Thursday, March 16, 2023

Global SITREP A8-23: Defining A Brief Window of Time

16 March 2023: A brief window of time remains before Israel enters its prophetic 70th Week of Years, also known as the Time of Jacob's Trouble. Foreshadowing's of the catastrophic nature are common fare these days just about everywhere one looks in the world, but their true and time-honored source is found only in the prophetic Scriptures inspired by the Lord since ancient times. 

None of those Scriptures surpasses what the Lord Jesus Christ foretold about those coming days in His Discourse on the Mount of Olives. Yet those prophetic Scriptures serve also to amplify and place full color as well as texture into the overall prophetic picture. It is within this framework that the brief window of time for Israel can be discerned. The artistic image above illustrates a key snapshot of that time wherein Israel constructs the Third Temple. Between now and then constitutes that window because shortly thereafter the Abomination of Desolation occurs within the Holy Place of the Temple. It's all down-hill from there.

In recent comments of the previous SITREP we briefly touched upon the text of the so-called minor prophet Hosea. Eschatology Today believes there is nothing minor about what Hosea, whose name means Salvation, prophesied in the first two verses of the 6th chapter. (Hosea 6:1-2 KJV)

Come, and let us return to the Lord: for He hath torn, and He will heal us; He hath smitten, and He will bind us up.
After two days He will revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight.

Consistent with with Dispensationalist theology, the "two days" refers to two thousand years of time as we understand it. In that those two days immediately precede the 70th Week of Years, and being prophetic years in and of themselves, there is no reason not to assess that they are of the same duration of each year of the 70th Week, that is 360 days each vice 365 days per our calendar. It would follow then that 2,000 years of 360 days each is considerably shorter than modern calendar convention would allow.  10,000 days, or 333 months shorter in total. "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." At the door, indeed!

Hosea beseeches Israel prophetically to return to the Lord, that through their history of failure to observe the Law handed down Israel has been torn, but God will heal that tear; Israel has been smitten, but God will bind up those wounds. And this healing and binding revival of Israel will take place "After two days!

We all know from Gabriel's prophecy of the 70 Weeks (Daniel 9:24-27) that the 69th Week of the 70 Weeks concluded with the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the year 2023 AD it seems immaterial if this key event in human history occurred in 30 AD or 33 AD as the theologians continue to argue, this is due to the fact that the literal "two days" of Hosea 6:2 have already elapsed; they are history, and we are living most assuredly in the "After" part of those two days.

The "After two days" is the brief window of time wherein we also know, and have witnessed in this current generation, the reestablishment of Israel in the Land, even through all of the times of trouble and repeated wars, and now even rumors of "civil war" within Israel. Ignore the rumors and instead look again to the prophecy of Isaiah 11:11-14; verses 13 and 14 in particular. Within this brief window of time exists the flood of prophetic fulfillments (falling dominoes) we've discussed here over the past 14 years.



  1. This SITREP has been purposely abbreviated from what had been the original draft. A good amount of technical details have been omitted so as not to obscure the central theme.

  2. Sean,
    Thank you so much! I am NOT discouraged but definitely tired at this point... The obvious closeness and reassurance from yet more scripture brings a huge smile to my face.

    Patiently waiting!
    Ken B

    1. Ken,
      You are not alone, many are tired and this, I believe, is one of the reasons why the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully around the world. It is harvest time. The Lord will never leave or forsake His own.

    2. Sean, your words "The Lord will never leave or forsake His own" have really resonated with me the past two days.
      My weariness of what this world has become and my excitement/impatience of our departure but the delay can be frustrating and discouraging. But just like our fellow saints of the Word of God we are in God's hands and NOT forsaken.
      Thank you for that encouraging word at this time. Much appreciated.

    3. Jmoll,

      All of us (I know I am at least) are under constant attack. And with every instance the Holy Spirit reminds why God has sent Him to us. Scripture uses the Koine Greek word "paraclete," even Jesus Himself did so. Being our Comforter is one of His key attributes: He always reassures, nurtures, guides and sustains us during difficult times. Especially in these times. We are not subject to more than can be endured.

    4. Boy, I can sure relate to that constant attack thing, and on the physical as well as the spiritual levels. You really need to armor up all waking hours with Ephesians 6:10-18!

