Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Global SITREP F5-21: 2021 Finale


There had better not be even one Christian unaware
of what this little devise is and/or will become.

21 December 2021: This is the Eschatology Today finale SITREP for 2021. In this we'll look at how the dominoes are lined up and we'll recap what has been posted recently, but will now be doubled-down on.

First off, we have the double-down on what has been variously nomenclatured as Transhumanism, Human Augmentation, Human Digitization, COVID Passport - which all mean or are leading to the same thing every true Christian must know about from Revelation 13:15-17.  Most regular readers will recall this is a double-down on Global SITREP F2-21: COVID-19 as the Globalist Means to Their Objective and its comment section where much of what follows here was noted in that SITREP. However, there is more to inform about. 

This is sourced from a report found on The Conservative Treehouse by a writer known by the pen name "Sundance." This report contains a one-minute forty-two second video showing the implant biochip in use by citizens of Sweden. This, I believe, is a good witnessing tool for us to use to illustrate to the unsaved we all know the inerrant accuracy of Bible prophecy. Does the Bible explicitly say the 'Mark of the Beast" is the size of a single grain of wild rice? No, but in order to place the mark comfortably in the right hand or forehead it will of necessity have to be small, easily inserted, and pack the kind of high technology we see demonstrated in the embedded video. In many countries around the world you cannot fly without this type of "passport." There are voices in the US Congress who are saying we should not be able to fly on American aircraft within this country without such a "passport." And as noted previously, adding financial capability is already in the works.

Moving into the final week of 2022 there are, as we're all well aware, several hot-spots which are fully expected to boil over, possible this week or just around the corner in 2022. They are all equally dangerous and in one way or another have profound prophetic meaning or direct fulfillment. 

The ongoing nearly 8 year old Russia-Ukraine War could quickly become a Russia-EU or Russia-NATO war preceding the Ezekiel 38/39 war. Even if just the NATO Baltic states of Lithuania and Poland come to the active defense of Ukraine a Russian retaliation against them would trigger the heart of the founding principles of the NATO Alliance: Article V Collective Defense.

NATO Article 5 Collective Defense
Simply put, an attack on one NATO ally is an attack upon all of the NATO allies as enshrined in the alliance's original Washington Treaty. Was the recent attempt by Russian and its ally Belarus an attack upon NATO? Yes, by definition it was, and the entire alliance responded to it and the Russian-Belarus axis stood down. If there are any doubt about the Western alliances capabilities and who will eventually have full control over them, look no further - once again - to Revelation 13, verse four:

"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast! who is able to war with him!"

There's also the rising of the kings of the East who figure prophetically in both of the primary 'end of days' prophecy bookends, Daniel and Revelation. To the logically-minded, there's a good geographic reason why the kings of the East march to the west to the Middle East - there's nowhere for those kings to march towards the East. This is made very clear in Daniel 11. In Revelation the number of those marching is giving a 200 million. Note also as we have discussed before, this is during the time of darkness, when the Lord will have shaken the heavens and the Earth has been moved out of her place (Isaiah 13:13, Joel 2:31, Matthew 24:29-30, 2 Peter 3:10  and the 6th Seal of Revelation 6).

And, last but by no means least, are the many prophetic dominoes found in the Middle East which have been covered here for all of the last 12 years. These will precede Ezekiel 38/39, yet all of these are linked in a certain progression, but the will happen with such rapidity and ferociousness that the angel Gabriel described them as a flood (Daniel 9:26).

Most importantly, the imminence of our Harpazo cannot be overstated. We shall see each other on the other side of eternity. And with that final thought... Marana'tha!


  1. Any questions will receive responses as time permits; we're all super busy through this fortnight with family and friends. Stay safe and God Bless everyone!

  2. Same here, Sean. Thanks for all you do in keeping us informed. God bless all of the ET fam and Merry Christmas to all. Looking up!

  3. Meanwhile the energy prices in Europe are exploding due to the increasing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, Gazprom shutting down the gas flow to Europe via the Yamal pipeline, cold winter weather in both Europe and Russia. Will Europe be literally plunged into the cold and darkness before the Rapture?

    1. Moin,

      Two guesses (and the first one doesn't count) as to who comes to Europe's "energy crisis" rescue and benefits handsomely in so doing?

      Could it be.... wait for it... Israel?

      Now this is not hard to figure out...

      The Lord told Ezekiel (and others before him from more ancient times - oral tradition) that Magog (Russia) would come against Israel to take spoils.

      Why of course they will. After all Israel will utterly ruin Russia's billions of "investment" in Syria (there won't be a Syria(Aram) after Isaiah 17) and Israel will reap the benefits of supplying Europe with the Leviathan field deposits of oil and gas, also costing Russia billions of dollars.

