Thursday, December 16, 2021

Global SITREP F4-21: "I Will Turn You Around, Put Hooks in Your Jaws, and Lead You Out..." Part II

Russian T-72B3 Main Battle Tank

UPDATE 16 December 2021: It would be a completely false notion to believe that warfare is not raging in eastern Ukraine. Warfare is raging. 

A synopsis of the past 24 hours reveals hybrid formations composed of Russian Army and Donbas region rebels launched ten attacks in the Donetsk, Luhansk and Mariupol sectors yesterday which included heavy artillery barrages and other weaponry allegedly banned under the obviously failed Minsk Accords. A Russian court in the city of Kirov accidentally published a legal proceeding in which the Russian Army presence in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts in Ukraine was confirmed. Within hours the report was deleted by state media censors. In today's actions four more attacks on Ukrainian Army positions were launched by forces of the Russian Federation in Novoluhanske using 82mm mortars and heavy anti-tank grenade launchers. 

These attacks are designed to cause an escalation which Russia would use as an excuse for an all-out invasion by its forces along three axes into the heart of Ukraine. In order to forestall this Ukrainian troops, under the command of the Joint Forces Office in Kiev, are limiting their actions to purely defensive measures. The Ukrainians face 120,000 Russian troops with an additional 100,000 that could be deployed in the coming days or weeks. We won't know until V. Putin has completed his risk versus reward calculations if an invasion is ordered; if a full-scale invasion occurs then we'll have our answer. That point may come no later than late January 2022 according to military observers. The other option V. Putin is considering is for a slow "creeping" or low-intensity conflict which has less risk of an onslaught of sanctions from the Western Alliance that could cripple the Russian economy. 

Ukraine is not defenseless. The Ukrainian Army is now fully equipped with the formidable Oplot-M Main Battle Tank, a modernized and upgraded version of the T-84 MBT.

Finally, is there an economic link to the prophetic Russian desire to plunder Israel (foretold in Ezekiel 38/39) that is related to the increasing potential of Western sanctions? We'd be silly not to factor in this possibility.

14 December 2021: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov announced during a video teleconference today that Russia will respond militarily and forward deploy tactical nuclear weapons to Ukraine's border if NATO continues to arm Ukraine and does not guarantee an end to its eastern expansion. Ryabkov added "there will be a confrontation" leading to the deployment of weaponry previously banned under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty of 1987 signed by U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. Source: VOA News Release 2:20 PM EDT.

Here below are six embedded direct links to the archived Global SITREPs on the Russia-Ukraine crisis dating back to 28 March 2014 and moving forward to the updated info of 14 April 2021. These six are the essentials, but there are others in the archives. 

There was an approximately six month hiatus in overt Russian aggressive movements until last month's wholly manufactured refugee destabilization gambit on NATO's eastern border (Poland and Lithuania). The Russian offensive armor and troop build-up (including airborne troops) along Ukraine's entire eastern border with Russia also began in April 2021. 

Global SITREP B19-14: "Cry Havoc! And Let Slip the Dogs of War!" 

This update now must include the forward deployment of additional of Buk-M1 (9K37M1) medium-range air defense systems (NATO Name: SA-17 Grizzly) in the past 48 hours. It was a Buk-M1 system which shot down a Malaysian airliner in 2014 having mistaken it as a NATO reconnaissance mission over Ukraine. All 298 passengers on board flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur were murdered by the Russian military operators, many of whom were citizens of NATO countries, The Netherlands in particular. 

BUK-M1 (9K37M1)
NATO Name: SA-17 Grizzly) SAM system

Proof of Russia's culpability in the shoot-down was determined when a Buk-M1 vehicle was photographed making a hasty retreat back into Russian territory from the Donetsk town of Snizhne and missing two of its previously photographed four missile loadout. Eschatology Today is convinced the forward deployment of the Buk-M1 system is in response to the USAF flight on 11 December (last Saturday) of an RC-135W 'Rivet Joint' on an ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) mission over Ukraine all the way from RAF Mildenhall, UK.

We learned yesterday morning that President Biden's pledge on Wednesday, 8 December of no US combat troops deploying into Ukraine was pure hogwash. The first advance movement of US troops was on the ground in Ukraine and made public knowledge yesterday morning by the left-leaning Military Times newspaper at 11:00 EST. 