    5. Chuck,
      Amen to that! Paul knows of what he has written by the Spirit.

      Any who doubt this should read II Corinthians 11 and 12. The reason why is obvious in the text.

  3. After reading the last paragraph, that's exactly what I was thinking. The 2 days is nearly over, and yet psalm 83, Isaiah 17, Jeremiah 49 and Ezekiel 38&39 are yet to be fulfilled.
    When this blog first started, (14 years, I thought we'd be gone by now), when this blog first started I thought that there would be a few years between prophecies, especially between psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38&39 but now, prophetic dominoes seems to be the accurate description. It's as if we're in a prophetic time crunch. It seems as any activity now could be the match that ignites it.
    I believe Pentecost is just 10 weeks away
    Jon Hartman

    1. Jon,
      The Lord has provided new insights into His Word over these years when it is studied as any fervent Berean would study to find proof in the Scriptures.

      Ask the Lord:

      Why would there be any temporal distinction in the accounting of time from His perspective?

      Gabriel's 70 Weeks prophecy and the Revelation of Jesus Christ are explicit that the entire period is comprised of 360-day years.

      So, for some unexplained reason, the interval between Gabriel's prophetic 69th week and the 70th Week is counted on a different basis?

      (We know from Revelation that the 70th Week consists of two halves, the Thlipsis and the Megas Thlipsis, which have 1,260 evenings and mornings (days), or a total of 2,520 days, which are also literally counted as two halves of 42 months of 30 days each.)

      No, it is not. The Lord is consistent! Unchanging!

      Hosea's "two days" fit perfectly in-between the 69th and 70th Week of Years. Within this finite interval of time the Gentiles (the Bride of Christ) have been grafted into the Fig Tree.

    2. Hey Sean, here's something I always wondered, I don't like to read more into what a passage is saying, yet on the other hand numbers are very important in scripture as well as types.
      We can be absolutely certain that the entity of all 70 weeks are counted in 360 day years. Now Enoch being a type of the church, could there be significance in him being raptured after 365 years? Perhaps indicating the church age will have 365 day years then going back to 360 day years once we're gone?
      Jon Hartman

  4. Thank you Sean for your labors, harvest time it indeed is!

  5. A movie on YouTube touches on this- "End of the Harvest"

  6. Spelling the above logic out in math:

    2000 years (2 “days”) * 360 days = 720,000 days.

    2023AD - 0030AD = 1993 years of 365 days
    1993 years * 365 days = 727,445 days

    727,445 days - 720,000 days = 7,445 days past the “after 2 Days”

    7,445 days / 360 days = 20.68 years past the “after 2 Days”

    2023AD - 20 = 2003AD.

    1. Yup. These are the "technical details" referred to in the very first comment above.

      'Tis the season, but the exact day and hour remain unknown.

  7. Sean, This should remove the "confusion" God has kept His word and honored His oath and has graciously given an 23 additional years wherein repentance of the lies we've taken refuge can be forgiven. Giving Him the glory, Time Counselor

    God READJUSTED Genesis 6:3 and the 6000 years of 120 Jubilee cycles He said would strive with man, to HONOR His word and KEEP His oath to David wherein His ‘Anointed’ would come forth to Him and rule His everlasting Kingdom. Psalm 2:6-9 and Micah 5:2-5
    God’s word in Leviticus 25:10 tells us that all 12 tribes MUST be in the land before a Jubilee year can be proclaimed, that ordinance was BROKEN in 722 BCE when God used Assyria to remove the 10 northern tribes off the land.

    That cut the then Jubilee cycle 66 off at 27 years leaving 23 years of the cycle in limbo, also cutting off ALL FUTURE Jubilee cycles causing God to readjust His promise from Genesis 6:3 that He would strive with man 120 Jubilee cycles or 6000 years.

    What our omniscient LORD had to do to honor His PROMISE from Genesis 6:3 and keep His WORD from Leviticus 25:10 along with keeping His OATH sworn to David from Psalm 132:10-12, was put King Hezekiah on his death bed in 714 BCE for BREAKING His oath and NOT FATHERING a son to continue the “line of kingship” to Yeshua!

    King Hezekiah prayed all night wherein God answered his prayer by extending his life 15 years and including them in a magnificent act of creation by RETURNING BACKWARDS the path of the sun, the ecliptic 23 years, Isaiah 38:1-5.

