Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Global SITREP C7-22: "After This"

19 July 2022: This is not a new topic on Eschatology Today, but it is most certainly a different treatment of the subject on the temporal facts of the Bride of Christ. These are unassailable, undeniable facts since they come directly from God, through Jesus Christ to John the revelator on Patmos circa 90-95 AD. 

There have been innumerable discussions of the timing of our Harpazo, but unless I've had a "senior moment" or two, and having read the Scriptures many, many times, I do not recall ever seeing before what the Lord brought to my attention this time around. I selected the image above as it pretty accurately frames the scene presented by John in chapter 4 of The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Jesus Christ.

Where else have we read in Scripture about a door opening into heaven and the Lord receiving humans unto Himself as the Bridegroom? In Matthew 25:1-13 a door opens and then is shut, and those who entered through the door entered into a wedding. I have always seen this parable as one pointing to the Harpazo.

And so, in Revelation 4 we also the perfect vision of the Harpazo of the Bride of Christ, perfect because as just stated, it came from God the father, to the Son Jesus Christ to John on Patmos. And here is what struck me like I've not been struck previously.

"After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”"

Everything which follows in what John is given to reveal is what takes place after the Harpazo. That means, clearly, that the opening of the scroll by the Lamb of God that has the Seven Seals happens after the Harpazo. All of the judgments within those seven seals happen after the Harpazo. 

We have all long been aware that the 70th Week of years, the Millennium Kingdom of Christ and Eternity all take place after the Harpazo, but in the above verse we're told point blank that the Harpazo of the Bride of Christ is the first thing in the order of events. It's not after this or that event, but it is the first event in these last days that leads to Eternity.



  1. I want it to occur tonight

    1. Don't we all want to hear that shout like a trumpet tonight!

      I've heard it, seen it, in a night dream. Purple clouds, lightnings; it's like nothing else ever heard or seen before on this earth!

    2. We've spent years on this blog, over a decade, looking at all kinds of prophetic events...
      yet the greatest of them all, the leading edge, the very first of the Divine interventions in these last days is our own Harpazo with the Lord.

    3. "After this" ... mind = blown.

      Amazing how this has been staring me in the face for years and never saw it. I fully agree / concur with this. Thank you for posting this SitRep. Praise The Lord that He leads us into all truth!

    4. For what its worth, I had always read "after this" as the church age. But like you, after reading it this time, it hit me like a ton of bricks!

    5. Jason,

      Indeed! Like a bolt out of the blue!

  2. There is nothing in my life that can't be solved with the harpazo/rapture. :)

    We are so fortunate to have the Words of God passed on to us through the apostles , compiled into one book(bible) , that we can search and study.
    Our first century brother's and sister's did not have all the resources we do.
    But, we all have the Holy Spirit residing in us to lead us into all truth.
    I love it when something jumps off the pages of the Word of God and illuminates our understanding.
    We are truly blessed.

    1. Jmoll,


      And that's the other link to Matthew 25.

      Our bodies are vessels when filled with the Holy Spirit to light our way just as the virgin's vessels were only when filled with oil to light their way.

      The oil is a metaphor in that parable for the Holy Spirit.

  3. Hey Sean,

    There has often been a lot of debate about whether there is a period of time between the Harpazo/Rapture and the beginning of the notorious seven years. Just to clarify, are you saying that the Rapture marks days 1 of the seven years? Thanks.

    1. Jonathan,

      It has been my experience that debating known-unknowns is a grandiose waste of time.

      That time would be far better spent witnessing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

      My point is that the Scripture quoted here says the Bride of Christ is with Him in Heaven BEFORE our Messiah the Lamb of God even opens the first of the seven seals (much less all seven of them). We witness that event while in Heaven and everything else John wrote in Revelation.

      Therefore, and as an example, we will not learn the identity of the Antichrist while on this earth; he is revealed after the Harpazo. So all discussion or debate about his identity is absolutely moot and something for the Tribulation (Thlipsis) Saint to see for themselves in real-time.

