Thursday, March 31, 2022

Global SITREP B6-22: Israel At War


Urban Warfare in Israel

31 March 2022: The indications and warnings about a coming war within Israel are everywhere. We've been expecting this on Eschatology Today, yet the amount of data that has flowed in in the past two days cannot be embargoed any longer, quite simply because the war has already begun. And it's no coincidence that this expected war will occur concurrently with Russia's war in Ukraine.

Once again, despite the existing ban on YouTube, I must post an embedded link to an Amir Tsarfati video that was streamed live from London, UK yesterday. Watch the 6 minute 36 second video and the SITREP will continue below.

One day prior to the above video (29 March) this linked article appeared on the Israel National News website: "Israel is Facing an Armed Revolt from the Arab Sector." 

The article cites IDF BG (Res.) Effi Eitam who spoke to Galei Tzahal that morning. The interview included this quote from BG Eitan: "We need to tell ourselves the truth: we are in the midst of an Arab revolt, an Islamic-nationalist revolt against the idea of Israel as the state of the Jewish people. They [Israeli-Arabs] hold [Israeli] citizenship and have equal rights in everything, but they are separatists.

This is like a page right out of Vladimir Putin's playbook regarding the separatists of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts in Ukraine. In such a war the damage done in Israel will be massive, not just by 200,000 armed Arabs, but by the others who will join in, such a Iran, Islamic State, HAMAS, Syria, Iraqi Shi'a militias in Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. And let us not forget the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan who will not be loathe to join in.

We're talking about a war Israel has not had to fight ever before in their 74-year long history, a war that will be like 1948, 1967, 1973 and 2006 plus all of the battles with Gaza rolled up into one massive war. Psalm 83, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49 all at the same time or in very rapid succession. 

No doubt this will be continued... 


  1. The important thing was to get this SITREP started, and so that objective has been met this evening.

    We'll see how it progresses in coming days, and do not be surprised if Israel strikes first at Iran's nuclear weapons program

    1. Your timely updates are much appreciated Brother Sean..Much thanks for your continued vigilance to keep us informed.

  2. Hat tip to Leo for the Tsarfati video which fit perfectly with info from other Israeli sources.

  3. Hey Sean,
    Maybe you already know or Leo told you, Amir Tsarfati has a Telegram page that he posts lots of information on. His ministry is called Behold Israel, which you probably know.

    1. Yes, he says this multiple times in the embedded/linked video.

  4. How close are we?

    How close is this? It's closer than anyone thinks it is.

    From a recent Globalist conclave:

    "we are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly, we’re about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one. And the new one, the new accounting is what we call blockchain.

    An all-digital currency in a blockchain financial system.

    What's that you say?

    The coming new all-digital currency will allow governments to track any and all financial activity occurring in the blockchain economic system. It will dramatically tilt the balance of power of government over citizens.

    Too close for comfort, right?

    1. The Federal Reserve is looking into CBDC aka Central Bank Digital Currency. So far the value ratio is 1 CBDC TO 1 USD.

      At the moment approx 20 per cent of the population does not have a bank act, which is the current dilemma, however, a mark with a link to an govt assigned account for all citizens is all that it would require to go a long way in fulfilling scriptures.
      Very eye opening Sean.

    2. It's definitely long past wake up time for our sleeper brethren. Rise, shine and eyes looking up!

  5. Be alert for any news in the coming days about the Al Aqsa mosque... A Palestinian false flag operation there is designed to cause an "explosion" of violence on Temple Mount and Jerusalem.

  6. In confirmation of what this SITREP has make known via the embedded Amir Tsarfati video:

    It Is Weapon Carry Time per Israeli PM Bennett

  7. Folks, it not about any existing digital currency.

    It is about the "coming new all-digital currency."

    When we know what that is then it can be discussed from a position of knowledge from the perspective of what Scripture says.

    1. Here's another confirmation of the coming global currency under the A/C.

    2. If reports like this don't one's hackles up... nothing will.

  8. Arab's burned and vandalized Joseph's tomb; two Rabbi's were shot by Arab's while going there to assess damages, and now Arab MK Ayman Odeh urges the Arab members of the security forces to revolt.

    The Arab war continues day in day out.


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