actual target. The Iranian EW emitter was likely on the craft from which the armed boarding team gained access to the ship.

      Now we know what we're looking for.

  3. Recently we were discussing massive, unrelenting rains in Communist China.

    Here are some details from a favorite in-the-know source.

    There are 1.5 million dead in massive mainland China floods, with an additiinal 30 million displaced.

    CCP keeping the lid on this with a very limited response. It is, afterall, all about the survival of the Chinese Communist Party and NOT the survival of the Chinese people.

    And then there's the SARS-CoV-2 virus rampaging inside mainland China.

    Here are the current numbers: 65 million in lockdown. This number increases daily. Many of them are sick and dying. Why? The CCP vaccine is completely ineffective.

    And forthe coup de gras bit of intel:

    Communist China has the largest collection of vaccinated corpses in the world.

    1. Do you have any links? It's hard to get good information regarding China.

    2. Joe,

      ALL of the intel in my comment above, as clearly stated, is from an always reliable source who is "in-the-know."

      There are no links to published information.

  4. The technical nuts and bolts stuff gets me fired up... because one thing leads to another and before you know it prophecy is fulfilled.

    1. This statement above is no joke. Not even close. Final warning.

      There is a very high probabilitythat Israel, with or without allies, will attack Iran with all military force it can muster... including the preemptive use of nuclear weapons... before our calendar can roll over from September to October 2021. THAT'S LESS THAN 10 WEEKS FROM YESTERDAY.



    2. This assumes PM Naftali Bennett is a man who means what he says.

      “Iran has violated all of the guidelines set in the JCPOA and is only around 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade materials necessary for a nuclear weapon. Therefore it is time to act.”

  5. 🚨 Red Alert - Just moments ago rocket sirens alerted on the Golan, HaGalil, Ha Elyon area.

    This is expected as a result of the current war tension with Iran.

    Isaiah 17 (destruction of Damascus and Syria) has always been assessed here at Eschatology Today blog as being directly linked to Jeremiah 49, verses 23-27 and 34-39.

    Israel has warned the US that any break in nuke talks, as distraction and delaying tactic in itself, would trigger an Iranian breakout to nuclear weapons capability.

    We have arrived at that moment; there is no walking it back now - game over.

    1. 10 rockets were fired into northern Israel by Hezbollah this morning. The IAF has been striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon for the last 90 minutes.

    2. Thus far Hezbollah has fired 19 of their 122mm rockets to virtual combat ineffective status.

      IAF and IDF Arty are doing serious damage and there are enemy fatalities.


    3. As expected, HAMAS has joined the fray with Hezbollah and Iran. Next is Syria, and Pali's in Judea and Samaria.

      In case no one remembers, the Psalm 83 war scenario final act is a multi-front conflict that will make the 1947, 1967, 1973 and 2006 wars pale in comparison.

    4. IAF striking HAMAS in Gaza as of 19:00 EDT 06AUG21.

  6. Israel is holding the Lebanon government responsible for anything that occurs from their territory.

  7. I know there are no official medals or commendations for civilians, but whoever had the guts and intelligence to sabotage his ship's own engines only to a point that they could later be easily be repaired later on deserves a medal in my humble opinion.

    And as always, thanks for the info Sean. I learn things here I would never find out elsewhere.

  8. Sean, your faith is inspiring. I know the time is near, but so does Satan, it will take a miscalculation on its part, and then it is on!

  9. I've read the following on a Christian (youtube) new channel: "'US is going to fight this war!’ Expert warns America will defend Taiwan from China attack"

    Sean, do you think that this is a real possibility? Because, if the USA tried to defend Taiwan against China that- to put it lightly- would have very serious consequences. Allegedly, Japan has already said that they're gonna act on the behalf of Taiwan if an attack by Chiina happened. Question is what will China do? Are these "empty threats" on all sides involved or not?

  10. The U.S. Taiwan Relations Act ensures that any PRC attack on the ROC (Taiwan) brings on a US defense authorized by Congress. Japan knows this very well, and also knows that an armed conflict between the PRC and Japan will also initiate a was defense of Japan.

    If the PRC wants a trans-Pacific war then all it has to do is attack either Taiwan or Japan or both. This is no idle threat.

  11. I'm watching Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium (10-12 August) live on patriotnewsoutlet.com or frankspeech.com ... in the last few minutes he read a bulletin which said the Communist China launched the largest cyber attack in history on Israel today.