  4. Sean, do you see the latest meeting of Turkey, Russia and Iran as a fulfillment of prophecy? I am not aware if there were any agreements made between the countries.

    1. Russell,
      I see this meeting as an Indication and Warning (I&W) of the nearness of Ezekiel 38/39 soon fulfillment.

  5. The Russian war in Ukraine has suddenly morphed into the greater war in Europe that we've forecasted.

    Russia's intent now is to conquer Ukraine right up the the current border of NATO and the EU.

    1. To this end ISW assesses that Russia may threaten use of nukes to deter the UKR counter-offensive. Russia will annex all occupied territory into its Federation on 11SEP22, and declare any attack upon it would result in nuclear retaliation.

    2. I couldn’t agree with you more, Sean, regarding debates and arguments that are all side attractions to the main event - the call of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, our Bridegroom, out of this world and into heaven, our eternal Home, to be with Him forever. Amen.
      I probably missed this somewhere, but why the 9/11/22 date for Russia to annex all occupied territories into the Federation?

    3. According to ISW:

      "Russia’s degraded forces are unlikely to occupy all of Donetsk Oblast before Russia’s September 11 unified voting day for local and gubernatorial elections across the country, the most likely date for annexation referenda to be held."

      So, a busy and likely eventful month and a half lie ahead me thinks.

    4. Speaking of eventful month and a half, is it just me or does it seem like prophetic events always seem to heat up during late July to early September? I often wonder if there's something significant about that time of year

    5. Jon,
      Historically, yes, this is exceptionally true. It's probably due to the agreeable season in the northern hemisphere. I'm one who accepts that our Lord was born in September, per Scripture.

    6. I personally suspect that the harpazo will occur on a Pentecost, Ezekiel 38&39 will occur sometime around mid July to early September and the start of the 70th week on a rosh hashana. I could be wrong tho. The harpazo could come today

    7. Very well could be; who really knows but our Omniscient God.

      Harpazo - At a time when not expected, but IAW the hints in Scripture.

      Ezekiel 38-39 - definitely in a temperate season (specific clues in the prophecy).

      70th Week - gotta search more on this one; there are clues.

    8. ....and perhaps the millennium begins at the feast of tabernacles. Times and seasons makes for a fantastic study, but can we be certain? Some say yes, others say no but I say maybe, but watch always and spread the gospel as this site has done since its inception

  6. I was comparing our topic here with what Paul wrote in II Thessalonians 2:1-12, and verse 6 jumped off the page:

    "And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time.

    Again, Scripture is clear, the bride of Christ's time on earth ends before the Antichrist's time begins and he is revealed.

  7. In the last SITREP I made a comment on 16 July re: Expected trouble on Temple Mount. It concerned a Jewish fast day on 17 Tammuz and a muslim cleric inciting trouble at Al Aqsa. Nothing much came of it.

    However, Jewish leaders are now urging major preparations be made for the thousands of Jews who will ascend Temple Mount on Tisha b'Av (9 Av - 6 August) and the fast day on 10 August.

  8. Sean,
    I just read archeologists found a mikva from the second temple period! As things like this get uncovered I cant imagine it wouldn't invigorate the Jewish people to pursue their temple...

    1. Ken,
      Yes, this was first brought to my notice a couple days ago:

      Mikva Overlooking Temple Esplanade

      There's also an OpEd at Arutz Sheva about how Jesus' life confirms without question Jewish everything in the land 2,000 years ago - 100% contrary to the ongoing Islamic Palestinian-Arab nonsense narrative.

      Imagine that, Jews in 2022 citing Jesus' (Yeshua) existence to prove their right to Eretz Israel. Amazing!

    2. The Lord is amazing in His ways of bringing His people back to repentance. Using the false claims of Arabs/Muslims to drive Jews to read and use the New Testament…
      We all have similar stories in our own lives of God’s work to bring us to understanding, repentance, and continuing discipline.
      He is truly amazing His pursuit of us. Praise God!

