Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Global SITREP F3-21: Zero Hour - Part II

Russia's Khmeimim Air Base, Syria

UPDATE 17 December 2021:  Eschatology Today's decade-old interpretation of Jeremiah 49:34-39 indicating a coalition of nations acting against the Twelver regime's nuclear weapons program, much to the delight of Israel, is once again on the front, high-heat burner with the collapse of the Vienna negotiations. 

As became clear this past week there is no hope for a return the the all but dead 2015 JCPOA agreement whose funeral will be attended by Caolition airstrikes on Irans known nuclear sites and several others previously known only in intelligence circles or fleeting references by former Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu.

7 December 2021: Very early in the very early hours this morning the IAF conducted a precision air strike on the port facility at Latakia. In Eschatology Today's analysis this strike could have profound repercussions for one major reason and one minor reason. 

The minor reason is the proximity of today's IAF strike to Russia's Khmeimim Air Base which lies just 5 miles southeast of the Latakia port facility. This is a very sensitive area when it comes to Israeli air strikes in Syria. Not the least of which is the IAF air strike in 2018 when wildly firing Syrian air defenses shot down a Russian patrol aircraft killing all crewmen aboard. Russia blamed Israel for causing the shootdown, characterizing its air operation as reckless endangerment of its forces in Syria. As a result the S-400 Air Defense System was deployed (see map above) to Khmeimim AB in addition to S-300, S200 and other short range air defense systems. 

The important thing here his Israel has repeatedly struck targets in Latakia port, and every one of the strikes here since 2013 has been against Iranian missile and weapons shipments destined for Hezbollah in Lebanon. Such is the case with today's air strike. A containerized shipment of missiles was recently offloaded from the Iranian cargo ship MV Artabaz which had transited directly from the Iranian port at Bandar Abbas. 

It's no secret that Russia's preference is for Iranian forces to get out of Syria. Russia has looked the other way in recent months when Israel turns Iranian weapons shipments into scrap metal within hours of their arrival in Syria. The assessment is that Russia views the Israeli strikes as serving its interest in removing Iran, and because Iran has taken advantage of the location of the base in Khmeimim to clandestinely transfer war materiel into Syria. This is the minor reason of concern.

The major reason of concern is that Syria's Foreign Minister, Faisal Mekdad, has just completed a visit to Tehran where he assured the Twelver regime that Syria would defend Iranian military forces in his country. In less than 12 hours Israel promptly put the lie to that Syrian promise, at least thus far it has, with today's strike upon Iranian missile containers on the dock at port Latakia destined for transfer to Hezbollah. Should Syria be foolish enough to make good on its promise to retaliate directly against Israel with rocket or missile strikes of its own - then this situation will take on the acutely prophetic prospect of Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27 fulfillment. 

Iranian weapons burning at Port Latakia, Syria this morning.

Updates as they occur. Check the comments for other info.

 5 December 2021: The details surrounding Israel's success against the Twelver regime's nuclear progress in recent months was revealed last Thursday by The Jewish Chronicle dot com. 

Photo Credit: Photo by Majid Saeedi/Getty Images

Details can be found at TheJC website. In sum, the article reveals that a team of 1,000 Mossad analysts, technicians and many subject matter experts assisted greatly by 10 Iranian dissident scientists were responsible for the July 2020, April 2021 and June 2021 attacks on Iranian nuclear weapons facilities, chief among them the A1000 centrifuge hall at Natanz (image above). 

In the months since then Iran has restored those interrupted capabilities and now, as we've discussed recently, has embarked upon the path to breakout nuclear weapons capability by further enriching the 60% HEU to 90% weapons grade HEU. This is now apparent even to the Western nuclear negotiators in Vienna who on Friday suspended further talks with the Iranian delegation which has been playing them for fools while pushing hard to manufacture their nuclear weapons.

What is also clear is that prophecy found in Jeremiah 49:36 where the  prophet quotes the Lord saying "Against Elam (Iran) I will bring the four winds from the four corners of heaven..." Eschatology Today has long interpreted this phrase to indicate coalition warfare against the Iranian nuclear threat, and still ultimately hold to that interpretation. 

However, as TheJC article makes very clear Israel has embedded in Iran a very large and capable force which has been repeatedly assaulting Iranian nuclear activities for two years with more and greater assaults coming in 2022. In this Israel has surrounded Iran nuclear prize from within Iran itself; the Israeli and Iranian dissident cohort has struck from every direction on the compass.

The coming attack, either this month or next in 2022 will be a full-scale assault at the heart of Iran's nuclear program. With the Vienna talks halted, and as we've stated recently, their is nothing further to restrain finishing the job of denuclearizing the mullahs in Tehran. We've hinted at this for some time now and perhaps you'll recall past SITREP'S that spoke of the new IDF military doctrine known as Israel Victory. Well, Israel Victory has now come to Iran in a way few imagined. 