    However, it wouldn’t be for 2714 years later that on September 20, 2000, the FIRST of the ending cycle 66 “in limbo 23 years” of Hezekiah, the symbolic 722 BCE reconnected to the beginning 6000 years.

    The PROOF that God had kept His word from Leviticus 25:10 came in UNAWARES on September 26, 2022/6022, when the LAST of the ending cycle 66 “in limbo 23 years” of Hezekiah, the symbolic “Jubilee year, 700 BCE” reconnected to the beginning 6000 years.

    They WILL COUNT OUT when the 'sanctuary is cleansed' on or about Yom Kippur, September 24, 2023/6023.

  8. For 48 hours I was immersed as a Berean in Scripture, not even spending a minute to look at global events.

    This morning I finally took a peek.

    What I see is the world literally coming apart at the seams.

  9. One sign I am very encouraged to see, that time is short, is this: People who brushed off my efforts to share Jesus with them for years are coming to me. Some for prayer, several are reading Scripture with me, one has received Christ and another is very close. My comfort in the anguish of the world’s corruption and devastating sin is that there are lost people around us who need Him, and our purpose in still being here is to glorify the LORD and compassionately listen to the hurting souls- and lead them to Jesus. I’m very thankful to everyone here for years of wisdom and encouragement. Especially I thank you, Sean.

    1. My comment below, which I was suddenly compelled to write was being composed as this comment was found in the cue and promptly published.
      Truly a powerful sign indeed, praise the Lord!

  10. Please pray for those unknown persons who come here to scoff, ridicule, deny, and berate believers in the only Truth there is. Clearly they are searchers; may the Spirit convict them of their need of Christ Jesus and the Salvation only He can provide.

    1. JosephthecarpenterMarch 18, 2023 at 9:48 AM

      In JESUS name AMEN

    2. Hey Sean, for what it's worth, with some of these scoffed, they wouldn't be spending so much energy fighting something if they did not believe it. People who say they think we're lying, or claim to be atheist are lying. If they were really atheist, or really thought we were lying, they'd be leaving us alone. In other cases, those who come to scoff, ridicule, berate....have already hardened their hearts, and have been handed over to a reprobate mind and there's no convincing them. Their condemnation is already assured. Whatever the case all we can do is share the Gospel and move on, and not engage any further unless you clearly hear the Spirit urging you to do so. In some cases Jesus refused to answer. I hope that helps
      Jon Hartman

  11. I’m sorry that I forgot to add my name to the comment I wrote.

  12. I'm worried that another staged January 6th like event will occur next week. Please tell me my concern is totally unfounded
    Jon Hartman

    1. Jon,

      If you're referring to the rumored indictment and arrest of former POTUS Donald Trump, and his call for counter protests - no worries Bro.

      If the elites are so ignorant of reality to try such a thing, I would say to them, "don't threaten, bring it!" It would be a stupendous mistake.

  13. Watching for possible trouble out of Gaza following the assassination of PIJ senior engineer near Damascus, Syria a couple hours ago.

  14. Another terrorist shooting near Huwara, Samaria today. Same location as the killing of the Yaniv brothers a couple weeks ago, and same M.O. with the terrorist shooting point-blank at a husband and wife in their car when at a road junction. The husband critical, shot in the head. IDF hunting down the terrorist.

  15. So, the following must be stated with total clarity...

    Israel today bears not even the slightest resemblance to the prophetic Israel described in Ezekiel 38:11.


    We all should comprehend what must now occur to achieve Ezekiel's prophetic description.

    As the Lord Jesus Christ prophesied on the Mount of Olives, these things
    "must take place."

    1. Totally agree. There are many "scholars" who are getting caught up in hype and are now denying that psalm 83 is a prophesied war, and are saying it's simply a prayer. No matter how I read it, there's no getting around the fact that it's a prophecy to be fulfilled prior to Ezekiel 38&39
      Jon Hartman

    2. Indeed, such "scholars" not only deny Psalm 83 (authored by the chozeh/prophet Asaph!), but they compound this error by ignoring the directly related prophecies of Isaiah 11:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:34-26.