    3. I believe this is all in preparation for when God fulfills His promise to pour His Spirit out upon all Israel.

  9. The so'called "status quo" on Temple Mount has changed dramatically, especially this year.

    A decade ago (2012) there was an average of 15 Jews who ascended the Temple Mount per day.

    On May 29, 2022 there were 2,600 who ascended.

    Standy by for how many ascend two weeks from now for the Tisha b'Av observance and fast (6-7 August 2022).

  10. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said that, "Iran is making rapid progress in its nuclear program and we have no way of tracking it down."

    Translation: The US-Israel Jerusalem Declaration on Iranian nukes is front and center because it is now Zero Hour.

  11. Just to refresh... both the First and Second Temple were destroyed on the 9th of Av. First by Babylonians, Second by Romans.

    In fact, the first nine days of the month of Av are a period of mourning, fasts and praying for Israel.

    This year Tisha b'Av begins at sunset on 6 August and ends 24 hours later on 7 July.

  12. In Ukraine:

    Russia has used up most of it's smartest weaponry. It has thrown best reserves of armor (MBTs and APCs) into battles and achieved nothing of significance.

    The Russian army is running out of steam and may collapse wholesale across several fronts once the heavily reinforced and improved Ukrainian side begins its main counter-offensive.

    This is where great danger lies should Putin authorize tactical battlefield nukes to stave off a rout and defeat of his army.

  13. Israel DM Benny Gantz yesterday:

    Can Israel's military forces preempt Iranian nuclear weapons?


    Does Israel continually build on this capability?


    Will Israel use this force as a last resort?


    The only remaining question is:

    Will the US provide support for the operation?


  14. I would be really surprised if they offered any support with the current administration in power.

    1. The Biden Admin is filled to the hills with left-wing Globalists, a nuclear Iran is as detrimental to their agenda as a militarized and aggressive Russia is.

    2. And we must be mindful of the symbolic picture given in Revelation.

      The megas porne (Great Harlot) Babylon (the globalist economic system) rides on the back of the Beast - until she no longer suits the Beasts purpose and she is slain.

      Establishing the global economic order is 100% incompatible with a nuclear-armed apocalyptic Shi'a Islamic Republic of Iran.

      Israel will receive the Beast who comes in his own name (John 5:43).

      For these and other prophetic reasons Iran will not be allowed to build nuclear weapons.

  15. Four days ago (Thursday, 21JUL22) the IDF annihilated the IRGC and Hezbollah command HQ in an IAF missile strike on Sayyida Zaynab, a southern Damascus suburb.

    This strike killed "dozens" of IRGC-QF and Hezbollah officers at the so-called "Iran Park" Headquarters where planning and logistical operations against Israel originate within Syria. All buildings were razed to the ground.

  16. How much time remains before the Iranian nuclear infrastructure is destroyed?

    Is it measured in hours? Minutes?

    1. Former Israel PM Ehud Barak estimates that Iran requires just 17 days to assemble a nuclear weapon with a U-238 fissile core, and that it can be done in a small, all but unlocateable and unreachable facility. In sum, Barak says it is now too late for either the US or Israel to stop Iran.

  17. Sean, a couple days ago Amir Tsarfati reported that the Iranians claimed to have supposedly arrested a group of Mossad/affiliated "terrorists" and the "tools" they had to cause damage. Have you heard anything more about that?

    1. There is no corroboration of the Tsarfati report other than what IRGC media has published. So, nothing is verified at this time.

    2. Thanks Sean, not that such a thing isn't possible, but given the incredible God-given abilities of the Mossad and the Iranians propensity to obfuscate, I pray that the report is wrong.

    3. It's possible because the war between Israel and Iran is white-hot these days, but there should not be acknowledgement of covert Ops, successful or not. They should remain dark for good reasons.


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