    The CCP is at war with the entire western world. A prelude to invading Taiwan and war against Japan.

    1. Even Ha'aretz is reporting this:

      In First Massive Cyberattack, China Targets Israel

      Attack, revealed by FireEye, also targeted Israeli defense bodies and was part of a broader campaign by Chinese intel. It is the first documented case of a large-scale Chinese attack on Israel.

  12. Sean, seem like China is protection brother Iran from Israel wrath soon. Maybe this paves the way for Daniel 8 now to come about. Wow Gods plan is unfolding with breakneck speed. Come quickly Lord Jesus come quickly.

  13. A Hezbollah recon drone crossed into Israel a couple hours ago. The IDF tracked it and shot it down.

  14. I cannot help but to consider that Israel's enemies are now tremendously emboldened by the rapid collapse of Afghanistan and triumph of the Taliban in just days following the ridiculous, ill-advised US withdrawal.

    1. And if you're a fly on the wall of Israel's security cabinet, do you really believe that America under Biden has your back vs Iranian nukes?

      Israel has approximately 6 to 8 weeks to effectively deal with Iran's nuclear weapons program.

  15. Sean, I know it may not be related to Bible Prophecy (or maybe it is), but either way, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what is happening in Afghanistan right now, particularly "behind the scenes," which you seem to always have a good grasp of.

  16. Sean, with the fall of Afghanistan how soon do you expect to see major events in the ME ramping up? Unbelievable! Gen. Keane made the argument for a limited US military presence remaining in the same spirit as still having troops in Europe and South Korea. No one wants our men and women to be endangered or maimed/killed, but having US airpower in Afghanistan sure makes sense for the broader ME. Gen. Keane said the withdrawal of air power is the big reason Afghani and other country allies couldn't continue the fight.

    1. Imminently. In fact it's already in progress.

      The Taliban are victorious today after being accused of backwardness and terrorism. They confronted America and its agents, and refused to compromise with them. They were not deceived by bright headlines about ‘democracy’ and ‘elections.’”

      - Mousa Abu Marzouk, HAMAS.

      Their morale given a big boost by Joe Biden's failure, Sunni and Shi'a jihadists will now come against Israel.

  17. I hear they're going after the straight of hormuz

    1. Jon,

      Yes they are! Critical Threats has an excellent expose on what Iran has done and may yet do until confronted.

      Iran Escalation Strait of Hormuz

  18. Replies
    1. At some point following this comment's posting some one or something hacked my Google account, which Blogger is an integral part of.

      BigTech me thinks. Working on a fix now.

  19. It was Google/Blogger. 😡 Deleted EVERYTHING on my Google Chrome browser & account. Zap gone! Only my android still has access here.

    Attempting a full PC system restore of Windows 10 files/settings.

  20. Whoa! Yep, the Cabal/Deep State is losing its mind. Too many people waking up to censor it all. But they'll still try even to the death.

  21. So, thanks to Google/Blogger my PC is toast. Dead. Buried.

    The blog is still alive and well, and, as can be seen I've limited access via Android.

    Shopping time.

    1. Looks like Satan is after you! He does not want us to hear what you have to say. Which makes me want to hear it even more!

  22. At https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/politik-ausland/nord-stream-2-erpressung-laesst-putin-uns-im-winter-frieren-77294942.bild.html "Does Putin make us freeze in winter?":

    "Gas extortion over Nord Stream 2 Does Putin make us freeze in winter?

    No more natural gas delivery via Poland to Germany ++ Our storage facilities are already half empty ++ Prices have quadrupled over the year"

    Europe running out of natural gas and people freezing to death, is this something which will happen after the Rapture of the Church? Shutting down the supply of natural gas to Europe can be used as a weapon when Russia is trying to invade Israel during the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war.

  23. You Watchmen are under such attack, Sean. Many prayers up for you, Brother.

    1. The adversaries attacks are near universal from what I can see.

      Also, the IAF is flying over Hezbollah strongholds in and around Beirut right now. A strike may be in progress.

  24. Sorry to hear your having troubles, God bless you and may God speed your updates for all us watchers!

  25. Sorry to hear your troubles, may God bless you and may God speed all your updates for us watching!

  26. I have a new machine, and have accessed the blog site. Soon as I add security the update will get started and posted. What a nightmare!

  27. God Bless you brother for being our resource in the middle of the upheaval.


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