Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Global SITREP D3-22: "This is not a Bluff"


UPDATED 22 September 2022: In announcing the conscription mobilization of 300,000 troops from Russia's reserve forces (veterans of prior service), Russian president Vladimir Putin this morning set in motion an escalation of his war against Ukraine and NATO. Putin's escalation of the war is replete with the threat of Russian use of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons because he now sees the tide of his war being reversed and therefore threatening the "territorial integrity of Russia." 

In Vladimir Putin's thoroughly warped worldview, all of Ukraine, from the Don River Basin (a/k/a the Donbas) westward to the NATO frontier, is Russian territory. The recent rout of Russian forces and loss of territory to Ukrainian forces armed to the hilt with the best weapons the West has provided to date is a direct threat to Russian territorial integrity. This in turn is Putin's rationale for his threat in authorizing nuclear weapons use. We must accept Putin's words, "This is not a bluff" at face value, and he will release his nukes upon his enemies. 

Make no mistake, even the Chinese Communists have been rattled by this morning's announcement from Moscow. Word came swiftly out of Beijing warning Moscow to immediately de-escalate and to seek a cease-fire in the Ukraine war. The U.S. and NATO response to this escalatory threat from Russia will be announced in the U.N. General Assembly this morning.

This is the current SITREP AS OF 10:30 EDT 21 September 2022.

An often asked question: Will nuclear war occur? Answer: Yes, both before the 70th Week begins and during it. And since the harpazo of the bride of Christ is always imminent, it cannot be stated with any certainty that a nuclear exchange will not occur prior to the blessed event. 

(Beyond this, a nuclear exchange has already occurred on this earth while the bride of Christ was present. On August 6th and 9th 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan were struck with atomic bombs dropped by two American B-29 Stratofortess aircraft. Hundreds of thousands of human beings perished in both strikes.) 

Now, an Eschatology Today explanation for why this is true.

The Gog and Magog prophecy of Ezekiel 38/39 appears to have a pre-70th Week of years fulfillment. The LORD God declares in Ezekiel 39:6 "And I will send fire on Magog and on those who live securely (confidently) in the coastlands." There is no reason to question that the land of Magog (Russia) will receive a nuclear strike as a result of the attempt to invade, rape and plunder the nation of Israel. (Note: this is exactly what Russia's intent has been for the Ukraine, and, in fact, invasion, rape, mass murder and plunder are what the Russian military forces and their proxy allies have committed in Ukraine.) 

The unknown part of this is: Is America the unknown land which lives securely (confidently) in the coastlands who receives fire (judgment) as Magog (Russia) does? Whatever the case may be, these strikes happen during the midst of the destruction of the armies of Magog and its confederates upon the mountains of Israel. It may be true also that this is not a full-scale nuclear war as the world goes on and endures almost to the point of an extinction level event through the Lord's judgments of the 70th Week of years which follow shortly thereafter. So, it may be what occurs in Ezekiel 39:6 is a limited or tactic use of nuclear weapons.

Then during the 70th Week of years, as seen in Revelation 6, a quarter of all human life on the earth will be annihilated. As of 2022, and the waning global COVID-19 pandemic, there are 8 billion souls on the earth. That means 2 billion will die in the Revelation 6 judgments. Shortly thereafter the Revelation 8 and 9 judgments occur upon the remaining 6 billion population of the earth, and of these a full one-third are annihilated. What is one-third of 6 billion? It is another 2 billion people. That's 4 billion people wiped out in the first 42 months, also known as the Thlipsis/Tribulation. Eschatology Today assesses that the vast major of these are the direct result of nuclear weapons. 

And during the Megas Thlipsis/Great Tribulation it only gets worse, so much so that if the Lord would not cuts those days short the extinction of human life would have occurred. Jesus speaking in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:22 NKJV: "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened."