What we also know and need to recall is the decision made at the 2008 NATO Summit in Bucharest, Romania. That decision was to admit the former-Soviet republics of Ukraine and Georgia into the NATO alliance. One of Russia's critical demands of NATO is to disavow that decision entirely. NATO's refusal led directly to the concocted Russian invasion of Georgia. Russia defended its invasion as military action to defend the Russian-speaking population in the Georgian oblast of North Ossetia. The exact same template of military action was used in Crimea, Ukraine, and again in the Ukrainian oblasts of Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk in 2014. 
9 December 2021: In  the past 24 hours multiple sources of OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) have published reports of a new, overt massing of Russian Federation armored forces in strategic locations all along the Ukrainian border. This build-up is confirmed by satellite imagery. What has been most striking is that this build-up is essentially a significant reinforcing of the forces that had deployed to the border region in the spring of 2021. The new units arriving are among the best equipped and trained that Russia has to put in the field. They are also now in areas near Ukraine's border that are well away from their normal training areas in Russia. 

Additionally, some of the forward deployments this time have made their movements under cover of darkness providing these new arrivals a stealthy appearance in encampments they were not to be found previously. In response Ukraine has been deploying it own forces in an expedited manner, but acknowledges they have no real chance of halt a full-scale Russian invasion without significant air, land and seaborne direct support from NATO. In one now encampment there are 700 T-72B3 MBTs (image above) along with brigades of self-propelled howitzers, infantry fighting vehicles and short-range ballistic missiles. Even in Crimea which Russia conquered seven years ago new formations have suddenly appeared, including Russian marines of the Black Sea Fleet.

For the moment we'll hold here to see what transpires next; to see if the American resolve materializes, or if our NATO allies in Europe have to deal with a potential Russian invasion by themselves.


  1. To paraphrase the Lord, these things (birth pangs) must take place, so the things which follow can also take place.

    This is not saying that Ezekiel 38/39 is next.

    It's pointing to Ezekiel's prophetic text saying Russia is engaged with its troops in the north when the Lord says "I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws, and lead you out..." as discussed in detail here previously.

  2. Repeating... when the new JCPOA talks with Iran fail, (they will) a joint US-Israel military option will swiftly follow.

    In case anyone is unaware, the US is not attending the Vienna talks, but relying on EU member states UK, France and Germany to report on Iran's position.

    Iran has stated they will stick with their position of last week which caused the talks to be suspended until yesterday.

    We could say the US and Israel already know that a joint strike is next.

  3. To reiterate what must be foremost in our thoughts as we express them...

    1. The Lord God has put the leaders of nations in the roles they fill.

    2. The only thing that matters in any of this is where the Lord has spoken through his prophets saying "I will" or "I shall."

    3. His will is being done for the purpose of the establishment of His Kingdom.

  4. 11 November 2021: Gantz Says He Instructed Israeli Army to Prepare Military Option Against Iran

    Israel's Defense Minister said the nuclear talks in Vienna have yielded 'no progress' and he has informed Washington of the IDF's preparations.

  5. Brothers and Sisters,

    Prayers are needed for our armed forces at this time and going forward, in Jesus Name.

  6. In lieu of an update, which I cannot post at this time, please use the linked article as a current situation primer:

    Deter Russia [Now] or Accept Defeat

    It's not just about Ukraine, but also Georgia. Renewed Russian aggression against Georgia was something Eschatology Today predicted a decade ago.

  7. A company size detatchment of US troops have deployed into Ukraine. Other NATO forces are on Ukrainian soil as well.

  8. With all due respect to Dr. Turley, he's SEVEN YEARS LATE with his assessment of the situation. He doesn't hold a candle compared to what was brought forward here in 2014-2015.

    In fact, Eschatology Today led all world media reporting on the REAL root cause of this war; why it is being fought; the Russian strategic objectives and how it will likely end.

    In early 2014 and continuing thru to 2015 and onwards readers here were well aware of what was REALLY going on in the Ukrainian oblasts of Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk and how the were just a drop in the bucket in Russian (Putin's) planned conquests in Ukraine. I even included maps of the invasion routes which are where Russia's divisions are deployed at this time.

    In the search block, upper left-hand of the mainpage type in "Donetsk" and a series of those 2014-15 SITREPS will display for a timely refreshing of memories. In fact, there's more relevant info in our archives than anywhere else on the internet today.