    3. It's those passages, along with Ezekiel 25 and zephaniah 2 that totally convinced me that psalm 83 is a future prophecy prior to Ezekiel 38&39. Not Bill salus or Chuck missler, but Ezekiel 25, zephaniah 2 and isreal being without walls. Those passages prove psalm 83 is a future prophecy, plus as you pointed out, Asaph was a prophet
      Jon Hartman

  16. Big News: The Knesset has repealed the 2005 Disengagement law for northern Samaria. The communities of Homesh and Sa-Nur will be re-built by this legislation; new communites will arise here.

    The Knesset will also pass a law which will prevent judicial actions on Basic Laws. Basic Laws are Israel's de facto constitution.

    As stated before, this is a new religious Israel very much unlike the mostly secular Jewish state of the past 75 years. The "fig tree" has new leaves and is sprouting prophetic fruit.

  17. The previous report about Iran enriching to 84% was confirmed, but it was not in sufficient quantity for a weapon's necessary critical mass.

    What Israel has been telling the US and EU (and Iran) is that a massed quantity above 60% enrichment will trigger a strike.

  18. Rabbi Simcha Cohen, who was born 5 years prior to the rebirth of modern Israel, passed away yesterday at 80 years old.

  19. This generation shall not pass.......

    1. The announcement of native-born Rabbi Cohen's death caught my attention, and your response was my first thought.
      Have a full expectation of a flood of falling dominoes.

  20. BREAKING NEWS: In the past two days US and Iranian forces in Syria have exchanged fire in the form of a drone strike, killing a US contractor with several troops injured. American F-15's conducted retaliatory airstrikes which killed a dozen IRGC troops. The IRGC struck again with a volley of 7 surface to surface missiles. Watching for further actions.

  21. I don't normally post prayer requests here, but this one is very pressing. My brother had an aneurysm and is in Harborview medical in Seattle. They're likely going to do a surgery sometime next week and it's extremely risky. A group of brain doctors are looking at the situation and going to discuss the options. This is a very scary time,especially for my Dad who lost his wife (my mom) a few years ago. He doesn't know how he's going to take it (he's 76) please pray.
    Jon Hartman

    1. JosephthecarpenterMarch 25, 2023 at 6:49 AM

      Praying for your brother, Dad, you and your family !

  22. Jon,

    Your brother is in our prayers!

    1. Prayed for you and your family.

    2. Thank you. His name is Jeremy, and I looked hard and couldn't find one single verse that says healing and miracles ceased, not one. Your prayers mean a lot to me and my family
      Jon Hartman

  23. Jon, please share your brother’s first name if you’re willing, and whether he is a Jesus follower. We are praying for him and your Dad.

  24. Hartdog I am in the MV area, that should make sense to you… if you need anything let me know.
    And your brother will be in my prayers.

    Ken B

  25. Another day, another Arab islamic drive-by shooting of Israeli citizens in Huwara. Victims in hospital.

    1. The continuous random shootings in Judea and Samaria are part of a bigger problem.

      The terrorists are members of various armed groups popping up across the entire region. Virtually every PA town and near-by village has a "battalion" of these terrorists who are armed with automatic weapons.

      They shoot at Israeli citizens and at the IDF.
      These terrorists are not trained soldiers, they are wannabe soldiers, and one or two are killed in firefights with the IDF every week of late.

      They constitute the enemy forces within Judea and Samaria that will be annihilated in the Psalm 83 final fulfillment.

  26. DM Yoav Gallant (Likud) was canned today by PM Bibi Netanyahu (Likud) following Gallant's public comments in opposition to judicial reform.

    Israel's government these days is so divided it appears to resemble cowboys slugging it out in a saloon.

  27. Hi Sean, I've read from 700,000 to a million Jews protesting in cities all across and some official said (paraphrasing) "Netanyahu has declared civil war." Any truth to the matter?

    1. Shelley,

      Yes, the reports of mass protests, especially Sunday night, are 100% accurate. The reason is the Left's opposition to the ongoing judicial reform.

      The reforms are essential to roll back a judicial dictatorship and bring necessary balance back to the powers of the government, the knesset and judiciary.

      Currently the judiciary can over-rule any law enacted by the knesset, or decision of the government without recourse, hence, judicial dictatorship.

