Friday, August 20, 2021

Global SITREP F8-21: BOOM!

22 August 2021: The prophetic implications of the ongoing disaster in Afghanistan all relate directly to the last days appearance in Scripture of the "kings of the East." Within the full scope of prophetic fulfillments we can say with complete certainty that the preparation of the westward military movement of the kings of the East is also a work in progress. This is obvious even though the two primary references are found in Daniel 11:44 and Revelation 16:12. These are implications are in reality powerful Indications and Warnings (I&W) of the temporal nearness of the 70th Week of years.

The formation of these kings of the East, without a doubt a military confederation as discussed on Eschatology Today in several posts, is an ongoing process. Of note is the SCO or Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Think of the SCO as a NATO of the eastern hemisphere because it is exactly that. In looking at the hemispheric map below from the linked SCO wikipage it is obvious that some of the current SCO membership are already in military conflict with each other, namely Communist China and India.

Communist China are already pouring a 25 billion dollar investment into Afghanistan under the extremist Islamic government of the Taliban. Communist China is also pouring billions into Pakistan to upgrade their military forces. Most distressed by these military upgrades is India which has a common border region with both China and Pakistan and with whom there are active, hostile military engagements. Afghanistan will be soon included within the nuclear-armed SCO membership.

Many prophecy writers have long correctly identified the Ezekiel 38/39  military confederation of the north as a Russian-Islamic alliance. Eschatology Today is now informing that the kings of the East is a Communist Chinese-Islamic alliance, and both of these alliances are coalescing into the soon-to-be SCO that Daniel 11:44 refers to directly. 

One should be able to discern that when the first four of the seven seals are opened by our Lord Jesus Christ in Revelation 6:1-8 the conflict described is devastating and very likely world-wide in its scope as we have also recently discussed. Prior to all these events, which must take place, the Harpazo will have also previously taken place and the bride of Christ has been taken up into Heaven to be with our Lord in the place He has prepared for us.

20 August 2021: The catastrophe that has occurred in Afghanistan was deliberate - by design. This catastrophe remains in-progress and will continue for an unknowable amount of time. To be sure, this deliberate catastrophe is not something our sock-puppet President Joe Biden determined to do by his claimed own decision - he was directed to execute the action by a cabal of globalists you all know very well by now, or have known of them for at least for the past 13 years. The inherent purpose has always been the same - to erode the United States of America to a point where its inclusion into a confederacy of 10 nations is by virtual default. (For Reference See: Daniel 8:18-26

This is not news to anyone who has been a long-time reader of Eschatology Today. This blog has been on-record for years in advising that the globalist, Marxist political elites would and will do anything to achieve their objectives. The riots in our cities in 2020 we just a start. The blatant theft of a national election which was facilitated by globalist funding of the Level-4 CCP biowarfare laboratory to provide "gain of function" to the SARS virus was simply a tool to this end. Then came the dehumanizing facial masking and emergency authorization inoculations with unproven vaccines. The vaccines also caused enhancement and major mutations the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This too has been by design.

The immediate affect of the betrayal of of the American, Afghan, NATO and other allies the world over is very similar to the effect of the image at top, both literally and figuratively. Of most immediate concern of our long-time allies are Taiwan and Israel. The reason is obvious and has been detailed in countless articles and essays in just the past few days. Of special note, with direct prophetic implications, is the emboldening of Turkish Islamists, their allies in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, the Sinai, Judea and Samaria, as well as the Shi'a Twelvers in Iran, and Al Qaeda and Islamic State all over the world. Simultaneously the Communist Chinese wasted no time is provoking and intimidating the government of Taiwan with overt military force on the sea and in their skies. Russia also will move in the face of the apparent lack of resolve seen in the Biden Administration. North Korea also sees great opportunity at hand.

In the hours and days immediately before us the repercussions of the globalists treachery will magnify at home and abroad. In the past we've stated that anything can and will happen. That anything has and will continue happen with even greater consequences with each event. Make no mistake, unless one was sound asleep, one saw every aspect of our Lord's prophetic words of Matthew 24:7 has occurred within the past few days in sequence. 



  1. Making the comeback... God does provide! Still have much to do in restoring/building new PC. Much appreciation for the prayers! We'll be going home soon!

  2. Praying for you brother in our Lord Jesus Christ. Come Quickly Lord Jesus.

  3. The IAF has struck targets around Damascus and Homs, the targets were destroyed.

    Ignore Russian, Syrian and Iranian reports saying 90% of the IAFs air-launched missiles were destroyed by Russian air defense systems. The destroyed targets themselves are proof of the enemy propaganda being 100% false (as usual).

  4. The question has been asked about prophetic implications, whether or not such implications exist with respect to event in Afghanistan.

    The answer is YES, and with abundance. Without naming 'sources and methods' of collection the prophetic implications will be addressed in the update being added today, Sun. 22 August.

    Events & rapidly changing situations has caused a delay in the update.

  5. The Pentagon has activated the Civil Reserve Air Fleet. All commercial aircraft in the US are part of this Air Fleet. These civilian aircraft will move people out of Afghanistan.

    New offensive, heavily armed military hardware are arriving at HKIA airport in Kabul. This indicates offensive operations are about to occur.

  6. Do not forget that Israel DM Gantz said the first week of August that Iran was just 10 weeks from a nuclear weapon.

    The time available for military action to preempt an Iranian nuke capability is less than 10 weeks, with expectation of the strikes window being approximately two to three weeks prior to the 10th week.