  9. AND in reading those archived posts folks will once again understand how this war, and the unfinished war in Georgia, are essential preludes to the fulfillment of the prophecy within Ezekiel 38/39.

  10. For those who slumber...

    Stand-by to be re-awakened with what you already know from reading Eschatology Today and in your Bereanism of confirming that by reading the inerrant Holy Scriptures.

  11. The comment above... regarding the completely secular, sensationalist, Putin-appologist Dr.Turley... has been deleted.

    I have watched the video and in so doing recognized it as pure rubbish; totally devoid of even one iota of Spiritual discernment or Scriptural point of reference.

    Yes, of these essential Christian elements the video contained exactly zip, zero, none. It was a presentation of pure secular sensationalism!

    My comment responses of 2 to 2:30 AM this morning preceded my actually watching the Turley video by a minimum of 5 hours, yet my first take in response was spot on and the referenced Eschatology Today postings will be linked to this SITREP within the hour.

  12. My country is in the eastern sphere of Central-Europe (next to Austria) so Ukraine is not so far away from here. What is astonishing (and irking) to me is that there's ZERO report in the news regarding this whole situation in our mainstream media! Zero reports, only crickets.

    1. Nora,

      I did find at least one Czech news agency ( which has on-line translation into English. The key item in that one report I read had this to say:

      "Biden also made it clear to Zelenskiy that it is up to Ukraine to decide to join NATO. Putin on Tuesday, in a video conference with the US president, demanded guarantees that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization would not expand further eastward, which the White House said Biden refused to give him."

    2. Thank you for the info! I asked my friend who listens to more news by our country's media and it turns out that, basically the same things were reported as in the Czech media piece you shared.

  13. As you can see in the URGENT UPDATE posted to this SITREP just minutes ago and in contrast to the reply I made to Nora's comment three hours earlier... things have changed for the worse.

    The escalation of this crisis to include nuclear weaponry is no surprise, and has actually been anticipated by Eschatology Today.

    For the record, the US withdrew from the INF treaty on 2 August 2019 as the Russian Federation failed to uphold its obligations in the treaty. This made anticipation of this crisis going to and perhaps beyond the nuclear threshold a very likely occurrence.

    Also for the record and to keep everyone fully informed, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Weapons covered ground-launched ballistic missiles and cruise missiles within the 300km - 3,000km (500 - 5,000 miles) range which effectively puts all of the EU and European NATO under the threat of Russian nuclear blackmail.

  14. The Group of Seven (G7) nations (France, Germany, Italy, UK, Japan, Canada and USA) have warned Russia of "massive consequences" if it doesn't dial down its rhetoric and troop levels on Ukraine's border.

    The ball is in Putin's court.

  15. I was about to add a new update regarding the background of this conflict, but decided I'll just drop it here for those who enjoy to details in the SITREP comments section (i.e. the deep divers).

    From 1998 thru 2007 the EU and Ukraine had been working within the terms of a partnership and cooperation agreement. In 2008 the EU and Ukraine took it further and negotiated an Association Agreement (AA).

    The final signed document has this clause -- with bold text for due emphasis:

    "The Association Agreement will constitute a new stage in the development of EU-Ukraine contractual relations, aiming
    at political association and economic integration and leaving open the way for further progressive developments.

    'Further progressive developments' is diplo-speak meaning full membership in the European Union and NATO.

    The AA became a full effect reality in 2017. I assess that Russia's war with Ukraine is actually a proxy war against the European Union, the effects of which are specifically noted in the prophetic Book of Daniel.

    Now it's up to you Bereans to tell us where this important detail is found in that prophetic Scripture!

  16. Sean, it's the Daily Mail but if this is true, the Kings of the East comes to mind....

    1. Ben D,

      Yes, it does, and in so doing touches on the very chapter of Daniel that I refer to in my comment at 7:11 above:

      Daniel 11

      This incredible prophetic chapter foretells the future from the final kings of Persia, to Alexander the Great, and following his death to the division of his Macedonian-Greek Empire into four lesser empires. It then highlights the series of Seleucid and Ptolemaic wars, until arriving at the time of antichrist forerunner Antiochus IV Epihanes circa 167 BC.

      It is here the prophecy of Daniel 11 literally leaps forward 2,000 years to our time and near future 70th Week and the Western Antichrist. The news from the North and East refers directly to Russia and China, Putin and Xi.

      More prophetic proof th we are oh so very close!!!