      But a lot of this civil unrest in Israel should be familiar to Americans since Nov 2020, and the election of Trump in 2016 as well, as the Israeli Left, just like their American cousins, rejects the results of the last election. So judicial reform is the faux issue they've chosen to ensure the Left's judicial dictatorship remains intact. The overwhelming majority of Israelis support the reforms, and is why Likud and religious orthodoxy won the last election.

    2. The judicial reforms process has been put on hiatus until the summer Knesset session to allow for dialog between the two sides.

      Israel's Orthodox religious community opposes this hiatus by a 3:1 ratio.

    3. If one wants to understand what is occurring in Israel, without having to ingest the lies of the Left (via Israeli and Western MSM) in the process, recall what Eschatology Today stated about the newly emergent religious Israel based upon Bible prophecy.

      Here's a leading quote that will be followed by an embedded link to a must read article in the next comment - again, IF one really wants to know the how and why Bible prophecy will be fulfilled as written.

      "Israel’s newly proposed Judicial Reform Bill is all over the news, both in Israel and abroad, for all the wrong reasons. Thousands of protestors in Tel Aviv claim that its passage would change the character of the State from a liberal democracy to an unyielding theocracy."</b"

  28. Thank you Sean for the link to "Birth Pangs of a Nation" and Eschatology Today. Here is another article that pertains to the birth pangs. (We need Mashiach - Badly!)

    1. Richard,

      As it happens, consideration of link embedding the "We Need Mashiach - Badly!" article was on the short "to do" list. It would fit nicely with an Eschatology Today post about Jewish "Mashiach" expectations from June 2010:

      Current Events: What the Bible Says...

      Just goes to show that Eschatology Today's archives remain extremely relevant because prophetic content usually leads the way for future headlines.

  29. So now it is unequivocal with absolute crystal clarity that the leaders of the godless Leftist protest groups ONLY interest was to foment civil unrest, potentially leading to a civil war, in order to achieve a successful Coup D'Etat against the duly elected Coalition government of Israel.

    The brighter minds in Israel, within both the Coalition and Opposition camps, recognized the Leftist's radical agenda and acceded to the calls for Judicial Reform negotiations demanded by the protest movement leaders.

    Now, not 24 hours having passed, the Leftist leaders malign the government's Opposition leaders for accepting the Coalition's agreeing to a unilateral hiatus on reform law passage in the Knesset for the purpose of holding amicable negotiations.

    As is often the case, the Leftist's radical agenda took a page out of Islamist asymmetrical warfare tactics.

    No alibi to be found here, and Israel will now proceed to the type of prophetic governance we all know is, pardon the phrase,
    "written in stone tablets"
    by the finger of God.

  30. Here's another good explainer from the Israel365 website.

    Key phrase herein: "the restoration of Biblical Israel."

    Boom! Mic drop.

    Christan Zionists Have Long Supported Judicial Reform in Israel: Here's Why

    1. Great article Bro. Sean. I've started digging through the link to Ziman Tikun's site, included at the bottom of that article:
      The godless are fighting like banshees to keep from losing their control. Waste of time (for them) - they are fighting the Most High. Steve G.

    2. Steve and All,

      The Left (Globalists) are desperate and using any and every tactic available to maintain their judicial control (Judges) of Israel and prevent the rise of the Biblical priesthood (Kohanim and Levites) in Israel. Scripture tells us the Judges will not succeed in this effort.

      However and irregardless of the religious Zionists success WE must remain focused Jesus' prophecy to their forefathers:

      "I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive."

      Concurrent with the fulfillment of this God-breathed prophecy at the start of Israel's 70th Week of Years to physical appearance in Jerusalem of God's Two Witnesses (Enoch and Elijah, me thinks), God also pours out His Spirit on "all Israel" and the 144,000 Jewish evangelists begin their ministry also, fulfilling both Ezekiel 39:29 and Romans 11.

  31. Last week the IAF hammered Aleppo, this week, tonight in fact, the IAF hammered Masyaf outside of Damascus. Targets were IRGC and Hezbollah.

    1. Reports indicate Israel has struck Masyaf, Damascus again, this time with surface-to-surface missiles (SSM) fired from the Golan.

  32. How's this for a signal of Islamist intent on the Temple Mount: Following mid-day prayers at al-Aqsa Mosque the terrorist flags of HAMAS and and the Lion's Den were raised high over the mount upon flag poles.

  33. Next SITREP coming, but not on April Fools Day. Sometime tomorrow.


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