So, when utterly mad men talk in threatening tones about using nuclear weapons at this hour, pay attention! If Jesus Christ is not your Lord and Savior all you have to do at this point is call upon His Name to forgive your sins and be covered by His precious sacrifice.



  1. Analysis of the US/NATO response to Putin's threats needs to happen first, and rapidly, before we continue further. However nothing will alter the Lord's prophetic word.

    1. The usurper U.S. president spoke this morning at the UNGA. He savaged Russia, and Putin personally, for having reneged on Russia's being an original signatory of the UN Charter and all that it obligated to do in that regard.

      All in all the speech sounded like a declaration of war by the Western alliance against the Putin regime currently ruling the Russian Federation.

      Now we can move forward.

  2. Sean, please continue doing the great work that you do.

  3. Protests against Vladimir Putin's continued war mongering and forced conscription of human cannon fodder for his war machine has resulted in immediate protests across Russia today. At least 1,333 protesters have been arrested and carted off to incarceration thus far.

    1. In addition, thousands of conscription aged Russian men have begun fleeing the country with most taking expensive flights to Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan where entry has no visa requirement.

      The flights to these countries have sold out at eight times the normal ticket price.

  4. Lapid backing two state solution at UN assembly . Any updates on that brother Sean?

    1. Nick,

      Oh yeah, there's an important update on this.

      PM Yair Lapid's UN backing for a terrorist "Palestinian" state in the heart of Israel is:

      1.) A non-starter; his entire line-up of current government ministers are adamantly opposed to it.

      2.) It shows that he caved in recent meetings with Jordan's Abdullah II to create such a state; that he is in league with the Globalist-Islamist agenda, and exposed himself as a weak PM unfit for the office. He's fork-ready cooked his own political goose.

      There is only one option and that is Abdullah II's Jordan as the hypothetical "Palestinian" state.

      Along this line is the ultimate prophetic truth of Psalm 83, Isaiah 11:12-14, Ezekiel 28:24-26 and Ezekiel 39:10... which all point to Israel militarily expanding into western Jordan and the collapse of its monarchy.

    2. Israel's "Interim" Prime Minister
      Lapid declares at UN that they
      are okay with a Two-State
      And it is done three Days
      Before the Feast of Trumpets
      (Rosh Hashanah)...also referred
      to as the "Day of Judgment"!
      Now we know why Lapid was
      "Selected" and then rushed in
      as Interim PM just a few
      months ago!
      And notice how all who would
      have opposed this have been
      removed from office!
      Maybe this explains the recent
      spate of Major Earthquake
      And It may get much worse
      once ratified as prophesied in
      Joel 3:2

    3. Nick,

      Absolutely! And exactly as the prophet Joel gave us the Lord's word as "I will".

  5. So, we're up to date in all pertinent aspects and we must just let events run their course to the Lord's appointed times.

  6. Amen....His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven

    1. RDCrane,

      Yes, and so shall it be in all things discussed here as prophecy, with the Lord saying, "I will..."

  7. So I'm still thinking about going to the christ in prophecy prophecy conference tomorrow where Nathan Jones will be the main speaker. It's an hour drive from my house. Never been to one

    1. As always, go as the Lord leads you.

    2. I'm here and was able to meet and talk to Nathan Jones and Heather, his wife for about 20 minutes. Very nice and humble couple

  8. BREAKING NEWS: Something is going on in the PRC, there are persistent rumors of a military (PLA) coup d'etat against Xi Jinping and he is under arrest. Videos of an 80km long military vehicle convoy going into Beijing.

    Gordon Chang is a reliable source of info on what the CCP is doing or has done. He says China unstable, volatile.

  9. More info on China situation.

    All domestic and international flights in/out of Beijing grounded.

    PLAAF has full control of the airport.

    PLA has Beijing locked down tight as a drum.

    Coup plotters executed the coup while Xi Jinping was in Uzbekistan for SCO summit.