    2. Sean,

      I agree we are indeed close. Do you think we've got days, months, or years left? Sometimes it seems like moments, sometimes years.

    3. Hi Jay, certainly more pieces to the puzzle have been filled in but only God's knows. He has a reward for those who watch for His appearing, in the mean time, we continue to live out our life, endure tribulations, reflect God's love and stay prepared to share the gospel to any God puts in our path.

      Perhaps today!!!

    4. Jay G.,

      The only thing I can say it what I've always said - date setting is a non-starter - our Harpazo (i.e. Laqach, Rapture) is imminent.

      My oft repeated prayer is for the Lord to provide a 7-day heads up as He did for Noah before they entered the Ark. No matter what - Marana'tha!

      And double ditto what jmoll106 said!!!

  17. "The Past as Prologue."

    With my comment reply to Ben D above, the Eschatology Today blog has come to complete a full circle; a fully completed 12-year long orbit around the prophetic text of the Lord's inerrant Word.

    In "Global SITREP C1-16:The Past As Prologue" Eschatology Today did foretell by the Holy Spirit an arrival at this point in time in the year of our Lord 2021.

    We have arrived exactly at this point.

    Whether folks continue to make use of the 12 years of content here is for them to decide.

    Whether the Lord has me continue adding to the now completed work here or do something else is 100% for Him to decide.


    1. So, I need to directly link the reference I made above:

      Global SITREP C1-16: The Past As Prologue

      That SITREP explains the concept, as a paraphrase from Ecclesiastes 1:9, and goes on with details that are now being covered again in this SITREP. Here is a quoted kay paragraph, but the entire SITREP is well worth your time to read, perhaps for the first time, or once again as the case may be.

      "With Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Greek-Macedonian self-proclaimed demigod of the Seleucid Empire in a long, unbroken line of Macedonian-Greek Seleucid kings, we have a very specific prologue into the coming of the man who will become the Antichrist as provided by Gabriel in Daniel 11. The prologue does not even skip a beat in the exploits of this man circa 168-67 BC to those of the real future Antichrist; the text is a virtual time warp of from the events of 168-67 BC to those of what I believe will be circa the year 2021 AD. And in this fact alone the future will be fulfilled. As many have pointed out previously, this is about a bloodline, and about a certain demonic entity which possessed Antiochus IV Epiphanes during his brief rule and will possess the coming Antichrist in the final 42 months of the Megas Thlipsis (a/k/a the 'Great Tribulation')."

      And here we are, circa the end of the year 2021. The Past is Prologue, but we are closer than ever before to our Lord's sudden coming for us as a thief in the night.

    2. Sean, just went over SITREP C1-16 plus comments and where you mentioned the 360-day year used by Our Lord, another past scripture reference you made about the earth being moved from its place came to mind. My thought was that if the earth was to be dropped to an orbit closer to the sun, then the orbital period could be shortened to 360 vs. 365 days per circuit. Could also explain men being scorched by the sun and the days needing to be shortened. Just my two cents. Outside of that, the 2016 SITREP was especially prescient for the 2021 calculation.

    3. Chuck,

      Thanks! Revelation points to when the Isaiah 13:13 orbital disturbance occurs; I think it is concurrent with the AoD being stood up in the Holy Place of the 3rd Temple. The final days will be dark literally and figuratively.

      The 360 year is one God has used for a very long time; it is the temporal basis for the whole of Gabriel's 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel 9.

  18. Maranatha!
    I was reading Daniel 11:44 last night but wasn't sure if the connection was with Russia/Ukraine since they are decimated in the Ezekiel 38/39 war with God.
    Through the years you have given us much insight into God's word and I appreciate your patience.
    May God richly bless you Sean.

    In Christ,

  19. Jeff,

    What I've noticed for some time now is that God will destroy the Magog confederation's invading forces on the "mountains of Israel" and send fire on the coastlands.

    In Ezekiel 38:8 the word pāqaḏ is most often translated as visited as in "After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years..."
    However, this phrase can also be translated as "After many days thou shalt be punished: in the latter years..."

    The notion of being punished is different than saying destroyed. So I see Russia (Magog) being chastened with the death of their troops and allies as well as their leader (Gog) being buried in the Valley of the Passengers / Valley of Hamongog, east of the Dead Sea, near present day Dhiban, Jordan (will be Israel proper in that post-Psalm 83 day) and re-named Hamonah. Ezekiel 39:11-16

    So, in this surmise Russia still a nation to present a problem for the Antichrist in connection with the kings of the east.