      And the author of all this is not any of Israel's ancient prophets. The author of this is the Lord God Almighty Himself. He spoke it, so it will be!

      As for the Harpazo/Laqach/Rapture... that is a "signless" event as we only have an after-the-fact hint that our blessed hope event will have occurred around the time of the fulfillment of the Gog of Magog attempt to invade and plunder Israel for spoils. (Ezekiel 39:29) This single verse strongly indicates the end of the Church Age and the beginning of Israel's 70th Week of Years.


  4. God Bless you, Sean. Thank you for this well written, easily understood, and thorough explanation of where we are at this moment in time. It's mind boggling. Praise HaShem for allowing us to witness it all in our lifetime. I am so excited to meet my Lord and Savior soon - and all my brothers and sisters who surrendered their lives to our precious Yeshua. Merry Christmas to all and see you soon in Heaven. Amen and Maranatha!

  5. Merry Christmas and a powerful prophetic new year. Thank you for keeping us all informed and the fire of prophecy alive in us. I pray Jesus comes for His bride by the end of 2021. Blessings through Christ Jesus Sean.

  6. God bless you Sean. I don't comment often but I read all the time. Thanks for all you do.

  7. This just in from an authoritative source to confirm one of my comments from some time ago.

    Special Counsel John Durham is (has been) conducting an active investigation of the Hillary Clinton 2016 Election Campaign (a/k/a "Hillary For America").

    Apparently John Durham's Special Counsel investigating team hit a raw nerve with their indictment of Igor Danchenko, the primary source for the fully impugned ex-British spy Christopher Steele and his "dossiers." (There were more than one!) Those dossiers were a complete fabrication which fueled the FBI's 'witch hunt' and four years the Trump-Russia collusion hoax investigation led by former DOJ Special Counsel Mueller.

    It is now an undeniable fact that the Hillary Clinton Campaign paid for the Steele dossiers as well as the rubbish propagated by the Perkins Coie law firm (Mark Elias and Michael Sussmann led the effort from their hiring by Perkins Coie in 2016) which was also bankrolled by the Hillary Clinton Campaign. In a nutshell - Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign were the clients in this outrageous scam and assault on our Constitutional Republic as well as four years of assault upon the Office of the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Hillary Clinton herself was the original source of the Trump-Russia collusion narrative/hoax. Hillary, et al, are complicit in these high crimes and will be indicted for them by a Federal Grand Jury.

    There is much more to this, but we'll leave all of that for a day to come.

    1. We must anticipate that the Establishment/Deep State Globalist cabal will now pulls out all stops to ensure that their Uni-party (RINO and Leftists) maintains power going forward thru 2022 to 2024 and beyond. This is what I'm hearing tonight as a result of the above.

      The Harpazo of the bride of Christ would certainly make all of this academic.

  8. Replies
    1. Just so you know...

      Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" (BBB)


      The American part of the GLOBALIST (WEF) GREAT RESET.

    2. Thank God for the Red States of America. I think your right. The Harpazo will make this all academic.

    3. I recently heard that the WEF is again not going to meet in person this January but will meet virtually.

      Last year they delayed the conference from January until sometime in the Spring. I think they were hoping to meet in person after the January delay but defaulted to the virtual meeting after realizing that wasn't possible.

      Whatever form the meeting takes my feeling is that the purpose of these meetings is no longer to plan "what to do" anymore but to plan "what we have already decided we are doing".

      The bringing in of all of these diverse invitees is not to get their opinions on what to do but to tell them how to do what the planners have already decided.

      And when I say "planners", I'm including any and all Spiritual entities who are behind the whole effort.

      I have made recommendations to people I talk to to investigate the WEF and what they stand for. I think that too many consider the WEF plans to be conspiracy theory tin-foil-hat material.

      That's the kind of hide-under-a-rock thinking that makes conspiracy theories become real. People like those in the WEF for a time rely on the unbelievability of their plan in order to make their plan happen.

    4. WEF is currently slated to meet "early summer 2022."

      That's a possible signal of the end of the SARS-CoV-2 scamdemic, and that would indicate full speed ahead for their totalitarian global governance agenda.

      I've also heard the average timeline from "right wing-nut conspiracy" to being a proven or admitted fact is approximately 15 weeks or less.

  9. I'm not sure how a Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle is accomplished tp become a vaccine but I'll have to wait for all the phase trials and opinions of some experts I trust before taking it. I hope it's a safe and effective vaccine.