The Iranian regime is frightened, and to not expect them to lash out with their proxies in Syria, Hezbollah, HAMAS in Gaza and Judea and Samaria and even in Yemen simply makes no sense. They will lash out in a desperate attempt to salvage the Shi'a eschatology from certain oblivion. That lashing out will without question trigger the full-assault the IDF has been preparing for these past months, with or without allied military participation.

There will be updates to this SITREP, probably sooner rather than later.



  1. It's late, the minor typos will get fixed tomorrow.

  2. The Iranians would do well to abandon their eschatology and adopt ours instead!

    1. There is a fairly large number of persecuted bride of Christ brethren living in Iran today who're enduring the kind of evil things most in America can barely fathom.

      The Lord might just be waiting for just one more to decide for Christ and then tell His Son to bring us all home.

  3. Speaking of "Zero Hour" this was posted today at Citizen Free Press:

    Archbishop Vigano speaks out- Fight the NWO


    1. The above article convinces me that due to his age Bergoglio is likely not the prophetic second beast of Rev 13, but his immediate predecessor.

      And, yes, he will not be referred to as Pope, but simply as Bergoglio.

    2. There are emergent reports that Bergoglio is dying due to severe, chronic ailment. Some suggesting he will not survive 2022.

    3. Eschatological Question:

      If Bergoglio passes away and the Vatican has their conclave to select his successor, and he turns out to be the 2nd beast...

      Does that not indicate, according to Revelation 13, that the 1st beast is already present on the Earth yet is unrevealed?

      You tell me if this logic based upon Scripture is sound.

  4. What is the "heart" of Iran's nuclear program?

    Eschatology Today, a long time ago, described this location as Iran's nuclear "crown jewel."

    It is Bushehr. Bushehr is in the territory of ancient Elam. Jeremiah 49:34-39.

    1. I was about to ask this same question, more or less. Before I say anything, it is inexcusable that the recent events at Natanz are basically not covered unless you either check in here at ET, or a few other sights.

      So, I'll ask this. Is Bushehr the facility that was essentially built underneath a mountain? I know that was protected, at least partially, with 30-40 feet of concrete interwoven with steal cords, but if Bushehr is the crown jewel, again, is that the facility that is basically buried beneath a mountain?

      Also, from what I understand, there are many turncoat agents in the Iranian Scientific Community that have assisted Israel in damaging Iran's nuclear program from the inside. (They are quickly ferried out to safety, anonymity, and also financial reward).

      Additionally, while it might be misdirection, I've recently heard a lot of pundits that I respect saying that those sites in Iran need to worry more about explosions from the inside, rather from the outside.

      Still, I am going to ask what might be a crazy question. If, Bushehr is, in fact, the facility buried underneath a mountain, and even the state of the art bunker buster types of ordinance can't destroy it, would:

      1) A tactical nuclear weapon do the job.
      2) Would Isreal be willing to use that if it was a last resort.
      3) How would the world respond?

    2. Bushehr is Iran's first functioning nuclear power electrical generation station. The reactor core heats water drawn in from the Gulf to produce steam to turn turbines creating electrical current. It is not under ground, but above ground on the coastline of ancient Elam.

      Now I have a massively important update to add to this SITREP...

    3. Jonathan,

      As for what would happen if the Bushehr nuclear pile lost cooling and was exposed to the air...

      Jeremiah 49:36b speaks to this directly in my view:

      "And scatter them toward all those winds;
      There shall be no nations where the outcasts of Elam will not go.

      Same scenario as that which occurred at Chernobyl in Ukraine, and the nearby abandoned town of Prypyat which, according to current conditions, will require 20,000 years before habitation can occur again.

    4. Wow Sean,

      While I shouldn't be surprised, it is amazing how prescient The Word of God is. I never honestly looked at that verse, that way. Thanks for that, Sean.

  5. Our Father in Heaven is more Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient than the human mind can fathom.

  6. Israeli PM Naftali Bennett in a meeting with allies Greece and Cyprus this morning said, "We’re pushing back on the bad forces of this region, day and night. We won’t stop for one second. This happens almost daily. In the face of destructive forces, we will continue to act, we will be persistent and we will not tire."

    1. As noted in this mornings update to SITREP F3-21 above, and as PM Bennett unwittingly confirmed before the Greek and Cypriot ministers, the prophetic fulfillment of Isaiah 17/Jeremiah 49:23-27 is today closer than ever before.

  7. Detailed details on Israel's audacious trifecta of attacks on Iran's nuclear weapons program:


  8. Has an Iranian naval ship ever sunk before leaving the dock?


    Here's a report from the Daily Mail (UK).


  9. I've placed a ban on NEWSMAX. They are done here in any form.

  10. Syrian nuclear weapons project near Al-Qusayr. JPost has a report:

    Syrian Atomic Factory

  11. We are obviously focused on the holiday season as we should be. Just keep an eye open on new developments.


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