    One more thing...

    When the prophets quote God saying "I will" it does not necessary mean that He physically destroys the subject of His wrath, but rather He uses the vehicle of His choice for that action.

    In Micah 1 the prophet speaks for the Lord God to the entire planet. Here you'll see in this short chapter beginning at verse 6 the Lord's "I will" repeated eight times of the things He will do. But what was the vehicle chose for those actions to be fulfilled. Were they Assyrians, Babylonians and Romans in history? This gives us room to consider that the destruction of Gog and his forces attempting to invade and despoil Israel might be via a vehicle we do not yet see.
    There are other examples in Scripture of the "I will" being accomplished/fulfilled by other means, but because He has willed it so. He speaks it from ancient times and it is so at the appointed time. Hope this makes sense.

    1. Good!

      The Lord spoke His "I will" prophetic word to Ezekiel some 2,600 years ago regarding the Magog invasion, and immediately concluded that prophecy with another major prophecy... His "I shall" regarding the redemption of all Israel
      (Ez. 39:29).

  20. Just to be completely transparent, Eschatology Today will continue as the Lord determines.

    The blog format may be altered a bit for 2022, but but the "mission" will go on.

  21. It takes a lot of time and effort to spoon feed sheep like me and I wouldn't have blamed you for taking a break.
    I had hoped we would have been caught up with GG5 and the rest of the saints by now but God....
    God bless you and your family.

    1. And you and yours too!

      And we all should know that fulfillment of Ezekiel 38/39 is tied directly with the conclusion of this dispensation (the church age) and the Lord's re-focus upon Israel and it's promised redemption during the 70th Week of 360 day Years.

  22. I have to make an exception to post this YT video link.

    Putin Escalates!

    Listen carefully at the end. It's Ukraine's sovereign decision on when it will join the NATO alliance.

  23. Why would NATO agree to Russian dictate issued today to withdraw NATO from former-Soviet republics (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) and cancel NATO membership for all former Warsaw Pact countries of central Europe (Poland, Czech, Slovak, Hungary, Romanis and Bulgaria, and withdraw all US forces from Europe altogether?

    NATO would not agree to any of this dictum. Period.

    1. That demand is, I don't find words, this is crazy! (to put it lightly)

    2. Nora,

      It shows that Putin has read Donald Trump's book "The Art of the Deal."

      You announce an outrageous position that you know will be rejected out of hand, but you accept the lesser counter-offer which surely will follow.

      Putin wants an iron-clad guarantee that NATO will stay out of Ukraine. He might get that instead of crushing sanctions and a major war in Europe nobody wants.

      Problem is his signature is not worth 1 ruble in any agreement; Russia never implemented the terms of the Minsk Accord ceasefire agreement.

    3. Thanks for the explanation!

  24. Two new items.

    The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), General Tod D. Wolters, want NATO forces in an enhanced forward deployment in Romania and Bulgaria. These two countries in NATO'S southeastern sector have been requesting such a deployment for some time. This will coincide with a coming NATO push into the Black Sea. In ancient times the Roman Empire had a strong presence here and eastward to Crimea.

    NATO has five Main Battle Tanks that are superior to anything Russia has fielded thus far. Number 1 is the US Abrams M1A2C. Numbers 2 through 5 are variants of the German Leopard tank in service with several NATO nations. This is prophetically important to keep in mind.

  25. Just FYI an excerpt from CFP:

    "Israel’s cabinet expanded the list of “red countries” to include the U.S., Canada, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Morocco, Portugal, Turkey and Switzerland. The ban will come into effect Tuesday at midnight.

    Travel to and from so-called “red countries” is expressly forbidden, unless permission is granted by a special committee. Those who return from blacklisted countries must enter a seven-day quarantine. On Sunday, 10 percent of passengers on a flight from Miami tested positive, with most of the cases carrying the Omicron variant.

    The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant is the mutation that genetically fused with the common cold CoV. It is highly contagious but a relatively mild infection that is treatable as the common cold is treatable: isolate, eat healthy and just rest for a few days.

    Lock-downs, travel bans, manda-booster-jabs (which cause blood clots!) for this? See what "they" are doing?

  26. A 2021 Finale SITREP will post this morning.


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