  10. Jon Hartman (hartdawg)December 22, 2021 at 5:25 PM

    So much going on at the end of 2021. I would not be a bit surprised if in 2022 or 2023 we find ourselves on the cusp of Isaiah 17 and possibly even psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38&39 becoming a reality. I just hope I'm not guilty of jumping the gun but at this point it seems like a very real possibility

    1. I have to say....I find it so disheartening to think that we could still be here in 2022, let alone 2023.

    2. Brother Frank, I know what you mean, the last few days of work before a vacation are hard enough to get through, waiting for the last gentiles to come into the fold is very tough, plus the world doesn't have anything to offer christians but at least we have good news to offer them.
      Perhaps today!

  11. Jeff,

    An article in that heavy in chemical terminology describe how the SpFN processes and application in initial tests. It's a chemical and protein soup which the ferritin well-organized into a nanoparticle 'soccer ball's of 24 facets.

    Science SpFN Vax

    If all the technical mumbo-jumbo can be handled the article does answer the "how" question. Trust in this vax is a different question entirely.

  12. New intel suggests there'e more than a quarter-million Russian troops pushed up against Ukraine's borders at this point. There's also a set of propaganda videos of troops marching west to the border in snow and rail cars loaded with armor and engineering vehicles of every description and utility.

  13. As I live as a citizen in The Netherlands in Northwestern Europe, how do I prepare myself for a war between Russia and the NATO? Of course, it comes down to trusting my Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ and being prepared for scarcity of food, goods and energy.

  14. From Jane's intel brief:

    "China and Russia have agreed to expand military collaboration over the coming five years, Russia's Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on 23 November. The move will facilitate deeper co-operation in joint patrols and military exercises.

    The ‘road map for military co-operation for 2021-2025' was approved in a video conference chaired by Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe, said the MoD. It said the road map will focus on increasing bilateral collaboration on “strategic military exercises and joint patrols”."

  15. There will be a massive march on Washington, D.C. on 23 January 2022.

    The march is a Constitutionally protected free speech, right of assembly to present grievances against the medical and political tyranny of forced vaccinations.

    1. In line with the above, here's an advance on Clare Lopez' new article at American Greatness:

      Mixed Messaging from USG on ChiCom PLA Bioweapon

  16. "He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.

    Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

    The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."

  17. Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar will become the Commander, Israel Air Force in April 2022.

    This news has grabbed headlines in Israel, and no doubt in Iran as well. There's no real doubt that MG Tomer Bar will execute the order to preempt Iran from becoming a threshold nuclear weapons country.

    With this news on 27 December 2021 the countdown begins.

  18. Interesting that Passover is right in the middle of April (15th). May need to be really looking up 50 or so days later at Shavuot/Pentecost.

    1. Yes, every Pentecost Sunday our thoughts turn to the blessed hope, and every year Scripture reminds that our Father will send His Son when we do not expect.

      Perhaps today!

  19. Overnight the IAF struck Latakia port for the second time to destroy imported Iranian war materiel destined to Hezbollah in Lebanon for use against Israel in the coming war.

    1. This second strike at Latakia port was far more severe than the first one on 7 December 2021.

      Exploding Iranian munitions ignited a fire storm that burned for 10 hours causing "significant material damage."

      The effect of nearly putting Latakia port out of commission is destructive in the extreme to Syria as a whole. Latakia port is Syria only commercial window to the world. The port at Tartus is now an off-limits and very secure military base. There's no way Iran can land their war materiel there.

      Eschatology Today calls the situation a near checkmate in Syria for Israel, with the only remaining option for Bashar al-Assad being one last suicidal war against Israel. We know this as the prophecy of Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27.

  20. One response to multiple questions on the Eastmed pipeline.

    The $7.14 Billion Eastmed pipeline deal will be finalized within months (2022). It will transport Israeli and Cypriot gas to Europe via Italy. Operation will begin in three years. It may even be augmented before then by Israeli gas piped to Egypt for sale to Europe.

  21. Global SITREP A1-22 will launch in a little over 72 hours from now.

    Until then new developments will be added as comments right here.

  22. Make no mistake, the dozens of IAF strikes in Syria in 2021, and in 2020, were not all directed at IRGC weapons or infrastructure building.

    A good number of the those airstrikes were against Bashar al-Assad's rebuilding of of his chemical warfare capabilities. Al-Assad still possesses ChemWar capabilities.

  23. I don't know if this is relevant or not (I believe it is) but this will totally shock you as it did me. I'm at the airport getting in the security line and a TSA agent pulls me aside (almost literally) to tell me about the clear membership. Long story short, she takes me to a machine, it scans my eye and all my information pops up on the screen including every address I ever had and every vehicle I ever owned...everything. I never even had my eye scanned before. So how did this all pop up? Did my phone or TV scan me or something??? Are you as shocked as I was? Scary.