    We are now entering the 7th week, meaning 4 or 5 weeks remain in the window for preemptive action to occur.


  7. Man, when I commented that it looked like August was going to be a hot month, little did I know...

  8. Sean, Have you heard anything from
    Hartdawg? The last time he posted anything
    was on June 5th, I hope he's ok.

  9. FDA approved the Pfizer Covid-19 bioweapon. Christian persecution to follow:( Maranatha!!!

  10. US SOF are deployed from HKIA in massive rescue operation.

  11. The Afghan crisis gets worse with each passing hour.

  12. Rhonda, did you see where the FDA approval was for a different Pfizer label/formulation of mRNA faux vaccine that hasn't even reached production yet? They're still pushing the experimental-use one with no liability exposure. MSM/Biden Admin/Deep State are directly and openly lying to us.

  13. Gaza border a flashpoint today. Thousands pressed up against security barrier, hurling explosive, etc.

    IDF at the ready!

  14. Disaster forecast tomorrow when PM Naftali Bennett meets with failed and illegitimate US president Joe Biden.

    Joe betrayed Afghanistan to Taliban terrorists; next he will betray Taiwan to the CCP and Israel to Iran and and its bordering enemies and terrorists.

    Who does not see the Lord's hand at work here?

  15. Alert at HKIA airport!!

    US Intelligence tracking imminent threat from Islamic State-Khorasan to attack crowds at entrance gates.

    US State Dept, UK and Australia advising citizens to leave HKIA gate areas immediately

    1. US/UK/AUS Embassies withdraw IS-K terror threat from HKIA Airport area.

      I assess the high risk terror threat at HKIA remains and will manifest within the next 60 hours.

    2. I'm informed that multiple IS-K suicide bombers detonated at HKIA main gate just 5 hours after Embassy terror threat was withdrawn. At least 13 killed, dozens wounded. US civilian casualties, firefight ensued, chaos at the gate. Taliban complicit as they warned Russia of the attack in advance. Evacuations halted, again.

  16. New info: A minimum of 40 dead and 120+ wounded in HKIA attacks.

    Taliban checkpoints which completely surround HKIA airport allowed the IS-K terrorist attackers free passage through to launch the attacks.

  17. Sean, what do you think our (the US) response will be? This is so heart breaking. I feel like the 3 years I spent between Afghanistan and Iraq was for nothing. :(

  18. Wow Sean, your comment of August 26, 2021 at 6:09 AM assessing a high risk terror threat at HKIA remains and to manifest within the next 60 hours, at the time when the US,UK, and AUS Embassies withdrew their IS-K terror threat from HKIA Airport area is remarkable, God bless.

  19. The US did launch an MQ1 Reaper strike, and did kill someone. But the claimed kill of the IS-K terror planner appears to be pure fiction.

  20. The IAF just now executed precision strikes on HAMAS targets in Gaza.

  21. The incompetence and corruption of the current administration is.....breathtaking. By his inaction when he could have made a difference and his actions that have been incredibly inept, he has condemned so many to a horrible death.

    I feel like I am watching an approaching avalanche in slow motion and there is no way to escape. The wold seems to be decending into a collective insanity.

    All this is oh so prophetic.

    1. Excellent description Drew!

      By the way, waking up to multiple reports that Iranian militia have attacked the Syria-Iraq border region where the US is defending the Conoco oilfield in eastern Syria, Dier Ez-Zor province.

    2. It's a missile attack.

      US drones gathering intel.

    3. Nothing but crickets following the missile attack on the US position at the Conoco oil field.

  22. According to today's Times of Israel:

    "The Israeli Air Force struck and destroyed a Syrian missile battery after it launched a missile that exploded near central Israel early Friday morning, according to Hebrew media reports Friday evening on Channel 12 and Army Radio."

  23. Gaza sent more incendiary balloons into Israel, and the IAF put air-launched ordnance on HAMAS targets in Gaza. Same old same old even with the New Year. The IDF remains on alert on the northern front.

    Nearly 1,000 US troops and their armor remain in Syria and they'll not be withdrawing any time soon. Another 2,400 remain across the border in Iraq. And in Afghanistan more troops have returned to HKIA.

  24. My eyes are on Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza and Judea/Samaria.

    Howwver my eyes can no longer look upon the treasonous, quisling governing entity that occupies the halls of earthly power in Washington, D.C. and several of the state capitals where demonic evil incarnate rules.

    As I was ready to detonate during the past two weeks in accordance with my Oath to support and defend against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC, the Lord reassured that He's got this; I should stand down and take no action at this time. His will is being done and He gives the strength to endure it, as do your prayers.

    A new SITREP is coming that echoes the "boom" of this one.

  25. I know what you mean, I have to continually fix my eyes on things above instead of the evil that is getting worse by the day. I can only hope as the world grows darker the saints grow brighter.
    I look forward to the next "boom" of teaching, it helps build up the spirit in these ugly times.

  26. He does have this, Sean. We are to watch and pray.

  27. I've been feeling the same way, Sean, but also realize that ONLY the Lord can fix this mess. It is beyond the scope or capability of man being able to accomplish what needs to be done. It may be time to "...look upon with our own eyes and see the recompense of the wicked..." Maranatha!

  28. Crazy violence in Judea/Samaria today was coordinated with the escape of terrorists from Gilboa prison. Shots fired, rocks thrown, prisons set on fire.


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