    It appears that ex-Chinese President Hu Jintao and former PM Wen Jibao persuaded Song Ping, a former member of the Standing Committee, to join them and take control of the Central Guard Bureau. The CGB is responsible for the security of the President, and the standing committee of the ruling Communist Party of China.

    Xi Jinping arrested upon return to Beijing.

    Sources for this info are confidential.

    1. Hi Sean, a question: in your opinion, does that development in China forward the possible attack on Taiwan and the eruption of war in that region (in general) or, on the contrary, does it have a dampening effect?

    2. Nora,

      Since we do not know with absolute certainty what the issue is within the PLA and CCP, it would be nothing more than social media generated speculation to opine about it.

      Now, as for an opinion, and having read the PLA warfighting doctrine, this conundrum may well be the result of the CCP not allowing the PLA to carry out the full-scale war plan for Taiwan, that is, the PLA did not accept the "stand down" directive issued by the CCP Central Committee.

    3. I'm hearing that October 1 (National Day) is a probable date when a determination re: "China Coup" rumor. On that day Xi should appear prior to a week-long holiday period.

    4. Also, been informed that IF a coup has occurred it would've been led by senior PLA officer Gen. Li Qiaoming.

      None of the senior CCP Central Committee are older than 69-year old Xi Jinping, so he is the most senior of the elite.

    5. Interesting, thanks for the info!

  10. There's great upheaval within both the PRC-CCP. Gordon Chang has walked back coup d'etat rumors, but still says where there's smoke there's fire, so big trouble in big china.

    In Iran: the capital Tehran's streets may be under the control of anti-regime activists; a hundred or more have been killed thus far.

  11. Still no confirmed Xi sighting and no authoritative statement on exactly what has occurred in China.

    In Iran there is an armed rebel force that has control of territory in the northern part of the country. This force overwhelmed and torched an IRGC base. Holding the territory is another matter, but an armed rebellion is a fact in Iran.

  12. Shana Tova!

    News from Israel (even via US offices) will be scarce during Rosh Hashanah until Tuesday evening.

    I have other sources just in case.

  13. US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan warned yesterday on NBC'sMeet The Press program that the United States would respond decisively to any Russian use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

    Sullivan's warning included the phrase "catastrophic consequences" that Russia would face.

    "If Russia crosses this line, there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia. The United States will respond decisively."

    So we now have the official U.S. response to Vladimir Putin's nuclear "no bluff" threat.

  14. The Russian Federation issued a horrific nuclear threat.

    The United States issued an equally horrific nuclear threat in response.


    Anyone who has lived through the not so Cold War recognizes these threats as a return to the MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) doctrine of that era.

    It is no bluff.

  15. Watching NASA LIVE TV on the D.A.R.T. mission to impact the Dimorphos asteroid. At this time the DART is 7,000 miles and closing, impact scheduled to occur in 25 minutes.

    This is a mega-million dollar experiment and exercise that will not save the Earth from asteroid impacts that Bible prophecy says will occur during the 70th Week of years.

    1. That was impressive. Any word that it changed the trajectory?

    2. Not officially from NASA observations, but unofficially they expect the impact to have altered the Dimorphos moonlet's orbit by as much as 10 minutes, which would be huge.

    3. First images of Didymos impact... plume was massive, orbit change considerable.

  16. Back in the former USSR... more than a quarter-million Russian citizens have now fled the country since Vladimir Putin announced the forced mobilization for his failing, totally un-necessary war against Ukraine.

  17. Required reading which explains why Putin's non-bluff is a bluff:

    Putin's Botched Mobilization and Nuclear Non-Option

    Q: How does Putin's Russia of today become the Magog of Ezekiel 38/39 tomorrow?

    1. Throughout Ez 38 it's stated
      "many peoples who are with him(Gog)"
      I would say if this is a post rapture event the world chaos is what gives Gog his opportunity to go against Israel, and the thought is put there by God.