    1. Biometric data for individuals are collected all the time, the sources for the collection are varied, and 99.99% of the time the individual is completely unaware that collection has taken place. One means is via the cell phone. Android or iPhone, it doesn't matter, you look at it and its got your face and your eye. Remember, there is a camera on both side of the phone. Same with an ATM. There isn't much hidden from "big brother" these days.

    2. Jon Hartman (hartdawg)January 1, 2022 at 12:25 PM

      I was honestly expecting you to be more surprised. Frankly, I wasn't even entirely sure you would have believed me. Perhaps I need to wake up a little more.

      HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!I'm expecting a really wild year prophetically

  24. What is meant by 'clear membership' Jon? Yes, there is a data base for everyone, when your eye was scanned, if it had not been scanned before, it has now and that would have been added to the data base.

    1. Jon Hartman (hartdawg)January 1, 2022 at 9:31 PM

      Clear membership is a new feature at big airports. You pay an annual fee, you scan your eye, no ID, no boarding pass necessary and you get to go to the front of the line

    2. Tks Jon, I understand now.

  25. I watched a very interesting discussion to the effect that the future mark of the beast may (among other things) involve modification of peoples’ DNA, like peoples’ DNA was modified/corrupted before the flood, such that only Noah’s family “were perfect in their generations” - had uncorrupted DNA. The current set of experimental injections/boosters are likely a precursor to this. And that during the final 7 years, the mark with this ultimate modification will permanently sever peoples’ physical and spiritual connection with the Lord, who designed our DNA. That may be part of the reason that those who have taken the mark will be irretrievably lost, like everyone except Noah and his family were pre-flood.

    1. Miriam,

      I'm thinking many folks are slow to grasp, or simply refuse to grasp, what is meant by transhumanism.

      This was a key focus item in a recent SITREP and did not elicit much, if any, response from a large number of Escatology Today's readers. I was quite surprised by it.

      Folks... brothers and sisters... mRNA (messenger RNA) shots are 100% gene therapy! The jabs were designed to modify our genetic make up!

      Now maybe a deeper understanding may take hold of why the global elite are so intent - at all costs - for EVERYONE to be inoculated?

      Why else would the global elite deny that natural immunity exists?

    2. Yep, it’s all about changing our status of being made in the image of Almighty God. Changed DNA=corrupted from the original divine design.

    3. Yep, it’s all about changing our status of being made in the image of Almighty God. Changed DNA=corrupted from the original divine design.

    4. I agree and have felt that this wasn't right from the beginning. Since we know this shot for what it actually is, how long do you all think it will be before it takes its final form as the mark of the beast? Or before the mob is implemented on a worldwide scale? It seems as if it is right around the corner, like next year close.

      I have to say that it is very eerie to know people (believers...entire church full) that have received this without a second thought and suggest that those who do not are ignorant or irresponsible. Do you all think that these initial shots condemn the recipients since their dna is ultimately corrupted?

      I am ready to go. Looking up and waiting on Him. I do look forward to meeting all of you in the clouds. Maybe (please be) today!

    5. And the deeper meaning is that Jesus Christ, as our Kindred Redeemer, is no longer "kindred" to those who willfully change their DNA through transhumanism and/or take the "Mark" of the Beast.

    6. Jay G., I don't think the initial covid jabs will condemn the recipients because the synthetic mRNA is only about instructing the cell to produce a part of the spike protein which in turn activates the immune system against Covid. However when they synthesize mRNA to modify our genetic makeup, then those who take these jabs will be condemned to my understanding.

    7. For everyone:

      Dr. Malone, inventor of MRNA technology, is the "horses mouth" on the subject of vaxxing.

      He's a regular guest on Joe Rogan's conservative podcasts. This interview in the link is blistering!

      Joe Rogan w/ Dr. Robert Malone

  26. I am glad to see/hear that qualified professionals such as Dr. Malone are speaking out against this treachery. I am praying that the SCOTUS does the right thing with the upcoming cases regarding federal mandates. Do you all think that truth will ultimately prevail, resulting in responsible agents being held accountable?
    Or will the evil continue uninhibited as we have now arrived at the very last moments before the Harpazo and subsequent Great Tribulation?

  27. The events that are occurring and will yet occur and within the will of God Almighty.

    And evil is not uninhibited in this world corrupted by sin, yet to the contrary, evil remains restrained according to II Thessalonians 2.

    After the Harpazo with the Restrainer taken out of the way along with us, evil will then be uninhibited.

  28. Amen. He is our only hope, the Rock of our Salvation .


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