    2. Good question. Today's Russia doesn't appear to be the powerful and determined fighters that we've assumed the Russian people to be. They don't want war and are fleeing to avoid the fight. So what happens to change that? What action would cause the unification of the Russian people to fight? A retaliation to NATO would have them react Westward. But to have them turn and head to Israel, what could cause them to do that? Similarly, the people of Iran don't appear to want war and are fighting back against their government. What causes them to join with Russia and attack Israel? Does an Israeli attack in Syria/Iran cause Gog to attack Israel? Only the Lord knows.

    3. Jmoll,

      Yes, we think alike. The world post-Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 and post-Harpazo will bear little resemblance to the world we are familiar with in 2022. A completely different paradigm. Different paradigms create different realities.

  18. Also, as noted in the text of this SITREP, Ezekiel 38/39 includes an exchange of nuclear strikes, and that is a paradigm shift which humanity has never encountered before.

  19. Speaking of paradigm shifts, a new paradigm in the Ukraine war will take place before the end of this week.

    Russia will announce annexation of occupied Ukrainian Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Lugansk and Donetsk Oblasts, and the people within them become Russian subjects.

    These territories are instantly Russian territory and can be defended with nuclear weapons.

    Military age men and some women will be subjected to forced conscript service in military units in those Oblasts.

    The war will intesify.

    1. Spot on with the "before the end of this week" as stated above.

      Announement of the illegal annexation will be made by Putin tomorrow, Friday, 30SEP22.

  20. And a very important reminder.

    This Ukraine war will be a long war, a war which will (already has) expand far beyond Russian and Ukrainian borders. Europe, NATO, North America, and countries all over the world are now involved. It's a world war.

    However, the long-held interpretation on Eschatology Today is that in the midst of this war God will put hooks into Gog of Magog's jaws and draw him with his allies down onto the mountains of Israel where they will be annihilated completely.

  21. As promised by the Global Elite (Nuland & Biden in January 2022), if Russia invaded Ukraine then the Nordstream pipelines would be "ended."

    Two explosions registering 2.3 Richter took them out today.

    1. Scuttlebutt among U.S. intel veterans is that this attack is hugely important, and finger pointing is all over the place, and it's not a "one and done" event. More to come.

    2. Sabotage.

      "Environmental terrorism on an industrial scale."

      Nord Stream 1 & 2 pipelines breached in 3 places.

      Methane (a "green house" gas causing "global warming") is the primary natural gas escaping at great volumes.

      Biden assured the MSM in early February 2022 that the U.S. had the capability to "end" these pipelines if Russian tanks and troops invaded Ukraine, which they did on 24 February 2022.

      The US's evil Biden Administration admittedly did this.

  22. Arabs have been rioting in Jerusalem for the past two days straight.

  23. President Trump has offered to negotiate a peace settlement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

  24. Combat today in Iraqi airspace between the US and Iran. A US F-15 Eagle was scrambled to shoot down an IRGC Qods Mojer-6 UCAV that was enroute to strike US forces in Erbil, Iraq with precision ordnance.

    Iran also attacked Kurds in northern Iraq with a barrage of ballistic missiles.

  25. Meanwhile, back in Israel, yet another round of rockets from HAMAS and PIJ in Gaza is being threatened based upon events that may or may not take place on Temple Mount.

    Low level Arab-Israeli conflict (shootings, beatings, stabbings, assaults) throughout Judea and Samaria remains a daily occurrence.

    There is no such thing as relative "peace and safety" in Israel.

  26. Russia has today (29SEP22) launched new assaults on northern Ukraine (rocket artillery and heavy mortars). Chernihiv and Sumy Oblasts.

    Ukraine will convene emergency National Security meeting tomorrow when further assaults in southern Ukraine could trigger a Russian tactical nuclear weapon response.

  27. Yesterday Putin signed decrees recognizing the independence of Ukraine's Kherson and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts.

    This afternoon Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk and Donetsk will be formally (illegally) annexed into the Russian Federation.


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